Showing Posts For Chamone.6890:

Chris Whiteside on the Lost Shores and Beyond

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Hi All,

Thanks for your feedback we really appreciate it. I would like to take the opportunity to answer your questions in an AMA on Reddit on Monday 26th (12pm PST- More details to follow) to talk about recent updates to the game and our philosophy for Guild Wars 2 moving forward.

Please keep in mind that there we are about to begin the Thanksgiving holiday in the US and are out of the office (and likely in game) until Monday. Happy Holidays everyone!


Hopefully this is weighted with the proper respect that the lack thereof caused the original to be deleted.

With all due respect, but this format is only really good for people who are anonymous. Such as IAMA doctor AMA and in a general discussion forum about medicine. Doctoring, engineering, etc, rarely has enough fans. It is all about imparting information, not public relation spin.

Holding an AMA in the GW2 subreddit will just increase the noise to signal ratio as the hive-mind asks irrelevant questions that have little do with the reasons you have to do the AMA. To smooth over all the issues the November 15th update caused.

The softest ball that passes over that particular plate will be struck, and the hive-mind will consider it a home run and call it caring. This a PR move. And any dissent will be down-voted by the hive-mind mentality that happens on /r/guildwars2, no matter how relevant and poignant the points made.

I have a feeling you’re about to be pleasantly surprised about how strongly the hive mind feels about breaking manifesto promises about gear grind.

I for one will be there on the 26th, guns blazing.

So apparently, we like the new gear...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


It’s outragous. They say they listen and respond to community feedback but a thread with over 10’000 posts, the biggest thread in the entire forum, is ignored and not responded to. They pretend we aren’t upset about this.

People complaining about the grind...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


The only reason people play high-end PvE is grind, when you can easily get what you want there is no point to continue playing.

Ok. I disagree with you, but for quite a lot of people this is obviously true. Once they get the gear they’ve been lusting after, the game is over.

Why is that a problem? Can’t people get to their personal objective and say “okay, I’m finished!”

Why do we care if they carry on playing? Why should Arenanet care? They already bought the game didn’t they? There are millions of us who don’t want a gear grind game, there are millions of us who only really care about PVP and WVW, and just see high level PVE as a fun way to make money to buy stuff in WvW… Let the people who do want gear grind go away to another game, we will still be here.

Now, with ascended gear, we’ve got the worst of both worlds. A small grind which is not really going to keep the gear grind people happy for very long, and those of us who never wanted it in the first place are leaving, and there’s a lot more of us…

Ignoring Ascended Tier

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


It was good while it lasted guys. I’m just happy I got to play it when it was the best MMO in the world for those 3 short months.

Opinion: Orr and Southsun Cove are player unfriendly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


If you’re playing an MMO solo, you’re doing it wrong.

The game you want is called Skyrim.

Why, Why, Why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


I like you Leonard, you’re alright

The fact that precursors are going to change is one thing, the fact you have to grind your kitten off for ascended is quite another.

We really don’t understand the direction the game is taking right now, and the key people are staying mysteriously quiet about it.

Tell us what is going on Anet. Why have you thrown aside your cherished principles so quickly?

In just one weekend..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


The OP is talking about how the forum community went from relatively civil to almost exclusively flooded with a front page of angry, baffled or hostile threads. Frankly I agree. It’s depressing.

Cause and effect my friend. They ruined our favourite game and made us angry, confused and hostile. Before they ruined it we were happy, jovial care bears looking forward to years of playing a game we loved. Sure, there was the odd bit of banter here and there about ‘no end game’ and ‘x class is OP’, but that’s just part of being an active community. It was all going so well… Then , out of nowhere, Ascended gear happened.

I just hope they learn from this mistake.

Fractals 11 - Loot error please FIX

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chamone.6890


why is the solution to everything in this game RNG or gambling or straight up luck?

Koreans. They just can’t help themselves, they love it.

Someone should let them know this is a western MMO…

Fractals: difficult for me to get a decent group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chamone.6890


I get it you aren’t an MMO old timer because any of this isn’t new once you light up that ugly min-maxing stat mentality in the MMO player brain.

If GW2 was your first MMO you would never have known about it until now.

We never had it until this new dungeon

Fractals 11 - Loot error please FIX

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Is this whole thing just a massive, elaborate troll?

FOTM = Flavour of the Month ?

Gear Grind, Gated Content, Random Drops required to progress?

This is all just a big April Fool, right?


