I literally cannot begin to say how much I hate, hate HATE this suggestion.
If this suggestion were a person I would punch, kick, and bite it with every fibre of my being until it was dead, then I would drag its bloody entrails into a pit of lava and toss it inside, incinerating it just to be sure.
The whole game is designed aroudn you NOT having to do this stupid behaviour which is a hangover from WoW and other lesser MMOs. You only want to “farm” because you have been programmed to by other MMOs.
Do. Not. Farm.
It’s a horrific waste of time, life and energy.
I wish Legendary weapons did not require this “farming” or, more accurately, “killing the same stuff over and over and over until you do it on autopilot, doing it so much that the hours slip by into days, you lose all sense of reality and don’t even know what day it is.”
I wish there were no items in the game that required people to “farm”, but there are. The best we can do is simply pretend they don’t exsist.
Disregard LokiAlpha, World bosses can and should be fun.
One of the reasons they’re not fun is that they’re farmed by hundreds of people. One of the main reasons that they’re farmable is that they’re constantly on a really short, really predictable respawn timer, and everyone just farms the known boss spawn points. Also, there’s no penalty or anything stopping you farming the same boss over and over and over.
If the spawn points changed, there was some kind of daily / weekly / monthly limit to the number of times you could kill the same boss, and the respawn times were much less predictable, this would help with the farming aspect.
Making them challenging and possible to fail would also help a lot.
Thanks Devon. You are a true superstar and I never expected separate reset times to come about so quickly
EU resets are going to be a whooole lot more interesting now they’re at prime time, not nightcapping time
“The WvW matchup is reset at the same time because of the way the system works. We can’t separate the reset time for EU and NA because of this.”
Forgive me Devon, can I call you Devon? I’m going to anyway.
Devon, I understand that the system currently works this way, with the EU and NA servers having to reset at the same time.
However, aren’t you the ones in charge of how that system works? Would it not, in fact, be entirely possible to decouple the EU and NA servers and have them reset at different times?
We’d prefer not to hear “We can’t”, because we all know that in fact you absolutely could, it’s just a matter of how much effort will it take to do.
Nobody in the EU really wants reset in the middle of the night, Midnight CET is certainly better than 2 in the morning (although in practice it’s been like 2:20 or 2:30, those servers seem to take longer and longer to reset each week eh!) we’d much prefer it at a nice sociable time like 8pm.
Do us a favour mate, write this up on your Backlog:
Change Request:
Separate out EU and NA WvW servers such that the Matchups can reset at different times in each region.
It doesn’t have to go high up on the list, but you should totally put it on there!
Then you can stop saying “We can’t”, and start saying “It’s something we’re considering for the future”, or words to that effect.
Cheers Devon, love you!
Huge thanks to Habib, Mike and everyone else who worked on removing Culling from WvW. The game now plays like I always hoped and imagine that it would. You guys did an amazing job and should rightfully feel very proud of yourself.
To the new guy: don’t worry about trying to prevent zerging, or the new fashionable term ‘the blob’. As a player in a guild who has a 20-man group that can wipe a 100-man blob, everything is fine there. Players just need to get better at working together to counter it. Trying to mess with the game to discourage certain behaviour will always end in disaster.
Better to encourage more diverse, co-operative play by giving players the tools they need. What would really help are changes to let commanders actually command. Better chat, icons, map tools and so on.
VOIP is absolutely essential to beat the blob, but it’s hard to send someone the link for your teamspeak when they can’t copy and paste from the chat window. Many players assume that map chat and say chat are the only way they can communicate. It would be good to have some kind of ‘official’ VoIP app which is supported in the game somehow, even if you guys aren’t providing the servers.
I think the maps are getting a little old now. It would be amazing if we could have some kind of map rotation. Don’t throw the old maps out, but we do need a little variety I think.
LoL I think Gandara’s tactic for dealing with KISS and FURY on the same map is to try to blunt our swords with their faces.
It’s not working
2 vs 1 is part of the game, it’s why we have 3-team maps in the first place.
Nothing shameful or against the rules happened here, it was just a rare chance to influence the outcome of a very close scoring match in a the last couple of hours.
Get over it.
