Showing Posts For Darius Glazkov.9750:

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Darius Glazkov.9750

Darius Glazkov.9750

That big friendly, cross server fight club was pretty fun.

At first when I spotted you guys I was just scouting out that south camp in preparation for guildies to come and take it out… but then once I saw many NSP and EB guys just standing/sitting around, emoting and dueling, my curiosity was perked and I just had to partake.

That little event was nice to show off everyone’s good sportsmanship. It left warm feelings and a good impression of the servers.

Unfortunately, by the time I thought of setting up a golem duel, it had appeared that the event had ended. Too bad, that could have made for a bit of an attraction.

-that Sorrow’s Furnace Charr Mesmer

yup! did it with DH and Mag last matchup, was a lot of fun! glad to see you joined in. we did a lot more group fights this time, 3v3s, 5v5s, even a 10v10 at one point. the golem fight did take place and did draw some attention :P thanks to everybody who joined in and gave a great turnout.

Second Law [Scnd]

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Darius Glazkov.9750

Darius Glazkov.9750

I can personally guarantee you that there are no bots in FINE. Any such activity found would be reported and removed from the guild immediately. If you have any substantial evidence (video preferably) showing otherwise, I request that you present it. Just because you see a lot of people hitting the same spot with AoE does not mean that they are bots.

The only “suspicious activity” would be the typical group of 4-5 bots up in centaurs farming as seen on almost every server’s borderland. Much smaller than the group of 10 or so bots sitting in Ehmry Bay’s North Quaggan camp preventing anybody from capping it unless they get zerg’d out.

Second Law [Scnd]

(edited by Darius Glazkov.9750)

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Darius Glazkov.9750

Darius Glazkov.9750

I only see one person from FINE in that screenshot. Every person from that screenshot is from a different guild. Mind explaining a little more before throwing around accusations? And regarding being in green, of course we’re all green. We are the green team.

You must be new. Welcome to World vs. World. Enjoy your stay.

Second Law [Scnd]

Please remove Commander and Explorer's logos from the enemy.

in WvW

Posted by: Darius Glazkov.9750

Darius Glazkov.9750

This really needs some attention. It’s a disadvantage for anyone to have the star in WvW, and even more pronounced if your class relies on confusion to thrive (mesmer.) It either needs to be hidden from other worlds or a toggle needs to be implemented to hide it server-side.

I know people who have played since launch who are stuck at 99% world completion because they’ll be penalized in WvW if they achieve it.

Second Law [Scnd]

Orb bugged on Northern Shiverpeaks map

in WvW

Posted by: Darius Glazkov.9750

Darius Glazkov.9750

I just went to check, it doesn’t show anywhere on the map for us, nor is it physically on any of the pedestals. Nor is there an orb reset event. That’s very weird.

yep. was defending our borderlands last night from anvil and borlis, the orb is/was no where to be seen on the map. hoping for an orb reset.

Second Law [Scnd]

Saw myself in WvW last night, can someone explain? Never seen this before.

in WvW

Posted by: Darius Glazkov.9750

Darius Glazkov.9750

this seemed like the right place for this, i’m not sure what to make of it.
for the record i do not use ambush, thieves guild, etc.

little explanation;

saw a blue character name, but i knew there was no party member in that direction, so i did a double take only to see… myself? running across the field north of dreadfall chasing down other players. it did not stay alive long. at first i thought i was insane, but asked on teamspeak if my guildie saw it and he too said he was seeing the same thing. neither of us has seen this before and spend a lot of time in WvW.

am i being haunted by myself? i’ve been putting a lot of thought into this all day and i’m still unable to come up with an explanation.


Second Law [Scnd]

Why all the complaints against Northern Shiverpeaks!?

in WvW

Posted by: Darius Glazkov.9750

Darius Glazkov.9750

With what happened yesterday, I don’t even feel like logging in WvW. I know that NSP isn’t filled with hackers but to lose an orb because of a hack is just a stab in the kidney. Itkitten off pretty much everyone in Anvil Rock. To get crushed because of morning cappers and then losing even more because of a hack… it’s pretty much beating a corpse.

But I insist on the fact that we had a great fight with you all from NSP during the day yesterday. It’s just sad that our effort were destroyed because of a hack.

whomever it was last night defending the final eastern keep in NSP borderlands, you gave us a hell of fight and put up an amazing defense. even after we bled you guys dry, somehow you still held on for what was about 2hours.

you also need to deliver my respects to whomever was manning your mortars in there. they are one hell of a shot.

Second Law [Scnd]

Heartseeker missing way to much?

in Thief

Posted by: Darius Glazkov.9750

Darius Glazkov.9750

can confirm i’ve also been missing a LOT, even on trash mobs. very unusual.

Second Law [Scnd]

Scorpion Wire (WvW)

in Thief

Posted by: Darius Glazkov.9750

Darius Glazkov.9750

i usually swap out signet of shadows for it before i enter battle, very useful for pulling barrage rangers off of walls while sieging a gate. it’s also very useful for pulling an orb carrier out of a group during an ambush.

Second Law [Scnd]