Showing Highly Rated Posts By FJSAMA.2867:

BWE3 Chronomancer Feedback Thread

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Like chrono line brings any dmg to existing mesmer… It may just give superspeed to our clones making them actually reach the target… If you cant dodge it, your problem.

Mesmer Balance Notes

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Yes it does reveal. Simple to reproduce on torch for example. Just stealth up and summon the phantasm targeting a far away target while standing near another target close to you.

(PvE) Hopping / Signet of Inspiration dead

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


RIP all money invested in boon duration runes/sigils/gear.

not so tin foil hat post about SoI changes

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Seems like they are going after boon share. I’m not surprised nor concerned.

The druid nerf Inc is nice to see tbh

About mesmer itself and depending on numbers/calculations/rest of the changes it can either:

-Change nothing and afterall 1 mesmer can still mantain quickness on 10 ppl in raids (cause ppl still thinks signet is a copy/paste or doubling times but they are not giving as much quickness as they think because of effect stacking limits)

-Make 2 mesmer mandatory making alacrity a more consistent and realistic thing narrowing dps classes and pushing rev out( thief out, hammer guard less appealing, ele/necro the only dpsers)

-Or push mesmer out cause after all calcs made, dps increase from mesmer boons for 4 other players + mesmer dps doesnt payoff and simply bringing another dps class (or dps+support like guard or rev) would be better dps overall.
(currently a mesmer pays off cause it buffs 9 ppl,…. but buffing 4 is quite less than half effectivness).

About druid, to extent of the other classes i mentioned, im worried the most. I really think right now that ranger/druid is the most healthy/balanced class at pve (yes gotl is a tad op but w/e). It have build diversity, power/healing/condi, several variants, a good amount of wep choices, a nice skill cap, a good balance between dps and support, dropping support makes it a appealing dps choice (for condi variant only, sadly), dropping dps brings enhanced support etc…
The only way for druid to get out of this trouble is for Anet to introduce new stats combinations, for example Condi/condi dura/healingpower or even a 4stat with same 3 as before + power or precision for druid to mantain its condi variant, because for now seems zealot will be the way to go.

And this druid nerf will only affect it in pve.. Cause in pvp its meta build (mender amulet) will get buffed. And its in pvp where druid might be considered problematic not pve.

Anet did great with guardian last patch (for pve). Opening new and viable/similarly effective builds (less dps but prot with hammer, or more dps but less support with sword/scepter torch, making it a matter of taste or party/content demandings.
They are doing the opposite with druid, god knows why…

(edited by FJSAMA.2867)

Top 5 Changes: Skills and Traits

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Meta settled, builds experimented. Ideas start to come up. Let me hear your top 5 changes aiming mesmer skills for future balance patch. If you had to change something and only had 5 shots at it, what would it be. This is my top5:

  • Sword AA- Increased attackpoints / decreased delay aftercasts reducing the total chain time from 2.48s to 1.88s. Also bumped the first two skills from chain from 0.66 dmg coef. to 0.7
  • Gs#3 – Number of boons removed increased from 1 to 3.
  • Deceptive Evasion: additionally increase endurance regen (+50%) or increases vigor effectivness (duration/amount of endurance regen)
  • Signet of Inspiration (passive): instead of pusling random boons, boon duration increased 20%.
  • Arcane thievery: CD decreased to 30s. Aftercast delay is huge. Condi removal part on self should happen anyways and not dependent on target condition (if have target, if its in range, etc.)

About sword aa: mesmer sustained damage is bad. Also a light armor squishy target at melee range performing an autoattack should be better rewarded. Sword is the only melee weapon.

Gs#3: 12s CD and 1.0 dmg coeficient for a skill that roots you in place during the cast and only to remove 1 boon? Would help push power mesmer.

DE: A GM trait should have some more fuel added to it than a single clone that is already limited by 3 and by endurance regen and shatter cd. Also vigor/sigil of energy got sucessively nerfed. This trait took a heavy hit with those changes.

Signet Passive is just a way to to fix unreliable way to help in boon application and a lacking and totally random effect on self.

AT: Good potential skill, lacking in so many ways. Starting by it CD and then the unreliable way to remove condies, its prime effect i would say. I think condi removal should always happen. Only the offensive part (condi transfer/boon stealing) should be dependant of a target and its range/etc conditions.

(edited by FJSAMA.2867)

RIP Wells Art 11/17

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Just a small symbol centered in a blank circle…
I agree some animations were too noisy specially at pvp (some traps/overloads) i just dont think a flat ( with no hight) circle at ground could be so overhelming to be cut this way…
I just think they could create a rule in case of a big amount of animations in a small area or adjustable via options instead of this cut, specially in wells…
It bothers me much more alacrity “flame aura” and already mentioned (and approved) overloads than wells animation…


Making shield useful in PvE.

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Even if you don’t consider the phantasm, the chronomancer’s shield 5 skill alone has higher damage output than the shield skills of any other profession. In general shields aren’t intended to be high DPS weapons. If the utility of the skills is lacking, that’s an area that can be tuned, but we don’t have any plans to really increase the damage that much.

In terms of utility i think the main problem is in phantasm. Bounce dependent attacks/buff applications will be a mess to control in a area with a lot of mobs/allies.
Concerning utility aspect wells also have room to improve. For example in combo field type. Seen very good sugestions in the other topic…

Yet we have a big dilema in here… Shield is a defensive weapon, but mesmer damage is “balanced” arround having phantasm out ( if its a good way or bad way to balance mesmer damage, specially pve, its another story), and the dilema is here… we only have phantasm in offhand weapons.

We loose too much ( dmg in this case ) for the negligible suport and utility this phantasm provides.
And seems common sense dmg isnt the way to fix.

(edited by FJSAMA.2867)

Mantras ;o

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Oh, yeah, in case anyone didn’t notice, the tooltip on Mantra of Concentration is wrong. Actually gives 5 stacks of Stability, not 3.

ye, still 2s uptime sucks

Chronomancer Feedback Thread

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Oh, and I missed the part where you get 17s of alacrity from the 17-shatter rotation I posted above. And quickness that whole time if you took Seize the Moment instead of Chronophantasma, so the channel time on Signet of Illusions is .625s instead of the usual 1.25s. Might have time to add something else into that rotation before you revert f5.
Well of Precognition to make your shatters unblockable, maybe?

What if i tell U that all shatters go on 1s cd after you use one of them? 4s f5 would let you kittenter chain if i count right.

Rune of the Chronomancer

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


It becomes available on your craft profession after completion:


Mesmer Balance Changes

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


Healing scalling with healing power. Not the amount. (its a pothole “buff”).
Basically healing power will affect it. Yet you have to spend stats there to have any effect.
So lets all sacrifice offensive stats even more ( power/precision/ferocity/condi/condi duration) to support rather the same

(edited by FJSAMA.2867)