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Opinion on UI Wars 2?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sartanman.4710


I remember when you had to pay to retrait and you were stuck with whatever build you had when you entered an instance. I personally appreciated the ability to change my build whenever out of combat and consider it one of the best, if under appreciated, quality of life changes Anet made.

Specialization system = RIP meta as it is?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sartanman.4710


I wouldn’t be surprised by BttH being moved to GM tier. Thief and Necro have comparable GM traits already; BttH was ridiculously strong for an adept trait.

That being said, I would still be sad if BttH and Fresh Air have to compete. :’(

Please don't reward retroactive MasteryPoints

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sartanman.4710


You absolutely keep accruing skill points. I have thousands.

Whalen, CM butler

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sartanman.4710


I can confirm that grenades reflected using traditional means (WoR, feedback, etc) do in fact deal damage, but due to terrain issues may not always hit Whalen. It’s always appeared as though the Air Guns are actually more of a damage multiplier since their damage scales off your ferocity.

Undocumented changes, March 16, 2015

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sartanman.4710


Can pretty much confirm that the top of Elemental Source cannot be reached anymore. Even necro’s life transfer doesn’t hit it, suggesting that the hit box was either removed or placed >600 range away.

Reporting a player for theft

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sartanman.4710


Thanks all. I wasn’t expecting much to happen; was mainly just venting my frustration. The bank access permits have been revised now, which is too bad because most of the materials in there were placed by me with the intention of letting other guildies use them when needed. It’s a shame that one person can ruin it for many others.

Reporting a player for theft

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sartanman.4710


Last night I discovered that a member of my guild withdrew ~100-200 g worth of items from the guild bank intended for common use by guild members. This player then promptly left the guild and blocked myself and other guild leaders. He’s been on rocky terms with the guild due to his attitude and I’m not surprised he left. However, the fact he intentionally withdrew a fairly substantial sum of materials feels, to me, as though he stole from the guild. Should I try and report the player, is there an option for this? I am willing to accept the losses, but don’t think such behavior should go unrecognized.

Tracking Thread: Bad Matches

in PvP

Posted by: sartanman.4710


2/2/2015, match ended 10:20 EST. Loss, 500-150ish, Legacy, unranked NA. This account.

Full pre made with some top players against full pugs.

Not even remotely fun.

Randomize instability after each fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sartanman.4710


I agree with many of the other posters: This would not add anything but more frustration and would in fact remove what little control we do have in fractals. “Unpopular” instabilities are an issue, but forcing people to play them through more RNG would only serve to drive more players from fractals.

why assassin>berserker?

in Mesmer

Posted by: sartanman.4710


Reflection damage scales with: a) your precision/crit chance; b) your ferocity/crit damage; and c) the power of the enemy you’re reflecting. Thus, to maximize your reflected damage you would want to increase your precision, ferocity, and damage modifiers. In fights where reflects are the majority of your damage source you would therefore want to maximize your potential crit chance by using assassin’s gear. This gives you a higher chance at a reflect critting at a small cost to personal damage due to lower power.

That being said, zerk gear is still very strong and provides a good deal of precision and ferocity. I wouldn’t worry about it unless you are a hardcore min/maxer.

Killed You The Most?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sartanman.4710


My poor jumping abilities + harpy-inflicted cripples in the Uncategorized fractal.

FOTM sugestion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sartanman.4710


Swamp > Snowblind > Aetherblade > Duo > Goodbye challenge.

Fractal rewards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sartanman.4710


I actually got the tonic 2 nights ago. I plan on running around Divinity’s Reach as the Imbued Shaman and terrorize all the role players.

Announcing Fall 2014 Dungeon Speed Clear Open

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sartanman.4710


I’m looking forward to it. Thanks again for organizing this.

Getting back into Fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sartanman.4710


In my opinion, about the only mandatory class for fractals- if the other 4 party slots are from the variable pug roulette- is guardian. If you can’t rely on the utilities a guardian can bring, then everyone in the party has to make serious changes to how they approach encounters in fractals.

Getting back into Fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sartanman.4710


The majority of posts listing ele’s strengths in fractals don’t even mention FGS. Most groups lack the coordination or skill to rush bosses like Mossman, but that doesn’t mean the profession’s other strengths are suddenly gone.

Getting back into Fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sartanman.4710


My bad, Miku. You totally included deep freeze. I was actually referring to how good parties will freeze, strip defiant and freeze again to set up long, coordinated bursts. I saw a lot of that in the KING tournament over the weekend. One of the things that makes eles top tier is that fact that a good ele alone is good, but a good ele with a good party is amazing.

Getting back into Fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sartanman.4710


Miku also forgot to mention AoE condi clear on focus, nigh-perma chill/cripple to kite annoying bosses with focus and glyph of elemental power, the potential for coordinated deep freezes to incapacitate said bosses, and the ridiculous nuking potential against large bosses like Bloomhunger, dredge bosses, and Molten Duo using staff. Good eles definitely deserve a spot at the top in fractals.

New Arah P2 Skip

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sartanman.4710


I don’t know why anet can’t flag every boss as a req for getting path completion? It wouldn’t fix all exploits (risen knight underwater LOL) but some.

That would be reeeeally great (sarcasm) for the person that comes in half-way through to help out a guildie, or gets pulled in mid-dungeon through LFG because someone had to go, got DC’d, etc.

“What, you weren’t here for the entire thing? No tokens for you!”

I think it means in order for internal dungeon progression, i.e. the next boss won’t trigger unless the previous one(s) have been defeated. That system wouldn’t exclude late joiners from getting end rewards.

Your top 5 hardest silver mobs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sartanman.4710


My personal opinions:

1. Elite Risen Illusionists – because nothing should be that OP
2. Elite Vile Oozes – because somebody thought rapidly hitting attacks that inflict vuln, cripple, weakness, and poison on a pathing mob is a good idea
3. Elite Nightmare Knights – because Earthshaker wasn’t annoying enough in PvP
4. Elite Bandit Thugs – because they make everything else more annoying
5. Elite Godforged Hellstorms – because FIRE JETS

Your top 5 hardest silver mobs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sartanman.4710


You know the ones, the elites that are more OP than 90% of the bosses in the game. Which ones put the fear of Grenth in you?

Kodan's Bane, The Huntsman - Warrior Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sartanman.4710


Now I know who to call the next time I do HotW story mode. Very nice job.

Defiant stance + birds = LOL

Rangers Useless in Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sartanman.4710


“a guardian that spams virtues without having no clue what he is doing”

A guardian spamming F1 is usually a good thing.

Death and Taxes Competitive PvE Tournament!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sartanman.4710


Congratulations to SC and all the teams that competed today! Also a big thank you to DnT for organizing, and to the generous donors from Anet and the community for supporting the event. I thoroughly enjoyed the stream and picked up on some neat tricks to try myself. Great job to all.

Dredge Bombs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sartanman.4710


Slurpee forgot to mention one change about the Molten Facility we noticed: the stacking spot during the cannon barrages is no longer safe. We were gearing up to ice bow the Thermal Core and got blasted. We nearly wiped because we were laughing too hard.