Showing Posts For Fizzlepip.5218:

2/22 DH vs GoM vs HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


DH should be excited. If NSP carries on the way they started the week DH will be moving up a tier!!

Looking forward to it if it shakes out that way. Hopefully we’re ready for the jump

Quite a bit of fun at Anzalias just now.

Noo! We did that last week to you guys in Anz. Guess what goes around comes around.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

2/22 DH vs GoM vs HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


Couple of us had a bit of fun spending some time holding south supply in GoM’s borderlands last night.

Sorry to the opposing crew (forget which server it was tbh) that stopped in for a bit of action to find this and some siege sprinkled around… and some [PD] reinforcements that were sneaking through.

Great stuff to everyone around last night! Let’s have a great week, because as it stands right now NSP might be tanking and switching with us


Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

2/22 DH vs GoM vs HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


This week, let’s get an event in one of the JP Kitten Rooms. No sense letting one of ANet’s great Easter Eggs go to waste!

“Do the other servers still resent GoM for the fact that people used flying hacks or just hacks in general?”

Not at all mate. It’s a bummer that some bad apples can lower a server’s reputation, but everyone else has been so awesome that we’ve by and large forgotten about it.

Good to see more people getting into WvW, even if it’s on another server!

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

Smack Talk on WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


I’ve had some great conversations and met some cool people doing this. I’ve had great duels and grouped with people afterward to talk about it.

It’s not broken and shouldn’t be changed.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

More Sandbox Elements in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


Drain the lake, who’s with me?

There was an incredible thread a few weeks back about “If you were the lead map designer…” or something of the sort.

There were many, many great suggestions about what to do post-lake draining, too.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

More Sandbox Elements in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


For any sandboxy elements to really work, you have to change some things first:

Upgraded keeps walls & Doors & siege need way more HP
Then rushing/capping wouldnt be that of an option and trying to upgrade asap first priority. Defending/Holding would make more sense. Battles around T2/T3 resolve in a long battle of attrition..maybe for days ..or need a big amount of siege deployed.
And siege cant be that easily destroyed ..except for structural dmg by other siege. More skirmishes around keeps and such would happen, too.

Just starting to read this thread, so I can’t comment on stuff after this, but what you suggest here would virtually kill lower Tier WvW.

All it would take is the morning downtime (there are hours of silence and nothing going on in the lowest ones, where even small groups walk in and recap their Keep without any fight if it had been nightcapped) for everyone to upgrade and supply, and watch as the maps don’t change. Simply not enough people and presence for sieges to work… ever. There goes the rest of the already depleted loyal WvW population.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

Ellies,Thieves, Mesmers and Guardians

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


I really think that as this game ages, we will start to see more and more classes added to that list. I still remember when ALL eles, of any form, were considered underpowered…

Agreed 100%. haha, and I too remember when people were complaining that Eles didn’t have enough to work with.

They were on your server. I dont remember the guild tag and this was about a week ago. I’m on GoM server, and im still amazed at how well they alternated thier strikes.

The ones I was talking about were on a guild that transferred from our server. I’m sure there are copycats still around tho.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

Extremely unbalanced profession

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


Just give us one pistol and no pants. Maybe then the upped levels will stand a chance. I held off an entire zerg last night with just my smile.

What an amazing post.

Just another old hat Thief bash. /leave

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

Ellies,Thieves, Mesmers and Guardians

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


Eles are in easy class.

Using the copy-paste DD bunker build floating around the internet, it’s incredibly easy to live kill and run having never played the class not once in your life.

Agreed, to some extent. Lots of D/D Eles think that their fast paced button mashing denotes a high level of skill. Sure it takes skill, nobody denies that. But the Ride The Lightning -> Updraft, etc. generic F3, 4, 5, to either 1 or F4, 5 skill use is just that, generic. Everyone does it, and after a few hits a majority of players resort to button mashing until something happens. That goes for only a majority, obviously, as there are D/D Eles out there that actually know what they are doing and aren’t part of that group. Not an Ele bash. It’s just what’s popular right now. Props to the guy that’s got an awesome S/F build, although I still wish more people just ran Staffs like they should

Thieves and Guardians are also way overplayed. IMO Mesmers aren’t as obviously so just because the skill ceiling is much higher than it is for those other classes and the weak Mesmer(s) that you just killed don’t really register because of their inefficacy. They’re really just so abundant because they’re top of the list as far as ultimate WvW class.

