(edited by removesoul.9670)
Showing Posts For removesoul.9670:
Thanks maties
Hi, I recently made a new ranger.
Need an advice for a farming build / lab farming.
(focusing on aoe and so)
Currently level 50.
Are they affected buy magic find?
Hey guys, update: I tested this on Halmi Hammerfell (tier 1 boss. got too used to last year’s gauntlet where you had to do tier 3 boss) and it seems to work much better. The boss is much easier than Deadeye and easily interpretable with no mines to avoid.
@flow, actually both of them seemed pretty minor choices. I ended up changing this to Death’s Embrace (+50% damage when downed) for those unlucky fights when you happen to get downed. Happens sometimes after you farm him for hours and your mind is fatigued :s
@Evo Sapien, have fun… Now I think you need to be much less on your toes using this on Halmi… try it out.
Hey all…
Just wanted to share a build I’ve been using successfully on Deadeye dunwell 5 gambits.
The gambits I pick: Exhausted, On Fire, Squeamish, Frailty, Hamstring.
This is the build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fRAQNArYWjc00abRNW3webCchC6DIAi2o3gJYEoaLA-TRRTwAA2fwn+Auq/cUJ4FlfkCYRpRA-e
You can use any condi runes and sigils… doesn’t matter too much.
The key is too keep interrupting his Snipe shot with fears (DS#3, Staff#5, Pet Charge, Spectral Pull) and blinds (Dagger#4, Well of Darkness and blindness blasts).
I start the fight with Blood is Power and dagger#4 apply some condis, then DS- Sb’ing and all and switch to staff. Pull him into Well of darkness after he teleports. He should be down in 25 secs.
Also with this build he’s pretty much perma chilled which makes him cast snipe less often.
(edited by removesoul.9670)
Hmm… The video worked like 2 days ago… It doesn’t seem to work anymore.
Says the video violated some rules and was brought down.
Sounds really cool mate. I love axe but disappointed it’s not as good as dagger dps, and I feel it’s wrong for me to ditch it for dagger, especially as I only need tooth of frostfang to finish the legendary.
I actually really liked nemesis’ hybrid build… I’ve been using it for a long time but now after the april 15 changes it seems to do much less damage.
I’m guessing I should go with zerk gear… and your build sounds pretty nice.
Why did you pick a staff though? Doesn’t it feel a bit wasted? I mean when you switch to staff you have like 10 seconds of pretty bad damage?
Wouldn’t there be a better replacement like off hand warhorn maybe?
Just would like to hear your thoughts.
Thanks everyone for commenting.
PS: I actually got a bit lucky recently (from all the fractals I’ve been running), and have 3 ascended armor boxes waiting for me in bank to be opened. Shoulders and gloves stat of choice, and Zojja stats piece of choice (which I will pick chest piece for of course). That puts me in only needing Boots, helm and pants which I have mats for.
It’s like the game telling me to go with berserker gear.
(edited by removesoul.9670)
Hello peeps,
I’m running fractals 49 with my necro, got around 55 AR,
I’ve been making some bolts of damask to start making my ascended armor, but was always unsure which stats to pick.
In fractals I use rampager’s stats hybrid (nemesis’ hybrid build) and recently I gave Spoj’s berserker build a try and it seemed to do much more damage per second.
I kind of got used to being hybrid and having a little more range from my enemy, so I die much less than with the berserker build.
What do you guys think? Which stats should I go for if I’m aiming for fracs 50 next?
Please no comments about how necros suck at PVE and fractals, thanks.
Why not both?
word limit
Heh, tried this build, it’s pretty fun. I did do some changes though, took Dumbfire and Signet mastery.
Works nicely in solo queue.
Yep you are right. I made Apoth gear and I have around 24k hp unbuffed (got 2 celestial trinkets tho) which is pretty high, coupled with Applied Fortitude I get 27k.
Tried the build today while zerging, pretty kitten fun. Getting 6k heals on people off DS #4 is nice.
Still not sure though about death magic, 3sec protection on wells or larger staff marks?
And right now I’m using scepter / focus. Scepter feeling a bit weak and not getting much utility off it.
I guess there’s more to improve.
If anyone got more suggestion I would love to hear them.
Edit: updated the build to what I’m rolling now.
(edited by removesoul.9670)
Renewing Blast makes necros the best sustained healers in the game, which is perfect for a zerg healer.
I have yet to find any bugs through my own use of it.
How do you use Renewing Blast effectively?
Thanks everyone for the suggestions.
This is what I came up with.
The idea of this build is well and regen based healing for zergs in WvW (not dealing damage).
I know Blood 6 is kinda wasted but couldn’t find anywhere better to put those points, wnd wanted the +100 healing and vitality.
All other traits chosen seem to me quite mandatory.
Staff is for marks and mainly for staff #2 regeneration.
Focus is for skill #4 regen. and Axe seemed like the best thing to take because no condi dmg. Didn’t take dagger coz I’m not gonna melee in zergs.
Superior runes of water for the boon duration, +healing and pt6 does a nice 1k heal which scales with healing power.
Sigils: Renewal – another 1k heal on swap scales with healing power on both weapon sets.
Life – stack some healing power.
Energy – more dodges.
About the stats, I really wasn’t sure if Magi is the way to go as I don’t need prec, but I do need Vitality and unfortunately there isn’t +heal +vit +power / toughness combination.
The reason I prefer Vitality over Toughness is because it’s a healing build, and if I have less health, most of the heals are gonna overheal in the end. (effective hp or w/e)
That’s it, please share your thoughts, have a nice time.
(edited by removesoul.9670)
Share your shaman build. I’m interested.