Showing Posts For sam.4673:


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sam.4673


I play a large build male norn and pretty much every weapon that isn’t tiny clips into my body/costume. It wouldn’t be a big deal if it wasn’t like 80% of all weapons..

Are there any plans to fix this? Or is this a never gonna happen kind of thing?

Need Norn Male Shield/Pistol Clipping Advice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sam.4673


I bought a character remodeler but I’m afraid to use it..

I’m playing a male Norn engineer with the larger muscle torso setting (2nd largest to the chub build). Every larger pistol and every shield clips into my outfit, and very badly at that. Does anyone here use those weapons on Nord male with the medium build torso option? If so, does it still clip pretty badly? IMO skinny male Norns look weird, so if I make this change I want to know it’s going to be worth it.

I don’t understand why they haven’t fixed this major clipping issue, as the larger muscle build is the most popular for male norn..

Additional legendary weapons.

in Crafting

Posted by: sam.4673


So many people are getting super serious and foamy at the mouth over the sanctity of legendaries and how their difficulty should be protected, if not enhanced.

To those who say ‘you just want instant gratification’, or ‘welfare legendary weapons’ (way to totally insult your own intelligence with that one lol), this is a game. If I wanted to work, I would work, and buy real life shiny things.

Suggestion: Legendary Precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: sam.4673


Meh fox, you’re probably right. I know how MMO companies roll, if enough people quit over one thing, they will change it. Since this if free to play, and having the forge the way it is, they make far more revenue than not with this legendary carrot on a stick. So.. working as intended.

Suggestion: Legendary Precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: sam.4673


The forge is a vacuum of money. So I guess it’s working as intended if people buy boosters or trade gems for gold (lol). Eventually people who really want their legendary weapons will move onto a different game. Boosters can only go so far, and so can their wallets.

If I invested this much time (and money if there was a cash shop) in FFXIV for a legendary weapon, I would have it by now. Final Fantasy is as grindy as it gets in my opinion, but the grind to legendary status is in FFXIV pales in comparison to GW2.

I want to love this game soooooo badly, I do for now, but this is just ruining it for me.

Suggestion: Legendary Precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: sam.4673


Well, it was just a suggestion. As someone who’s invested 100 hours (after world completion) purchased 60 dollars worth of boosters, has almost used them up, and is barely close to 100g savings, I feel the price for dawn is a bit much.

Even after all of this I have like less than 8 armored scales, powerful venom etc etc. I’m all up for a challenge but this is just unfair. This is a game, not real life.

Suggestion: Legendary Precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: sam.4673


Please make it easier to come by.

The legendary weapons are hard enough to get without this being a factor. Everyone I’ve seen with the legendary weapon I want said they got their precursor exotic weapon in the trade post for dirt cheap before the majority of people learned how rare it is..

Thank you.

Underclock & BSOD Issues - ANet Can't Help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sam.4673


The problem:
-After running the client for 5-10 minutes, I either get BSOD then restart, insta-restart, or screen freeze and loud sound loop.
-Unable to turn clock speeds up to normal factory settings.

History of attempted trouble shooting:
-Reformatted computer.
-Installed all drivers GPU/BIOS etc, and updated Windows to SP1.
-To see if it was my audio card, I opened the client shortcut properties inserted ‘-sound’ in the target line, the game still crashed so we have ruled out the sound card.
-Opened client shortcut properties and inserted ‘-repair’ in the target line, repair ran successfully, but did not fix the problem.
-Realization that my CPU and RAM are both underclocked. Have made a few attempts at setting them to factory settings manually via the BIOS menu, setting to AUTO, and trying to ‘load default settings’. No luck with this so far.
-Since I am using 2x 2GB RAM sticks, I tried playing the game with only one until it crashed, and then with only the other one but it still crashed. It’s unlikely that it’s a RAM issue, unless both sticks are fried.
-In CCC: Disabled anti-aliasing. Set vertical refresh to “On, unless application specifies”. Turned on Triple Buffering. In game: Set frame limiter to 60. Turned on Vertical Sync.