That said, I would absolutely LOVE to see to see class numbers in WvW, as Pendragon said:

Anet claims overall class creation numbers are extremely balanced, but that is for the game at large. Its extremely dubious that this balance carries over to WvW, and I’d be very curious about the internal numbers they have.

So yeah. TBH, I feel that the classes at the bottom of the list take the highest skill set to play in WvW. I’ve run into one or two absolutely incredible Necros on the battlefield and one of the most dominant players on my server is an Engi. He rolls anybody and everybody. For the most part though, people that play these are pretty weak.

as i was fighting the thief i noticed they were being stomped and then i realized there were 2 thieves and they were alternating their stealths and attacks. they looked identical. its probably not a new strategy but first time i seen it and thought it was brilliant tactic. we eventually were able to separate them 2 and burst 1 down and then i think my mesmer friend got the other.

There used to be two Thieves that did this on our server, with even identical names (difference being an accent over a letter). I’m sure there are a decent number of running with this idea now, especially since we can abuse the culling and rendering from Stealth still.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)

Thieves rule W3 :-)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


I don’t think that people should have to plan, strategise, use specific gear, skills, traits and armour all to survive one profession. That’s game breaking.

It’s not really this so much as knowing what to do with your profession to counter them. I said it in my original post on this thread: Thief combat is entirely different from every other profession on the game. Naturally, then, it takes a bit of a different strategy to counter them. (In other words, not something you would necessarily do against others.) I honestly believe that lots would be solved if people just created Thieves to see what it’s like. That’s not OP, it’s just different.

So last night I got finished by what seemed like a remote/distanced finishing move (which I know doesn’t exist). I didn’t see any thief go into stealth near me, so I have no clue what it was. It could have been a thief that had been already stealthed or another class that I couldn’t see due to this awesome culling. Anyone else ever experience this? Usually when I get ‘blind’ finished a thief stealths on me basically then finishes me.

Ew. If it’s any help, I’ve seen a video of a Mesmer going into the stomp motion, Phase Retreting (Staff #2) away, continuing the motion (because it doesn’t break it, I guess), and just as the motion is about to finish Blinking (Mesmer teleport) back to the body to complete the stomp.

Could that be something like that? Of course, you’d be seeing the person start and finish it…

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

Thieves rule W3 :-)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


The thief probably couldn’t see you because you were perma stealthed.

I shoot unicorns, it’s impossible to lose me.

Also, merely attacking me disproves your snide comment. I welcome you to try again.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

2/15 DH vs GoM vs HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


Take care mentioning the Half Naked Norn however, we and others still revere his memory. The mere sight of male chest hair, or four unbuilt rams makes us sad.

May his Legend grow with each telling. A true Norn he was.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

2/15 DH vs GoM vs HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


this thread lacks pictures, it time to look for yourselves DH!
theres a picture of me standing over a thief commander, not a bragging shot just want to say good fight with you a few minutes before. ( on top of the arch way)

lol you were that bunker Engi!

Sadly, that’s me. Going out of your way to heal can sometimes be deadly. (Note corpse on the right side of the photo.)
Moments surrounding that picture I kindly invited a corpsehopping Mesmer to refrain from doing said action on my outnumbered body… It’s something I’ll never understand. (The rest of the zerg soon showed up, as you see in photo 4, and we pushed you back.)

Great fight—always fun fighting [ASH]! I’ll be sure to look for you in the future

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)

Thieves rule W3 :-)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


So it’s balanced to require a group to defend against one thief?

It doesn’t. It’s just a quick fix for those that don’t know how.

Is it balanced if it takes a group to kill a bunker built profession? (Holy cow, yes it is! Same principle.)

Tonight a gank Thief tried to kill me… again. I waited for the move I knew she was going to make and simply blinded and dodged as she came in for the Steal. She failed and ran away. I went back to business and /laughed.

And here’s the really, really funny thing:
Even if she had succeeded she would have left me dead and still run away, thereby achieving nothing. But of course the class is OP (never you mind the class that can AoE Quickness or Portal a zerg).

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)

Thieves rule W3 :-)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


move along, nothing to see here – working as intended.

thieves are supposed to solo cap keeps, towers.

When this happens the people respond to the videos as follows:
Who were the clowns that were supposed to sweep?

This is basic WvW stuff. Sure, Stealth is a pain in the kitten But it’s not gamebreaking and it isn’t impossible to counter. This stuff happens and people blame Thieves when they should be blaming themselves or the ones that literally miss the Thieves stealthing up.