Fractal Weapons: Please use the token system!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chamone.6890


So in the space of 2 weeks you’ve given us Gear Grind, Power Creep, Gated Content and now this: RNG loot drops in a dungeon for the most powerful weapons and items.

Are there any more manifesto principles you want to break Anet?

Maybe you should just introduce Mounts, Gear Score, Dungeon Finder and rename to WoW 2 and be done with it.

I will never spend another penny in your gem store, and will not be buying the expansions. Good day.

Would You Do FotM If ...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chamone.6890


I would absolutely do it without the gear grind element.

In fact, I doubt I will even get to level 10. We’ve been told that WvW players will be able to obtain Ascended gear from WvW, and there’s not really anywhere you can grind in WvW, only competitive play is possible.

So if I can be rewarded with gear for succeeding at competitive play, I’m all for it.

Grinding that one dungeon (even if it is a cool one) just doesn’t do it for me at all, sorry. I can’t be bought with RNG trinkets.

In my opinion, Fractals of the Mist is a complete fail.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Yeah it’s kind of a social thing. If you are too socially kitten to become a useful member of a decent guild, or find a party of 4 other like-minded people who you can run the dungeon with together, then you’re going to fail at Fractals.

With Teamspeak or Mumble, a decent party who all know how to combo field and res each other, it’s really a breeze (except for the stupid dolphin one I always seem to get).

Learn 2 social interaction.

Concerned about weekly fractal reset.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chamone.6890


It’s amazing how this game has changed after only 3 months of being out.

I shudder to think how much more they can ruin it.

Fractal weapons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chamone.6890


It IS a good change. It adds a suspense factor to the game play and makes things more interesting. “Logical progression”, as you call it, just bored so many people to death that the ANet guys had to change/tweak their initial system. And it’s a good thing they collect data and respond to it accordingly, there might still be hope for this game (if they continue to do so).

Now, I WOULD go play WoW but I don’t want to spend the cash on it’s money subscription. If GW2 manages to surpass, or at least reach the WoW heights you can bet your butt it will soon have 15-16 million ACTIVE players (if WoW managed to have 14 million with the monthly sub).

“Suspense Factor” ??

Are you high?

There’s NOTHING fun about doing the same dungeon over and over and over. NOTHING.

Adding a random chance to get a rare drop doesn’t make it any more fun, it just means that some people get the great reward for doing it once, some people get it for doing it 100 times, and some never get it at all.

At least with the tokens system you had an end goal in sight, you knew how many times you would need to do the dungeon to get what you want (less times now that they added bags of wonderous goods).

With RNG drops you literally have no end in sight, you’re just waiting after every boss kill to see if you won the lottery.

It makes ADDICTIVE gameplay, sure, skinner box technique has been used in WoW, in Casinos, in Slot Machines for years, works perfectly, keeps people playing for sure.

But is it fun?

How to make gated content a good thing

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Guys, I’ve got an idea! Lets have Dungeon Finder, Gear Inspect, Gear Score, Mounts and a whole bunch more “Vertical Progression”.

Good Idea, or Good Idea?

Put Ascended items into the FotM vendor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Yes but the damage is done now, they added them. Now we have to get lucky with the RNG lottery before we can progress in Fractals?

What kind of idiot move is that?

At least if they cost 2000 tokens or whatever you could actually get one by playing the dungeon, as opposed to playing the dungeon and also getting lucky on RNG…

Legendary Weapons Boosted to Ascended Stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


This is actually getting embarassing.

Please just admit you’ve made a mistake and come out and say something about all of this.

Why all the fuss about Ascended gear? If...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


“It is the normal path of all MMO’s and mainly because the player base demands it to keep the interest.”

I read this and died a little inside. This kind of “follow the herd” thinking is what killed SWTOR, and is what will kill GW2 if they don’t get a hold on themselves NOW.

Yes the “player base” was indeed asking for gear grind and stat creep, as the “player base” always does, but sadly, these people don’t represent the players, they represent a small percentage of content locusts who will never, ever be happy. They are the first to complain, the loudest complainers and if you’re not very careful, you do end up taking their views on board.

Let them whine, QQ and complain. Ignore them, let them leave and you end up with a satisfied core of players who like the game the way it is.

I really believe the GW2 community is a little different a special compared to most other games, and I’m seeing it here, people are logging on the forum in their thousands to protest the game becoming more like WoW, more like every other Gear Grind game out there. We are standing up to the “player base” you talk about, and we are now shouting louder than them.

