Showing Posts For Coolster.2536:
I’ve been wondering this for a while now. Why is it that Sparkfly Fen and Mount Maelstrom are categorized as being in the Maguuma Jungle with Caledon Forest, Metrica Province and Brisban Wildlands? They are separated by the sea of sorrows and Kryta, so they are nowhere near the Jungle. Shouldn’t they be categorized as part of the Steamspur Mountains? Just seems bizarre to me.
One last request for you generous souls. I would really, really love the electromagnetic descender glider for my mesmer, but its only going to be in the store till next week. Unfortunately, I’m not sure whether or not I have time to stop by the bank, so if anyone who is generous enough could gift me the skin, I would be grateful. I play NA
So, so far I have Frostfang Vol. 1, Incinerator Vol. 1, Astralaria Vol. 1, and Nevermore Vol. 1. Which one of these is the quickest and/or easiest journey to complete? FYI, I have ~75% Tyria Exploration and ~55% Maguuma exploration. I’m also not planning on buying any mats unless they’re >1 g. It may also help if you could also order them from shortest to longest since I am going to do all of them (eventually).
So, so far I have Frostfang Vol. 1, Incinerator Vol. 1, Astralaria Vol. 1, and Nevermore Vol. 1. Which one of these is the quickest and/or easiest journey to complete? FYI, I have ~75% Tyria Exploration and ~55% Maguuma exploration. I’m also not planning on buying any mats unless they’re >1 g. It may also help if you could also order them from shortest to longest since I am going to do all of them (eventually).
Seeing how many people have recieved what they asked for, I was wondering if anyone was kind enough to gift me the Assassin’s Armor set ( Human Tier 3 Medium Cultural Armor) and the Magus Armor set (Charr Tier 3 Light Cultural Armor) or the 238 gold to buy them myself.
Oh, I’m on NA
Seeing how many people have recieved what they asked for, I was wondering if anyone was kind enough to gift me the Assassin’s Armor set ( Human Tier 3 Medium Cultural Armor) and the Magus Armor set (Charr Tier 3 Light Cultural Armor) or the 238 gold to buy them myself. I just want the skins, you can have the outfit itself back, if you so desire. I play on NA servers.
EDIT:Thanks nagr! You’ve saved me a kittenton of time.
(edited by Coolster.2536)
If you ask me, Timberline Falls, Auric Basin, and Tangled Depths are the most beautiful maps in the game. I’ll link some vistas later when I’m on a computer and not a phone.
It never hurt to credit. You might be fine if you just photoshop a GW2 watermark in the screen, but IDK
(edited by Coolster.2536)
Engineer Elite Specialization
Alchemage- The Alchemage is a specialization that uses Tonics made of dragon energy that allow the engineer to transform themselves temporarily into dragon minions and gives them access to the Focus
Mechanic: Potion Belt- Transform your Tool Belt into a Tonic Belt.
F1: Health Tonic Throw out a Potion to Heal and Cleanse allies in an area for 5s
- Range: 600
- Cleanse: 1
- Heal: 500
- Pulses: 5
- Number of Targets: 5
- Duration: 5s
- Radius: 250
- Cooldown: 25s
F2: Sticky Tonic Throw out a tonic to stop enemies in their tracks
- Range: 600
- Stun (1/2s)
- Immobilize: 2.5s
- Cripple (5s)
- Radius: 250
- Number of Targets: 5
- Cooldown: 30s
F3: Hazardous Tonic- Throw out a tonic and apply conditions to enemies
- Burning (2s)
- Bleeding (2s)
- Poison (2s)
- Confusion (2s)
- Torment (2s)
- Number of Targets: 5
- Radius: 250
- Range: 600
- Cooldown: 10s
F4: Protective Tonic- Throw out a tonic the protects allies from damage and conditions and weakens enemies and makes them vulnerable
- Protection (5s)
- Resistance (5s)
- Weakness (5s)
- 5 Vulnerable (5s)
- Radius: 250
- Range: 600
- Number of Targets: 5
- Cooldown: 15s
F5: Quickening Tonic- Grant allies Quickness and Vigor and grant enemies Slow and Chilled.
