Showing Posts For rshadowkirby.3548:

so these weapon fixes we were promised

in Ranger

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


i believe we were promised weapon fixes
this made many rangers like myself hope that sword auto 1 was fixed
or other things such as longbows utility etc

so where are these weapon fixes we were promised?

i mean it makes no difference to me i guess, ive given up on this game and im just playing league
but i check back time to time to see what other failed promises we were given

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


PLEASE fix ranger traits
all i want so i can play this game are ranger traits that dont feel so bad compared to other traits

for example, every single other class gets an additional bonus to their signet cooldown reduction skills

all we get is cooldown reduction

please make ranger traits a bit better (combine some if you must)

oakheart salve is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


bumping because i want this trait fixed and some ranger attention please

Does Anet read Ranger forums?

in Ranger

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


honestly i dunno why people dont want to listen to me and just spam the bug forums

we have justification. our class is buggy and inferior

oakheart salve is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


ranger wilderness survival 8 oakheart salve isnt working

i was afflicted with posion in TA and didnt get the regen it gives

infact nothing happened

also IF you ever look at this canyou please respond to us rangers in the ranger forum

wed like to know some things


Ps: please fix oakheart salve that regen is crucial to some builds

Scream of Desperation

in Ranger

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


im telling you guys
we need to go to the bugfix thread and spam it to oblivion to get them to listen to us

weve tried being quiet its not really working i say we go full force and spam threads till they are forced to listen

can we please get some dev love in this forum

in Ranger

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


i find it absolutely ridicilous that we have to beg devs to come into the ranger forum

we really want our voices to be heard
and for some buggs to be fixed (for example there are like 3 bugfix threads on this page and on the bugfix page but no one has responded to them wheras warrior and necromancer bugs get responses)

all i want are some responses anet come on 1/8th of the people play this classs and we deserve some love

graphics card for lagless wvw

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


what type of graphics card do i need to play wvw without lagging
i have no idea how these things work and i really want to be in a zerg without freezing for like 2 minutes

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


thank you to those who actually understood my arguement
and to the necro saying your minons need more control you have FAR more build options where you are not hampered by ai

you CHOSE that build
we sadly didnt

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


elementalists get the ability to have 20 skills on their weapons and get to swap attumenemts on the fly and even get to trait them to make it faster

can we not control the skills our pet has
this doesnt make it any harder then what an elementalist has to do

if anything it would make our ai alot easier because we wouldnt need to pray that our drake does a finisher or our bird heals
we can have utility the way an elementalist does

if a ranger is supposed to be with his pet why do we have so little control with our pets
there is absoluely no reason that we cant have more control if the elementalist can micro between 4 sets of abilities

please anet ive read about how you said it would make the ranger harder to play
but how is it any harder then elementalist

edited for spelling among other things

(edited by rshadowkirby.3548)

less karma after the karma reimbursement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


HOW DO you know if youve been reimbursed
i havent gotten anything yet no kegs or anything
i really want my karma anet

less karma after the karma reimbursement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


is it live yet? because i still have 0 jugs and still have less karma then yesterday

less karma after the karma reimbursement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


its all the karma ive been saving from every character
i worked really hard to get to this point

less karma after the karma reimbursement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


i thought the developers said they would reimburse people who used their jugs when they made the typo changes
i used my jugs yesterday and i had 1 million 438 thousand

today i have 1 million 300 thousand and this is after doing about 20 events for 100 karma each

so why did i end up with less karma
anet this isnt fair

can hunters call have an added effect?

in Ranger

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


can we get hunters call to have an added efect
i dont care what it is (bleed vun even for like 2 seconds)
it feels kinda pointless as a skill since all it does is damage

anet pls?

The main warrior questions

in Warrior

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


Sorry I can’t respond to everyone, but I’ll try to hit some other issues you’ve brought up:

-Words aren’t enough: Agreed. In the coming patches we have plans to give the Warrior: more resistance to movement hindering condies, the ability to punish boons, and we want to improve some of their specs that are out-shined by 100 b’s.

-Responding overall: We read a ton of things on the forums, but as you can imagine, we can’t respond to them all. When time allows, like today, I try to get on the forums as much as I can with actual responses – not just reading.