We are here, we will be heard. Take your gear grind and shove it.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Most of the naysayers to more progression are casuals correct?

Incorrect. Most of the naysayers are experienced gamers, who care enough to get on the forums and complain. Most of the causals have absolutely no idea what’s coming, as they don’t read forum or blog posts. Just you wait until Jenny13FCanada finds out that the exotic piece she just spent all of her $15 allowance on buying gems for is now worthless. You think things are ugly now? This is just the beginning.

Also, if a few million bought this game and only a few thousand are upset then very well could be most of you are in the minority.

Possible, but highly unlikely. I have never seen such a unified and coherent rejection of a new feature as I have on these forums. Not to mention on Reddit, on GW2 guru and in my own guild chat. I think it’s fairly safe to say that the vast majority of those of us who know about and understand the incoming changes despise them, and we feel lied to. As I say, just wait until the people who don’t read GW2 blog posts and forums figure it out. The fireworks are to come.

Of course, Arenanet could ask us what we think, using an in-game survey or something, but I doubt they will do that, it’s fairly clear from the 10’000 post hate thread (and that’s with a LOT of posts being deleted due to bad language, threats etc,) what the community really thinks.

Even though as you rightly point out, 10’000 is only a small percentage of the whole population of the game, I think the sheer volume and ferocity of response is a good indication of what most of us think.

This game will lose concurrent players without more progression. You literally have to play an hour a week at best and still hit 80 in a month with full exotics. WvW is stale in current form, Spvp is near dead and the current dungeons are boring zergfests with no reward drops. There is hardly anything to do.

Yes, it will lose concurrent players. Good! We don’t want the content-locusts in here ruining our game. Let it drop down to half, hell, even 10% of what it is now. We don’t need 500’000 players online to make Lion’s Arch seem like a busy place, 50’000 will do just fine, and there will be a hell of a lot less lag.

They want more then a niche like GW1 was, but I bet it’s gonna be just that without making more things to do that take time to,get. This isn’y Bf3 or CoD, it’s an MMO…make it one.

GW1 was the 10th best selling PC game OF ALL TIME. Calling it a “Niche” game just shows your ignorance. If they even do the same number of sales as GW1, a game without any of the traditional MMO trappings, I think they will be more than happy with those sales plus cash shop revenue.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Arena has the statistics. If the games population is being lowered by the absence of a more traditional endgame, then would those quitting because of the introduction of “statistical progression” have this game scrapped because of stubborness to take a middle ground?

Ok. Woah. Stop right there. Scrapped? It’s out, it’s done, it’s made over 2 million sales already, and we’ve not even hit the Xmas buying period properly yet.

It’s entirely possible that a decent amount of players have been playing GW2 fanatically, and have “stopped” now that they have reached 80, got their full set of exotics, beaten all the dungeons, got the full set of dungeon armour, whatever.

Does this matter to the game or its profitability? No. Not one bit. GW2 was never going to satisfy this section of the gaming population no matter how much “Vertical Progression” they added to the game. There will always be people out there ready to dedicate 12 hours a day, 7 days a week to getting to the top of that progression ladder, and they will always whine and complain once they are at the top with nothing to do.

If anything, as a Buy to Play game, this is actually a good thing. These players have already bought the game, and quite probably dropped a lot of cash on gems on their way up. They’ve given all they’re likely to give, let them log out until the next expansion, it simply frees up server resources for the rest of us.

Who actually cares if the max concurrent players drops off? The game is still brimming with people, more than enough to keep it populated and vibrant, even with 10% of current population.

Yes, horizontal progression was promised. But, if the game cannot be sustained by horizontal progression then there will be no game for anyone at all.

Absolute rubbish. The game is hugely successful and popular, and this is because it didn’t have vertical progression, not despite it. They’re taking the game’s one major selling point GW2 had over WoW – No grinding needed! – and making a joke out of it.

Now with Ascended Gear and the promise of more tiers to come, what really differentiates GW2 from WoW? The graphics? What about when the new Elder Scrolls MMO comes along. That will be pure vertical progression, with better graphics, better combat and the GRINDIEST of grinds. How will GW2 differentiate itself from that?

Why would I stay and grind for 1 tier of items in GW2 when I can go to Elder Scrolls instead and grind for 100 tiers?