(The video with the Thief using the wall as a target to permastealth with is bogus, however. That’s either a bug or something they missed entirely. We should in no way be able to do that. Ever. Because what happens is that we should normally get the revealed debuff, but because we don’t do damage to the wall itself it somehow doesn’t count.)

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)

2/15 DH vs GoM vs HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


In the end, we really should be blaming [WE] or something.

Yes, blame us /cackle.

We activated our long-duration sleeper agents, who then brainwashed Prosecute using a mix of super advanced alien technology and ancient Aztec meditation technics.

We’re evil, pure evil!


Hello Darkhaven, You called?

“Grabs the popcorn for the drama to unfold.”

Oh noes, they found out! Quick, help me blame another guild!…though Cal’s suspicious plan sounds so elaborate that it couldn’t not be true, right?
([WE] isn’t involved in any actual drama here, so the popcorn can be saved for later. Just trying to do a little deflecting of in-house stuff. Read and feel free to spread love.)

Should I just say Seal the Deal because he bailed on all of us?!

Good job ink. Dragonbrand is lookin mighty fine right about now tbh.

@Ac: Whatever poisonous spewing that was happening before is better spent elsewhere. I’m sure you get what I mean

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)

2/15 DH vs GoM vs HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218



Okay so let me clear something up. DH and GOM never had an alliance. DH and HOD never had an alliance. Guilds/people/individuals in our servers decided to team up cross server. No decision was made by any of our servers as a whole to ally with either side. (That’s quite impossible anyways) I see it as a strategy though nonetheless. Personally my pride gets in the way of allying with enemy forces, but allying or making temporary treaties with the enemy is a legitimate strategy. If people want to do that, more power to them.

But regardless, small alliances and peace treaties between guilds and friends in WvW will not make a difference over all. We’ve been fighting for many, many weeks. Our servers would NEVER ally with one another as a whole. Too many of us have had our dead bodies danced on, trolled in jumping puzzles, etc.

In the end, we are always going to be fighting each other. That’s the point of WvWvW. To pit servers against one another. I know Darkhaven is working very hard and organizing and teaching the server as best they can to move up a tier. A lot of us feel like we’re ready to go up.

Plus a change of enemy would be nice.. I’m sure everyone could agree with me there.

But as far as the small team ups that Prosecute and Swift have made, those wont make a difference in the large scheme of things.

In the end we are still enemies. We make friends to lose them in war if we want to get to the top. Lets stop being so concerned about things people in our servers do and just have a good time. Some people have ideas for strategy that others would never even think about doing, but there’s no reason to bash them for it. Sure you can criticize you’re opponent strategies, but there is no reason to be hateful about it.

(Just my two cents)

And this.

Seriously…? Are you guys seriously kittening on the forums right now?

Prosecute, just stop talking to these guys and antagonizing them.

After everything darkhaven has tried to rebuild you guys are going to break it in 1 week. That is utter bullkitten and I will see you all band for being kitten before I let you guys ruin darkhavens wvw again. So what if SE allied themselves with HoD? So what if HoD excepted the alliance? So what if GoM players started whispering my guild members and trash talking? It’s a game and you will get over it.

GoM if it makes you feel better team up with HoD and hit us in DH BL.

You guys seriously need to chill out before everything we have tried to build is ruined in your idiocy. We cannot have another falling out of guilds like last time, or the time before that.

To all Darkhaven players. Grow the kitten up. Stop coming onto the forums and kittening about something that happened to you. Stop falling into the troll traps. Stop being total kitten all together! Try being nice to your opponent for a change. Instead of /dancing try a /salute or a /bow. The little things go a long way, I promise you it does.

No day three for you guys, you have all ruined my story with your idiocy. >:|

You guys rock. It’s all so petty, really.

In the end, we really should be blaming [WE] or something.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)

Thieves rule W3 :-)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


Wait, I thought they couldn’t keep attacking while stealthed? Lol

They can’t. Is the argument that culling then is the issue? Because they aren’t still stealthed once that first attack from stealth lands. They just haven’t been culled. End of story.

Therefore Thieves aren’t OP. Culling is.

