Showing Posts For ringswraith.8760:

Cosmic Mining Tool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ringswraith.8760


I will admit I’m a sucker for unlimited gathering tools.

I love this thing. I was wondering if we will be seeing something similar for harvesting and logging down the line?

I have a warrior that I’m turning into an “angel” and I would love to invoke “divine wrath” upon all gathering nodes.

Glint's Bastion and other weapon collections

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ringswraith.8760


You do realise that it’s just the HoT story, and only about a third of it, right? That you don’t need to have touched the original personal story before doing it? You can insta-level your character with tomes, gear it out, run it to the new maps and start immediately. The character doesn’t even need to be a revenant.

I’m not even sure where the fact that people might have leveled with tomes even comes into play, given that you have to be 80 before you can touch the HoT story, so it’s not like you could have made any progress on it while leveling.

Because, again, any other profession can get their collections done without touching the story at all. People who rolled revenants had to level them to 80 whatever way they decided to do so, then unlock herald spec for the collection, then do all the things every other profession has to do for their elite spec weapon, and have to do the story on top of all that. How is that fair to revenants? What makes them so special that their collection is also gated by story progression?

Regardless, apparently I’m the only one who feels this is unfair to one profession when every other one isn’t similarly gated, so I guess I wasted my time in voicing my opinion/concern.

Glint's Bastion and other weapon collections

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ringswraith.8760


See, here’s the thing. Everyone can do those map currency-requiring steps at any time. All the collections have this requirement. That is not what I’m talking about.

I’m talking specifically about how revenants have the single added requirement of having done the story enough to unlock the adventure required for their weapon, when everyone else can just go and do theirs.

I’m sorry you think that this is an “absurd” complaint, but I don’t think it is. I’m thinking there are others out there who, in anticipation of HoT’s release and the revenant, probably did what I did- saved a bunch of Tomes of Knowledge and got that profession to 80 without doing any “real” leveling via questing/storyline. Heck, out of all my characters, only one(!) has done any storyline at all. And I have six level 80 characters.

With that being so easily done, I feel it is a strange decision to gate the revenant’s shield behind story progression. Again, this is specifically talking about just the adventure part of their collection. I didn’t mention any other parts of this collection because every other profession has to do those same things. (And just FYI, as of yesterday I’ve completed my Machined Shield, got my Revenant Cache from 100% in Dragon’s Stand- because I’ve been doing that map a lot, I actually like the meta- and got the treasure mushroom and Herald’s inscription. Aside from the adventure, the only other things I’m lacking are the ones requiring higher masteries- stealth gliding and auric basin resource gathering. Before that, I took three weeks trying to get a chak gerent kill for my Mistward headpiece. So I know that these things are supposed to be hard/take time. I just don’t think it’s fair that I have to have progressed in the story on top of all that when no one else has to.)

Glint's Bastion and other weapon collections

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ringswraith.8760


So I’ve been slowly working my way towards Glint’s Bastion for my revenant when I noticed something. (And please correct me if I’m wrong.)

Part of this collection requires at least silver at the Sanctum Scramble adventure. From what I’ve read, you can’t access this adventure until after you’ve done the HoT story chapter City of Hope, which is chapter 8.

After looking at the collection requirements for some of the other professions, I don’t see any that are gated by story progression like the revenant is.

I don’t think this is fair. I understand that the revenant came to us as part of HoT, but tying it so intimately with the HoT story boggles me. Why are we forced to complete so many chapters just to get the chance (because it’s not guaranteed that you’ll succeed immediately) to earn the silver you need for this collection? Everyone else can just go to the areas where their adventure requirements are without this hassle.

Is there any chance of this being changed?

Legend Voices?

in Revenant

Posted by: ringswraith.8760


Oh, man. I was really looking forward to this. It even influenced what I named my revenant. So disappointing.

Legend Voices?

in Revenant

Posted by: ringswraith.8760


So I seem to recall way back before HoT was released, and revenant information was being gobbled up by us masses, that our Legends were supposed to talk with our characters. Maybe during idling or something, not sure.

I’ve yet to hear our Legends outside of when we switch to them. Did this not make it to the game? Or am I missing something?

Outfit Bundles... Please Split them up.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ringswraith.8760


I too am not happy with this.

I was quite looking forward to purchasing the Soul River glider for my revenant. But with it as part of this bundle (what the heck does this glider even have in common with a bandit outfit?) I shall spend my money elsewhere.

This reeks of a poorly-disguised attempt to get people to spend more than they’re willing to pay, just to get the one thing they actually wanted.

Glider suggestions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ringswraith.8760


A glider based off of the Spinal Blades backpack- I’d buy that, especially if you can dye it to have the same power glow color as the backpack you have.

Mad Scientist Logging Tool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ringswraith.8760


Just wondering- is there any chance that the animation for this could be changed to be more in line with its mining and harvesting brethren? The mining version shoots a laser, the harvesting one vacuums in stuff, but this one produces an electric thing and then you spin around…

Could it perhaps be changed so you, I dunno, shoot electricity at the tree until it falls apart?

(Sorry- I just feel like it looks incredibly silly, given that the other two look quite appropriate for the tools.)

Cannot use guild chat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ringswraith.8760


Seeing the word “invisible” earlier I hunted around and found that I had been set to that status somehow. (I certainly don’t recall ever using it.)

In any event, that did fix my issue. Thank you!

Cannot use guild chat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ringswraith.8760


Have you tried the invisible/online ‘fix’?

Good luck.

What fix is that?

Cannot use guild chat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ringswraith.8760


Good day.

So, since HoT came out, I have been unable to use and/or see guild chat. I’ve mentioned it to my guildies on our own forums, and they’ve made suggestions, but nothing seems to work.

Just to recap:

My account has access to five guilds. The main one that I am trying to chat with is checked, and the guild window does say that I am representing them.

It is the first guild in the list, and the window says the chat channel is /g1.

I’ve also made sure that the checkboxes for all guild channels are checked (in the chat window).

When I type “/g1 test” I get an error in my chat window that says “You are not a member of that chat channel.”

If I type “/guild test” or “/g test” instead, I get “You are not in a guild.”

My guildies have confirmed that I am still on the roster (and indeed, I can also see the roster from my guild window).
