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My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sandwitch.6159


In other MMO’s you have dungeons that drop meaningful gear upgrades – progression

You also have raids – which you need the dungeon gear to get into – meaningful progression.

Please, don’t do this to me. I’m still at my workplace and I can’t laugh like this here.

You’re living in an illusion, if you think upgrading your stats for the sake of upgrading your stats is meaningful.

It’s more meaningful than doing stuff and not upgrading your stats.

It gives you something to work towards, something to strive for. If you don’t understand that then leave, go back to being happy working for minimum wage. Same thing.

“More meaningful” = still completely pointless loss of time.

I don’t know about you, but I play games to have some fun. If I want to do something meaningful, I don’t play games.

If you need someone to hold your hand and tell you what to do, be my guest. I prefer freedom of choice.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sandwitch.6159


In other MMO’s you have dungeons that drop meaningful gear upgrades – progression

You also have raids – which you need the dungeon gear to get into – meaningful progression.

Please, don’t do this to me. I’m still at my workplace and I can’t laugh like this here.

You’re living in an illusion, if you think upgrading your stats for the sake of upgrading your stats is meaningful.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sandwitch.6159


Wait, I’m getting a little confused here.
Are you complaining about grind or the lack of endgame? Because you seem to be pretty confused about these terms.
Which MMORPG’s endgame is not grind? What could possibly keep people occupied that long if not grind? No content can be developed faster than it’s completed by players.

Are unpopular changes hidden?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sandwitch.6159


Where do you have any proof about your claims?

I’ve heard about the anti-farm code speculation before. Tried farming some Vials of Blood in the north and I encountered the exact opposite. I was farming there for about 5 hours in total and the longer I was there, the more Vial drops I got.

(edited by sandwitch.6159)

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sandwitch.6159


If you can’t be bothered playing for fun and occasional visual upgrade, you simply chose the wrong game.
Even if they add more PvE contect later, guess what will be the reward?

Could you go back to a "standard" MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sandwitch.6159


I’m wondering where are people getting the idea that “there’s nothing to do in GW2”. What more is there in other MMOs? Grinding for better gear, so that you can grind for even better gear, so that you can grind… People still find that enjoyable? Getting better stats just for the sake of getting better stats?

I enjoyed it the first time, which was about 7 years ago. But doing the same repetitive, boring tasks every day just can’t entertain me forever.

Could you go back to a "standard" MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sandwitch.6159


I could never play MMO, where:
1) Meeting another player in the same area is a nuisance to me, rather than a welcome sight
2) You have to pay monthly fee

GW2 has no competition between MMOs that meet these criteria.
Plus there’s much more awesome stuff in GW2 that will keep me playing this, instead of other games.

What on earth happened here? The design of "Straits of Devastation" is horrible.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sandwitch.6159


The bugged events and skill points sure are annoying.

Having that out of the way, though, I must say I absolutely love this map.
Just to get through safely or to farm there, you should be in a group. Pretty much like for a dungeon, except it doesn’t have to be 5 people. These groups of a few people then meet and create bigger groups when engaging in events. I call this map “an open raid dungeon”. I like it more than dungeons because it’s free for everyone and not instanced for just a few.

The problem is that too many WPs are contested, but I believe that will change when more people hit level 75-80. Give it a month or two.

No Mounts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: sandwitch.6159


Mounts would probably ruin what I love the most about this game. The random player interaction.
Just going through a cave to get to the other side of a mountain, meeting another player in the cave and helping each other fight the mobs. Ressing players that hilariously dropped off a cliff. These things would diminish if people had to get off the mount and then back on to enable them further interaction with the world.

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: sandwitch.6159


I have salvaged every piece of gear I have found from level one (currently 52). You will not be crafting anything for the character until the end. Everything I can craft is still way below my character level, and always has been.

You don’t find enough materials to use crafting for anything on your first character. I guess, it would be more for any of your alts.

Maybe cooking is different? I stopped doing cooking due to the extreme costs.

That was the case for me when I tried leveling 2 disciplines that both required fine materials. Around level 40 I stopped leveling leatherworking and focused only on huntsman. Now I’m making better weapons than I can find from drops.