A very frustrating bug – it would at least be nice to have an “/unstuck” chat command.
It certainly would be nice to have some indication of whether or not this is being looked into.
Prices crashes would only occur if that market happens to be slow, and supply high. If I undercut by a large amount, it’s because I’m trying to entice people to buy it. In those markets I almost always refuse to sell to buy orders because that means I’m selling to people like wanze :P
And just to annoy you chalky, I’ll be the one person that undercuts by 20s1c to be extra irritating.
But more seriously, on the topic of a price crash, imagine you’re trying to sell something for 2g and 5 people undercut you, then after a week you decide you want to relist your item. If they undercut you by 20s each, you now have to relist your item for 1g. If they undercut you by 1c, you relist your item for pretty much what you were going to sell it for in the first place.
If it’s been a week, and your item has not sold, nor has theirs, clearly all 6 of you listed at the wrong price, regardless of what they undercut by. So it’s actually healthy that the price fell.
That’s completely relative to the item in question. You make 2 assumptions, both of which are wrong:
1) “In the particular week in question, demand matched or outstripped supply, so all items should have sold” – it is entirely possible that week to week, the ratio of supply and demand will vary, causing natural variations in stock and price. One week, 5 people sell and 1 person buys, the following week, 10 people buy and 1 person sells – this is a perfectly normal scenario for many items. Irrational undercutting simply exaggerates the instability in price that this causes.
2) “The reason people did not buy in the week in question was because of the price and had the price been lower all items would have been bought” This is incorrect for the vast majority of items. Pretty much the only time that pricing an item extremely low would cause it to sell when it otherwise would not is when a flipper picks it up because they know they can relist it at a much higher price for profit.
The fact is that for the majority of high value items, some weeks there won’t be enough buyers for all the items that come onto the market, and other weeks there will be more buyers than items. A long term oversupply will result in a price drop, but a single person listing their item at a bizarre price is completely unrelated to this. Not selling an item for one week has no relation to what the price “should be”, you need to look at the price over a much longer period of time to make judgements like that.
That is why I mentioned the fact that irrational undercutting hurts inexperienced sellers more than people who spend a lot of time buying and selling the item in question. An inexperienced seller will often not notice a price that has been crashed by a couple of people and will probably lose money as a direct result. An experienced seller will see this and either list their item at the normal price and wait a few weeks, or capitalise on the situation by buying up underpriced items.
It’s high risk if you try to flip event items. It’s low risk if you flip basic items with stable buy/sell prices.
Basically this. It pretty much comes down to how much effort you’re going to put in. If you’re going to be really quick and try to make 300g flipping a single massive item then you stand a high chance of getting completely screwed. If you put more effort in and flip 100-200 lower value items you can make the same profit and you insulate yourself from risk by spreading your investment around.
You spend effort to buy stability and safety.
Prices crashes would only occur if that market happens to be slow, and supply high. If I undercut by a large amount, it’s because I’m trying to entice people to buy it. In those markets I almost always refuse to sell to buy orders because that means I’m selling to people like wanze :P
And just to annoy you chalky, I’ll be the one person that undercuts by 20s1c to be extra irritating.
But more seriously, on the topic of a price crash, imagine you’re trying to sell something for 2g and 5 people undercut you, then after a week you decide you want to relist your item. If they undercut you by 20s each, you now have to relist your item for 1g. If they undercut you by 1c, you relist your item for pretty much what you were going to sell it for in the first place.
That’s the point really – normally, a price crash would require high supply and low demand, but with irrational undercutting it simply requires any time based variance between supply and demand and it makes prices extremely unstable.
You see this sort of problem with mid value exotic items all the time. Prices will be pretty stable but will experience big crashes just because a few people will undercut by bizarre amounts, like undercutting by 1g on a 4g item. The market sorts itself out because the poorly priced items are snapped up pretty quickly, but it leads to instability which affects inexperienced vendors more than anyone else.
I have the prices for my corner of the market burned into my mind for the most part so I can spot a crashed price usually, but some poor sod is always going to get a 5g item drop for them, check the price during a crash and put it up for sale for 2g thinking it’s normal thanks to a few people irrationally undercutting.