Here is the difference between AMD and Intel CPUs
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Chamone.6890
Good comparison. Now maybe people will understand that all “4Ghz” CPUs are not equal, at least not in this game.
For the extra $100 or so it costs to go Intel, you get roughly double FPS in GW2.
Reward Updates: Fixed a bug on certain world boss chests that was causing them to drop fewer rewards than intended. These chests can now only be looted once per day, to encourage players to fight multiple bosses and spread out across the world.
Jeffrey Vaughn: There’s nothing I can say that will change any minds—but I did say that the staff had an extremely low drop rate, and we did just boost the odds of rare items appearing at the end of large events. Congrats to those who got one!
So it was in Shadow Behemeoth all along. I was watching this item hunt from afar since November, and all along people were putting the pieces of lore together like a jigsaw and were totally convinced that it HAD to be Shadow Behemoth that dropped it. Even though the event was bugged for the longest time, thousands of players would camp Behemoth after every patch, so they could run the event in its rare, un-bugged state.
None of them dropped final rest. Not one. But because it was bugged, rare to succeed and so on, people accepted that we might just be unlucky, and it’s not dropping for us
Eventually, they fixed the event chain and Shadow Behemoth could be run multiple times a day without bugging out. The players descended on it in their thousands, running it diligently every day for hours and hours. They ran it so many times and it still did not drop. Now they were absolutely convinced that it could not possibly be SB, and started to speculate where the elusive Final Rest actually was!
Anet knew all along that it was Behemoth, but it seems that their RNG routines are so complex that even game designers can’t give us a straight answer on what a particular item’s drop rate is, because it’s too complex for anyone to calculate. Even with the event itself working normally, it still could not be dropped. I refuse to beleive that there was ANY chance of dropping it before the Feb patch, because no matter how low the rate was, someone should have dropped it.
GW2’s uber-complex RNG droprate system seems to have been bugged all along, in all sorts of ways. Last month they fixed it for Champs not dropping any loot, this month they’ve fixed it for event chests not giving out what they’re supposed to, who knows what other little anomalies are out there…
Either way, they knew it was SB, and they knew players had run SB so many times that they had basically discounted it from the search. It seems kind of cruel for Anet to see those posts, look at the player data, realise that 0 players inventories or banks in the entire game had Final Rest in them (seriously, they must have done this, right?), and not just own up that it was not dropping as intended, and just tell people what event was supposed to be dropping it.
(edited by Chamone.6890)
Nice post Folly. I agree with your points overall, though I’m going to speak primarily to your points about communication, community involvement and transparency.
The trick with our communication, is to find a good balance, on multiple levels.
Let me tell you Tyler, that you most certainly have not found that balance. You have retreated too far away from the discussion and distanced yourselves from developer-player interaction.
The communication process is one-way. Whether that is people dropping into forum threads like this one to tell us how it is, or Colin going round giving interviews with prepared answers to prepared questions on subjects that he wants to talk about. There is never any acceptance of outside ideas or opinion, no matter how valid.
I don’t accept that parsing community feedback would leave you no time to do your day jobs. Surely your community managers are not the ones doing the designing and coding? To my mind, a community manager would have the difficult job of reviewing what the community thinks it wants, stripping away the 99% of bad ideas and leaving only the good, running the surveys and collating the feedback from players to see if they like them, and presenting them as finished articles to the devs.
Yes, you’re going to build up some player’s hopes with this approach, and some people are going to be disappointed. But, let me tell you, that is going to happen anyway no matter what you do.
I think you’re slowly learning this, but the less you say about what’s coming up, the more players will hang on every word and make up their own versions of the truth. Better to have it from the horse’s mouth and let them be disappointed over losing something that you were actually planning to do, rather than something they made up in their imagination. Their imagination will always have much better stuff in it!
You speak of your desire to interact with the fanbase and your desire to respond to the needs and wants of the players, but then contradict yourselves with this pervasive attitude of “Leave us alone, we’re too busy making this awesome game for you guys”.
This is is not going to win you any favour with your critics, and frankly, just adds more fuel to the fire with the rampant speculation it causes.
