Showing Posts For ErraticFaith.9142:

Why Warriors are a Joke in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: ErraticFaith.9142


XiL+Wreck pretty much the only ones talking sense. Random ‘I wanna faceroll too’ buff suggestions rarely are useful. Classes will shift via the devs meta feedback over time anyway.

Some of you theory crafters need to realise saying and being able to ‘do’ are different. I see waaay too many warriors just button mashing because thats apparently the style the class promotes. Not saying other classes are balanced comparatively always but alot of you need hours learning to use the class rather than talk about it.

There are game limits and then there are player ones. Good warriors can pull their weight, I’ve seen it.

(edited by ErraticFaith.9142)

guardian elite skills

in Guardian

Posted by: ErraticFaith.9142


The argument was that being able to swap to Tome of Courage and guarantee a full heal (because of stability) was overpowered.

I haven’t personally seen the full heal pulled off effectively in such a long time now :/

Underworld [EU] - Welcoming new guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: ErraticFaith.9142


The server is a disaster, there’s good reason why most people quit. Its far far from better lol.

January WvW culling & loading changes

in WvW

Posted by: ErraticFaith.9142


The majority run in zerg format and the changes address that much. Culling wise, for the short term its a step forward. WvW isnt ment to be small groups vs the zerg, mostly they are just zerg fodder. Its supposed to be huge armies. The people roamers like to prey on are weak 1v1 often because they arent optimised for it.

Structured is where anyone with small group pvp and ‘actual’ skill should be, not complaining about culling changes for a small demographic most dont care about.

Is AoE actually a problem? - Discussion Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ErraticFaith.9142


what’s with this “let’s everyone win the Olympic games” attitude?
it would be unfair toward those who mastered their class.

Mastered their class lol? This isnt Aion or Gw1, classes here take zero skill. If you struggle with a few buttons id really hate to see you play any serious sort of complex pvp game with 30-40+ active abilities and no trait system. Ele is just broken in certain specs. So his point stands imo.

AoE is a tactic highlighted by the design flaws within the game, its become class specific because yet again only some classes were built around aoe as we know. Once anet decides all classes need aoe and guardians are rocking firestorm to make the game more homogenized maybe that wont be an issue lol :p

Seriously though I dont really see a possible fix without a complete overhaul to class design. Which is a terrible state for the game to be right now. It feels like the game really wasnt prepared for the core population heading toward WvW and now they are stuck at an em pass of what to change and not.

Its a natural tactic to aoe bottle necks and other things, yet any group change will further throw the 1v1 meta out the window. Its funny how most say thats fine because the game isnt 1v1 orientated, whilst mostly choosing to play the dominant 1v1 classes.

The reason this debate is just going to keep spinning though is because their isnt really a solution until you overhaul aoe dependent classes. Expand the class skill set to incorporate enough depth/ allow proper specialization beyond the single weapon/trait pigeon holing that most classes are subject too, then you might get somewhere.

Mesmers will not be the only portalers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: ErraticFaith.9142


Seriously, I mean most people I know from a long standing PvP background have already quit this game in droves and then this is supposed to be the new direction?

Nice how one of you even outright insulted a person for being sad that homogenization will remove a class niche he enjoys.. I mean, yeah great community you have considering he probably picked the class for its exclusive abilities! Funny how we do that when certain classes can do UNIQUE things isnt it?

If things continue down this route, you’ll have little reason to have anything in game but a single class. One that you can just customize into whatever you want. I really dont know why that wasnt the original design considering the wide reaction to this experimental lack of a trinity.

Thing with this game, class roles were already semi there. Not literally, but in the back of the minds of both devs and players. Guardian presumed to be the tank, thief the primary dps and so forth. So when people started moaning about too much of this or that in a profession, they couldnt fall back on class roles as an excuse like they did in the past. They have just had to nerf something each week, based upon small scale meta.

The main problem with this simplistic design is that eventually people will uncover a best for purpose, its what humans always do. Without roles locking class definition/ability in place the only end result is either classes who have no differences or a single superior class – who only has that because of an increased efficiency over the others to perform a task.

Take away class identity by all means if you wish, but it will destroy the whole essence of choosing one class over another. People wont have a reason to play different classes.

Dont get me wrong, some of you may feel happy playing the same thing with 8 different skins or ways of doing the same thing. I however prefer individuality to have a purpose :P

Can we have tanks?

in WvW

Posted by: ErraticFaith.9142


They need to expand on the content because a lack of evolution equates to boredom.

Personally I’d like to see more siege variety too. Even the mobile siege tower has merit given enough work/changes. Be less critical! Sometimes less is more, sometimes it really is just.. well less lol.

To support more siege options however, forts need more depth to support it. Wall breach is such a short way of capping a fort on the sly (just as someone already said) so things like the mechanisms in which a fort is overtaken/captured could use work to allow more variety/expansion.