- Quickness (5s)
- Vigor (5s)
- Slow (5s)
- Chilled (5s)
- Range: 600
- Radius: 250
- Number of Targets: 5
- Cooldown: 20s
Weapon: Focus
Skill 4: Acid Spill- Wave your focus in front of you and dehabilitate your enemies.
- Damage: 500
- Cripple (1s)
- Burning (1s)
- Daze (1s)
- Number of Tagets: 3
- Range: 900
- Cooldown: 20s
Skill 5: Forced Mutation- Transform your opponent into a moa bird
- Morphed (3s)
- Number of Targets: 1
- Range: 900
- Cooldown: 30s
Skill Type: Tonics
Mordrem Tonic- Drink a Tonic and transform into a Mordrem Mender and become Supportive. Gain skills to heal your allies.
- Mender(30s): +250 Healing Power, +250 Concentration
- Healing: 2,500 Heal
- Regen (30s): 5,000 Heal
- Duration: 30s
- Cooldown: 75s
* Skill 1:
* Skill 2:
* Skill 3:
* Skill 4:
* Skill 5:
Branded Tonic- Drink a Tonic and transform into a Branded Ogre and become Powerful. Gain skills to damage your foes.
- Ogre (30s): +500 Power
- Fury (30s)
- Duration: 30s
- Cooldown: 75s
* Skill 1:
* Skill 2:
* Skill 3:
* Skill 4:
* Skill 5:
Icebrood Tonic- Drink a Tonic and transform into an Icebrood Elemental and gain Crowd Control. Gain skills to control your enemies
- Elemental (30s): +500 Expertise (does Expertise work on Stun and Daze?)
- Retaliation (30s)
- Duration (30s)
- Cooldown: 75s
* Skill 1:
* Skill 2:
* Skill 3:
* Skill 4:
* Skill 5:
Risen Tonic – Drink a Tonic and transform into a Risen Abomination and become Tanky. Gain skills to defend your allies.
- Abomination (30s): +500 Toughness
- Protection (30s)
- Duration: 30s
- Cooldown: 75s
* Skill 1:
* Skill 2:
* Skill 3:
* Skill 4:
* Skill 5:
Destroyer Tonic- Drink a Tonic and transform into a Destoryer Harpy and gain Condition Damage and Duration. Gain skills to apply conditions to enemies.
- Harpy (30s): +250 Condition Damage, +250 Expertise
- 5 Might (30s)
- Duration: 30s
- Cooldown: 75s
* Skill 1:
* Skill 2:
* Skill 3:
* Skill 4:
* Skill 5:
Steve Tonic- Drink a Tonic and transform into a minon of Steve, the Deep Sea Dragon
- Steve(30s): +500 Something
- Duration: 30s
- Cooldown: 90s?
* Skill 1:
* Skill 2:
* Skill 3:
* Skill 4:
* Skill 5:
I’ll think of some later
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 1
- 2
- 3: Reduce Recharge of Focus skills by 10%
- 1
- 2: Reduce Recharge of Tonics by 10%
- 3
- 1
- 2
- 3
(edited by Coolster.2536)
Hiya, I tried making a Power/Condi Hybrid build for my Ranger for PvE/PvP and would like to know some critiques on it. TY in advance
Not really sure about that Gyro Kit. Personally, I’d like to see Reconstruction Field be a Stun Break and have Bypass Coating AoE cure Immobilze (and/or cure Crippled and Chilled too). And yeah, maybe turn Shredder into our DPS Gyro. And I would love it if Chemical Field stripped boons too.
Also, I’m not sure about putting blast finishers on Gyros because of Final Salvo, I feel like they would bug out at trying to Blast a field and drop one down at the same time. I like your ideas thoughThanks.
Yeah Bypass coating curing immobalize and/or cure crippled and chilled too would be nice. It would make it more different from the Slick shoes toolbelt too.
I am not sure about a stunbreak on a healskill. Could you elaborate on that?
I meant the Extra Kit, sorry for the confusion and I had to put the Stun Break somewhere, but seeing that no other heal Stun Breaks, maybe giving it to Spare Capacitor or Defense Field would be more sensical
Not really sure about that Gyro Kit. Personally, I’d like to see Reconstruction Field be a Stun Break and have Bypass Coating AoE cure Immobilze (and/or cure Crippled and Chilled too). And yeah, maybe turn Shredder into our DPS Gyro. And I would love it if Chemical Field stripped boons too.
