This is definitely harder to work with imo when you have an elementalist for tune swapping as pressing ctrl forces your fingers into a lower position. I’m sure it works well for your ranger since pets hardly need any F key pressing outside of their skills / F4 swapping (while in combat). Or maybe I just dont have as long fingers as you do =(.
I’m 6’10 so I have some pretty long fingers. Ranger pets require more control than you would think (especially in dungeons/fractals), but certainly not as much as Ele. I have to use mouse clicks on the earth attunement because I just can’t hit the f4 on my keyboard at home without moving my entire hand off the WASD, and all the other nearby keys are in use.
you should really try this WSAD on a thumbstick is the solution to every problem ^^
it’s a good suggestion, I like it. Remembering the latest post from Anet about this I’m quite pessimistic about them evolving the system. I feel no love for the lore-lovers in this game since there is not much to collect in this department. Not even legendaries have a legend so to speak of. (I’m sorry about this pessimism, I’m quite frustrated at the moment because of this)
This is my shocked face. /s
why?? It’s only… 18 pieces of ascended armor! Should be completed in 2016.
Thanks god no more PvE players and AP hunters in WvW. Praise the 2014-09-12 tournament ! Great move ANet.
We (WvW players) dont need some sily achievments as a reward. Just give me a precursor from enemy loot bags :P
I think it’s more complex than that. Already full servers which have no problems in getting enough people into WvW probably hate the influx of PvE players, on the other hand servers which barely have people playing WvW need this system desperately.
I, as a dedicated WvW player, welcome anything that increases my rewards. Especially when I look to other modes and see what you get for playing in the same time.
interesting mechanic with the reward-tiers. I don’t get it yet 100% but it will come, a lot of achievements to do here – I like it. The sandstorm keeps it dynamic…
I wonder what the future holds for the map, I don’t think it will stay the same.
I guess you missed my Point here. I am only speaking about dungeons not world Content. I think dungeons and Fractals should be the world where hard Content Needs to be found. It’s just a fact that it is way to hard to Balance Content in open world reasons for this are:
- People going afk while dead scaling the Event up
- Trolls
- Many ways to exploit bug things ect
- Way more issues that can appearWhile it might be intresting to test it I think the real Content with Special dungeon tokkens should be around dungeons only. Where you can make your fix Group and make sure nobody is desturbing it triggering another Event by mistake.
Short Version: I think you didn’t get I was only speaking about dungeons:)
I disagree. I think where GW2 is really strong is the open world, it’s dynamic events. It’s the main content of the game and all people should find interesting enough content for them to do at the main content. Sure, dungeons should be hard. Explorable mode was supposed to be rock-hard, don’t know what happened there. The newest iteration (Twilight Arbor Path) looks like they found a good balance.
Open world hard mode could definitely work with downscaling imho. Dead people / afk people cannot scale an event up, that’s not how it works. You have to be doing enough damage to make an event scaling up. If you’re dead because you are bad, the event (should) scale back again (I haven’t tested this) since you aren’t contributing.
As you see, you can’t troll via downscaling. You are just the same as a lowie player, and you don’t scare lowies away, do you?
Personally I think GW2 needs a better risk-reward ratio, even when no hardmode is introduced. Rewarding longer dungeons with more gold was a good start, but not nearly at the rate I would like to see.
There would be a lot of possibilities to reward people for taking a risk. Anet could introduce a challenge mode where you basically lock your character out of being able to wear better-than-white gear. Scale players back -2 levels of the current zone and the designers wouldn’t even have to design new content for hardcore players. Rewards should be appropriate of course (e.g. a new t7-crafting material that drops from mobs which are killed by players in hardmode).
why all those suggestions Lich? Have you any idea what this topic is all about?
I’m a big fan of the first two novels and I’m waiting for the 3rd, Sea of Sorrows, since quite a while before release of GW2. Can anyone from Anet give me any update, it seems I’ve missed a reason for delay, even though I’m in these forums nearly every day
Sorry if this is the wrong section for this topic, but I love the connections between the novels and the game… It’s awesome to find those characters from the books ingame; I’d wish those had some epic event-chains to offer.