Further, I think far too much time is spent at Anet discussing the future, the plans, what features are working in the super secret test build and which aren’t. You’re discussing those plans in a vacuum without letting us peek in to see what’s going on, for fear of raising our hopes when a promised feature doesn’t quite make it.
It seems that zero time is spent discussing the now, the present, what players are saying about the features in the release client, how they are responding to them and what they would like to see different. We had one token survey about Lost Shores, but the results have not been published, and nothing has been said about the feedback gathered.
Every patch brings new stuff, and that’s great, but often we’re left asking ourselves: “Who actually asked for this change?” Since you don’t tell us where you get your great ideas from, we can only come to the conclusion that you guys are making it up as you go along, without considering what we want.
This is fine, and a valid way to design a game, but it seems an awful waste to disregard the things your players are asking for. Even simple, little things like a “number of days since last repped” timer on the Guild Roster, or a feature that lets you swap weapons more easily. Stuff like that has been flooding the suggestions forum for months, but you don’t even take the time to reply to the suggestions forum, much less tell us when you’re using feedback from it.
Development can be a 2-way street if you allow it to be one.
Brilliant, now when 6 idiots in my team decide to attack the kitten minotaurs, they won’t give our position away
The “loot” or lack of, will continue to be a problem because there are not enough items in the game to play for.
I’m sure they will add more items over time, the issue most of us are having since November is that we can’t make any money playing the game to buy the lovely new items, because rares are too rare, and Exotics never drop.
Some people seem to be unaffected by this, and continue to drop rares and exos like they’re candy
With any luck, the Feb patch will put us all back onto an even playing field again
Haha, even though they locked the topic Colin replied to, there’s still this one to reply to!
Well, all I can say is “we told you so”.
It seems like they’re wriggling away from ALL loot in the game being bugged and instead focussing on “some people” not getting drops from “Champions”. Yeah OK guys, just Champions…
We will see in the Feb patch, if I suddenly start dropping rares again (had about 3 since the November patch), then the selective RNG hell will finally be over
SEE Stephanie? We weren’t just making it up!!!
either we’ve not been having alot of luck, or this chest gets opened less than 270 times / day across all servers. Which does indeed suggest that we can exclude shadow behemoth/grenth/…..
Yes, but what chest in the game is opened less than 270 times per day across all servers? We have over 400’000 players concurrent, and at least 10’000 players actively searching for final rest.
Even if you take a drop rate of 0.00005, much much lower than the devs state it is, that chest would only need to be opened 20’000 times total for there to be a 1.0 chance for someone to get Final rest. Surely there is no chest in the game that has not been opened that number of times already, even though we have “not been out 7 months yet”.
I think the real answer is that there is a wider RNG loot bug at play (the same one affecting champion loot) and they haven’t realised it yet.
Wow! This thread is a hacker’s goldmine! People willfully posting all their IP details to a public forum Priceless.
Definitely system clock.
If you reset it and your PC continually loses the correct date and time, then change the battery.
8/10, you are missing SSD for Windows / GW2 files.
This one is fine for that purpose, and cheap as chips:
Other SSDs which are faster or offer more space are available.
Other than that, could not really improve much.
You will run it at exactly 4 smoothness.
If you think something as harmless as suicide off a cliff to help someone get their rez daily is terrible, I suggest you do not play this game.
If you knew how prevalent mob skipping, glitching, cheating and exploiting really were, for much more important things than a daily quest you can get in 1 minute, you would run a mile.
Actually, random letter / number combinations are not great. They’re hard to remember, so you will tend to use the same one in many places, because your human brain can’t remember more than a couple of these silly passwords like R0ti4JfirH~3
You either end up using the same one everywhere, or getting something like KeePass, which to me just seems like an open invitation to a trojan…
Passwords which are far, far more easy to remember are ones like DogFaceHamsterFootball. These are easy to remember if you choose well (the human memory works on images, not words, so imagine a hamster with the face of a dog playing football) and can be customised to each individual thing you need to log into, so my Guild Wars password could be NornHoldingTwilightLaughing or something like that. If I do want to write it down as a reminder for myself, I can draw a cartoon, much more entertaining and secure than a list.
It’s actually much more difficult for a computer to crack a long password with only letters than a short one with a jumble of letters, symbols and numbers, and you’re much less likely to use it more than once, reducing the risk of that one site being hacked / compromised screwing up your whole life.