Ah, that’s good, I was afraid it was just me!
ppt and fights go hand in hand. best way to get a fight is to knock on a t3 structure.
Yeah, get fights against cannons and arrowcarts…
Would be awesome if they removed all siege and leave only rams.
Those things are in the game because it’s NOT meant to be all about blobs of players slapping each other in an open field.
You might want a game mode designed around groups of players fighting each other in an open field for points, but Anet has not provided you with one so joining a game mode that’s clearly not designed this way then complaining that everyone keeps sieging up castles and holding objectives for the tick is ridiculous.
There’s really nothing wrong with 1c undercutting and I’m always FAR more irritated by people undercutting by large amounts than I am by small amounts.
The only difference is that undercutting by large amounts can cause prices to crash, and since this is a discussion between sellers, that’s the last thing anyone should want.
There is no issue with undercutting, especially not with 1c undercutting, it’s how markets work. They don’t exist to service you personally, it is a competition.
Anyone trying to decide between undercutting me by 1c or 20s, please choose 1c, for the love of god.
It appears that the Conqueror achievement (for PvP victories) on my character is bugged and is no longer progressing. I’ve not played much PvP, but I noticed today that it has not been counting my victories past 15.
Interestingly, my Magus achievement (victories as an elementalist) has continued counting and now lists 18 victories.
Clearly something is wrong (or I have misunderstood how this achievement works) since I cannot have 18 victories as an elementalist but only 15 total victories.
I have attached a screenshot of the issue, showing both the Conqueror achievement and the Magus achievement.
My apologies if I have misunderstood how this achievement is meant to work.
Server: Desolation
Character: Human Elementalist
Dunno. Old Maguuma had their chance against FA back in the day, neither had night time coverage.. It’s a bit of a stretch to say Maguuma got in the tier they are now without transfers. It’s not really a stretch to say that for FA – we’ve been here. For a loooong time. I think FA earned the right to stay in T3 and we have shown that to CD, YB, TC, DB and IoJ.
With no “big asian timezone” guilds. We beat SoS when they were rising up too, although it was incredibly close, so I guess it is possible to be competitive; just don’t expect to dominate the tier easily..
Totally, I’m not saying you don’t have the right to be in T3 – you do, and if it wasn’t for Kaineng I’d say you were a T2 server – but Maguuma isn’t really able to compete in T3 because we don’t coverage over night. FA doesn’t dominate over night either, but you’re able to hold your own far better than we can – I mean hell, right now we have 10 points according to the millennium website (I’m at work so I can’t check first hand).
With DB it’s the opposite problem – they seem to get destroyed during the day and nightcapping is where they get the majority of their points.
Sad fact about the top tiers is that servers without big asian/oceanic guilds can’t survive. FA will probably experience a similar thing if they stay in T2 long enough to face Kaineng – at least you can give DB a run for their money during off hours in T3 to keep your head above water and give yourselves a chance to get a decent lead during the day.
I think you’re being a little bit silly if you think this is true.
I don’t think it has anything to do with the vid by any means, but the match has gone downhill fast and even CD stuck it out better than this. Their points may have been lower, but it wasn’t from lack of effort.
So your servers are stacked with more asian guilds than our night time australians can cope with, what’s your point? It’s gone down hill for maguuma because we get night capped so badly – we earnt our position in this tier without nightcapping, but now we’re stuck with a bunch of people who climbed the ranks by doing just that.
It’s just not possible to compete without a couple of big asian timezone guilds and we have zero.
I guess it won’t be until your next matchup that you realise how badly the culling updates have hurt your guild’s tactics. Turns out that running around in a great big ball isn’t so effective when people see you coming and slap down a few stun fields in your way.
It’s ironic, because during the first day of the matchup we were actually avoiding BT. Now we’ve worked out how to easily roll over you, you accuse us of hiding
(edited by Chalky.8540)
Maguuma stopped worrying about BT a few days ago.
edit: I feel bad that FA will never know how truly boring a “huge lead” actually is.
It’s true, maguuma found the counter to us…. hide in keeps when we hit prime time and record videos of 4 of 8 getting killed by 20 to scream victory on forums. The match has been boring since that vid…. the fights have been few and far between which is sad considering a dead server(CD) put up a better fight than maguuma has this week.