I’d like to add something:
I really love the look of the new helmet we can buy for 250 fortune scraps (or 1 golden ticket). As I don’t think I’m lucky enough I’d like to work for that helmet… well work, ahem, is the word which fits.
Dulfy mentioned that baskets have a droprate of 1/10 (or less) of the fortune scraps. This means that I would probably have to open 2500 baskets for the ticket. In 25 days this are 100 baskets per day.
I really don’t know how to get the helmet without missing the new zone, the awesome looking race, the scavenger hunt,… I can’t play 24/7. I’d have to buy it in the TP for 8000 gems?! omg.
I guess I can scrap that helmet I really wanna have in order to enjoy the content this month. If it were permanent, I could farm it in my own pace and still would be able to participate in all the new content. I really like that there’s always new things to do, but having that new content around forever wouldn’t really hurt the game imho. People would still go to the new event. People would still have to put a lot of time into the basket-hunt in order to get the helmet.
(edited by Marcus Greythorne.6843)
Lets Chat: Revenant Masters of the Mist
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843
what I think they should do (revenant only): because of the limited choice in build-crafting (you choose sets of skills, not single skills) you have the unique option to choose from a pool of weapon skills.
(example: Hammer gives you 8 skills, you slot 5 of those)
I like the current dungeon token system and the current laurel system and WvW badge system in this game most.
- specific non generic things you’ll have to do (WvW badges aside)
- you see your progress instead of RNG
- special rewards for high costs (mini-wolf, legendary gift)
- a big variety of rewards – nice sink
WvW-badges could use a bigger variety of rewards though, imho. And those special rewards for high costs as well.
I’d love to see a token system for exploration also. And for zones as well. People finish the zone-completion once and leave the zone for good. Rewards could be new skills as well, as alternative of spending big (not small numbers like 20) amounts of skillpoints.
(edited by Marcus Greythorne.6843)
These attempts to increase your revenues from the game are soo irritating……..first you (Anet) ended the key runs in the previous update……..and now this…….and all in the name of “simplifying”
Yes how dare a company (whose first and foremost purpose is to make money) dare try to make money?
I’m with you with the love for Anet and “our” game. Do you really think this was a good move for their business? Just look at all the rage, not only here but in countless other fan-forums too. They won’t make money that way, they will lose customers.
well saying no to Abaddon would equal telling Anet: “I don’t care about Guild Wars 1 lore” which would lead to a decreasing chance of ever setting foot on Cantha, Elona etc.
lol, no.
of course! Thaumanova would have completely new lore and Anet would get the feedback that their latest storytelling is fine (judging from Aetherblades and Southsun Cove it’s really not epic). GW1’s storytelling is epic… that’s what I vote for.
I don’t ask myself: “do I get through alive?”. Well yeah I do. I ask myself: “is it fun to defeat enemies in an area I just defeated 2min ago?” For me the clear answer is “no”.
I just enjoy a battle with the “right” pacing. A lot of action and then a phase with time to retreat, sit down for a moment or two, enjoy the scenery and plan my next move. Not possible with the current respawn-rate/mechanic.
It would be a big mistake though to fragment the playerbase. As much as I love the idea of new maps, it would just split a server in two. New zones? Yes, absolutely! But make these main content for ALL playertypes.
I missed something that showed how adventures are different to the activities we know. All we’ve seen is how we start adventures and how the player killed mobs while a number in the UI grew.
We didn’t see anything rewardlike
We didn’t see any UI that shows the points of our guildies/friends
It’s really difficult for someone who has no idea what an adventure is to get information out of this presentation.
Sad. the new area is just one big jumping puzzle. This game really has become just another platform game with better graphics.
Great atmosphere? Lol.
If you want lots of jumping puzzles, go play a jumping game- there are thousands of them already out there.
I was hoping for a continuation of the first part, instead it’s just a wasted space and a JP that will be dead in a few weeks if not less.
speak for yourself. GW2 was advertised with jumping long before it’s release and a lot of people were happy about the ability to explore the world not only horizontally but also vertically.
I love jumping puzzles in GW2, they are all about exploring – a big part of the game.
the new jumping puzzle is permanent
the new scavenger hunt is permanent
the dungeon will be added as a permanent fractal probably
the queen karka metaevent is permanent
new guild missions are permanent
new events and scenerie is permanent
also: Anet stated that they will add more permanent content coming with the living story in the future.