I don’t have figures for the amount of money the Gem Store is making, but it must be huge. Nearly everyone in my 500-man guild has bought at least some Gems, mostly for Black Lion keys, or to sell to get gold. This is all without “Vertical Progression”. We never needed it or wanted it, and we were happy to spend money on gems without it.

Now, with gear grind, I’m not so sure…

Who thinks ascended items are 'Exciting'

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


And if it does stay the same as it is now, expect the game to be as popular as the original game is now. It will have the lifetime expectantcy of exacly 82 lvls. And I say 82 lvls because people will play the campaign to 80 then gain another 2 lvls in exp before they discover they have nothing else to do and stop playing.

Absolute nonsense. I’ve been level 80 for approx 120 levels of XP. If levels kept going up I would be level 200 by now.

I didn’t magically stop having fun when my numbers stopped going up. In fact, I barely even noticed when I hit 80. In fact that’s where my game STARTED.

“Phew”, I thought, I can finally stop getting new gear every 5 levels to keep my power level up where it should be, I can just get a set of level 80 exotics and stop there.

The fun in this game is not seeing your numbers go up a little bit every so often. It’s utterly meaningless and irrelevant whether I hit a level 5 mosquito for 100hp becuase I’m sidekicked to level 5, or a level 80 mosquito for 1000hp, it’s just a number on the screen.

Yes, some players do appear to need a constant gear treadmill to keep them going. The Legendary was too expensive and grindy for most, and they didn’t care for the other non-legendary items in the game, so there was “nothing” for them to do.

Well boo hoo. I really could not care less about those players. They have 100 other WoW-clone games to go and play. If you want a constant feeling of becoming more and more powerful, go play those. GW2 was supposed to be different.

They will never, ever be satisfied, why do you think WoW adds a new tier of gear after every patch? Because the locust hoarde are never content, not for a moment.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


I’m still prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt.

I wish that Colin J and Mike O were not so deathly silent on the issue. A statement from them telling us that Ascended is gonna be the final tier, scouts honor, would go a long way to stopping everyone rage-quitting.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


My Patch Feedback.

The new stuff added for free is great.

However, you could have delivered 60 new dungeons, 100 new level 80 zones, perfectly balanced every class with buffs, fixed all bugs, given everyone a free in-game pony called claribel and a guild stable to brush her in.

You could have given us all of that, and it still would not make up for the one thing you did to our game. The one, horrific, inexcusable thing that you did, which was to add “item progression”.

Nobody wanted stat creep.
Nobody wanted higher numbers.
Nobody wanted to have to grind for hours to be back to max power level, where we were before.

If you can promise me. PROMISE me, that this is the last tier of gear to be added to GW2, that Ascended items are max, and there will never be a combat-effectiveness incentive to go out and grind myself a new set of gear, or combat penalty for not doing so, then I will carry on playing the beautiful, engaging game you have created.

If you can’t make that promise, then I’m out.

(edited by Chamone.6890)

Dungeons: Make them soloable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Good god no. There’s already too much of this game that can be done solo, negating the point of a Massively Multiplayer Online game.

If you want to play GW2 alone, play Skyrim. It’s a much better game solo.

Lost Shores event lag concerns & comments [Merged Threads]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Chamone.6890


I don’t see why the game has to hand you objectives on a plate.

Look at the most popular PC game, the Sims. There is no real objective to it, once you get to $100’000 you can buy anything in the game, once you have one max level sim there is no “endgame”, you just keep playing, keep adding more families, keep building new houses. The “fun” in The Sims is not earned through gaining more and more powerful characters, it’s just from playing the game itself.

Look at the next most popular PC game, Half Life 2. There’s no “Endgame” to keep you playing after you Beat HL2. You can go back to the start and play it through again, but you won’t gain anything you didn’t gain the first time. The multi-player modes like Counter-Strike, TF2 and so on don’t reward you by making you stronger and stronger the more hours you put into the game. TF2 has cosmetic progression, but apart from that there’s no concept of “Endgame” there.

Look at the next most popular PC game, Minecraft. There is no real “endgame” to Minecraft. There’s an “End Boss” and you can level up to a degree, you can make some enchanted weapons, but after you reach a certain level of materials and power there is no constant “endgame” acheivement to keep you playing. In Minecraft, players spend hours, days, or even months creating grand structures and designs. There’s no achivement or payment in the game for creating a giant structure in Minecraft, people just do it because it’s fun.