I think you’re being a little bit silly if you think this is true.
Better to get bored and do something else than get burned out and quit forever – it’s a game and the point is to have fun. The best scenario from this matchup has always been to lose so that our glory chasers quit and we return to a tier we’re more suited to.
Putting ourselves into an intentional freefall to exit this tier may not be a bad idea. We’re up against Kaineng next week if we stay here anyway.
Actually there is going to be a reset so there is no reason to want to or try to lose. In my opinion there never is a reason for either anyway. By the way the 28th was yesterday so that would have been a better day to play like tonight if that was anyone’s goal.
What I’m saying is that nobody should burn themselves out defending 10 hour sieges just to get nightcapped when they go to bed and decide never to log in again. Ranking reset is not the same as ranking scramble, our position in the new rankings next week will be based on our performance this week.
Anyway, even if you were correct and our performance this week is completely irrelevant then there’s even less reason to spend your time on mind numbing sieges that you’re not enjoying. I don’t want us to lose any of our best players spinning our wheels here just to lose it all over night.
Better to get bored and do something else than get burned out and quit forever – it’s a game and the point is to have fun. The best scenario from this matchup has always been to lose so that our glory chasers quit and we return to a tier we’re more suited to.
Putting ourselves into an intentional freefall to exit this tier may not be a bad idea. We’re up against Kaineng next week if we stay here anyway.
Gotta admit this is a pretty awesome matchup. I’m really enjoying this, I hope the ranking reset doesn’t mess things up too much.
Mag vs DB, the battle for second place. It’s just like the old days
BT is far from a roaming guild, your title is more correctly justified as a zerg guild. You portal bombed us today while we where watching you guys fight DB. 30+ people came through that portal so many that I lagged slightly. Hardly considered a roaming guild.
BT sliced through camp protection groups twice their size like a knife through butter. It wasn’t until we came to our senses and implemented tactics specifically designed to deal with them after a couple of wipes that we got the upper hand back. “Zerg” isn’t just a word you use when ever you die but don’t want to show respect where it’s deserved.
Maguuma is improved after having faced BT and that doesn’t happen with zerg groups.
(edited by Moderator)
Okay DB and Mags…here’s the deal. We really want to play you guys next week. We’ll even bring the beer. FREE BEER!
FA is playing far better than both of us atm, so they’d be the most fun no doubt. Unfortunately you’re gonna do a pretty impressive tier vault if the current predictions are anything to go by!
You guys got your thread closed? :o
Yeah, someone glitched underneath the forum and destroyed the reply button.
Anyone from the [BT] guild on FA in this thread? Just seen you guys rolling round on Mag BL against our defences and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a more organised group.
Extremely impressive. Apparently rather isolated from the rest of your server it seems, and a bit too interested in karma training round supply camps for some reason, but maguuma is going to learn a lot from you.
You should transfer over here. Your skill and our ability to actually organise the map population – we make beautiful babies.
Thank you for your compliments. In Black Talons, our primary purpose is wiping out players. We are not huge fans of siegeing tower or keeps, we enjoy the open fields. If you make crossed swords, we are probably going to be there.
I highly doubt we will be moving to another server. FA has provided us with a lower pop server that gives us opportunities to fight larger servers with bigger zergs. Maguuma has some classy players (forum trolls aside) and we respect you as opponents, but we are quite committed to our server and will be for a very long time.
We can still make babies though.
On Maguuma we’ve been trying to get better at open field, we’re not bad but we need more practice clearly
Oh, and to the dragon brand hackers from [pbc] that exploited under west keep to kill all our defensive siege ‘cause they couldn’t take it legit – class act guys. Class act.
Anyone from the [BT] guild on FA in this thread? Just seen you guys rolling round on Mag BL against our defences and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a more organised group.
Extremely impressive. Apparently rather isolated from the rest of your server it seems, and a bit too interested in karma training round supply camps for some reason, but maguuma is going to learn a lot from you.
You should transfer over here. Your skill and our ability to actually organise the map population – we make beautiful babies.