Current suggestions/ to do list:
-Get Prime95 (freeware), and run the stress torture test (at least overnight). Your computer is having issue If the it BSOD or one of the calculation tread stop during the test. Assume prime95 works fine I will then go get a USB bootable image of memtest86+ and run a few hours of memory test just to double check. I will also do a checkdsk just to make sure the disk is in good shape. If your computer passed all tests then the problem will most likely be in the video card or sound card.
-Would like to get someone elses opinion on this:
If not, go back into the BIOS. Go the AI tweaker. Increase the voltage to the CPU by a nominal amount. Ie, if the default is 1.3 volts, increase it to 1.305 or 1.31 volts, save and exit. Keep doing this, in tiny increments. Stop only once you’ve increased it by 100mV (aka 0.1 volts total) Ie, if you started at 1.3, don’t exceed 1.4. If you started at 1.2, don’t exceed 1.3, etc. Do this slow incremental voltage increase while keeping the base clock setting you manually set to 200, until GW2 stabilizes.

System Specs:
Operating System
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T 39 °C
Thuban 45nm Technology
Bus Speed 178.4 MHz
Rated Bus Speed 1783.9 MHz
Stock Core Speed 3600 MHz
Stock Bus Speed 200 MHz
4.00 GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 594MHz (9-9-9-24)
DRAM Frequency 594.6 MHz
ASUSTeK Computer INC. M4A78T-E (AM3) 48 °C
SyncMaster (1920×1080@60Hz)
ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series (ASUStek Computer Inc) 38 °C
Hard Drives
466GB Western Digital WDC WD5000AAKS-00V6A0 ATA Device (SATA) 32 °C
Optical Drives
VIA High Definition Audio

Latest Update:

I have reviewed your Speccy report and it appears that your computers RAM and CPU are slightly underclocked

Your RAM is rated at 667 MHz and it currently running at 594 MHz. Your CPU’s Stock Bus Speed is 200 and is currently running at 178.

We have had reports of over and under clocking causing issues and possible crashing with Guild Wars 2 and would like you to get your clocks back to default to see if this resolves the issue. If you are not aware of how to do this please seek out the advice of a trained PC technician.

Please let us know how this effects your current issue.
Basically a reiteration, I’ve gone past the point where ANet can/will help me.


in Guilds

Posted by: sam.4673


A bit about me:
-80 Warrior with 400 Armorsmithing
-Play mostly between 9AM EST (1PM GMT) to 4pm EST, but sometimes I play in the evening until 2AM EST (7AM GMT)
-Just got 100% map completion, had my fun in WvW, my new goal is to get the legendary greatsword Sunrise which requires a lot of dungeon/karma farming.
-Always willing to give a helping hand.
-Always striving to improve my performance any way possible.

What I’m looking for in a guild:
-Members who are always looking to run dungeon/ dynamic event/ farming parties.
-More high level members than not.
-A guild with active members that play probably more than they should (like me :P).

Thanks for your interest, please feel free to post in this thread or PM me.

Maguuma/Yak'sBend/EhmryBay WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: sam.4673


“So basically you did wvw once, died, and then complained about it.”

Your point? Always love constructive feedback on forums. Thanks for taking time out of eating pizza pops in your mom’s basement to post that!

Maguuma/Yak'sBend/EhmryBay WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: sam.4673


I hope so, what time is the reset?

Maguuma/Yak'sBend/EhmryBay WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: sam.4673


Ok so first of I’d like to say I started playing WvW yesterday on Yak’s Bend for the sole purpose of getting map completion. Upon fully realizing that you need to own a fortification to get the POI in the fort Ibegrudgingly decided to participate, maybe win some bases over. After getting ganked a few times running around on my own trying to get skill points, i came across this horde of players. I decided to tag along and wow, to my amazement I actually had a lot more fun than I thought I would.

That is until.

After two hours of non-stop skull cracking and wall bashing which gave me a real sense of accomplishment, I decided to look at the map a little bit more closely. Our entire trail had been retaken by Maguuma. I love a good challenge so I decided to play for a couple more hours. I noticed a commander on the map, and there seemed to be some a bit more coordination in /team chat. Did it matter? Nope. Not at all. No matter how hard we tried, it didn’t matter. Maguuma owns 100% of their own map and 50% of every other map, it’s hard to compete with that..