Don’t forget, big sites get hacked all the time. PSN, Hotmail and EA to name a few. How many of you used the same password for your PSN that you used for something else? The hackers downloaded every single username and password from PSN, and can sit there trying every single password on that list on every and any site they can think of.
You can buy the list of passwords and email addresses they stole pretty easily, and run bots which sit attempting every single one until you get a hit. I’ve seen a list of passwords which was circulating (over 300 million) and I was shocked to find a couple of my own logins on it, with my “unique” password which I used to use everywhere on it. If I can get 300 million passwords just through curiosity, imagine what a determined hacker can get hold of…
Anet have been seeing this on their end, people making millions of attempts to log in, cycling through lists of un/pw combinations and are taking some steps to help us avoid getting our stuff stolen, and avoid clogging up their support inbox with “Help I’ve been hacked” queries.
If Anet knows your password has been compromised, chances are any hacker knows it as well. It really takes 1 minute or less to come up with a good one for each site you visit, and you can make it fun too.
No, actually I think he’s right you guys.
And actually, mobs dropping random loot is not right either. If it’s 30 seconds work to kill one mob then every mob which takes 30 seconds should drop that exact same amount of loot.
This is not right. My effort should be rewarded by the same amount each time. If I kill a Skelk, it gives me 1 totem and 13 copper. I want eaxctly 1 totem and 13 copper every time I kill a Skelk.
I want Guild Wars 2 to basically be exactly like turning up for work in the real world. I clock in, start grinding, take a short break for lunch and then carry on grinding until my shift is over.
At the end of my shift, the game should count up how many mobs I killed and pay me the exact amount of gold I earned for today, then I come back on the next day and do it all again.
The game needs a mechanic where we, as players, can dispose of all these excess items: the mystic forge. Currently, the primary reason for using the forge is the chance you have at a precursor.
Fair point, but we do in fact already have a system to destroy excess rares and exotics, they’re called salvage kits.
People salvaging rares for Ectos massively outnumber people chucking rares down the mystic toilet for a chance at a Precursor. I’d suggest that making the Precursors more widely available would not really affect the economy at all.
Even if it did, who cares? This is a game economy, not a real one. If exotics were vendor trash prices, then it would be much cheaper for us to kit ourselves out in full exotics. Why is that not desirable? Imagine being able to buy a full exotic set for a couple of gold… sounds amazing!
In any case, something else would move to become the “expensive” thing that everyone wants. Maybe Abyss dye, maybe some silly minipet or a staff nobody’s ever seen in game.
Humans are silly and markets and economies adjust to their silliness, lets not ruin the whole concept of Legendary weapons which, without the crazy precursor price, are a really great idea. It would be silly to let them fade into nothing just because we want to protect the status quo and are afraid of what might or might not happen if we try something different.
That’s about 2 months for the rings, not 3 and running FOTM will get you the rings in 21 days (1 day to get from level 1 to 10, 20 to run dailies 20 times) and there’s no way to get ascended amulets trough fractals.
>1 day to get from level 1 to 10
>1 day
That would literally be the worst day of my life. Running fractals more than once a day makes my teeth itch.
I see where you’re coming from, you want everything the game has to offer NOW NOW NOW and you literally cannot STAND it when there are barriers put in the way to stop you grinding solidly for 30 hours to get something in a day and a half which is designed to take you a month.
However, most of us are not like you, we are normal. We can wait for things. We have patience. To us, 20 days is a short time, not an eternity that you might as well dismiss out of hand.
It’s a pretty meh staff skin if you ask me, you only want it so much because it’s not for sale.
I don’t think I’ve ever played solo.
Except for the personal story.
I played a few missions solo then found they were much easier and way more fun if I had at least one person do the story instance with me.
I’ve never even seen a situation where it was just me in a zone, and it’s ridiculously easy to put a party together and start having a chat, you just have to want to do it.
It’s actually quite difficult to play solo, as people will just run up to you in the world and start helping you kill stuff without being asked.
So yeah, literally the complete opposite of what OP is saying is true.
This really belongs in bug reports, not Tech Support.