“magicfind makes a huge difference”
I’d like to add that the feeling of being rewarded by a higher MF depends. Open world drops are rarely interesting imho. You get blues/greens/yellows which are mostly salvage-fodder for lv.80 players and exotics are quite rare and not that interesting for a long-time lv.80 player who has his crafted exotic-set since week 2 of being lv.80. The interesting drops are ascended boxes (too rare) and precursors. Both you’ll probably never see in your first year playing GW2 casually, even with 300+ MF.
The more interesting drops – interesting skins like the champion box weapons etc. aren’t open world drops. These drop from champion boxes which don’t work with magic find. (and I don’t count crafting mats to “interesting drops”)
TL;DR: better MagicFind won’t make players feel more rewarded. That’s my honest opinion, but others migth feel very different.
I also like how jumping brings new aspects to the gameplay. The search for the hidden coins in Dry Top got me to really sweet spots which gave not only a great source for screenshots but also a decent overview about the area for decicions how to proceed. It’s exploration on stereoids.
Funny how this game makes climbing much more satisfying than the Assassins Creed games.
^mostly agree, I wonder why Izzy takes his time to write all those answers if they basically say… well not much.
Rangers already have to find juvenile animals to tame… Make this part of the log for every character, since some of the animals aren’t too easy to find.
log entry:
Find each of these juvenile creatures
good post. I also want to add that this nerf is also quite bad for most players:
Enemies die in seconds. If you don’t play ranged or melee shadowstepping it’s quite difficult to contribute to events. Once you reach an enemy, the mob is already dead.
BWE2’s mobs survived much longer, so picking fights was important. Even when many players hit a mob it survived long enough for everyone to do damage on it.
building your own skills out of skill pieces would not only be a nightmare for balancing, the profession-specific feeling would also get lost as well as the possibility for other players to “read” your actions and react the right way.
I wonder if such epic bossfights would be possible outside of dungeons. Like: your zerg runs into the battle, the boss throws everyone but 5-8 players out of the arena (because he decides to fight 8 at a time, not more) and the other players outside have to support the players in the arena by doing events that interact with the battle. And then the boss switches to 8 other players. etc.
Some kind of anti-zerg mechanic without excluding the zerg completely – so that coordinated battles are still possible.
I enjoyed these trait unlocks:
O- Flame Legion Tombs in (Diessu Plateau)
O- Vexa’s Lab (Fireheart Rise)
O- Provernic Crypt (Gendarren Fields)
O- That bandit cave with the Chest (Kessex Hills)
O- Ship of Sorrows (Straits of Devastation)See something in common? All of them revolve around taking the player to a lesser explored area in the world.
Keep in mind what made GW1 skill capping so pleasant: Everything was instanced. You had a clearly set challenge before being able to capture a skill, which often brought you to new areas of the world. Furthermore, there was no timegate.
couldn’t have said it better, incentives to explore the world is the best thing the game can do imho. It’s strengths are the huge open world and the well crafted map-pieces. Finding a hidden cave and defeating the monster in it should feel rewarding, not blue-or-green-rewarding.
The scenes in outside of Ketto’s lab go into some of these details, but I agree that having additional, optional items that add more depth to the story is always a good thing. We sometimes include this type of content in our LW releases (Southsun had journals) and other times we rely on dialog.
Thanks for this reply Bobby! I really like the journals on Southsun and Ebonhawke but I’d suggest to unlock these writings in some kind of UI (like a list of entries) once found. The reason why I think this would be important is because those entries would have a certain order which makes the whole story easier to look at than small fractals of info spread around in the world. Unlockables like this will also be highly motivating to complete… people will want to get rid of all those question marks in a list in order to get more lore entries. Furthermore those optional bits will make it interesting again to explore the world (in case these are rare random spawns in some specific offroad locations).
this “fear” of PvP (even if it’s just a little minigame which makes a lot of fun) is tiring
exactly what Morrigan says, giving each professions new weapons would make professions even more unique. You want a Warrior/Elementalist? Give the Elementalist a mainhand sword (+ offhand sword). Now you have a sword wielding Elementalist (= Battlemage) who has very unique new sword skills instead of having a warrior/ele who has warrior sword skills.
