I think we can all agree that people are selfish and greedy. If it were up to me, I’d wipe us off this planet. That being said, all you can do is be a decent person yourself. Which I try to do everywhere I am. Including my time spent playing with others in GW2.
This will probably be taken care of when you have to pay to transfer.
I saw a dev doing Mad Kings Says with us. Hehe
I enjoy everything you just complained about. I’m even an Ele
What wrong with bald chicks?
Does anyone know the precise time when it starts?
I have been told 7pm EST. which is 56 minutes from this post. Dunno if thats true though.
Correct. 7pm EST
As long as she can’t take half my stuff when she decides to run off with a Charr Warrior
More content! Nomnomnomnomnomnom
I find GW2 is the better game. However, the good thing is that GW1 is still available to play.
Just defend a keep/tower with a siege weapon
All my characters are level 80, but I won’t join a group that says level 80s only
$16. I didn’t get a skin. I’m not angry, but I doubt I’ll ever purchase keys again. Drop rate should have been at least 10%. People purchasing keys would be happy and the prices for all skins would be about 1g or less. The rare stuff should have come from ToT bags
Yes, it’s very cute.
Since the Halloween event is ending tomorrow, should we redeem all our candy to the kids and get the Trick or Treat bags?
Sure, unless you want to keep the candy corn for making MF food.
I gave them all the same amount. :P
I just fall from the top, land on the chest and get the team to res me lol
This is the perfect example of someone who adapts to get things done. I’ve seen others do this and I don’t blame them.
Congrats! I had a fun time with this jumping puzzle.
I would have liked a better reward, but I did get a rune worth 1g so I suppose I’m happy
I’ll say this, the best rewards should have come from the clock tower. However, I did love the event and look forward to the other ones.
Anet said the event is not tied to an achievement. No worries.
If you don’t need the Clock Tower achievement everyone on this forum is going to feel like an kitten including me, for complaining so much.
You don’t need Clock Tower achievement for the emissary title, ANet already confirmed on this forum.
Are you serious? Like seriously serious?
You don’t need it.. It’s been said multiple times by multiple people that Mad King Clock Tower isn’t needed, and the guy above says that even arenanet said it.
This need to be disseminated. All the arguing I did for the clock tower being too hard was based SOLELY on the fact that I thought you needed it for the emissary achievement. If you don’t I rescind EVERYTHING I said about the clocktower and it can be as hard as it kitten wants to be.
Aka if you can complete the event (get the title) without doing that jumping puzzle, then it doesn’t matter if it’s pushes out casual players.
I can confirm that the Clock Tower Jumping Puzzle is NOT needed for the meta. My progress for the EotMK title did not increase after completing the Clock Tower Jumping Puzzle
(edited by Esturk.2183)
I’m saving them to make MF food.
I understand the frustration, but you need to time the jumps based on the screen, not your character. Just remember that you are always in the middle of your screen.
You need to see more than yourself, you need to see what’s at your feet – what you’re actually jumping from, and what you’re jumping to. A quick survey of some jumping vids shows success is highly correlated with all the other players failing fairly early on.
Also, it doesn’t help when people try to intentionally grief, see the screen shot attached. I’ve also never seen so many anti-norn and charr comments in chat (note, I doing it on a human).
When you get it down, you don’t need to see much. All you need to remember is the direction and distance to jump. With enough attempts you will memorize each jump. I know this won’t make you feel better, but I could make that jump even with the big ’ol tree thing in the way.
Dude, its not a matter of “feeling better” – I’m not complaining about the basic difficulty of the jumping itself. I’m pointing out that the other players are the problem (through no fault of their own – unless they’re trying to grief like I showed – I’ve seen other instances too, bringing elementals along, etc).
Trial & error learning, when you cannot even observe what went wrong (ie did I jump too early, did I land in the wrong place from the last jump, etc) is not fun, its not interesting, its not a good experience.
