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Beta Weekend Scrapper Feedback Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Coolster.2536


I don’t know what everyone’s talking about, Gyros are amazing! I must be in the 0.1% category for saying that. I ran them in both PvE and PvP and didn’t have mass amounts of problems. This was my PvE build I ran and this was my PvP build. I ran with Medic, Bulwark, Blast, and Shredder Gyros with Mortar Kit and used Explosives and Firearms for traits. And I felt very good with this build. Most times when I died, I was either outnumbered (1v3+) or was the victim of a coordinated burst (Didn’t even have time to dodge) So yeah, now onto my criticisms!


First let me start by ranking the gyros by reliability (1 being most reliable):

  1. Shredder Gyro
  2. Medic Gyro
  3. Blast Gyro
  4. Bulwark Gyro
  5. Sneak Gyro
  6. Purge Gyro
  7. Function Gyro
  • The Shredder Gyro is, by far, my favorite gyro! It always worked in every situation I used it in and most times, it lasted its full 12s duration in both PvE and PvP! And that Spare Capacitor comes in handy sometimes
  • The Medic Gyro is great for a burst heal, but I don’t know how well it functioned after the initial heal. Judging by its heal radius, it seems to work like the Purge Gyro where it wanders between allies and heals them. This is okay in theory, but if your allies are constantly moving, it makes it hard for the Gyro to keep up and miss the heal. Also enjoyed Reconstruction Field + Rocket Charge. +1 just for the Tool Belt!
  • The Blast Gyro is my second favorite Gyro. It always seemed to hit its mark. Not always, but most times. It even found its targets in stealth! (It would stop moving when the enemy stealthed, but it would resume chase after they came out of it fyi) Never noticed it losing its target or getting confused, but one thing to note, if the tag missed its tagert (i.e. obstructed) the Gyro would still appear, but not do anything. And Bypass coating was super useful getting people to places
  • The Bulwark Gyro didn’t die a whole lot as I was expecting. It didn’t have a lot of problems keeping up with me, either. However, Watchful Eye did have a delayed application on summon, so I’m wondering if its designed like that (i.e. Juggernaut + Flamethrower) or if its AI. I did notice though that the Bulwark would go over and say hey to my enemies or chat with my allies. I okay with it as long as I’m within range of Watchful Eye, so the Bulwark can go call up his boy for all I care. He’s just need to be within range of me. Also love Defense Field and its Projectile hate
  • The Sneak Gyro didn’t see a lot of use with me. But, as everyone has said, its a little slow and sometimes does try to attack enemies.
  • The Purge Gyro also wasn’t very reliable. I once tried to use it while rushing through a bunch of mobs, but it couldn’t keep up with me, so it couldn’t cleanse my torment (pun intended), but Chemical Field wasn’t bad, but doesn’t make me wanna use Purge
  • And finally, the Function Gyro. This one was by far the least reliable. While testing it in the PvP Lobby on the NPCs, if I was on higher ground than my target, the Function Gyro would still spawn at the target’s body, but would run around not knowing what to do. And sometimes it couldn’t stomp. This one time when I was trying to go for a double stomp with the gyro, and the player used his CC downed skill, the gyro endlessly stomped the player, but would never finish him, so I had to do it. It was annoying because I just watched the gyro fail to stomp him 5 times -_- Also, it used the default finisher instead of my finisher.


The hammer was fun to play, on par with Reaper Greatsword! I do have some criticisms for it though.

  • Positive Strike, Negative Bash, and Equalizing Blow felt slow. I’m okay with the Reaper GS moving slow because it hits like a truck, but this one doesn’t so could it be sped up?
  • Electro-whirl is fun to use, but has one problem: its not a double whirl finisher, only does one whirl!
  • Rocket Charge is fun as kitten! But the first leap always leaps past your target unless your not in melee range
  • Shock Shield is a great defensive skill, but can it get a range increase or an animation change? I always feel like the damage is going to shoot out, but it needs to be within melee range to do any damage
  • Thunderclap is an awesome skill, no changes needed


The traits are fine, but Impact Savant needs to affect Dazes, not Stuns (or both)


  • Increase the speed and/or the radius on the Medic, Purge and/or Sneak Gyros, because the Bulwark Gyro had no trouble keeping up with me, running at normal speed or if we both had Superspeed. Medic and Purge could also become AoE heals and condi cleanses, but that would make them like the Healing Turret
  • Up the damage on the Shredder so it can DPS more
  • Blast Gyro should have a Blast Finisher somewhere on it, just saying…
  • Give Function Gyro a new look, it kinda looks like the Bulwark Gyro
  • Make Function Gyro more reliable and give it something to do in PvE
  • Give Gyros unique effects on destruction so destroying them is fun, i.e. Medic Gyro gives AoE Vigor on death, Sneak leaves AoE Blind, Purge leaves AoE Resistance, Maybe Blast is a Blast Finisher, Bulwark leaves AoE Aegis, and Shredder leaves Aoe Retaliation
  • Speed up Hammer auto attack
  • Decrease Cooldowns so that all Gyro Cooldowns are between 15s and 30s

Hammer is fun, needs minor tweaks. Gyros are NOT 100% useless and fun to use (makes me wonder how other people use them) and could use some adjustments. Function Gyro seriously needs reliability buff.

