Showing Posts For Chamone.6890:

Delete me

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chamone.6890


I read with interest the comments on the blog posted by Mike earlier this week about “hacked” accounts.

But Mike, I really think it is not the widespread issue that you think it is.

GW2 has one of the better authentication systems I’ve seen in a game, requiring email confirmation for every new login attempt, I think that it is a strong, effective solution.

Sure, a certain number of users will have had both their email AND their GW2 account compromised, but this alone won’t explain the huge numbers of “Help, I was hacked!” support tickets I presume you’re getting from banned players.

I suspect that the majority of these players will have been banned for botting, then when you ban them, without fail they raise support tickets claiming to be hacked, and can provide all of the backup and proof that they are not a Chinese gold farmer that you need, because they aren’t…. They are the Chinese gold farmer’s CUSTOMERS.

The gold farmer does not need to do anything so difficult as hack people’s account details and email accounts to gain access to unlimited numbers of GW2 accounts, all they need to do is offer a POWER LEVELLING service.

This is where you, as a lazy player who does not want to level up to 80, pay the gold sellers to level you up to 80, normally gaining some money and items along the way. Crucially, this “service” requires you to hand over your account details to the farmer, and AUTHORISE THEM to connect to the game as you.

Once you give your details over to the farmer and authorise them, they happily run bots on your account all day long (often times only running the bot during your off-hours, for example allowing you to log in and play during the day, then running the bot overnight).

Your GMs of course catch and ban the bots, as they are easy to detect, but almost immediately you get a complaint from the account owner, crying that he was “hacked”, and he wants his account back.

Let me clue you in.

For every account like this that you restore, and little johnny gets his level 80 Mesmer back, at least half will have been used and abused for farming in this way.

In addition to this, farmers often look for customers to “Rent” accounts from. If I were to buy a few bucks worth of gold, the gold seller might approach me and say hey, if you let me use your account between 02:00 and 06:00 your time, I will pay you 2 Gold per day! Just make sure if your account ever gets banned, say you were hacked and know nothing about it!

So, what on earth can you do to both ban bots which ruin the economy and avoid clogging up your support queue with tickets from lying scumbags who claim to be hacked?

Well, I think the simple answer is NEVER re-instate an account that has been used for botting.

When someone is a confirmed botter, they are banned, then the real account owner goes on to appeal the ban and prove that he was the legit owner, all that should happen is that they are given a brand new, fresh account with no characters on it. You can reserve their old character names to the new account, and any gems they bought can be credited to it, but that’s it. Reset to zero.

Suddenly, getting Chinese gold farmers to level you, or letting them “borrow” your account is the least attractive option EVER. All it gets you is reset to zero.

It’s a little harsh on people that were genuinely hacked, but then you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs…

(edited by Chamone.6890)

Dungeons and Dungeon Reward System Overhaul Needed.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Yeah, the dungeon armour is not some amazing reward that we should have to do rock hard dungeons 20 or 30 times to get. Some of the sets do look pretty cool, but I think 1 peice per run is much more inkeeping with the “no grind” philosophy, especially if you want to get a few sets.

The dungeons are (mostly) really, really hard and take 2-3 hours to complete (inb4 wannabe e-sport pro tryhards saying they’re too easy), I don’t see why we need to do them more than, say, 5 times to get a set of ok-ish looking armour?

What many of you are equating as “hard work” is actually “doing the same thing over and over”. If it’s desirable to do it over and over it can’t be really hard can it? If it was genuinely hard work, you would only want to do it a few times, not mash your head against it 20 or 30 times… Personally I see much more value in a reward I get for doing something very difficult once, rather than something quite difficult 100 times. Yes, doing it 100 times needs me to put the time in, and numb my brain by doing it over and over, but that’s not the kind of effort I want to put into my leisure time, I get enough of that at work!

I do agree the difficulty of bosses is pretty weak compared with the difficulty of a group of 3 trash mobs tho. Bosses need to be scaled up to match the hardness of trash mobs. If we had epic bosses that required true teamwork, dedication and tactics to beat, then it would feel like a true achieivement when we beat them, and that reward of 1 peice of dungeon armour would seem justified.

(edited by Chamone.6890)

The real problem here is invisible enemies. Give their algorithms time to match servers properly.

in WvW

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Ok. First off, this issue is mostly not to do with how fast or powerful your computer is. As habit states, it is the server limiting how many updates are flying around between players. There is a PC specs factor in that once the game shows you a character, and you don’t have that character’s model and attributes cached it can take a while to load, but even on an i7 with 16gb and the fastest SSD money can buy, I am still seeing this issue.

Player culling is done to reduce lag, by reducing the number of updates sent to the client. When player culling was not in effect, WVW frequently ground to a halt. Inefficient netcode is to blame.

I also think that reducing bandwidth costs might also be a factor here, as bandwidth is not cheap. However I don’t think arenanet are so cheap that they would dial down gameplay to save money.

It’s pretty clear that the limit before players are culled is set far too low, and has the wrong priorities, preferring to cull enemies before it culls allies. I think this is fixable in the short term.

Longer term I think super efficient net code could allow them to raise the cull cap or even remove it entirely. I believe in these guys to deliver this… Eventually.

I don’t think replacing player models with generic ones in a game where the whole point is to get better armour and look cool is a great solution, and actually probably would not help anyway, at least on systems with super fast HD and lots of RAM anyway. Imagine if you had a legendary and wanted to show it off in WvW. Would you be happy with enemies seeing a generic sword model?

Trading Post is incomplete!!!!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chamone.6890


I really hope trading post was subcontracted out to a third party, because it’s quite embarrassing the way it is now.