Showing Posts For Angel.8742:

Fraudulent Email AGAIN!!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Angel.8742


Hmmm For some odd reason the first post would not show. But regardless here it is again for those of you wanting the info.


Bot Hot Spots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Angel.8742


Well Gaile, I have reported and reported and reported. I’m done reporting. I think you guys need a get a better handle on these botters. They are smarter than you think. I have exactly 6.37 hours of video footage recording these guys with their bots. And I have had enough. So tired of seeing the inflation of the AH because of them. They get to run amuck on the servers and we the legit players pay the price.

I currently have my friends list loaded with suspected botters that I have recorded on video of their routes and routines that are continuous over & over & over for hours on end and there are a few of them I have reported for the past few months and yet they are still on the server.

I know I know…How do I know they are bots then if ANet is still allowing them to be on the server. They must not be a bot right? WRONG!!!

In the game that shall not be named I was a professional botter for 2 years. Multi-Boxing 4 accounts at the same time. So do I know what to look for in a botter? I think I have that credibility to say yes I do. And since I have been playing this game I have seen no reason to have to bot due the certain aspects of the gameplay you guys have in place. Yes it is starting to turn into a grind, but I played for 5 years in this same style in the game that shall not be named. So I’m used to it. And I do enjoy it to a certain point so long as there is a goal involved. Almost have everything for my 1st Ascended Weapon

Back to the Botters. The Video I created shows all of them doing their thing. Names and All. But as you said in your OP we are not supposed to show the names of shame in this forum.

I ask why not?

I mean seriously. Why not shame them? Why not burn them into the ground? You ask us to play by your rules, and for those of us that do we abide by them. But these botters don’t care about your rules. They don’t care what you say. They don’t care how you feel. They don’t care if your feelings are hurt. They are there to EXPLOIT the system and ANet is letting them.

Don’t get me wrong. You guys have gotten rid of a lot of the botters in the past. But if you guys don’t keep up with their methods along with all the botting programs out there 8 of them to be exact and learn how these guys are circumventing your game your never going to beat them at theirs. I can’t even count how many botters I have destroyed by reporting them over the past year. I know the number is extremely high.

So being as I can’t post their names I will say this much. I’m done reporting Gaile. I’m Sorry But I’m tired of seeing them and I’m also tired of taking my time out to report these guys and not see anything getting done about the ones I report. I am very diligent when it comes to reporting. I mean seriously…6 and half hours of video footage showing botters at their worst? Don’t you think I have done my bit and then some? Spending my time to hunt these guys down and watch them for hours on end and recording it to make sure I have the evidence to back up my claim?

I will be posting my video on Youtube so the masses can see how to read these guys and know what to look for in spotting a botter. This way maybe some of the legit players will actually learn what to look for and know when & how to spot a botter. It’s so simple even my wife who doesn’t play the game knows what to look for and how to spot them while I’m playing.

As for where to find the botters in Ehmry Bay, Everywhere….But here are a few hot spots I have found them every day all day.

Ehmry Bay
Malchor’s Leap & Cursed Shore – Numerous Bots – All hours of the day.
Frostgorge Sound – 5 or 6 Botters – All hours of the day.
Timberline Falls – Farming the Jotun @ Thistlereed Grove – You guys get these botters when I report them pretty quick. All hours of the day.

In closing, you guys have gotten better, but it still needs some serious work and some serious dedication to make your game Bot Free. You have to know where to go and what to look for to find these guys and track them down and spend hours making sure it is a bot. And I don’t mean just watch them in game. Download these botting applications and tear them apart and look at the coding. They are so simply put together it’s almost a joke. And I don’t just report willy nilly. I spent hours watching these guys and making sure it’s a bot before I report them. So when I report a bot, It’s not just something I suspect. I Know for a Fact it’s a bot.

P.S. Love Tequatl 2.0 It’s about time =)

No-DR weekends?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Angel.8742


This is a BAD IDEA!!!! Your giving the Botters the opportunity to farm with no DRs? Really?? Seriously?? Bad Idea. And believe me…they aren’t gone. Not by far….Ehmry Bay is loaded with them. Been following them day in & day out now for the past 6 days and they are still farming in Cursed Shore & other areas like nobodies business. And ANet has yet to remove them. They follow the same exact pattern every day. No change. It’s a real shame that ANet doesn’t put some people in charge of this aspect of the game that monitors the botters and their activities as soon as they are reported. I have quite a list on my F-List showing these guys being online 24/7. And for the past 6 days they are still online. Maybe ANet needs to HIRE some professional botters that know what to look for and how identify botters by just watching them. Lord Knows if an ignorant like me can see the simplicity of the botters pathing I’m sure it should be more obvious to anyone else that knows what to look for.

So Intermittent or Weekend DRs?? No Way…not until the Botters are 100% removed from this game will I give my vote for it.

Funny Looking Hermit Crab

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Angel.8742


Must be a new breed or cross breed.


Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Angel.8742


Balths is open on Ehmry Bay Right now.