You Can’t Be A Genius, If You Aren’t The Slightest Bit Insane. B)

(edited by Coolster.2536)

My Scrapper Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Coolster.2536


This is the Scrapper Build I’ve been thinking about and I wanted to know what people would think about it. I think it might be strong, but that can only be seen through use. Also what gyro do you think would serve better: bulwark for mitigation + projectile reflection, Blast for knockback + AoE Superspeed, or Shredder for Whirl + Lightning Field?

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Scrapper builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Coolster.2536


This is the build I’ve been thinking of:

I’ll be using hammer and either Blast Gryo (for the daze/knockback and aoe superspeed), bulwark gyro ( for aoe projectile reflection and damage mitigation) or shredder gyro ( to combo mortar and for extra lightning field).
I’m also thinking about using Grenadier instead of Glass Cannon in Explosives because I don’t know how useful Glass Cannon will be.
I also can’t decide between Stabilization Core or Recovery Matrix because I don’t know how often I’d use Function Gyro. Plus Expert Examination looks really good too but Mass Momentum… And its a chore trying to choose between Adaptive Armor and Perfectly Weighted. IDK how viable this’ll be but it will sure be like a tank, too much armor and too much firepower XD

Though the problem I see with this build is that there is no way to clear condis and no stun breaks

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Exotic Knight's and Cavalier's Armor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Coolster.2536


:o Didn’t know the wiki had that! Thank you again

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Exotic Knight's and Cavalier's Armor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Coolster.2536


I want to use a mix of knight’s and cavalier’s armor on my Scrapper and I wanted to know where I can get lvl 80 exotic armor for those stats. Thank you in advance

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Second Underwater Weapon

in Revenant

Posted by: Coolster.2536


We’re still getting a second underwater weapon right?

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If Druid only did one thing...

in Ranger

Posted by: Coolster.2536


Let’s say that Druid’s new skills were poorly designed, and weren’t even viable in any game type, not even with niche builds, and the traits were horrid, and didn’t synergize with anything, not even itself, and the staff failed at everything it tried to be, but Druid did successfully remove your pet, would you run it? Just something I’m curious about since many Ranger vets hate their pets more than Trahearne. I’m just asking if you would still run Druid if the only thing it did was remove your pet

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Name your Revenant!

in Revenant

Posted by: Coolster.2536


My Rev’s name is Blitz Creeg.

Kudos to those who get the meaning

Never played LoL but thanks god i got friends who do i guess

Actually, it was supposed to be a play on the German tactic Blitzkreig, literally meaning lightning war

You Can’t Be A Genius, If You Aren’t The Slightest Bit Insane. B)

Since the Scrapper Reveal

in Engineer

Posted by: Coolster.2536


To be fair, people would be pretty excited about a utility that said “heal yourself for 12k HP, instant cast, 30s CD”. Which is basically what the bulwark gyro does.

I think this is disingenuous. That’s not even close to what Bulwark Gyro does.

1) It is damage negated over time, inherently weaker than a direct heal.
2) It can take damage, thus reducing the amount it can actually absorb.
3) Following #2, it can die. In PvP smart opponents can hit it a few times and kill it so it doesn’t absorb anything from you.

I’m not even saying any of those points are bad, I’m saying it’s in no way similar to a direct heal for whatever amount of health it has.

Drastically increasing armor to reduce direct damage it takes is nice, but the health is still way too low I feel like. As I said above 12k absorbed by your party is really just 2400 each player. That’s an auto attack in PvP, or a fraction of a boss attack. To most level level 50 fotm bosses that’s actually less than a protection buff for a single hit. This makes this skill very tricky to balance, it becomes useless in group play and OP when you’re solo. There needs to be a creative solution beyond just health or armor increase I think. I don’t know what that is.

How about having the bulwark gyro scale per allies and/or enemies? Like if its only you, it has 11K health, but if its you and 4 other allies, it scales up to ~20-25k health. Same with enemies, if its a 1v1, it takes full damage from the enemy, but if its a 1v5, it reduces direct damage to itself by ~10-25%. Something like that since Protection can be applied to it. This wouldn’t make it OP solo or useless in group fights would it?

You Can’t Be A Genius, If You Aren’t The Slightest Bit Insane. B)

(edited by Coolster.2536)

Describe the Scrapper in 3 Words.

in Engineer

Posted by: Coolster.2536


Hammer Time MotherKitten!

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Name your Revenant!

in Revenant

Posted by: Coolster.2536


My Rev’s name is Blitz Creeg.

Kudos to those who get the meaning

You Can’t Be A Genius, If You Aren’t The Slightest Bit Insane. B)

Request: Rev herald Vids.

in Revenant

Posted by: Coolster.2536


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Blackjack Specialization

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coolster.2536


I was taking a survey for the Beta Weekend and they had a Blackjack profession in the question. It’s probably a typo and they meant Daredevil, but who knows?