Just another one of those old hat threads started by inexperienced WvWers.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

Thieves rule W3 :-)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


I’ll say it once here like I’ve said it many times elsewhere:

a) most people that complain about thieves should just roll a thief to learn the combat mechanics, which are different from every other class in the game and a hidden source of much of the confusion.

b) that gimmicky thief that just rolled you is just that: a gimmicky gank specialist. I don’t know of any legit WvW thief that sits there and rolls players back-to-back-to-back, laughing, in such a way that actually benefits the group/zerg/server he/she is on. Most of those players are there just to kill you and give you grief, which sucks, because they’re better off going to PvP instead of wasting our time and urging the likes of many of you out there to call for more thief nerfs.

I want to thank this guy and the many others that understand that it’s really not that hard:

Here’s another protip for those fighting thieves:

Keep moving. It’s kinda difficult for a thief to land a backstab on a guy who keeps moving and keeps rotating and looking around. Heartseeker on high health targets will waste initiative and not really do much for said thief.

Also basilisk venom is an ELITE and can be stunbroken. Bring a stunbreaker. If you don’t, you’re just asking for death against people who can CC.

I play a guardian who runs at 16.5k Hp with 3000 armor (screenshot shows 17.6k cause of our wvw buffs), which in terms of durability is pretty bad. 15k HP, if you know, is the base HP of mesmers/engis/rangers.

These are general tips, and I think heartseeker shouldn’t be spammed as much (damage reduction for high health targets, maybe increase for lower health, switch places with death blossom maybe) and culling needs to be fixed, but otherwise they’re not THAT OP. 1 thief taking out multiple people is very much an anomaly and not the norm.

Oh, and this I found hilarious. C&D doing over 3x times the damage of backstab.

(in case you were wondering I killed the lv 80 thief that did this to me by myself)

More suggestions besides just moving… which is a great suggestion itself: stop being alone (when with guildies and we see a thief with signets approach, I just say stack up. That thief runs away. Know that no true ganker will come after a group of people like that and get away with it cleanly.), learn distances and dodge when they Steal/shadowstep to you, blind (oh kitten, that stops C&D?!), um… AOE!, etc. Because honestly—and I mean that in as literal of a sense as I can, because this isn’t a lie—I’ve been facerolled ONCE in the past two months by a Thief. Once. That’s because I wasn’t paying attention. It’s really not that hard once you learn to stop complaining.

Sooner or later they’re going to break the class thanks to you guys, even though ANet has said more or less that that’s how the class is designed.

Have fun flaming the Thief that doesn’t play the backstabby gimmicky build but knows that your complaints will inevitably break us legitimate players for good!

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)

2/15 DH vs GoM vs HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


I can’t honestly see why we would ally with another server in the first place. Having to grab for more points and more of a lead only proves to me that we’re not yet good enough to move up a tier. I believe we’re growing complacent/soft/rusty with our superior numbers. For months we had to learn to be better WvW players to even find some semblance of competitiveness. Now, instead of preparing for what will hopefully eventually be a jump in tiers, we try to force it with a strategy that shows just how ill prepared we are?

That being said, everyone should know that the Borderlands are designed to always be a 2v1 fight. I always find it perplexing that each server tends to cap Blue/Red tower and move—instead of north—east or west to hit the other “invading” server. Sure, there’ll be skirmishes, and there’ll always be a fight for south supply camp, but you should be using the other server to secure your side of of the map instead of running them off and thereby putting yourself in the ugly position of fighting the home server by yourself. That, in turn, tends to run you (you being all 3 of our servers, which even at peak hours can’t fill an opponent’s map with legitimate, sustainable population) off the map. That’s not an alliance, it’s understanding that the map should be forcing the defending server to be fighting on two sides.

Take it as you will, using another server as at the very minimum a distraction is good strategy. This should almost always, though, be sort of unspoken and subject to quick, quick, change when needed.

Anyways guys, as hard as it may seem to do at this point, let’s try to get back to having some fun.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)

2/15 DH vs GoM vs HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


aren’t we all in some way button mashers or click clankers.. lol

haha, yes

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

2/15 DH vs GoM vs HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


I hate to see what was once such a mutually respectful thread with friendly comments across the board become so negative. Hackers aren’t tolerated among us, as Acium said. We report them when we see them or hear about them and hope that their actions don’t become examples of something that Darkhaven isn’t.

As for the JP complaints, I understand and I don’t. This is, after all, a PvP world. If someone (any server) wants to kill people, or groups of people want to gang up and do the same, then there shouldn’t really be any tears shed over it. Kill them or move on. There are 3 more maps with JPs, after all. Also, quoting a 2 month old Reddit doesn’t do much. We change… a lot. For the record, Borliss Pass was always the one that trolled the most.