Constant crashing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Angel.8742


Well I’m glad I’m not the only one crashing a LOT in this game. And don’t tell me it’s my computer. That’s utter nonsense. Whereas I have other games installed to my D drive and among other games such as Saints Row The Third, BioShock Infinite, Scarlet Blade, The Sims 3, blah blah blah. None of them crash after HOURs & HOURs of playing them. EVER. Yet I can’t even go through whole day of playing Guild Wars 2 without it crashing 4 or 5 times in a play segment. Just out of the clear blue it’s always something causing the game to crash for no reason that I can tell. Yes I can read the error logs just fine. Yes I can read the Corrupt-XX.dat files. None of that does me 1 bit of good. You guys won’t tell us what these errors are. Out of all the error reports I have ever sent I have NEVER gotten a reply from ANYONE about what the problem is.

I don’t PvP at all. Nothing. No WvW, No tPvP, no PvP at all. 100% PvE for me. And yet the guild I’m in is 98% PvP and they say they don’t experience crashes from the game hardly ever. So why am I experiencing it all the time?

As the picture will show you below all the Corrupt Files I have accumulated over time that is a tad bit ridiculous. And annoying to say none the least. Constantly having to repair the game over & over & over makes me at times not want to play because of these issues. But I always come back to it. And I will repair it AGAIN like I always do. Why? Because I actually enjoy this game.

I will say this in closing, Guild Wars 2 in all it’s glory & beauty for me is the ONLY GAME that has ever given me this much grief in the past 10 years. And believe me when I say I’m a hardcore gamer, I’m not kidding. I have played 1000’s of games. And I would have to say that out of the top 5 games that have given me grief from errors this one is in the top 3.

Don’t get me wrong. I love your game AN. I really do. And it’s why I will stick with it through thick & thin. And I will go through the hassle of repairing the data AGAIN. But someone really has to knuckle down and fix this stuff. Nothing is more annoying that getting into a battle with something and then all of the sudden WHAM crash.

So anyways, my game has repaired itself AGAIN…So I’m off to play for awhile.


Personal Story Graphic Glitch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Angel.8742


Thought you guys might want to see this as it is happening right now as I am working on the the portion of the Story called Retribution.

See attachment


Faster Bot Reporting Technique

in Suggestions

Posted by: Angel.8742


I’m not sure if this has been suggested before or not but here is my 2 cents worth. While you guys seem to have the majority of the botters taken care of the biggest issue I’m still seeing is the Teleporters. And they are VERY hard to catch. Having to click on their toon and then choose report is very hard . It’s a combination technique that can be very tricky and too many clicks. Let’s make it shorter. A very simple Key Combination to use for bringing up the report dialog. While I could use a 3rd party Macro application to do this function for me, I do not. I’m still a little vague on the EULA agreement on such an application for that option.

But regardless if we could just use the option ex. Click on a Character and then hit CTRL R then that would bring up the report dialog box with just 1 click and 2 simple button presses. Instead of having to go through the tedious clicking method. I don’t know how many botters have escaped my grasp because I have to constantly click click scroll click and hope I get them within the 3 strikes of the mining pick and then they teleport away. I have had it happen 1 too many times. If I could get the ability to CTRL R them after clicking on them it would be 1 step faster to getting rid of them. The teleporters are very hard to catch. And you have to know when and where to look for them. I have lost count like so many others on the teleporting bots as to myself reporting them. Countless botters on Ehmry Bay. And it seems like the major majority of them are teleporters. And if you aren’t fast enough to do all the clicking you lose the ability to report them because they don’t stand around waiting for you to report them. And if you don’t get to that report action fast enough you don’t get the option to report them because the option to report them disappears.

So anyways, just my 2 Cents worth on a quicker response time for reporting them.

Click on the toon to be Reported for botting. CTRL R to bring up the dialog. Report. Simple and easy instead of all the clicking.

Honor of the Waves exp needs to be fixed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Angel.8742


Yea, I’m not sure what happened to HoTW since the last time I ran PATH 1 with Aldus Stormbringer but seriously? The Ads just won’t stop spawning. And you can’t get in enough time to attack the boss. Even standing up top Aldus will 2 shot you with his Ice Barrage he throws in Multiple Directions so that it hits everyone. On top of that you have to deal with the Ads coming up top and you can’t kill them. Even with a good solid party like we had it was just way too much. We spent almost an hour trying to figure out a method to killing this guy and continuing on but we finally gave up because of the ads after an hour of beating our heads against the ice.

This boss never used to be like that. It was a pretty straight forward fight. And it wasn’t easy before. But now…Pffft…it’s like no boss fight I have ever come across in the entire game. Running around from the ads is fine. There isn’t a problem with that. But you can’t run around, watch the boss, deal with the ads, jump down and hope you don’t get hit with his ice barrage after taking fall dam and then run back up top avoiding ice traps and minions from the ads summoning, and I could on & on. But I think you get my point. This needs to be addressed. This path is by far not like it used to be. And people will avoid it like a plague if it doesn’t get resolved in some fashion. I know I won’t go back to it till it gets fixed or changed in a way so that it’s at least feasible to complete.