Also, I’m not sure about putting blast finishers on Gyros because of Final Salvo, I feel like they would bug out at trying to Blast a field and drop one down at the same time. I like your ideas though
When I think of Thief with a Rifle, I think of Blinding Power + Killshot. :/
That’s my argument. Rifle would probably have to be more of a Support/Utility Weapon in order for people to mot call OP
I feel like longbow and rifle would really complement each other, especially with the Berserker Elite Spec. But I’m not as keen of Warrior as I could be, so can one of you guys theorycraft a logbow rifle PvE build for me?
How is the Ranger Shortbow? I hardly ever see anyone using it or talking about it. Is it a bad weapon or is it just stuck in the middle, neither a good nor bad weapon. Just curious.
Few people wanted to see the forgeman set, so here you go, main dye colour for the 3 pics are electro blue, shadow abyss, and onset.
4th pic is the from the same armour set and electro blue from above in a different light.
anymore request like this will have to pay for my transmutation charges :P
Mind if I see the look with Antique Bronze?
eh, I feel 275-300 would be a better middle ground, but I’ll live with 250
Just for easier visibility for those who still have hope in Tempest
I run what I like to call the Gyro Scrapper Build. I find it to be really fun and a good Tank/DPS hybrid build.
In PvE I run Explosives instead of Alchemy with Glass Cannon, Shaped Charge, and Siege Rounds with a Knight’s/Cavalier’s Armor mix and trying to get Soldier trinkets with Ruby Jewels.
Going to need to find some nice medium armor with alot more metal on it =)
Forgeman gear has lots of metal
I think you’re experiencing the charge up of the third hit. The AA goes hit→hit→charge up→hit. Equilizing Blow is a channeled skill apparently. No idea as to why though
I use a cavalier (toughness, power, ferocity)/knight(toughness, power, precision) mix on my scrapper. good dps/tank hybrd if you ask me
How do you get this backpack? The wiki says its a reward for doing a quest for Magister Tassi, but she doesn’t give a quest. Thanks in advance
See that little guy hovering next to me?
Neet, I kinda like the new one better than the old one
Really? YAY! Pistol just looked so much better, but I’m glad to hear it’s useful in PvE. I find Mesmer OH Sword to be the best OH Sword in the game (plus if you use it with MH Sword and the Chain Whip Sword skin and use Blurred Frenzy, it looks like your attacking with both swords on an Asura)
Is there any way that OH Sword is better than Pistol?
And we also know that the skins, runes, and sigils are last (Who needs those DH gloves
How are you sure of that one?
Pretty sure they said that the skins would be last, can’t remember when or where unfortunately, but I know that they said the skins were last and the sigils and runes are speculation on my part
You do know the order is fixed and everything is jumbled together in one line, right? No picking and choosing, if the trait you want is after a skin you are basically puppied.
The traits and skills might be jumbled up, but we have no way of knowing that until launch in 17 hours
So, a lot of people are QQing about needing 400 Hero Points to fully unlock the elite spec.
What I know:
- Each Espec gets 12 new traits (3 minors and 9 majors)
- Each Espec gets 6 new utilities ( 1 heal, 4 utilities, 1 elite)
- Each Espec gets 2 profession specific skins ( 1 armor, 1 weapon)
- Each Espec gets a new rune and sigil
Now I don’t know how many runes and sigils the lines will grant, so for simplicity’s sake, I’ll guess we will get 1 sigil and 1 stack of 6 runes (do you honestly want to unlock the same rune six times?).
So that’s a total of 22 things this elite spec will unlock. And we know it takes ~200 HP to unlock half the elite spec. So that’s 11/22 things. And we also know that the skins, runes, and sigils are last (Who needs those DH gloves). So that means, depending on the order of the Espec, we’ll either get 11/12 traits and no new skills or all 6 skills and half the traits. Neither of those seem bad to me. Take this with a grain of salt or a grain of sugar, I just wanted to put this in perspective for some people. But, then again, people will QQ over anything, so what do I know?
(edited by Coolster.2536)
Are there any chat codes for the new legendaries? Thanks in advance
I’m so gonna use Nevermore, but until I craft it, the Makeshift Staff will do.