Finally, I had a great time in EB tonight. I feel for both GoM and HoD and their never ending plight of mashing heads against our walls and keeps and zergs with what always seem to be smaller numbers. I really do. Trust me. We had it for months on end as guild after guild left our server. Hopefully sometime soon we can jump up a tier and leave you guys with a more sane matchup. When that happens I’ll be pulling for you all the way. So, to both servers, you did a great job stopping us with fewer numbers. (GoM at Overlook and HoD at Bravost.) Also, sorry to the GoM people at Anz that thought they faced an empty-ish keep but found a zerg with carts and ballistae inside waiting for them… I thought we’d have a little fun defending

Again. Let’s cool with the animosity guys. Everyone’s a little frustrated that this matchup has gone on so long—don’t take it out on players for something out of their control.

(To the PD ninjaers: you’re the best. I had to smile reading Hopp’s insider scoop on what happened.)
(To the guy that thinks he can troll and “always win 1v1” and then a bit of “1v3” in the first page, I look forward to rolling you. Seriously. Find me shooting unicorns on the battlefield. I love taking down button mashing Eles.)

Have fun guys. <3 Ink.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


The dreamer is still cheaper to make than Sunrise / Twilight / Juggernaut / Bifrost.

I don’t see the problem here.
The effects were upgraded, so the hype increased towards getting it.

And guess who’s working on his 4th leggy thanks to that?

The really, really, really funny thing about this is, two weeks before the effects were upgraded the Lover was bought entirely out of the TP at ~350 and relisted at ~550. Then, a day or two before, it vanished from the TP again and reappeared at the ~750 mark. Prices have gone down a little, but they’re still up there since before the update.

Which means that either a) some kittenclown knew it was going to happen (ANet friend? Not likely, or at least I don’t want it to be likely—that conspiracy BS being a little over the top), or b) didn’t know (thereby refuting your assertion), and got incredibly lucky. I guess there’s a small chance that someone with lots and lots of gold just had this “inkling” there would be a Dreamer update… but that wouldn’t really help your argument out either because the price was still raised pre-patch and ran a huge risk.

RNG is a problem. Everyone who says otherwise already has their legendary. You are not helping the game by trying to justify your wasted time and gold.

This, for the most part. And I know many people that have Legendaries that didn’t need the RNG stuff because they knew what was going on early on. Scooped those things up for dirt before everyone realized that they needed them too. Then of course there are the ones that exploited the Godskull recipe…

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)

Biggest amount of gold you've lost to the MF

in Crafting

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


Such a waste. The mystic forge is a terrible game mechanic. Devs should be ashamed.

It was their quick solution to regulating the economy—have items magically disappear for very little in return. Otherwise T5/T6 mats, etc. would be so inexpensive and worthless.

…Then that backfired. Would be an awesome game mechanic if there were set recipes for everything… not just everything but the Precursors. But then again there were set recipes for them a while ago that were nerfed. If they hadn’t nerfed them, how much different would the economy be?!

As for what I’ve lost, I’m standing in the range of 250g with no end in sight. Let’s see how much more I can gamble away! (I hate gambling. But they literally leave me no option…)

All you people gambling for a precursor are either stupid or full of it. If you have wasted 500g trying to make a precursor I feel sorry for your intelligence.

Just buy one.

As for this guy, no I will not buy your controlled market Precursor.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)

2/1/2013 DH/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


To the 4 in HoD’s Rule of Wrist crew that battled a few of us between your spawn and Overlook… that was quite a fight. Never satisfying but always fun when it comes to stalemate

Good luck all this week! Always a fun time against HoD and GoM.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

Broken Stealth. Common issue.

in Thief

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


Well it’s not fair for people using stealth that the skill cycle continues. Going stealth should interrupt targeting/skills in use.

As much as I would like this to happen, it would be way OPed. Every Stealth becoming essentially a Blind or Interrupt?

Amazing. Therefore don’t expect it.

The thing that always gets me is pets following you around while you’re stealth. That’s way way way different.

Also, I’ve Stealthed, dodged while in Stealth, and still been hit by a channel. THAT needs to change.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

Noticing a trend with WvW thieves

in Thief

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


I am noticing less GC bs thieves though there are still some but for the most part I am seeing more P/D, S/D thieves lately. If they are D/D I am noticing alot more carrying S/D on them instead of SB. I don’t see alot of D/D condi spec thieves though. Few P/P thieves and a few D/P.

