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Mouse camera going haywire... how to fix?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sabbatic.9513


I played fine without this issue for many months earlier this year, until I took a few months off and decided to start playing again. I was accustomed to the other issue of the movement getting stuck, but the camera always worked fine. Now, as soon as I try to do any mouse looking in the old way (right click and pan with track ball), the camera flips out and soon has me looking down at the top of my head. If I try to readjust, the camera just rotates from that POV.
It may be an issue with Mavericks and/or the latest client build. It surely doesn’t have anything to do with the PRAM, so the firmware reset suggested above is pointless.
I’ve played around with all the in game camera options, and it changes nothing. I can’t really see resetting my mouse sensitivity to 1/2 or 1/4 before game launch.
If it’s true that no one is working on the Mac Client anymore, problems like this are just going to multiply. It’s unfortunate. Calling the Mac Client a Beta has always been a rhetorical trick rather than a proper use of the term. Having taken our money and become bored, I guess it’s time for Mac users to start wrapping up and moving on.

Non Delivered Gem Store Purchase

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sabbatic.9513


Aha – thanks DNFJ. With all the messages from the Dragon Bash quest lines, my mailbox was full. 10 messages seems a bit paltry for an inbox. If only my work inbox were so small.

Error - confirming purchase of gems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sabbatic.9513


Version 1.0.008555
2010 17" MBP 2.66 i7 ; 8G; NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M

Twice in the last 24-36 hours, I’ve tried to purchase gems with a “New Credit Card.” When I get to the last window and click confirm, the program thinks a bit, and then I get a dialog window that says something very close to


Neither purchase actually went through, not the billing to my cc, not the confirmation email, and not the receipt of gems.

Battle for Fort Trinity Personal Story step

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sabbatic.9513


Same, although my Mac is not too new. I get to the part, when one activates the orb, and some cut scene is clearly about to start, and the client crashes.

mid-2010 17" MBP 2.66H i7 8G RAM 10.8.3

Skill buttons misinterpreted as messages

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sabbatic.9513


Mac Beta Client: 1.0.08555
OS 10.8.3
Mid-2010 17" MBP 2.66 i7

Very odd bug popped up out of nowhere today. Suddenly, if I try to use one of my skills, either through a mouse click or a number key, the game thinks I’m trying to message something, throws up a message suppressed warning, and does nothing. Sometimes, some of the skill keys will work, if I use my keyboard instead of my mouse. Very odd.

Logging out to the character screen and then back in didn’t change it. If I had simply pressed a key by accident that set the UI to “click to link in chat window” mode, that should have cleared it up, I imagine, and it doesn’t seem like it persist anyway.