Just because GW2 is an MMO you seem to be expecting it to hold out a shiny carrot for you to chase, and once you catch that carrot, you want it to make another, bigger, shinier carrot and dangle that slightly further away?

That’s perverse, and unnecessary.

You have an amazing player survey in-game. Use it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Well without actually asking players if they like it or not, all you have to go on is guesswork based on forum posts. Which is kind of my point.

If you see 100 threads asking for gear grind to be put into the game, you might assume that is what the majority of players want.

If you put gear grind into the game, and see 1000 threads saying they absolutely hate the idea, then you might assume that 10x as many players don’t want it than do want it.

Of course, without actually asking at least a decent percentage of players whether they like the idea or not you will never know what the real picture is.

Guild Wars 2 has over 2 million players, and over a million regulars. There’s no way that a handful of forum posters accurately represents what the players want.

The only feedback they could have been “listening” to that led to the introduction of Ascended gear is forum posts, since we have certainly not been asked anything about what we think of the game since Beta, when we had the nice in-game surveys coming up.

Only a tiny minority of people post on the forums, therefore they can only be making bad decisions.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Raising overall power level does one of two things:

1: Everything is now scaled up to match your new power level, or in GW2’s case, you are scaled down. In which case, what was the point?

2: Nothing is scaled up, you can faceroll lvl 80 content. You are now too powerful to be challenged by all previous content.

Neither option is particularlly “fun”.

Why do people fear 'power creep'?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


We’re not excited by the new gear, we don’t want it, we never asked for it, only a minority of greedy “Wah wah there’s no endgame” people asked for it, and the rest of is were silently playing the game and enjoying it.

We don’t want stat creep, we’ve seen it in WoW and every other MMO and it does not impress us.

Higher numbers is not gameplay.

Is Ascended gear better than Exotic gear for WvWvW?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


They will probably scale Ascension gear to Exotic while in WvWvW.

No. No they won’t.

Is Ascended gear better than Exotic gear for WvWvW?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


I solo 100% of the time, 100%……100%

I played DAOC for 9 yrs, still play it,

But lets not pretend what happens in WvW..

Everyone joins a huge zerg and blindly follows around a blue icon barking out orders, i dont, because that is extremley boring to me.

I WISH WvW was group vs group…but its not dude, its just not.

Try Eternal Battleground Jumping Puzzle PvP, plenty of 1v1 and small group skirmishes go on in there. In my opinion, the most fun PvP in GW2 so far.

Thats a good idea, never messed around in there really, ill check it out

Wait, so you’re going round telling everyone you know everything about WvW and it’s just Zerg vs Zerg and you haven’t even fought anyone in a jumping puzzle?

Have you ever solo’d a sentry, defended a dolyak, taken a supply camp with 2 people?

GTFO my internet.

We need a real answer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


I agree. We were told Exotic was the top tier, spent all our time and money getting Exotics, now we have to do it all again.

I will let them off once, but if anything comes along after Ascended I will immediately stop playing forever.

If they plan to add something after Ascended, tell me now so I can stop playing now and save myself the time.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


And I have to ask another thing, is doing a dungeon once considered grinding?

If you always get a piece of Ascended gear on the first run through of fractals, I will literally eat my own face off.

I STRONGLY suspect that getting Yakkington’s Ring will require:

Multiple runs.
Luck from RNG.
A trip to the Mystic Forge.
Several other expensive items not from the Dungeon.

And other such GRIND-TASTIC things.

Why do you not WvW?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


I do WvWvW

Only real problem I have is that there aren’t enough WP’s. I’m actually afraid to die because of the run back, to the point I might even avoid combat altogether in some situations.

Actually I think the WPs are perfect. It’s good that you are afraid to die! I can’t think why you’d want to play a game where dying meant nothing and you could just keep respawning over and over with no consequence…

Avoiding combat is often the best tactical decision, it sound like you are learning strategy! Keep it up

Why do you not WvW?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


I love WvW, but don’t play it as much as I would because of the invisible zergs bug, which is hopefully being addressed in the future.

Gameplay has gotten slightly stale, but we still normally have queues on most maps on Aurora Glade.

Try changing servers to one which is more focussed on WvW.

Mass thread merger hurts discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


With so many people upset about the same thing it becomes difficult to keep the forum in order. I wonder though, if they had not merged all the threads, what % of threads would be people unhappy with the idea of Ascended gear. Quite a lot I imagine

Just goes to show listening to people posting on forums is a terrible way to get “feedback” on your game. The amount of “feedback” they are getting now shows what a terrible idea this was, yet for the past 8 weeks there were soooo many threads asking for exactly this type of thing.