My advice? Be more careful about typing, and stop using question marks.
If you got the version with the Nvidia 520M graphics it should be reasonably good for a laptop.
But bear in mind that laptops just aren’t cut out for high-end games, regardless of how much they claim to be, so don’t expect the same performance as you’d get from a gaming desktop. You’re going to be on nearly minimum settings, with most settings turned down to lowest if you want decent FPS performance.
Ignore the AMD fanboy above, going with an AMD CPU is the best way to nerf your FPS.
An AMD GPU however, is very much advised here. The 7870 2GB is about $100 cheaper than the 660Ti 3GB and offers very similar performance in most games, but most importantly, much better performance in GW2. AMD have really focussed on Guild Wars 2 on their drivers, and their new 13.2 Beta 3 driver contains optimisations specifically for Guild Wars 2 which dramatically boost FPS, unlike Nvidia’s drivers, which are firmly focussed on the FPS crowd with BF3 and Crysis 3 optimisations.
Keep the motherboard you already have and drop a faster CPU in there like a Q9550 or something, the performance difference between the Q9550 and i5 3570 is not very much, but this will save you significant dollar. With a decent cooler, you can overclock to 4GHz without any problems.
Consider dropping down to a Sata II SSD, they are only very slightly slower than the SATA III ones. You will still get your 10 second load times and zero asset loading lag, but quite a bit cheaper.
16GB is probably slightly overkill for GW2, you won’t see any difference at all in performance dropping back fom 16GB to 8GB, especially loading the game from SSD.
I disagree, WvW performance will absolutely be affected by running the game on an actual GPU rather than a toaster.
Get a new case, they’re cheap and it’s actually easier than you think to swap everything out. If you’re like me you can see it as an opportunity to get really obsessive about tidying your cables, getting good airflow and making it all neat and tidy
The 7770 will run the game much, much better than your 5450. It is over 5 times more powerful. You will be able to go up to high / medium settings on most things, and it will look a lot nicer.
SolarNova is somewhat correct in that you should ideally get a faster CPU to get full FPS when there are a lot of other players around, like in WvW or LA.
Sadly, the CPU you have is about as fast as it gets for your computer, you’ll need to swap to an Intel board to see any real improvements there.
(edited by Chamone.6890)
I accept your point about gold though. It is not equivalent of real money. However, I would argue that it does have clear relationship to real money and whether someone got gems by spending money or got gems through mindlessly grinding dungeons for gold, I would not be comfortable taking it from them.
For some players, earning 36 gold is around 20 seconds work, setting up a sell order and wiating for it to fill.
For others, it is 60 seconds of super rapid clicking to trigger an exploit.
Some players will gladly give away gold they came by so easily, especially if it is to help a friend. Ask, you may be pleasantly surprised.
It’s 10g! You could make that in no time or in the least get 10 members to chip in 1g apiece and pay them back after your transfer. Seriously! Are you really that upset about this that you can’t see the simple solutions right in front of you?
Heck, I’ll send you 1g just to get you started.
1g is 50 gems mate. That’s 36g for 1800 gems I assume. I don’t know if you get some kinda discount for buying in larger amounts.
Please bare in mind:
Gems buy gold.
Real money buys gems.That means that gold has a real money value. Hitting my guild mates up for gold is not much different from hitting them up for real money, even though the currency system disguises the fact.
I would tend to disagree. You cannot earn real money by fighting imaginary dragons, but you can earn in game gold that way. Fighting imaginary dragons costs you nothing.
I don’t believe you can say that an amount of gold equals the gem equivalent cost in cash, it doesn’t work that way. Cash -> gold is a one-way street, once you buy the in-game gold there is no way to cash it out.
Saying that, if you really feel bad about depriving your friends of some imagined cash-value for their gold, why not offer to pay them for it? I have a feeling they’ll accept much, much less than Anet, or even the gold-seller sites.
(edited by Chamone.6890)
Interesting response since you do not know me. I would guess my friends will miss me, some already said they would, and Anet is going to miss a paying customer, since I have bought plenty of gems in the past for things I considered worthwhile.
