Showing Posts For ripman.4571:

[EU] PvP Team Recruitment Closed

in Looking for...

Posted by: ripman.4571


Thief here, i am dedicated to pvp in gw2 and i am at level that i know the strenghts and weaknesses of my class.
I have pvp experience in both gw2 and other team oriented pvp games (WoW, counter strike, moba games).
I am not rank 40 though but i hope that this is not going to be a problem. Contact me if you are interested.

[EU] Team looking for 3 players

in Looking for...

Posted by: ripman.4571


Thief here, i am pvp dedicated though i am not rank 40.
I have pvp experience though in gw2 and other team oriented pvp games.
20 years old and able to spend time in pvp.

So thieves get nerfed

in PvP

Posted by: ripman.4571


First of all the whole meta needs to change, warriors can’t have 5 stuns in their arsenal and that endure pain bullkitten needs to have a longer cd. D/p is just fine but it just does not fit in the current meta. As for s/d, there is no reason to nerf dmg, dodge needs to be reduced and change a bit infi strike cuz I feel bad for the enemy when I can just port back on demand. Also dagger offhand needs rework, since it is absolutely useless.

So thieves get nerfed

in PvP

Posted by: ripman.4571


Finally someone with brain….

So thieves get nerfed

in PvP

Posted by: ripman.4571


This is what we all bunker guardian (rulling the meta scene since the very beggining)
You think he needs a buff? lol
Get some brain before coming here to prove me wrong

So thieves get nerfed

in PvP

Posted by: ripman.4571


So you accept the rest and your problem is the guardian, right. Even if no guardian has that much hp (honest mistake) a d/p thief cant kill bunker guardian, and can not kill a dps guardian unless the guardian desides to pick up a fight. Lets say taht the thief initiates the burst which is 10k dmg if backstab crits lightning procs and steal deals sth like 2k dmg. Guardian can then pop shield, blocks, aegis or whatever he has and run away, heal. Where is the problem?

So thieves get nerfed

in PvP

Posted by: ripman.4571


So lets see, you rly think taht thief can one shot ppl right now? especially d/p build.
Backstab dmg agaisnt warrior,guardian is 5k at best, both of em have sth like 20k hp.
Agaisnt engis,rangers is sth like 7k, i dont think i need to say anything about rangers. Against engis d/p thief has equal chances.
Necros…..nuff said. Mesmers are out of meta so it does not make a difference if they get owned by d/p or s/d and eles can beat d/p if played correctly.
But all of these classes (except mesmers) have some form of invulnerability which helps em avoid being BSed, so where is your problem agaisnt d/p thieves?
Stealth? Why do you feel the need to cry so much about it? Use AoE and the thief will run away, yes you wont kill him but you will be able to capture the node and he will just run away being useless. Grow up ppl. Yes back in 2012 bs builds were broken but now they are just fine, just out of condi meta.

So thieves get nerfed

in PvP

Posted by: ripman.4571


On the other hand d/p is squishy and not so viable against good players since they can predict when your burst is coming and pop defensive abilities

Wow, how unfair. Devs you must remove this horrible design right now.

Yeah, burst should always come from stealth and the target should have no idea when he’s going to get 1-2 shotted. It’s totally unfair to give some sort of chance to react at all before he’s downed.

So thieves get nerfed

in PvP

Posted by: ripman.4571


The only thing that d/p can do better than s/d is the burst, and some blinds.
In a team fights you should better use shortbow or just leave since you might die in 2 seconds if focused.
So if you are not into teamfights you should be either decaping (so you have to go into 1v1 situations, where d/p does not actually shine) or take care of objectives which is boring and you can do that as s/d aswell.
So i dont see an actual reason to use d/p.

