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Why is there no variation in sPvP format?

in PvP

Posted by: redshark.8517


Why are people even entertaining the idea that something is coming later? Would you buy a car if they told you they’d paint it “some other time”? Would you buy a TV with 5 channels and more to come “at a later date”? Would you buy a radio with only one volume setting and a way to fix it “in the mail”?

If you pay a premium price for a new car you expect it to have all the goodies. Power windows, a/c, probably gps, etc. Having only one PvP mode in this game is like a car dealer saying “Yeah, a/c has been around for 70 years, but we weren’t sure how cool it would get the car, so we just left it out.”

It’s LAZY. You’re not sure how the PvP will filter out? TEST IT BEFORE RELEASE. 5 years in development and all we get is ONE game mode? Ridiculous.

sPVP blue and red dyes. Keep them.

in PvP

Posted by: redshark.8517


“I would support red/blue cloaks though.”

Awww yeah, gimme a red cloak and call me Superman kittenes

Why is there no variation in sPvP format?

in PvP

Posted by: redshark.8517


“even SWTOR had more unique Warzones (I died a little saying that).” I had that same thought and it gave me a headache.

“Give it more time and I’m sure more interesting maps will come along.” I really have to disagree with this statement. First of all, this is a sequel. Anything they did in the first game should have come over to this one as well. Sequels are for expansion, not retraction. Second, we’re way past the point where mmo’s can pretend they’re being innovative. Steam right now has 36 mmo’s available (40 on the list, one is an expansion and 4 are Guild Wars games).

I remember playing Halo 2 way too much. If you won a few games you’d go up in rank, lost a few, you’d go down, so that eventually everyone would kind of filter out to playing against people with similar skill levels, and you always had the opportunity to improve. I just can’t forgive an ostensibly PvP centric game for only having one gameplay mode and no matchmaking (and no, the “you’ve played longer so you must be better” idea does not count). It’s 2012kitten

Explain Elementalists to a Noob:D

in PvP

Posted by: redshark.8517


You shouldn’t have to use 4 characters to be successful with one. Other classes don’t have to constantly switch weapons to be successful, neither should elementalists. Even if you consider that another class was switching weapons all the time, they’d still only have to do half the work. It doesn’t make sense. Their damage is mediocre, their conditions are mediocre, their defense is poor at best.

IMO no reason to bust your head against a wall when you can go play another class, and be stronger with less effort.

Why is there no variation in sPvP format?

in PvP

Posted by: redshark.8517


In the current map, there are 3 control points. Next map – 3 control points. Previous map – 3 control points. Different map – 3 control points. Other map – 3 control points. Yes, there’s gimmick 2, which is the same as gimmick 1, just with extra gimmick, and then there’s gimmick 3, but when you boil it all down, every map, every fight is 3 control points.

No capture the flag. No take the enemy base. No sabotage the enemy base. No ffa. No team deathmatch. Seriously, aren’t you imagining 20 different game formats that’s you’d rather play than 3 control points?

There’s really no variation even in the map. 5 control points? 7? One map is a rectangle, and the others are square. Really? That’s all ya got? Where’s the 5v5 map and the 50v50 map?

Am I the only one that thinks that regardless of class balance sPvP will never be fun because it will never be different?