I’ll be running this in pvp:
and something like this in pve:
Worked in beta, and will probably work live too.
So … medic gyro + bulwark gyro = double heal?
Bulwark doesn’t heal, it just mitigates 50% of incoming damage.
Or do you mean if the medic gyro can heal both you and the bulwark, if so then yes it can.
Oh! I see what you did with the Gyros… Since the Gryros’ cooldown now starts on summon, by keeping the Gyros alive longer, you’re technically making the cooldowns shorter. I.E. Bulwark has a 15 second uptime and a 35s cooldown, so if it survives 15s, your cooldown will be 20s, instead of the initial 30
I like this! Wish the Function Gyro had more functionality in PvE though, but I can libe with simple rezzing
It’s a possibility, but it’s more difficult to find any reason they don’t say anything about skills/traits changes.
As a software developer myself, no it’s not. You don’t tell clients/customers you can do things you’re not sure you can do.
Anet has always tried really hard to operate that way as well.
I don’t want to minimize the work or the difficulties of the task. But as one of the last specialization to be tested, and the fact that engineers said they didn’t want more AI, still got them with every bugs they were afraid to see, and a mechanic that was clearly lackluster, you have to understand that it’s normal for engineers (well, for me, I can’t speak for everyone of course) to be a bit anxious about it.
Especially when you see that this kind of clarity and changes is possible for other specs:
Again, I don’t blame anyone and I don’t say they will not work on it, but considering the circumstances, it’s normal to be afraid. if they can’t even change anything about traits/skills for the scrapper, something is not right.
Well, would you prefer updates that very well may change now or updates that are polished, finalized and what you will be using on the 23? I prefer the latter because I at least know its finished. I’d rather Irenio and his team get the Scrapper changes finalized before launch instead of updating us on a fluctuating status.
And look toward the bright side, Irenio might make a post on what couldn’t get fixed before launch so we won’t be aggravated when we see them.
Sounds good, but the 23!? I can’t wait that long!!
Thanks guys, I think I’ve narrowed my build down to this
I think Critical Strikes + Deadly Arts adds more to my build than Trickery or Shadow Arts does, but I haven’t tested it with DD, so who knows? And, personally, I think Shadow Shot is a better gap closer than Infiltrator’s Strike, so I’ll keep Dagger. I’m also thinking about using Marauder in PvP and a Knight’s/Assassin’s mix for PvE, but what runes do you think would most complement my build?
to start things off, your build lacks focus. D/P is a stealth-heavy power burst setup. daredevil is a stealthless, evade heavy setup. your trickery traits are geared towards condis, something that conflicts with your weapons and trait choices in the other specs. you also lack deadly arts and critical strikes, the two offensive trait lines for thief. it’s usually best to bring at least one of the two so that you can do some decent damage.
so the best way to ask is, what are you looking for? what are you trying to achieve with your build? game mode, role, etc. just tell me what are you interested in doing with this build, and what kind of playstyle you’re looking for.
I tried to make this build for PvE/PvP so I wanted to make it DPS-y with some survivability. Because DD has no stealth, and from what I know of Thief, stealth is essential for survivability, hence Shadow Arts . I took trickery because it seemed useful for added survivability, but I’ll play around with Deadly Arts and Critical Strikes
This is a build I’ve been theorycrafting for my Daredevil. You don’t need to tell me whether its viable or not, but I would like to know if I can do the same thing better with other traits or skills than the traits/skills I selected. Also, what type of armor and runes should I run with this? I’m currently thinking Sentinel armor, but IDK.
This is a build I’ve been theorycrafting for my Daredevil. You don’t need to tell me whether its viable or not, but I would like to know if I can do the same thing better with other traits or skills than the traits/skills I selected. Also, what type of armor and runes should I run with this? I’m currently thinking Sentinel armor, but IDK.
I see some people asking advocating for Gyros that can’t be damaged, but what type of counterplay could be used against them? The only way that I can see Anet balancing this is having Gyros be on extremely high cooldowns so that they can’t be used often because they can’t be attacked. And no one would use Gyros because of the insanely high cooldowns. Look at ele cantrips, there’s not a whole lot of counterplay to them so they’re all have nearly minute long CDs. I would personally like to see Gyros with ~3K more health and more toughness instead of a cooldown increase. Now, I could be missing something, but this is how I perceive undamageable gyros
were the builds I used in the video. I think it worked REALLY well. Could I have done the same thing better without Gyros? Maybe, but I still had a lot of fun with it. Also, sorry for length…I had might’ve had too much fun….