So thieves get nerfed

in PvP

Posted by: ripman.4571


So how do you see the thief post-patch?
S/d and d/p will both get nerfed. The question is, will the s/d nerf compensate the difference between the two builds atm in order to make a switch to d/p or we will have to play a simply put “worse s/d build”

So thieves get nerfed

in PvP

Posted by: ripman.4571


I will make an attempt to describe the current state of the thief and then understand how this state will be changed after the October patch.
Atm thieves are a bit forced into s/d or d/p (s/d being a bit better overall).
I can understand why s/d might needs some nerfing, but that nerfing should consist of evade reduce or a change to infi strike and not boon stealing shaving.
On the other hand d/p is squishy and not so viable against good players since they can predict when your burst is coming and pop defensive abilities (all the classes have sth like invulnerability), which leaves all d/p thieves in a state where they can only use shortbow in team fights and pick up targets between bases but most important not kill em since burst is not high enough and this makes em able to run away to a base and help their team.
So in the upcoming patch d/p is getting nerfed since rangers get a revealing skill.
Anet said taht they want to implement variety in builds, are they going to do that through making both viable builds bad?
Sorry for the wall of text but i wanted to express that feeling that you get when you see someone saying that A is B

Thief pvp build

in PvP

Posted by: ripman.4571


Hi all, as the title of this topic indicates i am here to discuss about the thief pvp builds.
I am commited to pvp as a thief and i am trying to find out if d/p is indeed viable or s/d is the only way to go.

Thief tpvp build

in PvP

Posted by: ripman.4571


I have posted the same post on the thief forum but i was told that posting it here could yield better results and more replies.
I have been doing pvp on my thief for the past 5 months or sth and most of the time i find myself using the s/d build since the buff on flanking strike. Although i like it i feel like i want to try the d/p build. Is it still viable, or i will be handicaped if i use it in tpvp? Is there an actual role for this spec or s/d does the same but just better? Imo s/d works better in team fights, is that so or i am making a mistake? I am now testing out d/p 10/30/0/0/30 for the daze on steal.
Thank you guys

[Video]Complete Thief Builds (no P/P)

in Thief

Posted by: ripman.4571


Is d/p really viable in tpvp or just inferior to s/d? Btw by s/d i dont mean double s/d, i am talking about s/d and sb

So d/p or s/d ?

in Thief

Posted by: ripman.4571


Hi guys, i have been doing pvp on my thief for the past 5 months or sth and most of the time i find myself using the s/d build since the buff on flanking strike. Although i like it i feel like i want to try the d/p build. Is it still viable, or i will be handicaped if i use it in tpvp? Is there an actual role for this spec or s/d does the same but just better? Imo s/d works better in team fights, is that so or i am making a mistake? I am now testing out d/p 10/30/0/0/30 for the daze on steal.
Thank you guys

Lack of competitive tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: ripman.4571


I am not a troll and I have played pvp myself. Also I have red threads addressing pv kitten ues, I just want te devs to see these posts and make an effort to solve these issues.
Don’t you feel that tpvp is abit pointless since there is no rating?

Lack of competitive tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: ripman.4571


Imo balance is not an issue since it at good state right now since i personally dont feel that any player beats me jsut because his class is stronger (mesmers and engis might feel a bit overpowered but nothing special).
Was this what you ment with quality pvp?

Competition in tPvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: ripman.4571


Hi, i was wondering if the pvp dev team could spend some time in improving tpvp and pvp in general by adding some aspects that imo are vital in order to keep pvp alive which i think is a big deal since this game has the reputation of a pvp mmo rpg altough that lately the emphasis is given on the pve side of it.
First of all i would love to see tpvp teams with rating and w/l ratio just like arena teams in Wow.
Secondly an elimination mode would also be good if the dev team desides taht it wont affect the class balance in conquest mode tpvp.
I hope the dev team reads these posts since it is supposed to be a suggestion post.
Thank you

Lack of competitive tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: ripman.4571


Hi all, i have been playing gw2 for 2 mothns and i have really enjoyed it but i start to feel that tPvP is a bit pointless because of the lack of team existance and rating. For sure the reward chest is sweet but its by no means enough. I think that it is time for Anet to implenent tPvP teams of 5 people just like Blizzard did when they introduced the arena. Each team will have rating and w/l ratio, this is a first step imo to make gw2 pvp more appealing and create some competition. Also i think that the dev team could experiment a bit with an elimination mode WoW arena style and see if it can work. For those of you who will tell me if you like WoW that much play WoW instead of trying to make gw2 look more like WoW you are a bit confused because this game (gw2) has much better balance which is something i deeply appreciate and no holy trinity, two aspects that can make gw2 take off pvp wise
Feel free to reply, thank you