You Can’t Be A Genius, If You Aren’t The Slightest Bit Insane. B)

[Video] Reaper PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Coolster.2536


Just some pvp battles I did as a Reaper.

You Can’t Be A Genius, If You Aren’t The Slightest Bit Insane. B)

Rev Builds

in Revenant

Posted by: Coolster.2536


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Engineer Build Compilation - All Modes

in Engineer

Posted by: Coolster.2536


This is my PvE Build:

I play Condi Engi and this is the build I crafted through hours of gameplay. The turret is there only for added DPS, but that knockdown comes in handy at times. I can also do a little support with Med Kit and Mortar 5 + Big Ol’ Bomb or Orbital Strike. I can also combo Fire Bomb + Big Ol’ Bomb + Traited Orbital Strike for 9 stacks of Might.

My PvP Build:

Pretty much works the same way as my pvp build, but I use shield for added defense because I’m terrible at playing defensive :P

You Can’t Be A Genius, If You Aren’t The Slightest Bit Insane. B)

Different Races for Revenant during BWE

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coolster.2536


Will the other races be playable during the Beta Weekend? During that last one, Anet said that they were almost finished with the other races, so will they be in the Beta weekend? It’d be a pleasant surprise if they were

You Can’t Be A Genius, If You Aren’t The Slightest Bit Insane. B)

Condis on Med Kit Bug?

in Engineer

Posted by: Coolster.2536


Is this a bug, because I’ve noticed for a while now that when equiping the Med Kit while in PvP (works in Heart of the Mists, too. IDK about WvW) you will always apply either apply burning, vulnerability or 3 stacks of bleed or all three to an enemy. I can’t find a trait that would do this except for Streamlined Kits, but I run Explosives, Firearms, and Inventions, so that can’t be what’s causing it. So is this a bug or am I missing something?

You Can’t Be A Genius, If You Aren’t The Slightest Bit Insane. B)

HoT Wallpaper

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coolster.2536


When HoT releases, will ArenaNet also release some wallpapers for the Maguuma Jungle and/or the Revenant? I really like GW2’s wallpaper and would love to get some from HoT too

You Can’t Be A Genius, If You Aren’t The Slightest Bit Insane. B)

Revenant Changes

in Revenant

Posted by: Coolster.2536


I’m kind of sad that Rev got weapon swap, but maybe its better that way

You Can’t Be A Genius, If You Aren’t The Slightest Bit Insane. B)

Thank you for Shiro/Dual Swords!

in Revenant

Posted by: Coolster.2536


How about this: since all current 8 classes have only 5 weapon skills and a bunch of utility skills, why not have Revenants change weapon skills? Just like how other classes can change utilities, Revs will change weapon skills. Would it be a lot of work? Yes, but by being able to change what skills a weapon can use, that should add back that Rev’s lost customization. Just a suggestion.

You Can’t Be A Genius, If You Aren’t The Slightest Bit Insane. B)

GW2 Slang

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Coolster.2536


Sorry for replying so late. Thanks, I didn’t think the wiki would have a page dedicated to terms used in the game :P This was REALLY helpful. And again, thank you for helping me. Kudos to all of you!

You Can’t Be A Genius, If You Aren’t The Slightest Bit Insane. B)

Season 1 question

in Living World

Posted by: Coolster.2536


It is not available in game at this time. Season 1 takes place after the Personal Story.
It might become available for purchase in the future, but as of right now it is not, simply due to the fact that it was not developed with replayability in mind.

Aww That sucks Season 1 sounded like a cool story. Well thanks anyway.

You Can’t Be A Genius, If You Aren’t The Slightest Bit Insane. B)

GW2 Slang

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Coolster.2536


Can someone explain some the slang in Guild Wars 2. I hear words like Zerg, Berserk, Condi (which I guess is short for Condition). And while we’re talking about this, can someone also explain the stats in GW2 and why I would want to focus on them? I know in another game Tough=Health, but in this game Tough=Armor. Thanks to those who explain this to me.

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Season 1 question

in Living World

Posted by: Coolster.2536


Is season 1 of the living story free? The personal story quests you get every 10 levels, are they part of Season 1 or are they something else? I can see where I can buy season 2, but not season 1 so I was wondering if it was free or did I miss something? Thanks, in advance, to those who answer.

You Can’t Be A Genius, If You Aren’t The Slightest Bit Insane. B)

I wanna make an alt!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Coolster.2536


Alright, I’ll take you all’s word for it. And I knew I had 5 slots, I was just wondering which I should try first :P

You Can’t Be A Genius, If You Aren’t The Slightest Bit Insane. B)

I wanna make an alt!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Coolster.2536


Hi, I’m a noob to Guild Wars 2 and I’m a lore hound. So I wanna experience some other personal stories. I’m currently stuck between making a human and a charr. I’ve seen some videos on both races, but I still can’t decide. Which one do you kind people think has a richer story. I also wanted to hold off on making an alt until the revanent was released but I really want to experience another story, so i was thinking about the elementalist. How does that class play? Thanks to those who reply.

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