Glory chasers come and go, but it’s the core guilds who don’t jump ship as at the first sign of a difficult match who make the lasting difference.
IoJ never had a match that wasn’t difficult for pretty much all 16 of the weeks the server has been alive. It wasn’t the first sign of a difficult match. It was the 16th sign of a difficult match.
Well, at least you stuck with it and didn’t qui.. oh.
Haters gonna hate.
Jah Gul Eth [FURY] – Kaineng (formerly Isle of Janthir)
Maguuma vs Kaineng – one considers glory chasing zergs a mark of shame, the other a badge of honour.
Who will win this clash of cultures?
My guild is 10 people, how many* is GOON?
Lots – and more importantly, we’ve been here since day one, along with a bunch of other excellent guilds. We stayed when we lost 4 weeks in a row and we stayed when we dropped down to tier 5. We gained transfers from excellent guilds who came to Maguuma from servers who were beating us because they liked the way we played.
Glory chasers come and go, but it’s the core guilds who don’t jump ship as at the first sign of a difficult match who make the lasting difference.
Getting loads of transfers comes with getting big slices of the score pie – but in Maguuma’s case, they’re a symptom of our success, not the cause, and when the transfers jump ship again we know we’ll still be a strong server with our native core of players.
Haters gonna hate.
Jah Gul Eth [FURY] – Kaineng (formerly Isle of Janthir)
Maguuma vs Kaineng – one considers glory chasing zergs a mark of shame, the other a badge of honour.
Who will win this clash of cultures?
I’m pretty certain Kaineng will beat Maguuma when we eventually meet – however, there’s a reasonable chance that we will never meet them. If we draw or lose in t3 we will get demoted just as Kaineng gets promoted (essentially, they will take our place).
I’m not sure how paid server transfers will affect people bailing on a server when it starts to lose (hopefully people will still leave Maguuma when we lose) but with any luck it will balance us against the other t4 servers and give us some good matches when we return to that tier. Kaineng continues to rise and hits t2 and is out of our reach for the foreseeable future.
That’s my prediction. I really hope the other t3 servers are good enough to put the breaks on our snowballing because we used to be good at beating larger numbers with better co-ordination and I’d love to see us get back to that. Now we’re an extremely co-ordinated core surrounded by legions of glory chasers
It kinda takes the fun out of it.
(edited by Chalky.8540)
I guess I just dont see who can have fun this week honestly. Having no hope of even having fair fights is stupid and just not worth the time of playing. If you constantly lose, it makes it to where no one on your server bothers that week at all. Heck, if this keeps up I will have to pretend GW2 doesnt exist.
On the flip side, I hate being in the position of having total domination….anyone who enjoys it really needs to take a good long look at WHY they dont enjoy a fair fight.
Hopefully free transfers being over will help. I have been on YB since day 1, and I knew when they announced free was almost over it would hit the fan with population shifts and “fair weather” people moving all over the place…..what happened to picking a server and staying put?
YB have put up some really good fights – the best case scenario right now for me is for mag to hit t3, lose and shed a bunch of the population we’ve gained who only joined us to be on the winning team then drop back down to t4 to rematch with yaks on a more even playing field.
Before we were relegated to t5 by dragonbrand and then started snowballing, we had some really good matches against yaks in t4. Probably the best server we played against.
Not sure if this is actually something that’ll happen once paid transfers come into effect but I guess time will tell. This is the last free transfer match!
I hope that some of you consider us as I really do think it’d be more fun over here.
And I’m not going to let anything slip but er.
(You won’t be alone in your transfer get it ow before the 28th and you’re the last one left)
Perhaps you would get better quality players if you recruited from winning servers rather than continuing to savage ones that are sinking down the ranks? Stacking your server with glory chasers who are jumping ship just when their server really needs them isn’t a recipe for success.
Maguuma has recruited some of its best players from servers that were beating us at the time.
No strategy in WvW?
I watched Yaks build 17 catapults in exactly the same position over a period of 2 hours yesterday in a valiant effort to take south west tower on their own borderlands with a force of 30 or more guys.
Don’t you say those things.
Man, looks like we’ll be T3 next week just as Kaineng hits T4.