(edited by ErraticFaith.9142)

GW2 5-man Guild v Guild culture

in WvW

Posted by: ErraticFaith.9142


In theory. In practice it can vary alot.

On my server we do indeed have the sense of entitlement/bickering between commanders. Generally though this is kept down by the sorts of things you mention + them wanting to maintain their own name and reputation.

The problem arises most commonly though when new players join wvw, casuals with varying hours come along, or anything in between.

Many people dont talk in this game, not the commanders issue no, granted. However many of these said individuals make up the so called zerg – simply following the blue tag for exp and karma. If you, like me are unfortunate enough to be on a server where this idle population represents alot of the active majority at varying times then you have a situation where tempers rapidly go southward.

Problem being that effective commanders need numbers. Any break in the command chain/hesitation can cost you a key fort, which is naturally bad for morale. Couple this with a persistantly low scoring/populated server and you end up with a loop cycle. Long term commanders cant possibly quickly identify themselves as worthy and as a result never get that chance. They either have to compete with someone who doesnt know what they are doing (and yes those people are followed anyway because of a tag) or forced to log because they become sick of a new commander popping up every few days and the cycle repeating.

I wouldnt mind if commanders had tiers or ranks to make them easily distinquishable. BUT having new people with zero idea being followed blindly by those who expect freebies from a tag and having them compared to those who make a real effort each week, is in my eyes insulting to those hard working players.

If people self policed like you said fair enough. Many places though this is not the case and its contributing to some servers repeatedly falling down from disjointed leadership when they shouldnt have to.

Command should be restricted to those who give enough of a personal kitten to do the job effectively, including what many of the good ones do atm – defer to a another commander when required by turning off the tag.

Currently we do have many with a superior attitude yes. Who would never have gotten the tag if any actual effort was required. No effort to achieve it = no care or value in it. Thats the bottom line I think.

(edited by ErraticFaith.9142)

GW2 5-man Guild v Guild culture

in WvW

Posted by: ErraticFaith.9142


You are correct OP, 100 gold is a joke. I could get 100 people to troll send 1 gold to an idiot and give you an unqualified commander. So +1

However; As stated kills alone aren’t enough. What we are looking for is ‘experience’ basically – battle fitness. Whilst not perfect – time played: assessed by both kill count AND other required WvW achievements (some listed above) which you as the player have achieved with others / personally, would be a way better method.

As it stands, we have 100g heroes – many of whom are both clueless and ignored. Yet they create confusion and annoy hardworking respected commanders. (pug/new players dont always know the difference right away – it can have a big effect)

It would be nice to have some sort of +1 reputation system for commanders too, so as to have some inclination of their on server ability. Different ranks perhaps, or something to reward the good ones. Still considering the current game design/ guild climate its useless to fantasize really.

(edited by ErraticFaith.9142)

Why mesmer's ablility to survive is unfair

in Mesmer

Posted by: ErraticFaith.9142


As another former aion player, with some heavy experience in the woes of balance. I can tell you its because mesmer is poorly designed. Player skill will always factor in yes, but the natural elements that mesmer is capable of such as deception/illusion bombing, many things; whilst indivually ok, stack to a ridiculous level in places against the other classes.

Mesmer has an almost unrivalled base advantage because of that. In comparison to the other classes its faceroll. It takes no brain to play.

I play one myself and granted im used to a skill bind list of 40+ not 5/swap + 5 utility such as with gw2. Yet there is no challenge to mesmer. Well played its easier than anything with too much on offer.

That is however personal opinion, although as you know the class is everywhere. I respect non mesmer players for the great 1v1’s ive had. Dropping the class for now, and as you can appreciate im sure mesmers (it wasnt fun to pve level it) so this is actually hard to do! and im not just someone who dies to them and wants them nerfed.

I just really believe this class should be nerfed into the ground. Its silly. Almost like d/d ele atm wvw wise.

-Agreed that different environments yield different results. Im talking about the same average player rolling this class, or another. On mesmer he will fare better, win 90% of the time with osicats generic build. That is a faceroll base advantage imo.

I miss actually playing a healer role...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ErraticFaith.9142


Gw2 is a brilliant game. An evolution of an old genre yes but not a redefinition as we all know.

The trinity is missed because this game is simplistic. Its classes are homogenized, similar and at times boring. The game does what it aimed to though; Create a simple to balance potential esport forum with less complexity than gw1 in order to meet that aim.

Gw2 will grow and evolve over time. Some will stay and some will go. Yet if you try and argue that the diversity and complexity provided by old games via the trinity is anywhere near rivaled here yet then you are kidding yourselves.

Direct support DOES NOT exist here. It likely never will and like it or not – that makes the game very limited in depth. Hell games like Aion had terrible pve, yet even their boss encounters are more than so called ‘dodge and spank’ ones we have here.

I do miss healers. Because they were a ‘role’. It might be nice not to need someone. Yet its nice to just be a meaningless dot in the crowd either? No not so much imo.

(edited by ErraticFaith.9142)