Showing Posts For savgebeast.8316:
second this, over 45 runs not got anything worth my while
title says it all i did my first CoF tocken of the day and only got 15 tockens….waste of my time..
wrong its in both bags, the GW2 wiki says its in PToT and ToT
i wonder why they would make this rubbish armor that doesn’t have a unique skin when this game is cosmetic end game?
yep i was so exited when i saw there was an armor set…..
i can confirm that they are from chests in the labyrinth and that they have basic exotic skins here is the items codes for the armors:
seriously what where Anet thinking….not even halloween based…..
if that is the case, then what are arenanet doing =/
dont go off topic guys. ALL the armor is in the TP right now! you can get it i just dont know if its from chests or drops. and since its once per day ill never get the whole set!
does no one know, i really would like to get the armor set =/
how do you craft it, where is the recipes?
Same, even though i havent finished yet its a nice challenge and to me event should have SOME difficult parts. BUT i would like another way to get the Slippers too for ppl who totaly suck at jumping puzzles/hates them so much the can play them.
you can, thye drop from mobs (dont know where) but the slippers are on the TP for like 1-2g
same bug i looted the first time then i cant loot again, a bug or a CD. if it is a CD then its stupid the boss spawns..if i kill the boss i want the loot!
as said in title when you have to defend the gate after mobs stop spawning it doesn’t progress, i have tried 2 times and same problem each time.
Disappointed over Variety and detail/animation/coolness of Halloween skins
Posted by: savgebeast.8316
I broke down and bought the scythe skin. I had to have it! Frankly I think it is the best of the lot.
Had it been all dandied up I most likely would not have wanted it. Aesthetic tastes are a subjective thing though, so there is no right or wrong.
I just had to put my two cents in to show any dev that may read this thread that I think the scythe skin is GREAT! Thanks.
i understand your view, however in all honesty i feel the skins should be at the same level of design if they can be acquired the same way. i just feel the scythe is the “odd one out” of the bunch in that it doesnt look nearly as good
Disappointed over Variety and detail/animation/coolness of Halloween skins
Posted by: savgebeast.8316
I like the scythe /shrug.
but you cant honestly say the scythe compares in “coolness”, “detail” and “eye catching” of the shield, or bow, or great saw – remember this is a cosmetic based end game:
Disappointed over Variety and detail/animation/coolness of Halloween skins
Posted by: savgebeast.8316
I bet the Greatsaw and Arach were the first designed. They sunk in all their love, then were told to hurry with the others.
whatever the case i personally feel like if they are going to make skins then they should atleast all of equal standards. having already seen the lack of amazing looking staffs and scepter it honestly makes me feel like you have to be a certain class to look cool….
Disappointed over Variety and detail/animation/coolness of Halloween skins
Posted by: savgebeast.8316
i was hoping that the scythe staff would look something like Dhuum’s Soul Reaper from gw1…it glows and it leave trail of green energy >_<
I was expecting that type of scythe too.
The current one does look like a blade on a stick. I much prefer the Crossing. I’m 100% going to craft it.
yes properly the same for me, however its going to take atleast 2-3 months to casually get whats needed. i just feel its unfair that we staff users have to do this while other can just pick up those awesome skin in the TP now.
Seeing the scythe…. it looks highly plain.
I’d be disappointed if I had it.
Savge, I’m with you.
exactly, its literally just a “vanilla” scythe. and lets be honest this weapon (staff) is mostly used by ele and necro, that being said the necro already has scythes and cooler ones that that skin itself! (from the animation). i just wish they could have made it cool, there is SO many things they could do to it. i woudl have loved a fog trail, glow, shadow effect ect….
not only do i also agree with this but i feel the lack of animation and detail in the scythe is quite poor compared to the shield and great saw and rifle.
i made a post myself on that:
Disappointed over Variety and detail/animation/coolness of Halloween skins
Posted by: savgebeast.8316
I don’t use a staff that often, but The Crossing seems pretty cool. The lantern on the chain is physics-enabled, so when you swing it around, it flings about like a flail. I haven’t even seen the scythe.
Edit: As I said in another post, I’d love to see more of the weapon types get special skins — very few currently have animations past particle effects.
yes the crossing is a step closer to looking as good as the the shield or chainsaws, but to get that you need to do a HECK of alot more than you do for the current skins
when brawling with either costume you go constantly in and out of brawl “mode” it means u cant stack points and it very annoying.
i think its the “1” skill key that turn it on and off but its in an irregular pattern. its quite an annoying butt both me and my friend are experiencing it
Disappointed over Variety and detail/animation/coolness of Halloween skins
Posted by: savgebeast.8316
i was hoping that the scythe staff would look something like Dhuum’s Soul Reaper from gw1…it glows and it leave trail of green energy >_<
this is exactly what i was thing of, i mean its not alot to ask since the shield emanates shadow and glows or the sword puurrrs…
i mean come on it just doesnt seam fair that the sythe doesnt glow/leave a trail/create fog ect….
Disappointed over Variety and detail/animation/coolness of Halloween skins
Posted by: savgebeast.8316
no one else feel the same?
Disappointed over Variety and detail/animation/coolness of Halloween skins
Posted by: savgebeast.8316
hey all, as the title says im disappointed over how there is some really cool skins and some very bland skind. the shield, rifle and greatsword being the coolest looking all with animations and alot of detail while ones like the staff (scythe) is very plain and boring. although the idea of scythe is cool its got no unique feature about at other then metal on a stick, it looks like a newbie weapon. the shield is my Favorite with an amazing shadow affect and glowing face it really makes me want it, the greatsword is also awesome (who doesnt want a massive chainsword), the rifle with a glowing pumpkin, and even the dagger with a severed hand.
i guess the main reason why this annoys me is because im a necro, and as all know a staff is basicly needed to play one. and since in HOM the coolest item is the flame sword, and now halloween the coolest items being melee focuses it makes me feel greatly left out. because when i see a player running past with a awesome face shield and firesword/ 2 handed chainsword and im here with a metal on a stick it makes me feel like re rolling….which although with 8 character slots i have found i do not enjoy the warrior or guardian.
so my overall point being is i would really, really like to see COOL looking staffs and scepters because as it stands it seem like all the devs are making is cool skins for classes that are melee based. there is so many creative ideas for staffs and wands but why arnt they doing it?
on a side note i am aware of the crossing, and this is a step closer to what i expect as for cool skins for staffs, however we all know how hard that is to get compared to the rest of the skins.
(edited by savgebeast.8316)
same i want to use those old rubbish tonics OR change them into the new mystery tonics?
i disagree with mike, i thought those ToT hidden locations where on an 30-1hours timer. i thought they where meant to be used and farmed and shared with your fellow friend and guildies. i only knew of like 4-5 locations that didnt even work every hour. it was very fun for me and friend to just chill in LA and get some goodies every know and then, i thought this was how halloween was meant to be. i guess Anet didnt plan for this which says to me either thye are extremely unorganized, not ready to make the event public or are just being lazy in developing. either dont give us this stuff or leave it there. seriously its just ruining the fun of the game.