Does magic find help getting better materials when salvaging items in guild wars 2?
when is the e3 convention dates and what time will it happen eastern time
do you think we might find out more about the prepurchase on guild wars 2 heart of thorns at e3 convention
When will we find out information on the prepurchase on guild wars 2 heart of thorns and if the collecters edition of guild wars 2 heart of thorns will have a prepurchase at gamestop store
I have a suggestion for guild wars 2 to add mercenarys to help us in pve gameplay
What level do I get to control my combat pet as a ranger?
Is there ranger a good solo pve profession?
Can the Revenant kill mobs from afar like the ranger can in guild wars 2 heart of thorns?
will there be a collectors edition for guild wars 2 heart of thorns and if I prepurchase guild wars 2 heart of thorns collectors edition at gamestop store will I receive the Maguuma Trailblazer exclusive title and access to all beta weekend events to guild wars 2 heart of thorns
someone datamined guild wars 2 heart of thorns Pre-Purchase that gives us access to all beta weekend events and gives us Maguuma Trailblazer exclusive title
I have a suggestion for guild wars 2 to get a randomize name feature when creating a character in guild wars 2
where do I suggest things for guild wars 2 at?
Will there be a collecters edition for guild wars 2 heart of thorns at gamestop and when will I be able to preorder guild wars 2 heart of thorns collecters edition at gamestop
How do I get the guild wars 2 beta Streaming Client setup to use
When will I be able to preorder guild wars 2 heart of thorns at gamestop store and will there be a collecters edition of guild wars 2 heart of thorns at gamestop store
How much will guild wars 2 heart of thorns cost? and when will guild wars 2 heart of thorns come out? and will there be a collecters edition for guild wars 2 heart of thorns at gamestop? I want to know this stuff since it has be announced that guild wars 2 heart of thorns is a expansion pack
How much is guild wars 2 heart of thorns expansion going to cost and Is there going to be a collecters edition for guild wars 2 heart of thorns and when will guild wars 2 heart of thorns come out?
Will there be a guild wars 2 expansion in 2015?
How do I get to the guild wars 2 login rewards in game?
What stuff can I get on trading post to salvage to get luck real cheap to increase my account magic find?
When is the guild wars 2 Log-in Rewards coming out ingame?
When is the new trading post feature coming out?
How good is 70 percent magic find in guild wars 2?
Where is all karma venders in guild wars 2 at?
Can I sell stuff on the trading post to people of all servers in guild wars 2?
How do I see weapon skills in guild wars 2 that my toon can use?
Is it free to repair my gear in guild wars 2?
How powerful is rare weapons and armor and trinkets in guild wars 2?
How do I level up in guild wars 2?
what does magic find do for me in guild wars 2? and can I make in game money from magic find in guild wars 2?
On the gold wars 2 website what does spread price mean for Flipping on the trading post do?
How high the rarity items can the mytic forge make?
Is the gold to gems rate fair in guild wars 2?
right now I got 55% magic find in guild wars 2 is that good to get more loot
What does magic find do for me in guild wars 2 game
lions arch when it gets destroyed question?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Davidm.2419
What is going to take the place of lions arch when it gets destroyed?
Is gold to gems rate fair in guild wars 2?
When will there be a guild wars 2 expansion coming out?
what does magic find do for me in guild wars 2?
What is the max magic find account percentage in guild wars 2?
How do I change my guild wars 2 account email address?
when will the first expansion for guild wars 2 coming out? and will there be a Collector’s Edition for the first guild wars 2 expansion sold at gamestop?
Is getting 8000 gems for 100 dollars a good deal?
I have a suggestion for there to be a randomize name feature when creating a character in guild wars 2
Where do I make suggestions for guild wars 2 in game?
Is arena net going to add more hearts in guild wars 2 game?
Is buying extra bank and character slots in the guild wars 2 gem store worth the money?
when is the first guild wars 2 expansion coming out? and will there be a collecters edition for the first guild wars 2 expansion at the gamestop store?
When is the first guild wars 2 expansion coming out? and will there be a collecter’s edition for the first guild wars 2 expansion at gamestop store