-Banners: We’re playing with some other ideas on how to make them stronger/a unique play style, while also trying to make sure they don’t “step on the toes” of similar abilities for other classes, like Ranger spirits.

-“Soon” vs. actual ETA’s: This is a fine point, but the reason I don’t give actual dates is because things can sometimes slip past those dates. When this happens, players can feel like we were lying or we didn’t fulfill a “promise”. I know it sucks, but it’s just safer for us not to use dates or ETA’s until we’re REALLY close to a feature or change being ready.

Gonna go hit some of the other sub-forums, thanks for all the feedback guys!

and what about the other classes john, why are warriors able to be given some of the changes that they should recieve while others like rangers have no idea what you are planning. and you (as a balance dev) havent stepped foot in there for 4 months

what do the other classes have to look forward to

Robert Hrouda on pets in dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


mr horuda i have a question, you mention pets having condition damage or rangers having condition damage but this leads me to think of something

pets have 0 critical damage and 0 condition damage

why is this? why is there no way for pets to get more condition damage on their page
why cant pets get some of the stats the ranger has for example condition or crit damage

only some not all, it would greatly help the pets who love ocondition damage such as eagle or devourer

OK! Let's try to get this class fixed.

in Ranger

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


Well, it did come across more as a complaint about Ranger issues than a straight up post listing bugs. Not surprised they locked it.

I don’t really see how. The only thing I complained about was the promises made by J.P. and his consequent disappearing act. 95% of the post was bugs. I find that a pretty valid topic for the Game Bugs forum. :/ Oh well. Here’s to being ignored again for the next 4 months, eh? Lol.

i say we keep spamming the bug forum page, every person makes the exact same thread you did
they cant ban all of us
this is kittening ridiclious that they wont even reply to our section in 6 months, what else are we supposed to do seriously?

if they wont take the time to pay attention they have no right to infract/ban us when we try to get our voice out

OK! Let's try to get this class fixed.

in Ranger

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


aaaand the thread got closed
by a mod
because apparently we should do it in the ranger subforum WHICH WOULD MAKE SENSE IF ANYONE CAME IN THE FORUM
mod said that he will remind the devs of the ranger

thats the only good news we get (if you call that good) and it wasnt even a red that closed it. it was a mod

anet devs why do you refuse to listen

in Ranger

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


please tell me i really want to know

what do you want us to do

we have given you thorough feedback on numerous occassions, as well as even gotten evidence to prove why our class problems need fixing anD YOU YOURSELF admitted a problem

how long do we have to wait, we should not be praying every patch for you to do something only to see you havent addressed any problems such as

pets having no agony
pets dying from aoe
our signets being trash compare to others

our shouts being trash compared to others

what do we HAVE TO DO?

can ps3 controller work?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


exactly what the title says
can this game be played with these controllers and if so what are the drivers that are required for this

please help, this is very importanat to me because i have a great deal of issues with the keyboard because i relaly dont have a good control setup going.

MORE jumping puzzle issues

in Wintersday

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


first few times i got somethin
but i thought it was a farmmable chest isnt it

let me know if im wrong

MORE jumping puzzle issues

in Wintersday

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


so i did the jumping puzzle
an i opened the chest

(this is like my third time clearing it or fourth)

and i got NOTHING

someone want to explain this to me

help with jumping puzzle

in Wintersday

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


even on the map i dont see a chest icon

this is so frustrating

secod time i made it and still i see kitten

Play the Guild Wars 2 Theme in Bell Choir!

in Wintersday

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


som e guy i saw yesterday was playing song of storms
best nostagilic moment ever

help with jumping puzzle

in Wintersday

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


thats the problem i didnt see a chest,
there was nothing there except for cheering kids and gingerbreadmen

whats going on

twice ive had this problem

help with jumping puzzle

in Wintersday

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


i did that
and i saw the kids and they were cheeirng
and it waas all like do you want to do the puzzle again or leave

but i never got a reward

help with jumping puzzle

in Wintersday

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


are we supposed to do something when we reach the kids
the first time i did it i didnt even get to see the kids cause it just requed me for the waiting place again

please help