The truth is, Maguuma is scared of Kaineng and is running away from them, up the rankings. I’m not sure we’ve thought our strategy through, but like true Maguumans, we will stick to it and build a flame ram on top.
Back to reality, props to both Yaks and IoJ for giving us some really great battles this week. We’ve gained a shedload of new players, but the true test of Maguuma will be what happens when we inevitably lose next week or the week after. I say inevitably because either we lose next week and drop back down, or we face Kaineng the week after no matter what.
It will be refreshing to lose the glory hunters who transferred here – although scathing as I am, we’ve had a whole load of really high quality transfers from people who really know what they’re doing, so it’ll be interesting to see how good we really are once we’ve had a chance to lose a few matches.
I predict we’ll be back in T4, fighting with Yaks on a much even playing field. Just like the old days, guys.
Really, DR? Why on earth are you attacking BP in EB? Why can you not hit Mag? And I don’t mean SM.
Welcome to the battle for second place, in which you fight the guy you’re competing against rather than pointlessly throwing yourselves at a wall. This is why you are last.
Credit to DR for their strategic play, they’ve secured a comfortable second place which is nice to see since it was a little bit unfair that they ended up losing last time just because we picked their BL to focus on first.
You’re talking about a bunch of people that literally just transferred here to win. Those aren’t Maguumas, they’ll be gone by Friday. Who cares about those people?
Yep, the true mark of a Maguuma players is how we lose, not how we win.
We have got a few decent guild transfers, new faces in mumble, it’s really quite lovely. It’ll be interesting to see how DB holds up to our expanded ranks after we shed the glory chasers we gained over the last couple of weeks. Hopefully it’ll be a closer match than last time at least.
On Maguuma we get lots of transfers, but it’s usually from people who are beating us. This is the first time in a long time that we’ve absolutely destroyed a pair of servers and I hope the transfers we’re getting from them are from people who want to play with Maguuma, not glory chasers who want to win with anyone.
The match after next will no doubt involve Kaineng and we’ll probably lose it. If you transferred to Maguuma but you’re only interested in winning, I’m sure Kaineng has plenty of room. Save yourself some time.
During the first few days of the battle, both DR and BP held their own against Maguuma. I hope it’ll last longer this time
I’m from DR.
Here are my (admittedly back seat quarterbacking) thoughts regarding our implosion after not being able to last one week against a serious challenge in the higher tier.
During the first few days of this fight, DR were doing really quite well. It was pretty tight and Maguuma were just able to hold a their lead. This means you are generally good enough and you’re right in your conclusion that it’s a morale problem that caused the disintegration.
You mention WvW guilds a lot in your post and it’s interesting to observe that on Maguuma guild membership does not mean a whole lot when it comes to co-ordination. In WvW, we pretty much act as one big guild with a couple of commanders running things across the majority of players on a particular map. Not all commanders have commander icons, either – although people usually donate to buy them one if they’re good at running things!
I don’t know if this is why we have more stamina than some servers even when we’re losing, but it’s certainly a nice system.
The biggest thing is that being on Maguuma when you’re losing is almost as fun as when you’re winning. Even if we’re down to one keep in the entire game, we’ll pour all our resources into holding that keep for the whole match and forget all about our point deficit.
It might have been a great fight for you, but it was stressful as hell for me.
Our commanders are forged in the chaotic fire of mid table battles, it is why they are strong! (you should get the commander icon even if you’re never going to wear it btw, your leadership has been great!)
I’m telling a poster to give up this masquerade that Mag is some big night capping server. His last 3 posts have been the same.
I want EB to fight harder.
You can tell yourself w/e you want, the only reason you win is because of nightcapping+more bodies.
mental gymnastics FTW.
On day one you had more than enough players to kick our kitten and it was a great fight. Where are they now?
It’s hardly our fault your side has decided to stop turning up, is it? We were losing by 20k points, we came out in force and fought for our honour. Where was your response when we went 20k ahead of you in the middle of US day time on a weekend? Why didn’t you claw back your lead with the massive organised offensive you showed on day one??
Being outnumbered has nothing to do with it. You’re only outnumbered because half your guilds are only interested in playing if they’re already winning. Fix that and you’ll have plenty of numbers to take us on.