If you were even the least bit interested in WvW or your friends, you would have known that the paid transfers were coming in for the last month, they gave us plenty of warning. It was mentioned several times in several of the official blog posts about the game, which are emailed directly to your personal email. I know even if I’d quit, was halfway up a mountain in Siberia with half a bar of internet on my phone, I’d at least read those.
Guesting means you can play with them on PvE, and practice without them in WvW while you save up the in-game gold which you need to save up to be able to transfer for free. It doesn’t take very long to save up the 20 or 30 gold you’ll need to buy those gems, so you’ll just have to suck it up. Your friends can either help you with the gold grind, or mail you gold to help you avoid it.
thought I could play at least normally since they added the minimum pc requirements. I expected that to be true when I bought this game. Thats a bit dissappointing. Anyway, thank you for the answer, I guess there is no other choice than that.
I don’t know what you mean by play normally? If you mean on “medium” settings then no, I’m afraid you can’t do that with a PC which is just above the minimum spec.
To play on a min spec PC, you have to play at minimum settings and put up with quite a lot of lag and stutter. There is no minimum acceptable FPS, but a steady 20FPS would come above that I would presume.
It may shock you to learn that many mainstream, highly successful console games operate at around 20FPS most of the time.
(edited by Chamone.6890)
The CPU is what’s holding you back there, and the limited RAM.
RAM is dirt cheap, upgrade to 8GB immediately and start seeing real performance gains.
The CPU is a tricker proposition. Core 2 is showing its age now. Ideally, you would upgrade to a more modern CPU, but that means pretty much a whole new PC.
If money is tight, you could do a lot worse than a Q6600 CPU, which will be a straight swap for the CPU you have, and will at least give you the 4 cores needed for this game to perform well.
As luck would have it, there are dozens of fast quad-core chips available that will fit your PC, and many of them can be found relatively cheaply on ebay and the like.
Getting a DX11 capable GPU will give him more performance in open world PvE (discounting LA and large Zergs) and can be used with a new CPU upgrade when its affordable.
It will still run really slowly when there’s a lot going on with that CPU, but it will be noticably better. When you do get around to getting the new CPU, you can still use the new GPU and PSU with it.
TL;DR: Yes. Go for it, but put a new Motherboard, CPU and RAM at the top of your shopping list for your next upgrade.
(edited by Chamone.6890)
I have the lines, 7870 with AMD Catalyst 13.2 Beta 3.
I have an i7 2600K and I’m not sure whether I want HT enabled or disabled for maximum performance in GW2. For the purposes of this post, GW2 is the only thing that my PC ever runs, any other function outside of GW2 is irrelevant.
Some people say GW2 is very CPU-bound, but makes good use of many cores.
Some people say it’s CPU-bound, but is only ever using 3 cores max.
Some people say that turning HT off gives better FPS, some say that on is the way forward.
So, Tech Support, which is it to be? On or Off?
Does anyone have some half-decent benchmarks showing any performance change?
I also think this is related to the log out bug.
When someone logs out in WvW but does not leave party, it considers them still inside WvW.
This could be related to some regression in the “when you alt-F4, you die” feature?
who knows.
I don’t think every server is imagining it. We know how many people are in our maps from the map chatter, which guilds are logged in, and what points we are capping / holding. We check the jumping puzzles, it is not becuase the lands are genuinely full, there is a problem with queues.
The intention with this patch was not to “fix” culling, merely to make it better temporarily while they work on the longer term fixes.
I’m not sure if it really is any better, I think the December test was better than this. This one just seems weird and inconsistent. It might be because we’re not used to it yet, but the situations where it’s better seem to be few, and the situations where it’s worse seem to be many.
Placeholder skins show intermittently for me, sometimes players pop right out of culled without getting a placeholder, sometimes they have a placeholder for 10-20 seconds while the server decides to tell me what armour they are wearing…
Sometimes I can see our full zerg of 40 people and see most of the enemy, sometimes I can only see 10 of us and 10 of the enemy, sometimes we cull when there’s no enemy around at all. All seems very random and arbitrary.
Generally, someone within 1200 distance is always visible, so at least that’s something
Core i7 2600K, 8GB RAM, SATA-3 SSD just FYI.
Downed state is perfect, don’t change downed state.
