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Invincible Reaper Build? (PvE)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cannabrah.7842


Remember we don’t know will they change something in Reaper because of the mobility revamp and secondly there’s no date for the landing of Reaper. I just think that people should concentrate on maximizing the builds without reaper since it will be months before we can access it.

But on second note the build (if the traits stay the same) sounds awesome for some speed running.

Yea that’s what I said in the OP, it probably is too soon to start theorycrafting but it’s surely looks potent.

Good work though

Invincible Reaper Build? (PvE)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cannabrah.7842


Remember we don’t know will they change something in Reaper because of the mobility revamp and secondly there’s no date for the landing of Reaper. I just think that people should concentrate on maximizing the builds without reaper since it will be months before we can access it.

But on second note the build (if the traits stay the same) sounds awesome for some speed running.

Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cannabrah.7842


Also does the consume conditions change mean we wont be able to use it to cleanse conditions and get out of combat anymore? This sucks major kittens.

Ofcourse we can’t. We are designed to be at the combat! This is a trick to get to downstate faster.

My favorite part of this patch...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cannabrah.7842


It takes 4 seconds to reach them at max distance, maybe. But using the same argument, it would take 3-4 seconds for someone to run from 1200 range to your spot without any gap closers.

And yes, the vuln only lasts 4 seconds. I Honestly have no idea why people are complaining about such a short duration vuln. Just fear that person attacking you or something, the vuln will be over before they can react anyways lol.

This is kinda the problem here. If a thief sees you heal, he could teleport on you instantly and deal a lot of burst before you can act. A guardian can do the same and block all your responses to boot. People are going to recognize this annoying little caveat with time. The heal is putting you in a position to blow a 20 second cooldown to deal with a “harmless” 4 second condition.

We’ll see how it ultimately pans out, but I don’t have a single good feeling about this one.

Yep, heal→get dazed/blinded and boost your enemies attacks with self-inflected condi. That just sounds brilliant.

My favorite part of this patch...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cannabrah.7842


I assume you mean spiking yourself down with own condis?

Didn’t know vuln did damage to yourself… I’m learning so many new things today. Have fun getting feared instantly after my heal tho o/.

GL being forced to retaliate to things your own heal does to you.

My favorite part of this patch...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cannabrah.7842


These are the points I was making earlier. It is too short to be transferred but it is enough for the atleast 1 ppl attacking you to make difference since you take 10% more dmg.

But if it isn’t worth the cooldown of transferring it and whatever else people are throwing at you, then why is it such a big deal? If they are already whamming on you, that condi transfer is instant. Also, I’ll say it again. 10% less damage isn’t going to save you from a 1v2/1v3 as a necro.

Well I’d gladly take 10% less dmg against thief when I’ve just cleansed condis of me. Seriously you can’t argue that this is a good addition to our most potent heal since none of the other heals haven’t been buffed to counter this.

My favorite part of this patch...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cannabrah.7842


The stack of vulnerability only lasts 4 seconds. I think it takes that long for a dagger 4 just to reach the target.

Maybe you clear a row of conditions and then you get a bunch more reapplied to you. Now you’re taking 10% more damage from these new conditions while you attempt to transfer them. Maybe you fail to transfer them period, because you know, necros are easy to bounce around.

This won’t even be worth the cooldown to transfer. It is literally just a heal that invites people already hitting you to hit you even more.

These are the points I was making earlier. It is too short to be transferred but it is enough for the atleast 1 ppl attacking you to make difference since you take 10% more dmg.

My favorite part of this patch...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cannabrah.7842


You now need to bring more condi removal/transfer in some other way (traits or utilities) that you needed before. How is that making other not buffed heals better or viable that weren’t that even before?

Why is this? Transfers move just as many conditions as they did before. The only thing changing is the timing of said skills. Heck, you could pop a few corruption skills, get loads of condis on yourself, heal for massive amounts of health since consume conditions heals per condition, and then transfer/convert the vuln that apparently makes necro unplayable for you.

Other heals become viable because if you didn’t take consume conditions, your complaints wouldn’t mean anything anyways. Unless every other necro heal also puts 10 vuln stacks on you… kitten , it must be nice being a dev who has inside info Q.Q.

Seriously dude. I could remove my condis with CC and save the condi transfer for later. Now I need to use it right after even if I don’t want to since it’s affecting me right after I just cleansed the condis. So to counter this needed condi tranfer/remove I need to get an extra to get that condi transfer to use when I need it. There is no heal in this game that hurts you. Except this!

And no if heal one heals for 3k and heal two 2k it doesn’t make the heal two viable to make the first heal to hurt you in the process. It makes them both useless.

My favorite part of this patch...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cannabrah.7842


If they make “Suffer!” an insta or 1/4s shout then this would be acceptable.

My favorite part of this patch...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cannabrah.7842


Here’s a scenario often seen in WvW:

Oo! A little skirmish with 2 people. Let’s fight!

OMG! ZERG INC! Get this chill/cripple/immob off so that I can get out of combat! Yay Consume Conditions!

Wait, I’m still not out of combat because of the vulnerab——dead.

Because you would of totally won that 1v20 if you didn’t have 10 vuln stacks on you. Also, when did they make vulnerability cripple players? You are the second player who has mentioned this undocumented change…

And if you had cripple/chill/immob on you, I can guarantee that you have at least 1 player attacking you at that given moment since necros can’t escape without these conditions on them anyways. Good try tho, you put the most effort into your response so I’ll give you that.

And this is why the 10 stacks or vulrn hurts! Seriously you said it yourself.

My favorite part of this patch...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cannabrah.7842


the other heals did not suddenly become good because another skills was made useless, please the logic….

Nope, but it does give you viable options without taking the same thing in every single build because it was crazy strong for what it did. Also, I guarantee that you and the other people complaining about this change will still be using this “useless” heal despite it being so “useless”. Please, the logic.

You now need to bring more condi removal/transfer in some other way (traits or utilities) that you needed before. How is that making other not buffed heals better or viable that weren’t that even before?

My favorite part of this patch...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cannabrah.7842


Favorite part:
-can’t realiably escape
-gonna hurt myself with my heal
-procing the heal to lower cd hurts myself even more

That is some Anet logic right there.

-How does this have to do with corruption skills in any way? We sucked at escaping beforehand.

-Can also buff yourself with that heal by turning it into protection or making your enemy take 10% more damage.

-^ Read above.

I didn’t say it changed or was related. It was there just to show that this cripples us even more since healing ourselves makes us even more vulnerable to burst. 4 secs is more than enough to boost enemys burst ’cause of aftercast and our cast times. There is nothing left to convert or transfer.

Upcoming Corruption questions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cannabrah.7842


I think the CC removes the first stacks and then applies the stacks of vulrn. Other question, can’t answer.

My favorite part of this patch...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cannabrah.7842


Favorite part:
-can’t realiably escape
-gonna hurt myself with my heal
-procing the heal to lower cd hurts myself even more

That is some Anet logic right there.

Axe skill 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cannabrah.7842


The animation is actually better for Sylvari. Don’t know about the damage, since axe is inferior to dagger/x so I don’t use it that much.

[PvE]Dungeon Meta-Blast Finishers

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cannabrah.7842


This is what is wrong and what fixes might be coming in HoT. It’s newest video from Nemesis. Hope he gives us some notes about the Reaper aswel.