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Bugged? Very low damage after patch? Help!

in Elementalist

Posted by: shin.8073


@Bsquared: Yes, the steady weapons eliminate variations in weapon strength so you can test minute changes in builds.

cant play this class with high ping?

in Elementalist

Posted by: shin.8073


I’m currently playing in SEA and consistently play with around 300ms ping. While I enjoy playing my elementalist, and believe (or assume) that I’m doing pretty well, I think it’s more or less attributed to the fact that I’ve grown accustomed to the lag.

That being said, there are times I DO feel extremely handicapped. Aside from the usual RTL or Burning Speed>Fire Grab problems (which I’ve learnt to work around via playstyle), my biggest gripe is twitch reactions. Alostrael mentioned that GW2 is not as twitchy as some FPS, yes, but in terms of MMOs, I feel that twitch reactions are pretty clutch in GW2, especially when you’re playing a squishy class like thief or elementalist.

For example, in order to fully dodge an incoming Bull’s Charge>100b combo from a warrior, I effectively have to pre-empt the Bull’s Charge and dodge BEFORE he actually charges on my screen, if I try to react to it, I would be hit by the charge. Similarly, if I happen to get blindsided and eat a Bull’s Charge, I would immediately trigger Mist Form, but still eat at least 4 hits from 100b. Forget about trying to negate a hasted 100b without evading the root fully.

Sadly, laws of physics will never change and unless all of us move to Texas, we will never see improvements in our ping. I really do wish to know what playing with sub 100ms ping feels like though. I think I would feel like a god.

Dragon's Tooth speed

in Elementalist

Posted by: shin.8073


its really dumb when a pack dolyak avoids a direct it because it takes that long to cast and signet of earth is on CD

I was thinking this exact same thing when I was WvWing earlier. Was trying to burst down a dolyak as fast as possible, only to realize I need to burn a signet just so DT can hit it. I can only wonder which other profession needs to CC a pack dolyak so their staple damage skill can hit it.

[Video]Elems are fine

in Elementalist

Posted by: shin.8073


I actually think this is a pretty good video regardless of whether or not you outgeared them. I do want to know though, what kinda gear/stats did you go for? You seem to have quite a bit of hp while still doing pretty good damage. Perhaps due to the orb buffs?

Elementalist: Burning Speed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shin.8073


Upon further testing and investigation, it would seem that the blast seems to be occurring at the end of the fire line. However for some reason, the line of fire seems to behave inconsistently and does not extend the full length, thus giving the impression that the blast occurs at the start of the slide. I’ve attached a screenshot to illustrate what I mean.


Elemental bugs/glitches thread.

in Elementalist

Posted by: shin.8073


Hey Major, thanks for adding it to the list. I’ve gone back and done further testing, and it would seem that Burning Speed IS indeed blasting at the end of the fire line, however, the line for some reason doesn’t extend the full length, giving the impression that the blast occurs at the start. I’ve attached a screenshot to illustrate what I mean, and will be adding the screenshot to my post in the Bugs forum as well. Could you update the list to include this too please? Thanks!


Elemental bugs/glitches thread.

in Elementalist

Posted by: shin.8073


Not sure if you missed it, but here goes again.

Burning Speed
Some times the blast occurs at the beginning of the slide forward, instead of at the end of the slide. This results in a huge chunk of D/D burst gone as the blast will not hit your intended target in a combo.

I have started a thread in the bugs forums here.

Elemental bugs/glitches thread.

in Elementalist

Posted by: shin.8073


I have reported a bug regarding burning speed and how the blast occurs before you reach the end of the slide in the bugs forum at this link:

Elementalist: Burning Speed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shin.8073


The main hand dagger skill Burning Speed is proccing the blast near the start of the slide instead of at the end. As you can imagine, this results in a huge chunk of my damage missing my target when I try to combo with Ride the Lightning > Updraft > Burning Speed. Some people from other forums claims that this is due to lag, but I am playing from SEA, so lag is inevitable, is there a way to make the skill behave consistently (proccing the blast at the end of the slide) regardless of lag? This is really preventing me from playing dagger/dagger.

P.S. screenshot attached to demonstrate what I mean, I am sliding towards the direction my character is facing, leaving the blast BEHIND me.