Come give us a challenge, it’s more fun for everyone that way.
Props to all the EBayers who’re putting up a good fight rather than making up excuses. We’ve seen some absolutely fantastic tactics from you guys, from dedicated thief teams taking out heavily escorted yaks to back door mesmer portals while we’re all focussed on a different wall being down. I hope you fix your morale problems because there’s some serious talent on this server.
Sheesh, you guys really hate each other. I feel like I’m intruding on a nasty domestic argument or something.
Poor ET I’ve never wanted an opponent to capture keeps more in my life. Hang on in there!
(edited by Chalky.8540)
ET is rapidly becoming one of my favourite servers. So plucky – the sort of people who stay on a server when a big alliance bails and keeps on putting up a good fight in WvW are the top quality players. ET has shed it’s glory chasers and hangers on leaving only the people who actually like to work for their points.
I’m really pleased to see you guys regularly second in overall points at the moment. Maybe it’s a bit much for you to overtake ebay, but I’m rooting for you!
What’s happened, Ehmry? I thought this week was going to be a great fight with how well you did in the first 12 hours.
I know that poor Eradon Terrace can barely put together a 5 man (which sucks, my thoughts go out to anyone from that server) but being guaranteed second place doesn’t mean you can’t fight for first!
It’s funny to see how upset people get when their auto attacking zerg repeatedly wipes against an organised group of players.
Any tactic that can’t be defeated by a mindless zerg is an exploit, am I right?
I love the idea of somehow blaming a single healing turret for this by the way. Let us know how you came to that conclusion, considering that AoE buffs are capped at 5 players.
(edited by Chalky.8540)
Holding Pangloss is a player vs ballista/arrow cart game, period. Its taking advantage of the bottleneck entrance for easy kills. It allows you to hold that spot with much fewer numbers, as long as the attackers don’t coordinate anything. I’ll say again, I’ve done the exact same thing and its fantastic badge farm, but its far from actual PLAYER vs PLAYER combat.
Complaining about strategic use of choke points and siege in WvW. You may have selected the wrong game mode.
This WvW matchup is so much fun. Maguuma may be losing, but kitten we’re going to fight till the last. We’re a pretty small server but with so much co-ordination and talented leadership every time we fight we have an amazing time.
Sorry to say it but if I understand the ranking system correctly, Yak’s Bend may well be matched up against Maguuma again next week. You guys have given us a good fight though so hopefully you can continue to provide a challenge next week and maybe even get the upper hand on us. With another server of higher quality than Ebay, it should make for a more balanced match all round.
(edited by Chalky.8540)
WvW was supposed to be the pinnacle of open world PvP, but after a month it feels more like an endless grind.
- WvW not having a set time makes your hard work seem pointless. Yes, the night people should have something to do, but they shouldn’t erase the hard work of the people from the day. During the day on my server you have to sit for an hour 1/2 just to get in, but at night it’s instant.
- Entire enemy raids not loading until they’re right on top of you.
- Badges of Honor and Karma bonuses only reward damage dealing. I play a support Guardian (which has crap range anyway) and 80% of the time I’m sitting in the group healing, putting up reflect barriers, or blocking off choke points with walls of lining. I hardly get any badges of honor.
- Siege vehicles not being mobile and putting Catapults behind doors is stupid lame. Catapults completely stop pushes on bases in their tracks and forces the enemy to have to back away and use catapults which puts the defenders at a better advantage.
- Spawn points right up the roads. I mean really. You wipe out the enemy team and they’re back 5 minutes later.
- Once we go to two week maps than the battles are going to be won in the first week and there will be no point to even try if you’re losing after.
- WvW guilds on Henge of Denravi are packing up and leaving because they effectively beat the game.
- Did I say grind? Log on every night, run around and capture some objectives. Go to bed and everything you’ve taken is gone and you rinse and repeat again.
You raise some good points, but you also complain about things that are obviously bugs just as hard, like catapults behind doors and groups not loading correctly. Try to be more focussed.
