Showing Posts For shorty.2608:

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: shorty.2608


Yeah A bunch of TSG from TC is not playing much we hop on from time to time but there is no fun in this every server (though we all know this would never happen but would be kinda cool) should band together and just make everyone have even scores every week till its fixed!!! keep the matches even so we could have the same match up when invisible wars 2 is gone…

As far as hacking goes its disgusting and honestly ashamed that there are these same bad apples on TC as there is on many other servers and wish they would go back to playing call of duty where hacking is the cool kid thing to do!!

Tarnished Coast. The Sovereign Gaming. GuildMaster

The Commander - New System

in Suggestions

Posted by: shorty.2608


Badges are just as bad as gold just because you play WvW alot does not mean you are a born leader! there are many names i see on everyday and yet i would never want them to be a leader that being said i do not think that means they are bad just not a leader. being good at WvW and being good at leading is two very different worlds.

As for zerospin i do like your idea BUT i have to say that could be really bad as well. because people would all be following different people. which would end up in many un wanted/needed arguments between players.

i do agree commander is a broken system and could use work but i would not like to see them even look at this issue till they were able to remove Invisible Wars 2.
I do think there needs to be a good way to earn commander but i do not believe it’s in this tread. How ever i personally do not know how people could truly earn Maybe a match to match/ month to month server wide vote. though i will say that my idea is not a great one just like zero spin it may be a step in the right direction!

Tarnished Coast. The Sovereign Gaming. GuildMaster

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: shorty.2608


oh snap guys sain telling us if we get a life everything just magically fixes it self!!!! that an amazing discovery sainguine…

As far WvW goes in the sense is it competitive i believe its extreamly competitive and i dont want to have to go back down a tier cause i cant see any one and crystal desert is better at Invisible Wars 2 Ghost v Ghost v Ghost!

Tarnished Coast. The Sovereign Gaming. GuildMaster

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: shorty.2608


well its easy you see i love my server and i love toast take the t from tarnished and put it in place of the c in coast and now you have two things i love!

Tarnished Coast. The Sovereign Gaming. GuildMaster

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: shorty.2608


Fel can i get that voip this way when need be i can relay kitten to my guild. As the strat’s go no worries TSG still got kitten up there sleeve i never put everything on the table at once!! on the topic of fowl mouthed hardcore pvpers. though we may be very caring and helpful deep down we of TSG have a fire in side that drives us to do what it takes to win. back on our swtor server we were the BEST not trying to spew e- peen but we worked hard for that and we will work hard time and time again. theres not a whole lot that will stop us from pushing forward and doing what needs to be done.

That being said we would love for more late night players to come support the best kitten toast ive ever had.

if you are a solo late night player or a small guild looking to merg with a organized Death squad, or just a friendly group of people having a great time playing the game would love for you to hit me Lightning C Farron up if you cant get me lord regnier lord lynch deyja or of course zynthetic we would be glad to talk.


Tarnished Coast. The Sovereign Gaming. GuildMaster

(edited by shorty.2608)

Am I right to condemn 5 Singet Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: shorty.2608


I am a 5 signet warr with GS and rifle but i only use that when im doing solo pve/ event farming i change kitten all the time when i run a dungeon or if im running wvw. I agree sig warr’s is not the best build but when doing mindless farming its not bad. however i switch between ability’s all the time in between fights depending on whats going to be needed most. just as i adjust certain traits depending on the type of game play i am doing that’s the beauty about the way the skill system in this game works i can switch on the fly.

Tarnished Coast. The Sovereign Gaming. GuildMaster

(TSG) The Sovereign Gaming is recruiting on Tarnished Coast. (WvW/Spvp)

in Guilds

Posted by: shorty.2608


Guild Leader hear would like to mention that we do nightly WvW and once we have the numbers will have our own 24/7 WvW force. Also Cant wait to hear from you. Love you

Tarnished Coast. The Sovereign Gaming. GuildMaster

Guild Wars 2 | Guild Compendium

in Guilds

Posted by: shorty.2608


Home World: Tarnished Coast
Guild Name: The Sovereign Gaming
Guild Website:
In-Game Contact: Lightning C Farron, Lord Regnier, Lord Lynch, Deyja.
Focus: WvWvW [PvE and Spvp]
Quick Notes:

Organized Gameplay

Tarnished Coast. The Sovereign Gaming. GuildMaster

(edited by shorty.2608)

Looking for a fun, active, friendly, mature guild to join

in Guilds

Posted by: shorty.2608


The Sovereign Gaming or better known as TSG is recruiting we are primarily focused on WvW but do however run all content we play day and night and have a pretty dedicated set of active people have about 60 members atm but are looking to grow so let me know if you would like to join or learn more!

Tarnished Coast. The Sovereign Gaming. GuildMaster

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: shorty.2608


But with time you will be playing servers that are equal in many ways there has not been nearly enough time for server’s to find there rankings. kitten maybe people will move to a server that they are needed at to even things out. but adjusting the scoring due to how many people are playing will PUNISH a server like Sea of Sorrows because they do not have a Day time force so they will never be able to gain enough points to even have a chance to win and that is not there fualt that just dont seem right.

Tarnished Coast. The Sovereign Gaming. GuildMaster

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: shorty.2608


Look though the issue with all of the punish people who play at night or make them not worth kitten is unfair for them. Honestly i don’t see a problem Im on TC and we are playing SoS one of if not the biggest night cap server in the NA ladder as night cap hours are coming to a end we have +290 points and are winning
TC 205k-SoS 143k- GoM 78k.
So im just not seeing the problem the night capping only really helped them the first night then after that we had taken such a big lead it was a joke. so im just not seeing any issue’s what so ever

Tarnished Coast. The Sovereign Gaming. GuildMaster

Tarnished Coast looking for Oceanic, Euro, Asian guilds

in WvW

Posted by: shorty.2608


MCL i would like to say thank you.. To get in touch of TSG just message me aka Lightning C Farron, Lord Regnier, deyja, lord lynch and of course zynthetic… if your not looking for a guild hit me up anyway so i can say whats up

Tarnished Coast. The Sovereign Gaming. GuildMaster

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: shorty.2608


@ Veles – yes HOD did recruit guilds so we would have a 24 hour coverage. I find it hard to believe we were the only ones that thought hey this is a 24 hour war for 14 days in order to win we need people that can fight around the clock.

Our numbers have grown greatly since the start though, by winning more people keep coming to our server.

I have never once acted like I was not from HOD, I want some good competition.

I offer up ways to fix the problem not just argue.

NO transfers to the top 20 percent.

Combine the EU and NA ladders, more servers will end up with 24 hour coverage.

It is a three way match the bottom two should tag team the top one, this is the players fault if they are not currently doing this.

Give the bottom 20 percent servers a Gold/Karma/Exp buff.

If you do not want a 24 hour war then WvWvW is not for you.

My guild was offered to join TA, which would put us on HOD, my answer was: I would never join US server so I can PvKeeps like a scrub, when all good fighting is happening during US prime time.

I still stand by that and if more people were actually willing to PVP more then cap empty objectives we would not have this conversation.

Ohhh and by the way, you are still missing the main point of my initial post… Unbelivable.

Look if we focused more on the PvP And not capping points then you would be doing it wrong anyway. PvP in 90% of MMO’S as well as this one is not about killing the players but doing the objective and in WvW the objective is capping keeps towers and supply camps. If people were to start going after players and thats there main focus then me and like 2 or 3 friends could win the match for our server. which then would be more tears all over the forums which puts us right back at start.

Tarnished Coast. The Sovereign Gaming. GuildMaster

(edited by shorty.2608)