Before Ascended gear: Nothing wrong with game, everyone quite happy and playing it. Only a few idiot WoW kiddies moaning about “progression” when they finished the game by playing it 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for 2 months. The community largely ignores them, Arenanet… Listens to them??

After Ascended gear: NO. WE DO NOT WANT THIS. Everyone who never normally posts on the forum comes along and rages. Hopefully, Arenanet… Listens to us??

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


The simple way they could have avoided all of this nonsense is to make the new gear worse than the old gear.

If it was a ring with 0 stats, but an infusion slot, I don’t think anyone would complain at all.

People are very sensitive to gear treadmill, we have seen it all before and that’s why we play Guild Wars. Even if it was not your intention to copy WoW raid gear, it’s what it seems like to the majority of us.

Learn from this mistake.

You have an amazing player survey in-game. Use it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chamone.6890


They were everywhere in Beta. I actually talked in map chat in WvW to one of the WvW devs for a while. It was not uncommon to see the Arenanet logo floating above a player’s head…

We sometimes get devs replying on forums these days but no interaction in game… It’s almost as if they’re scared to go in there :/

You have an amazing player survey in-game. Use it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chamone.6890


I miss the surveys too. We were told we would be listened to and that our feedback was vital for shaping the game.

Well how are they getting this feedback? It can’t just be monitoring forums, can it?

You have an amazing player survey in-game. Use it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chamone.6890


I truly beleive that Arenanet is different from Activision, EA and Zynga. I think they really really wanted just to make the best game possible, and knew that money would flow from that automatically.

Sadly, they seem to have fallen foul of mistaking “listening to players” for “reading opinions on the forum”.

To my mind, “listening to players” requires actually asking them a question first, to be able to listen to the answer.

Since I logged in to the full game at pre-launch, I’ve never been asked anything in game, never seen a staff member in map chat (like we did in Beta), or anything like that. I’d love to be asked my opinion, but they seem to rely on people volunteering it without being asked.

In my experience, people that volunteer their opinion without being asked rarely have an opinion worth listening to.

Relying on the forums (even though they are official) simply means you will only get opinions from people who like to post on forums, aka “Trolls”.

These people are a very strange and disgusting type, and should generally be ignored.

(edited by Chamone.6890)

A client for Linux

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chamone.6890


We have enough bots already without a linux port :/

You have an amazing player survey in-game. Use it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chamone.6890


In the Beta we had these little surveys coming up all the time, please press 1-5 if you thought this was fun, please press 1-5 if you thought this was challenging, etc etc.

It was the perfect way to get feedback from all players without having to resort to reading the rabid thoughts of the “community” – which has led to “Ascended” gear.

It should be pretty clear to you by now that the majority in fact do not want “Ascended” gear, and the people asking for it were in fact the vocal minority.

To avoid making such mistakes in future, use the player surveys when considering a major change.

If your announcement was for a VOTE, then we could see some real democracy in action. Imagine you could wind back the clock, and instead of the blog post saying THIS IS ASCENDED GEAR, HERES HOW IT WILL WORK:

it said “Here’s what we’re thinking about doing, you will see a voting screen appear in-game over the next week or so, tell us what you think!”

And the voting options were something like:

Do you like the ascended gear concept overall (1-5)
Do you think ascended gear should have higher stats (1-5)
Do you think ascended gear should match exotic stats (1-5)

or something like this

You would have a much clearer picture of what the community ACTUALLY wanted, rather than guesswork based on the loudmouths on the forums and elsewhere.

You could even make it fun and lore-appropriate, voting boths set up in all the cities, and you’re only allowed to vote if you answer a few questions about what ascended gear is correctly (to make sure people aren’t just mashing numbers at random)…

Please realise that listening to opinions on forums is the quickest way to RUIN your game. Only entitled, spoiled, whining idiots really post here, the rest of us are far too busy being LOGGED IN TO THE GAME AND PLAYING IT.

Thanks, hope someone listens to this whining forum post (contradictory I know )

(edited by Chamone.6890)

Don't implement a gear treadmill

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Lost Shores dictates otherwise.

I think there is enough threads about this topic already, there does not need to be a negative demoralizing thread generated again.

In fact there have NOT been enough threads on this topic, which is the reason Anet thought it was a good idea in the first place.