Hahahaha, this is fun!
When was that? During the hammer jumps, or after being launched?
During the last leap of Rocket Charge
I loved this build! It preformed exceptionally for me, not lying ^.^
I was going through some of my Scrapper vids when I paused at what has to be a perfect moment
why didnt you include hammer leaps for healing turret.
:O I didn’t! That’s an oversight on my part.
Reposting a suggestion I had in hopes of Devs seeing it better:
Give Gyros unique effects on destruction so destroying them is fun:
- Medic Gyro gives AoE Vigor to nearby allies
- Sneak Gyro Blinds nearby enemies to nearby allies
- Purge Gryo gives AoE Resistance to nearby allies
- Blast Gyro gives AoE Fury to nearby allies
- Bulwark Gyro gives AoE Aegis to nearby allies
- Shredder Gyro gives Aoe Retaliation to nearby allies
This would decentivize people destroying them and make destroying them even more useful. I also tried not to have them leave any fields as that would clash with Final Salvo.
Title says it, by doing some math, you can find out how much both Medic Gyro and Healing Turret heal. Note this is only when you use Rocket Charge with Reconstruction Field, otherwise HT beats MG and I tested this in Heat of the Mists with 0 healing power and with 1200 healing power.
This is the initial heal (IH) of Medic Gyro + the healing from Reconstruction Field + Rocket Charge (RF)
4,510 (IH) + 1,300 (RF) + 1,300 (RF) + 1,300 (RF) = 8,410
This is the initial heal of Healing Turret with Cleansing Burst + Detonate Healing Turret and without calculating Regen
2,520 (IH) + 2,520 (CB) + 1,320 (DHT) = 6,360
Now this is the healing of Medic Gyro with the Medic Gyro healing + Reconstruction Field + Rocket Charge
4,510 (IH) + 820 (GH) + 820 (GH) + 820 (GH) + 820 (GH) + 1,300 (RF) + 1,300 (RF) + 1,300 (RF) = 11,690
Now this is the healing of Healing Turret with Regen®+ Cleansing Burst + Detonate Healing Turret (Note: Since Regen stacks duration, these numbers represent the total healing of each Regen)
2,520 (IH) + 390® + 2,520 (CB) + 780® + 1,320 (DHT) = 7,530
Medic Gyro Heals more instantly than Healing Turret which heals over time, now lets see these numbers with 1,200 Healing Power
Medic Gyro with Reconstruction Field + Rocket Charge without Gyro Healing
5,350 (IH) + 1,900 (RF) + 1,900 (RF) + 1,900 (RF) = 11,050
Healing Turret with Cleansing Burst + Detonate Healing Turret
3,120 (IH) + 3,120 (IH) + 1, 520 (DHT) = 7, 760
Medic Gyro with Reconstruction Field + Rocket Charge with Gyro Healing
5,350 (IH) + 1,540 (GH) + 1,540 (GH) + 1,540 (GH) + 1,540 (GH) + 1,900 (RF) + 1,900 (RF) + 1, 900 (RF) = 17,210
Healing Turret with Cleansing Burst + Detonate Healing Turret with Regen
3,120 (IH) + 840® + 3,120 (CB) + 1,680® + 1,520 (DHT) = 10,280
Now, this is by no means trying to prove that Medic Gyro is better than Healing Turret, this is just showing that Medic Gyro is a better burst-y heal and Healing Turret is a better sustaining heal. And remember, only Rocket Charge let’s you use Medic Gyro to its fullest potential, so without Hammer, Healing Turret is better. And Healing Turret cleanses conditions, Reconstruction Field pulses Protection. You can log in and test these yourself if you so please.
Was there a stealth fix yesterday? Because yesterday the function gyro failed completely at stomping (not sure about rezzing), but now it doesn’t go haywire anymore. I’ve used it many times, in many different positions, and it always stomped. Also, gyros aren’t as useless as you guys are making them out to be, but giving the gyros more health is always welcomed