What I can imagine happening: adding new utility skills for specific professions, which have a certain flair. Combining it with one of Nike’s suggestions: a battlemaster who still knows certain fighting techniques from the old days teaches the players his skills (requirement: certain tasks / challenges to unlock).
Example: Warriors and Elementalists can unlock a utility skill called “XY” which shares the characteristics of warrior skills and elementalist skills.
(edited by Marcus Greythorne.6843)
More generally the whole process of legenary creation is distinctly unlegendary and all around meh. Grind X McGillion items, get a precursor, voila you’re now really special.
I can’t agree more. Personally I’d turn Lodestones into untradeable mats and decrease the number of stones I need for a Legendary down to 3-10. Personally I’ve rarely seen Lodestones drop, and I hate that most of the people need to spend money on the trading post to purchase Lodestones.
Seriously, how much money do you WvWers (like me) out there make via playing WvW mostly? I can say that for me, even though we kill a lot of enemy players, it’s a VERY small number.
Hey there. My suggestion would be a quite simple one: Introduce collectibles like those in Everquest 2 & Rift.
just to make sure everyone knows what I’m talking about:
Pieces that can be found in the open world. If you find a whole set of those small parts (with a bit of lore) then you can turn it it for a specific(!!) reward.
the system:
It should work similar to the system Anet introduced with the lost heirlooms in the Flame & Frost storyline. There is a chance that a certain piece of a set spawns in specific locations. A set consists of about 6 pieces.
a spontaneous idea:
Sets from a collection can be found on certain paths. Imagine you’re a treasure hunter and follow the footsteps of important characters from GuildWars lore. There will be multiple ways to find pieces of a certain set:
1.) If you find setpiece XY in Spot A in the north and setpiece XZ in spot B in the south, it is likely that you can find other setpieces between those spots.
2.) You can find lore-pages which tell the journey of this person. For example: After he left Ascalon city he found shelter on top of the northern wall. You can now follow this accurately described path and have a chance to find some of those spawns.
You don’t understnad how much I loved collectibles in Rift! Being able to collect sets of artifacts and play like a sort of a treasure hunter with a bit of added lore was amazing. One reason I got bored of GW2 so fast was the instant gratifcation with every Vista, POI, WayPoint, in the game. It felt like I was just ticking a check box instead of hunting items down to complete a set.
Agreed – artifacts were all kinds of awesome! I probably spent more timing doing artifact runs in Stillmoor than anything else. Was a great social thing too since you could exchange both artifacts as well as your “secret spots” and optimized paths. I REALLY wish WildStar will feature something similar.
how it can look like
(edited by Marcus Greythorne.6843)
relevant, Colin:
I think that’s a totally fair question, as a veteran user I’d wonder that too – why does making the game better for new users benefit me when I want features that benefit me?
The simple answer is: by ensuring the game foundation is solid for new users, we’ll be in a place after the feature pack where we can do the kind of things that excite both veteran and new users simultaneously, and we’ll be able to retain a much larger percentage of the new or long returning users when they show up. Can’t say anything more than that yet – but that’s the thinking, you don’t need to agree with it, but it’s important to know why the decision was made!
Yeah we thought so too. After tens of thousands of usability testers and interviews with players who tried Gw2 and left leading up to China launch both in NA/EU and in China – we learned we were wrong.
Honestly, we were kind of shocked how many systems, downed included a surprising number of players just didn’t understand. For downed, we tried a downed tutorial, building downed into the level 1 tutorial, etc. We found after usability testing with numerous different groups, the best rate of people learning and understanding it came from having it be layered complexity and the solution we went with above. Intuitively that wouldn’t have been my guess either initially, but we found people understood it better this way than all other options we tried.
This same level of testing led to the other changes as well. At the end of the day the biggest take away I’d say is: all of us, especially people who go to a reddit to discuss a game, probably know games (and Gw2) really really well. We have millions of users, and a tiny % of them frequent game forums or reddit. Just because all of us, me included, learned those systems well and thought it was all really easy doesn’t mean we are the norm
I have no time at the moment to post the context/questions/statements, look for yourself:
a user called Auesis had an idea how to implement Legendaries in a non-grindy way which imho still feels quite epic:
More than that, Legendaries wouldn’t be a gold sink. They would be acquired ONLY through a combination of heavy skill-focused challenges, be it from dungeons or playing in the open world in a specific way. Then, they would be a part of that new achievement panel, where you can extract them for any of your characters, but cannot sell.