I have watched over the past 8 weeks the “power gamer” ex-WoW people ask for gear grind over and over and over, now they have it, and the rest of the community is in outrage!

Well this is what you get for not responding to the “power gamers” on the forums and registering your disgust. If they make 100 threads saying “Give us gear grind” and nobody replies with “WE DONT WANT THIS” then it looks like those 100 threads are the opinion of the players.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


This is what you get for not shouting down every single “WAH WAH I WANT GEAR PROGRESSION AT ENDGAME” post that was posted on the forum over the past 8 weeks.

They are seeing those, seeing nobody disagree with them, and assuming that is public opinion.

It’s pretty clear from everyone’s responses here that we DONT want gear grind.

Well that’s great, I don’t want it either, but we have to speak up against people asking for it in the forums and elsewhere otherwise Anet will give them it.

Play the game, enjoy it, but for god’s sake log on to the forums once in a while to say that you like it the way it is and please don’t change it. If you don’t, stuff like this happens because the vocal minority have a powerful voice.

Stealth nerf on ecto drops

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Chamone.6890


the current average sits at 1.2 ecto(s) per salvage, it was 1.8 before they nerfed it…

My calculation are based on probability with a sample size of 5000

You salvaged 5000 rares in the last 3 days? Really?

This thread is a fairly transparent attempt to try and bump the price of ectos on the TP. Sadly, it’s working.

(edited by Chamone.6890)

Traveling Costs Have To Go

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chamone.6890


I earn approx 30 silver per hour in this game by simply playing it casually. If I go hard out to try and farm gold I can get up to 2 gold per hour.

Are you seriously saying you can’t absorb a measly 10-20 silver in daily waypoint costs out of that?

Get a clue. The WP costs are there for a reason, and you can cut them down significantly by warping to LA first via the mists and then waypointing to the nearest home city to your destination.

If it really bothers you, walk everywhere.

Extreme Zoom Out - Mad King Dungeon Style

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Yes! The uber zoom is what I want, as per your screenshot…

Not sure what you’re talking about hiding character models though? That is not what I’m suggesting at all…

When I did the MK dungeon and got the uber-zoom activated, it followed me into WvW and PvP just fine, and I had a whale of a time. I didn’t gain any tactical advantage though, since everyone else had it too…

Extreme Zoom Out - Mad King Dungeon Style

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chamone.6890


This is not what I mean at all. The change to vertical FOV has almost no impact on how far out you can zoom.

Did you play the Mad King Dungeon?

Extreme Zoom Out - Mad King Dungeon Style

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Everyone who went in the Mad King dungeon will know what I mean.

When you left the dungeon, you could zoom out maybe 3 or 4 times further than normal, and the ability to zoom out so far followed you between waypoints, into WvW, everywhere.

It only reset to normal after re-logging, but you could quickly go in the MK dungeon and get it back again.

The screenshots and videos that people posted in this amazing zoomed out mode are the most beautiful and awe-inspiring I’ve seen since I saw the very first promo videos of GW2.

Why can’t we zoom out that far all of the time?

I had ZERO issues with it, no clipping, no disappearing scenery, nothing. It was PERFECT.

With the MK zoom enabled, I found myself appreciating far more of the gorgeous artwork of the game, the octupus chandeliers in the LA bank, never saw those before. The gorgeous interiors of StoneMist and the Keeps in WvW, which I’d never appreciated, the amazing rolling hills and countryside of Queensdale…

It was like playing a whole new game, a far more beautiful, engaging game, that sense of claustrophobia was gone and I felt really connected to the world of Tyria!


Please bring end game gears progression to the game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Once level progression stops, something has to take its place.

Not sure I agree with you there, sport.

Why does there have to be progression of any kind? Just because it’s an MMO and that’s the way every other MMO does it?

We’re playing a game that’s trying to break out of that mould.

Let’s look at some of the most successful games of all time:

Streetfighter 2
Super Mario World
Sonic the Hedgehog

In all of those games, there is no “levelling”, no “stat progression”, you are the exact same character at the very end of the game as you are at the start. No matter how many hours you put in, you still have the same skills and abilities.

In many ways, GW2 is like this. Yes, there is a bit of progression at the start, but eventually you hit the plateau. You’re level 80, with full exotics and all skills unlocked, your character is as powerful as it’s ever going to be.

To me, that’s not the end of the game, that’s the start.