…But that doesn’t mean I am one.
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…But that doesn’t mean I am one.
I have a guardian as my main, which I absolutely LOVE. But there’s one thing I can’t get over. The warrior, it’s so dull, and slow, and yes, it’s heavy armor, but there’s just something about the class that I can’t stand.
I may have stated this before, but the fact that warriors are so simple bothers me. No useful boons, the weapons are basic and (maybe even) expected of warriors to use, and most of all, the fact that the warrior has no helpful boosts or impactful secondary skills sucks. The only thing that seems to make the warrior useful is its banners, and the elite skill, hounds of Balthazar.
I chose to be a warrior because no one else wanted to be it in our guild and I felt bad, which I shouldn’t have, because I suck at playing them.
Any advice to cope? Or make playing one more enjoyable?
…But that doesn’t mean I am one.
I have an Asura in Synergetics -Micchada, guardian- but not infinity ball. Just clarifying that the bug has been fixed permanently! I just helped a friend who had infinity ball, and Zojja looked completely normal!
Thanks Anet!
…But that doesn’t mean I am one.
As long as you get plenty of sunlight and remember to stick your head in a bucket of water every now and then, you’ll be fine.
best. Response. EVER.
…But that doesn’t mean I am one.
Indoodles. Which is why I believe Sylvari have sap instead of blood. Because, look at almost any plant. Then break that plant in half. What happens? It oozes sap to some degree. Sap isn’t only found in trees.
What role does sap play in a plant? It plays the role of blood in an animal.
And if you drain a plant of it’s sap, it dies. Just like an animal bleeding out.
Sylvari having sap was at both very smart, and in my opinion exceedingly clever, because it managed to set them apart from Humans/Charr/Norn/Asura in yet another way, to make them distinctive, and still gave them weaknesses/ways to die so they don’t appear to be immortal or overpowered in some way.
I very much so like this way of thinking, and I find myself to agree with you.
…But that doesn’t mean I am one.
If you notice, male Sylvari have a leaf covering their junk, so that in turn to me means if i wanted to reproduce now i could! =D
It’s been confirmed that sylvari sexual organs are functional for pleasure but not for reproduction.
… Well, I’ll certainly let Tiathus know…
…But that doesn’t mean I am one.
I appreciate the replies.
Sneakier… are you using “For great justice”? I don’t use that, so I stacked up on precision for more crit chance. Should I start using that and get valkyre gear?
…But that doesn’t mean I am one.
Can anyone suggest me some good builds to use in wvw?
…But that doesn’t mean I am one.
Aw no help?
…But that doesn’t mean I am one.