This game has been out for a month now, how long is it going to take for this Glicko rating system to kick in? I have absolutely no interest in playing WvW anymore after the emotional roller coaster I went through yesterday. Why are server transfers still free? It’s obviously making this issue worse.

Please fix this ANet, I can see myself really enjoying it in the future when it isn’t completely imbalanced.

(edited by sam.4673)

BSOD's and Crashing caused by Hardware or Engine?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sam.4673


It’s been my experience that this client does not play well with other programs. I have a higher rate of crashing when I have firefox or other generally non-resource hogging programs running.

Regardless, I used to crash every 15 mins or so, until I reformatted. Now I barely ever crash. To anyone having this issue, I’d strongly recommend reformatting if you have exhausted all other options.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sam.4673




Beware ANet Tech Support/ 3rd Party Programs

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sam.4673


Thanks for the suggestions for anti virus and malware protection programs, I’m already loaded to the max on those. Majorgeek’s forums were really helpful for me in finding free, quality programs.

None of these programs recognized this one specific virus, I’m guessing it integrated itself so well that it was undetectable.

Also, avira is garbage IMO.

Beware ANet Tech Support/ 3rd Party Programs

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sam.4673


“2) After every uninstall of CCC using Windows, there is always some registry files that are missed.”

I didn’t know this, and it explains so much. Thanks for the tip. ATI has been the bane of my existence, I would have gone nvidia if intel cpus weren’t such a colossal waste of money.

Beware ANet Tech Support/ 3rd Party Programs

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sam.4673


Right, because it magically took over my computer some other way in between the time I installed the program and the time I went to my browser to check my email to get the rest of the instructions Luis gave me.

Beware ANet Tech Support/ 3rd Party Programs

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sam.4673


Spybot Search and Destroy (it’s free) is still the best anti-malware I found so far. Much better than Malwarebyte anyway, that one is almost useless. So the next time something like this happens to you give it a try.


I don’t think you understand the severity of this virus. Trust me, reformatting was my last option. I was trying to remove it all day.

Ouch and you probably just got Luis fired.

I wish I could say I feel sorry for Luis.

(edited by sam.4673)

Beware ANet Tech Support/ 3rd Party Programs

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sam.4673


Representative Luis was trying to help me figure out why the GW2 client was crashing my computer every 15 minutes. He decided it was because my drivers were out of date. After uninstalling and reinstalling my drivers, it still didn’t work. Luis told me to go to to install a program which would completely uninstall my drivers in a way that AMD CCC could not.

Upon downloading this program, I didn’t realize until it was too late that this program came with a nasty Bing toolbar virus. THERE IS NO “click here if you would like to install said toolbar”, you have no choice in the matter.

“Bing Virus is a new search hijacking malware that modifies Windows hosts file and hijacks Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers. In the event a user clicks on a Bing, MSN, Google or Yahoo search result link, they will be rerouted through various corrupt advertising related search websites. Bing Virus may load into the memory and can therefore not be removed by regular security programs. Bing Virus may damage important system files, registry, hardware, and compromise the security of your confidential data. "

I was able to remove the toolbar itself, but even after add/remove and killing the application in my browser, the search engine field at the top right of my browsers were LOCKED onto bing, I was therefor rendered incapable of using google unless I physically typed into the address bar.

The ONLY way to remove this is via a reformat.

So this is a public service announcement.

Never ever download a third party program that ANet tech support recommends, if it gets to that point, save yourself some grief and just reformat.

Issues with getting in dungeon instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sam.4673


Same as Atreus

Server: Yak’s Bend
Dungeon: Ascalonian Catacombs
In AC, I’ve tried to play the story mode, but either I’m not allowed to enter the same instance as the other 4 group members. When given the option to join, either by walking up to the portal or teleporting, I’ll hit join but nothing happens. If I do get in, I’m loaded to a separate instance from them but no one can join me. Not sure why this is happening…

Seeking Guild : Sea of Sorrows

in Guilds

Posted by: sam.4673


Looking for a relatively active guild, not too big but not too small I guess. Let me know on here or in game ‘Samwell Graystone’ if you are recruiting. Thanks