Showing Posts For sharpcircle.8276:
That guy got my goat is all, one line sentances with no real discussion is just trolling in my opinion. There’s a fabulous post from Ordika that goes on about how mmo players are geared only for progression and that raids are systematic of that and I completely get his argumnent. I don’t happen to subscribe to it mainly because I’m one of those players but it’s a bloody fine post. People these days are too quick to rubbish an argument because they don’t agree with it, I just think that in a game that HAS to be both pve and pvp that they need to have content for both sets of players. There’s no need to concentrate on one or another, currently the pve aspect of GW2 is great but the difference with pvp is that you’re always fighting a new player….or a new boss as it were making the content different everytime.
(edited by sharpcircle.8276)
if it was a pvp game there would be no pve content, don’t be so obtuse.
Strange title I know but bear with me….
My guild has been mmo’ing for a few years now and we’re all good friends. We have played through the abortion that was Aion, managed to get through the otherside and carried on with Conan, then Rift , m,ost recently SWOTOR (which we were all desperate to come out) and then got horrendously bored of latter. This was due to stupidly quick level progression and poor end game content. A few of us played TSW (well I did anyway) and loved the story but the gameplay just wasn’t there. Then the beta for GW2 came out and good god it was a game that looked to have cracked it. The reason our guild went off swotor was the repetitive grind of the 2 paltry raids that were available at launch. This along with the rubbish heroic versions of dungeons made the the game unplayable after a few months. Once you’ve completed both raids in nightmare after a month of launch you know that it’s way too easy!
Roll on gw2. The best thing about gw2 is it isn’t a grind, near enough every other mmo i’ve played it’s a grind to cap, and you can’t wait to get there. I have had no issue with starting 2 more characters once my main and alt hit 80, mainly cause the scenary, the 3 seperate story lines and just….well you know. However we are now running into that age old problem, we have a fairly close knit guild which, although fairly small, is used to grouping together and taking on challenges. Arah exp path 4 aside, there hasn’t really been one. I know anet have always said this is a pvp game so maybe we’re asking too much but our guild is now looking to leave for another game. I don’t really want to mention the R word but open world events just don’t have the commeradery (sp?) that traditional raids do. There’s no real sense of achievement in bringing the shatterer down because it’s camped, in fact they all are.
I am desperately trying to convince them to give it more time, I know it’s stupid to leave a game so early in it’s development but their argument is that unlike other games it’s paid for already and when it gets more end game they’ll come back. I’m not asking for raids, i’m just asking for something to keep us interested.
hmm, reading more about this I am sure it’s bugged, there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to why and how the sparks actually get consumed. Sometimes one spark is enough, another there are 6 sparkes and none of the little buggers will go where they should or that all the hexagonal spaces they are supposed to go in are full. It’s fine to have a hard boss but the boss isn’t actually hard – not a single one of us died over an hour trying to defeat her, however it just seems to be broken, the boss sometimes bugs and stays there through the sparks, sometimes she petrifies just one person throughout the fight and sometimes she just hits one person with the rest of the party taking no damage. Maybe there is something we are missing but nowhere I have gone has given any kind of description of how to actually organise it properly. Not even here, we’ve tried the above things but they don’t work. We aren’t novices, we have completed every dungeon on here and understand them all but this one just doesn’t make sense (maybe cause we haven’t figured it out yet). Any help greatly appreciated.
Thanks guys, the poison bit is a very good point, we hadn’t thought of that. I think one of the issues we had is we had 3 melee in there. now that they have changed it so that you only get the tokens at the end it’s very frustrating but I understand why they have done it.
Our guild is now unfortunately getting a little bit jaded by the game. Levelling to 80 was great fun but now we’re all here (some of us with 2 characters) we are struggling to find content. This path was the last one for 2 of our guild before the dungeon master title. I fear we may leave soon for a different game :/
So we got through to the priest boss at the end of path 4 – took us like 2.5 hours but we made it then we got to the bit with the priestess and the sparks. we could dps the priestess down fine and when she hits 50% the sparks appear and you need to pull them to the middle, which is fine but they don’t always activate at the tree and she heals right back up again. the closest we got was about 20%. Is there sometyhing we should be doing that we aren’t?