Timing isn’t something you just develope. There needs to be feedback – and more than just, I fell and died. The whole point of the puzzle is to learn it – and its clearly visually designed. If Anet’s intention was it to be a purely timing thing – with no visual feedback other than you fail, then they’d have made the screen black for the whole thing.
I’m not asking for anything to be made easier in the puzzle itself. I just think that a lot of the frustration people are having is the side issues. The players in the way being the major one. The other is having to stand around doing nothing – that’s one of those things that builds up in the background, adding fuel to fire each time to miss a jump.
I was just trying to help by explaining how I completed it. I’m terrible under pressure and I’m an Asura. I had to adapt and that’s what I did.
I understand the frustration, but you need to time the jumps based on the screen, not your character. Just remember that you are always in the middle of your screen.
And if you can’t see the jump? How does this even make sense?
Trial and error will tell you where to jump next. It took me an hour of failing before I got it.
I think they should put that as a tag line on the back of the GW2 box
“Hours of failing!”
Isn’t how you get better at anything? I can’t imagine anyone who doesn’t fail at some point.
I understand the frustration, but you need to time the jumps based on the screen, not your character. Just remember that you are always in the middle of your screen.
You need to see more than yourself, you need to see what’s at your feet – what you’re actually jumping from, and what you’re jumping to. A quick survey of some jumping vids shows success is highly correlated with all the other players failing fairly early on.
Also, it doesn’t help when people try to intentionally grief, see the screen shot attached. I’ve also never seen so many anti-norn and charr comments in chat (note, I doing it on a human).
When you get it down, you don’t need to see much. All you need to remember is the direction and distance to jump. With enough attempts you will memorize each jump. I know this won’t make you feel better, but I could make that jump even with the big ’ol tree thing in the way.
I understand the frustration, but you need to time the jumps based on the screen, not your character. Just remember that you are always in the middle of your screen.
And if you can’t see the jump? How does this even make sense?
Trial and error will tell you where to jump next. It took me an hour of failing before I got it.
I understand the frustration, but you need to time the jumps based on the screen, not your character. Just remember that you are always in the middle of your screen.
Of course. That’s the only way Villagers can win
I suppose they could make drop rates based on wealth. :P
I agree, it was a ton of fun.
It counts towards Slayer, but that’s all I’ve seen
Great post, I just hope Anet listens
1. Will you or will you not be buying black lion trading company or random number generation materials again?
2. Did you buy them in the past?
No. I bought them just for the event.
3. If you would not buy trading post material/gamble, would you support direct to buy weapon skins and what general price do you find acceptable from a business standpoint both as a customer and realizing that they must make money as a business?
Yes. I make a point to spend $10-20 a month to support Anet
4. Do you believe that future events will also be handled with random number generation to make profit based on limited time item acquisition?
Yes. As long as the Nexon lady still works for them.
5. If you believe that the future events will be handled in the same manner, does this realization negatively effect your trust of Arena Net in regard to handling micro transactions for permanent content?
Yes. I don’t trust Anet anymore.
Basically RNG + Gems = Cash grab. RNG should have been limited to ToT bags.
Anet would do better if they fired the lady from Nexon. GW has loyal fans. I don’t mind the BLCs, but the % chance for the skins was wrong.
People are now realizing that it’s better to buy gold from China rather than supporting Anet. What a shame.
(edited by Esturk.2183)
Keep practicing, you’ll get it down
Good job, Anet. I’ll continue to support you with Gem purchases
Anet playing a Warrior. :P I knew it.
Travel the world in magic find gear
I was able to start an event because I was so charming.
This is why I’ll be playing GW2 for years.
Maybe they should sell keys that expire instead of one time use. For example, you buy a key for $10 that lasts 30 days with unlimited uses.
heh, can you imagine the surge in TP sales & the price of chests if that were announced?
Hey, it would be a great way for newbies to get gold early in the game.
Maybe they should sell keys that expire instead of one time use. For example, you buy a key for $10 that lasts 30 days with unlimited uses.
If it was cheap then everyone would have it. That would be worse.