This would be awesome in my opinion. Legendaries would still be a long-term goal but without having to accumulate that huge amount of mats. People could no longer complain that you have to grind the mats. Achievement points are gained by every single achievement you can get, playing the game the way you want.
I love the skill barrier too. You should proof your worthiness. It’s not “play the dungeon 200 times” but rather: “kill that boss with all those gambits active” etc. (I’m talking about a possible future implementation of gambits in dungeons,… has been datamined not long ago).
on a further note: give gold medals only to players who get all the bonus objectives. Anet has to design those first. Examples:
- kill at least 3 centaurs and 2 balistas
- make sure that the dolyak won’t die
- no enemy may enter the camp, kill them before
this would bring a bit more challenge to the event-system. Gold-Medals are far too easy to achieve and players already want a hardmode, because there is little failure at the moment in the event-system.
Everyone should be allowed to get content; the most skilled get it earlier, while the least skilled after longer.
it’s not content. It’s an achievement. I disagree. Good players and players who learn to become good should get achievements which aren’t available to people who have no idea how to play their profession imho.
No one is locked out of content / things to do in the game. It’s just a skin/medal. Do you also think that anyone who competes in a sports-tournament should get the gold medal by just playing long enough? O_o
I smell a player who rarely plays GW2 and/OR refuses to become better by learning/practicing how to play. Portals in Jumping Puzzles?
(edited by Marcus Greythorne.6843)
a suggestion I posted a while ago:
What I think about Boss-Fights with big crowds of people: make content in those battles for everyone. The idea would be that the pro-players play alongside not-experienced players at the same time. Each of those groups has a different task to fulfil in order to kill the boss.
for example the possible content for a dragon-fight:
-) very easy: an explosion destroyed the supply-tanks and ammunition for the heavy weaponry is spread all over the battleground. Return those to the mortars.
-) easy: use the mortars and shoot the boss + defending the mortars from enemies
-) medium: …
-) hard: …
-) very hard: get up close. This part is pretty unvorgiving. People have to learn the animation-patterns of the boss in order to survive the attacks. Otherwise they die. It won’t be possible to get close and survive without having REALLY good movement.
now this sounds not new, but that’s not all. The new thing would be: the boss can only die when each of those steps is done with success. I’d describe it this way: the Boss has a health bar for each of those steps.
-) very-easy healthbar
-) easy healthbar
-) medium healthbar
-) hard healthbar
-) very hard healthbar – for the pro-players
so 5 seperate healthbars
This means: a Boss can’t be defeated only the easy-way (shooting mortars in this example). The easy-crowd does no damage anymore, when their bar is empty. Instead it regenerates slowly. The really good team which goes toe-to-toe with the dragon has to be successful too. The way it is now there is not really a very hard way, you can stand next to the dragon and nothing happens most of the time. I stood in front of the Shatterer and he ignored me. The closer you are to a dragon, the more dangerous it should be. Take the champions in the open world. Each of those is more dangerous than a dragon currently. This shouldn’t be imho.
more advanced bosses would additionaly have the players to bring all health-bars to 25% in the same minute, else certain health-bars would regenerate.
So people can choose which health bar they want to drain. They can try the close combat route – if that’s too hard and they constantly get killed, they can help in those easier routes. The unexperienced players would cheer for the elite-group. And the pro-players would need the less experienced players too, so that the battle wouldn’t last forever.
The more you participate on a specific loot-bar, the more loot you’d get. Not better loot, but more of it. Doing the hardest part with gold would also be a good choice for cosmetic rewards (like a piece of armor made of dragonscales for example). So in the end every player would get exotics, the easy-route 1, the hard-route 2, the very hard route 2+cosmetic.
I’d love to have the Tengu as playable race. If their Dominion of the Winds became a new racial city, I would design it like Ebonhawke though. Lots of dynamic events, a hell lot of things to do, contrary to the other main cities.