Anyone on HoD who are quitting the game because they stacked their server and have nothing to do are dumb. Who cares if they leave, they ruined their own game by playing unfairly. Those with brains will go to other servers so they can actually compete and have some fun.
Also, your comments about grind don’t make sense – what do you expect? It’s a PvP game mode, you PvP. If you don’t enjoy PvPing and call it a grind then you’ve probably picked the wrong thing to do. This is a game mode in which you kill people and take objectives over and over for ever and ever. It was never designed to be anything more than that. You sound like you’re upset that people take back your objectives and that you’d rather just own everything and have nothing to do. I’m GLAD people take back our stuff over night to give us something to do the next day.
Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Borlis Pass, Darkhaven, NSP, SF, AR, FC, Kain, DR.
in WvW
Posted by: Chalky.8540
Looks like Friday and the reset is almost here.
Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona’s Rest
Ferguson’s Crossing vs Anvil Rock vs Sorrow’s Furnace
I haven’t checked who was losing out of
1529.41 Yak’s Bend
1447.74 Maguuma
1432.65 Ehmry BayBut I think it is Ehmry Bay or Yak’s Bend that is losing. If that is true then it will be;
Northern Shivers Peak vs Darkhaven vs (Ehmry Bay or Yak’s Bend)
But then again I could be wrong. (I’m from Borlis Pass).
Ehmry Bay is loosing that matchup.
Out of interest, do you know who Maguuma will be up against next as a result of their victory in the current matchup?
edit I am too slow, thanks Rabh!
All goons in every game are the same goons. You can tell by the way they use the word “goon”.
Every goon from EVE came to GW2? Amazing! 100% transfer rate from game to game is pretty good. Usually some people don’t like both games.
So what happened to your level of trolling? You have to admit, it’s not been very good. Too obvious and not remotely clever. It’s been a terrible disappointment. I assumed you were impostors.
I hear that reddit also has a guild on gw2. I wonder who is running their EVE corp in their absence…?
Yeah… nowhere in that picture is exploiting invul. thats being spawn camped. I do not see any siege equipment bombarding the supply camp below. fail troll is fail.
Goonswarm propaganda is normally a lot better. You’ll have to forgive them. I think they have a lot of new people for GW2, or likely just none of the real leadership came to GW2. I imagine they’ll get it sorted out in time. We’ll just have to put up with “0/10” trolling for a while.
All goons in every game are the same goons. You can tell by the way they use the word “goon”.
I just know you guys are blind as a bat and couldn’t find an enemy player hiding in your keep to save your life.
Personally, I’m glad that ArenaNet have made the game so accessible that a server made up entirely of people with no eyesight can still completely dominate the other servers they’re up against.
I’m glad that you appreciate the trouble we have simply finding our computers before we are able to log into the game and take all your stuff, and that this makes you feel better about the score. We’re all winners in the end, so chin up.
Lots of people cry about hacking when they lose, but the fact is that it’s a minority on each server that are guilty of hacking and it doesn’t affect the overall state of the match.
Maguuma may be bad at WvW, but you’re only losing to us because you’re worse. Buck up and give us a challenge, we don’t want to dominate the match any more than you want to be owned. We want big battles and keeps to take. Less QQ, more pew pew and all that.
Maguuma players have stacks of screenshots of the other two servers hacking our alters and stealing our orbs. Hopefully anet will ban these people, but you can clearly see that it doesn’t actually affect the game. Except for the garrison thing – which is funny, because it was Emry bay attempting to exploit by placing the orb through the floor while we were capping the keep which resulted in it being glitched in our favour. Good job guys!
Anyway, maybe consider crying less and playing more while we wait for Anet to fix the exploits and ban the hackers.
(edited by Chalky.8540)
I think a good solution would be to have dynamic server caps.
The maximum number of players your server can have in WvW could be set to slightly higher (maybe 10 players higher) than your opponent with the highest attendance.
That means that during peak times, everyone will hit the standard player cap because at least two servers will be fielding all of their players.
However, during the night, a server will only be able to field players if at least one of their opponents is also fielding players of a similar number. They can slightly outnumber them, but not completely overwhelm them.
This would solve the problem and encourage off-timezone guilds to spread out across many servers in order to be able to play against each other.