Showing Posts For sekundentod.4105:

Gunnar/Piken/Riverside - 31/5

in Match-ups

Posted by: sekundentod.4105


i like to thank Gunnar for the nice fights and i am really impressed that you never give up an put some good fights up.
i wish you good luck with your next matchup and a lot of fun

Esari / DTK / Riverside

Gunnar/Piken/Riverside - 31/5

in Match-ups

Posted by: sekundentod.4105


jeep + 20 – 25 from GH and 20 from your random zerg = 48 – . . .

so the only thing i wont to say is that you make your on blobs maybe you have more single guilds running but you make the same kitten than all the others and i don´t complain about it only your server is crying with every second post here

Esari / DTK / Riverside

Gunnar/Piken/Riverside - 31/5

in Match-ups

Posted by: sekundentod.4105


Oh poor Pikenguys have you any tears left ? you must have cryed the atlantic ocean

Our Guild was yesterday on your BL with 15 – 20 against one BLOB of GH GOW and a random zerg i only say ruins so don´t cry all the time you blob as well. ( i know its was only per accident that you met there ^^ )

so let us come to the cheat thing i personlay think that most of this posts are because the most of those people havent enough experience what you can do with a good placed ac.

Esari / DTK / Riverside

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: sekundentod.4105


thanks to the wvw guild we had some nice fights today on ET against you well played

Esari / DTK / Riverside

02/15 Aurora Glade - Gandara - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: sekundentod.4105


oh and you where loggin while we take Lowland Keep and where loggin as we take jerry and aldons….

oh i have forgotten to mention that we deff it for i while and would go on with it if the lovley guys from aurora hadnt shown up

no offens but i think we can´t loggin faster than you it was luck that we had a commander and a few guild mates at ts at that time so we could do it.

Esari / DTK / Riverside

Abbadons Mouth Vs Gandara Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: sekundentod.4105


how many scouts do you had on the map every way every camp they where everywhere ^^

and jeep we have some good fights at our startcamp with you guy´s

Esari / DTK / Riverside

Abbadons Mouth Vs Gandara Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: sekundentod.4105


puh that was a close one nice attack

Esari / DTK / Riverside

Abbadons Mouth Vs Gandara Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: sekundentod.4105


we haven´t q´s either except eternal

i was on the gandara homelands all time and we have nice fight´s ( imo )
and btw dtk have only guild raids on 2 days a week all you have seen so long where single players or a group of us in the zerg

Esari / DTK / Riverside

Abbadons Mouth Vs Gandara Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: sekundentod.4105


you don´t want to know how many weapons are waiting for you in shadaran hills at your boarderlands

Esari / DTK / Riverside

Piken Square / Riverside / Fort Ranik

in WvW

Posted by: sekundentod.4105


it´s so funny to fight against you piken guys so we try to hold you down here in this tier

Esari / DTK / Riverside