As only one main city with action going on would seem a bit odd, I’d suggest designing a lot of events for the current main cities as well.
but why do they implement tutorials then? In WvW there is a tutorial for example. Everone could look up the mechanics in the wiki… sigh
they could scrap the whole recipe-list from our crafting professions, we should find out all the recipes all the time, wouldn’t it be great? Short answer: no it wouldn’t.
The thing about this situation is that it will rage like mad for a couple of days and then it will blow over, just like all the other times.
It probably will, but the damage is already done and people will quote this change everytime something else like this happens, like people still mention the “promise” of a scavenger hunt for precursors. It’s food for the flamers and haters, and they like the taste.
very short suggestion:
add a 4 slot quickbar next to the minimap, you now would have easy access to a number of items without the need to open your bags:
- for consumables
- for minis
- for instruments (flute, horn,…)
- for tonics
- for utility consumables like the new clockwork portal
- buy slot 5-7 for 400gems each (profit for Anet)
I understand that this would take a bit of UI-space, but not as much as an opened bag would take
I wonder why they moved that far away from GW1 in many aspects
like the skill-variety of mobs
like patrolling mobs
like mob-groups
Maybe there was a reason for doing so and it wouldn’t work well with GW2’s gameplay?!
Personally I love to challenge myself with soloing the patrolling mob-group (yes, it’s there, but rarely seen of branded creatures with the champ in the brand.
(edited by Marcus Greythorne.6843)
Well people are used to their daily kill every day, but this also means that the rewards / reward-chances have to be quite bad because else everyone would get that good reward in a matter of days.
Doing it on schedule is also a guarantee that there are always too much people at the event.
What I would like to see, starting with one map:
- Instead of having the meta-boss on schedule remove it from it BUT give people incentives to play in that map more.
- add dynamic zone-champions that have random spawn times and wander around a zone (like the guild-bosses but available for everyone around). Give them desireable rewards that are more rewarding because of the rarity of the event.
- Make the more trivial world bosses much stronger so that there is a good chance of failure while at the same time significantly increasing the rewards for it.
- Make them more punishing. When being defeated you can’t return to this battle. It’s brutal, but imho that’s what an epic encounter should be.
World bosses shouldn’t be farming-food imho, they should feel like something special. I’d rather see a too strong Shatterer than a too weak one which dies too fast while no player died.
I don’t get it, you can be killed but you can’t damage other players?
not everyone has as much gold as you… It IS a prestige object for a lot of players and if you saved your gold until you finally hit the 120g mark and now you get it for half the price with an extra effect, you’ll feel screwed over.
I do agree that the living world just dont feel epic. I also have an issue with most of them being dungeon based. Living world events should allow ALL players to particpate and not feel exc;luded because either (a) not high enough level to really run a dungeon, (b) not high enough to get into groups which tend to exclude players not level 80, © or the event is too heavily dependant upon dungeons to complete. I know I am not alone in my distain against gw2 dungeons.
you are not. Sometimes I find dungeons fun, but I wished that there would be some open world content which isn’t all about zergs but rather individuals and small groups. We already have some open world dungeons, why not build upon those?
I’m not adding new or personal content to the discussion yet.
I’m looking forward at you doing that, John. I wonder how you, as a player, experience RNG in GW2. Are you a lucky one? Could the fact that you are on one specific side of the bell-curve have an effect on the game…
I also wonder if you consider that people who do get ascended drops might not get the drops they want (stuff with healing power, for example). Exactly this happened to me. I had a few (2-3, can’t remember) ascended drops from rank-up chests in WvW and would consider myself lucky because of this. I’m not happy though, since none of the stat-combinations were anywhere near useful for me.
Guildwars2HubAs I mentioned briefly at the beginning, the worst part about this content addition is the fact that the Crown Pavillion will only be accessible for a month. I cannot grasp the reason for this as similarly to the Bazaar, it’s some of the best content ArenaNet have made and yet it’s going to be removed once again. Instead players are going to have to rush to participate and complete it. I can understand the Balloons and Beacons being removed as they are temporary celebration items. When it comes to permanent fixtures affecting the world, especially a fixture that is built over the great collapse, I’m struggling to justify any reasoning given.
I fully agree… finally we get some challenging content for solo-players and again it’s only temporary?!? I’m SOOO frustrated at the moment, I don’t know what to say