Being able to infinitely res from dead is silly and just leads to stalemates, you should have a set number of lives, maybe 3 or 5, and then be forced to waypoint imo.
We should at least have information about how many people queueing, and what position we are in the queue. Such things are basic.
Both German sides pretty much gave up on Saturday night, less than 24H after reset, when we had already gained a lead of about 20’000 points.
At reset, all 3 servers should be fielding their top squads for as long as possible, no excuses about numbers or primetime, yet we still came out on top, 4 hours after reset. Looks like we can just fight harder, stay up longer into the night and play for longer than you guys ;D
The fights just seemed to get real easy after Saturday, the Germans started turtling inside hills, bay and garri, and it was up to us to go and get them out, no real defence needed on our side, which made it easy to attack. If that’s how u wanna play fine, but it’s pretty boring IMO.
The funniest part was when ARMY quickly switched servers from AM to MS when we were right in the middle of wiping them. I swear I killed the same guy with an AM tag then about 5 minutes later with a MS tag =^_^=
Saying that when ARMY teamed up with BOTS later in the week we got a few good fights, and a guild called MYA I think, they were very good too. Shame the rest of your server can’t put up a fight
Has anyone actually seen any of the “placeholder models” yet? For me everyone still appears with all their normal gear showing…
Same for Aurora Glade, every server constantly queued no matter how many on the map.
Started last Friday, still happening now.
I think it’s for the best that the loot in WvW is kitten. If you’re regularly wiping guilds like we do, you can pick up 20-30 bags in a 5 minute period, and I think that’s better loot than even Fractals gives you, but those zerg wipes are unpredictable, and you can go hours and hours between getting them.
This is not enough of a “guaranteed income” for the farming types, who are just obsessed with loot, and don’t actually care about winning or losing, they just want to do whatever gets them the most loot. Personally, I don’t ever want anyone running in full magic find on my battlefield, and I would hope everyone feels the same way.
It’s bad enough that they sit in the jumping puzzle all day porting their alts on their other accounts up to get the badges, taking up slots that real fighters could use, the last thing we want is people farming the sentries because it gives the best chance at a rare drop or whatever.
With the dailies focussing on ressing, dodging and veterans now, WvW has become the easiest place to get your dailies, and dailies get you cool stuff, so we have seen a huge influx of people coming on just to get their dailies and leaving. Not good for the battle, not good for our queue times. It’s bearable though.
That said, they should do a few things to make good play in WvW more rewarding without doing anything as basic as simply “boosting the loot drops”:
One example would be better stuff to spend Badges of honor on. I live in hope that we’ll see Ascended gear for sale at the badge vendor, or at least some of the juicier gear from the Karma shops.
All of the Invader’s gear is ugly, and I’ve already got a full set of exos, I don’t need more. My guild leader has got literally hundreds of siege golems, and all the other seige, it’s pointless buying any more of that, plus you can get it from the JP chest a lot quicker than spending badges on it, so badges are kind of worthless for me right now.
never happen. Nothing actually gets fixed in WvW.
Disagree somewhat, many of the popular glitch points in the terrain have been removed in this recent patch.
But yeah in general, they don’t touch WvW.
Apart from the small snatches of dialogue which are mercilessly repeated over and over “It’s a bad day to buy wine”, “I haven’t taken leave of my senses”, “I feel six feet tall”, “I can outrun a centaur”, which everyone agrees are the most annoying things ever, there are some sound effects I’d love to see the back of.
A lot of the sound effects in the game are really irritating. I generally play with sound off now because of them.
I’m mainly talking about the Necro Staff 1 skill and the Mesmer Greatsword 1 skill. These sounds set my teeth on edge and make me actively avoid those classes.
The sound effect for Flame Ram hitting a door in WvW has changed recently, it’s gotten a lot louder, quite annoying as well.
What do other players think, apart from the voices repeating the same things over and over, which we all know is annoying, what about those sound effects that make you sad?
Even easier, just make the effect stack duration like most other stuff in the game.
I have 5 food in my inventory, I spam double click on it 5 times, then I get the food buff for 2 hours, 30 mins.
This has the added benefit of being a food sink / gold sink, since most people will stack 8 hours of food on their character, than stop playing after 2-3 hours and waste the food.