Right now just from my play experience lately I would say S/P is what I run into the least of all the thieves I see. You guys think S/P is fine or needs as much or more love than P/P?

Thieves play a fast game in WvW, otherwise we’re toast. S/P is too sluggish on the Pistol side of the set (PW without Haste is a nightmare because it’s so easy to see coming…) and doesn’t take advantage of the issue that WvW still has with Stealth. Headshot is borderline worthless imo, and Black Powder is alright but doesn’t really compare to C&D. Way I see it, that pretty much sums up why S/D > S/P atm.

It’s hard for a D/D to run a Condition spec because Death Blossom is such a nightmare with Initiative. Although doable, it seems to require a lot of Initiative regen speccing, is a bit less efficient than Sneak Attack—which lets you continue to abuse Stealth—and makes Backstab somewhat pathetic. P/D drops conditions and lets you Stealth up and be more patient with C&D instead of burning Initiative and pushing for the regen to get C&D back up again.

And there are fewer D/D GCs running around for 2 basic reasons:
a) it’s gimmicky. Sure, you faceroll someone, but then you have to get the kitten out of the way while the big boys fight so you don’t get facerolled yourself. Just not as helpful as other specs for your team.
b) people have by and large figured it out. Though we still see complainers on the forums, there is a large number or WvW vets that simply laugh at GC Thieves nowadays. After all, they’re the easiest to kill once you hit them… even if you can’t see them.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

Underwater Thief Help (WvW)

in Thief

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


I hate fighting in the water and so do it as little as possible. Which led me to an interesting discovery just now:

When did they take Steal away from water combat?! I have a giant locked skill icon instead of the ability to Steal when in the water now… At least in WvW.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

Thrill of the Crime. (Acrobatics.)

in Thief

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218



While I agree that a boon-based trait should be in the boon duration traitline, it’s more of a Steal trait than anything. That’d put it in the Trickery line.

I run P/D condition build with Apothecary armor, Undead runes, and Carrion jewels.
10/0/30/0/30. It’s a bit more common to run 10 in Acrobatics instead of the 10 in DArts, but the Poison upon Steal (when combined with the 30 in Trickery) makes that initial opponent heal off the Mug/Sneak Attack a giant waste of a heal.

To the point: I run with Thrill of the Crime and Bountiful Theft as 2 of the traits in the Trickery line with the the line maxed out. Sure, they could be moved, but that’d decrease effectiveness as they’d be on a much longer Steal timer. I prefer quicker Steals, more C&D Mugs with Poison (Serpent’s Touch trait) and Sneak Attack over making TotC get a couple second boost in duration. Plus it’d take away from condition damage if I had to trait it in another line.

Just how I see it, at least.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

Thrill of the Crime. (Acrobatics.)

in Thief

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


Disagree. Ruins the synergy of my build :P

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

Expert Thieves only Advice please

in Thief

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


My question to you Thieves expert is what build should he use.
In which abilities he should apply his trait points and what weapons work best.
Right now he is only using 2 pistols and 2 daggers.

First things first:
Lose one of the sets and get a Shortbow. That’s the only weapon that no Thief should be without.

As for an invis-heavy build, offhand Dagger is usually the way to go. You can offhand Pistol and leap finisher through it (comboing Stealth for yourself), but the duration is shorter than C&D (Dagger 5 skill).

Also, for this comment:

With a pistols build the only options for stealth are blinding powder (which i recommend with pistols), shadow refuge, and of course hide and shadows (the only heal thieves need)

I disagree. Sure, the extra Invis and short regen is nice, but the CD vs. total heal it gives you makes it less effective in WvW than Withdraw. My opinion at least.

As for traits, it depends on what you’re trying to do. I run an Apothecary armor set with Carrion jewelry. P/D condition damage build, 10/0/30/0/30 with skills:
6- Withdraw
7- Shadowstep
8- Blinding Powder
9- Shadow Refuge
0- (depends)

Very invis-heavy. Heal up to nearly full every time I go invis, which is often if I use C&D as my main Stealth skill and the Utilities as backups. Not as gimmicky, very lethal, very durable.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

Something Left Out Of Patch Notes 4 Thief...

in Thief

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


But as for asking for 1 human class for hounds I assume you have no idea how fast a thief can down controller, most classes can’t compare to the speed. Placing hounds on a random class and deeming it as fast as a thief is just silly.

Side note:
It’s silly how few people don’t know this. It’s often an absolute max of 5 seconds, delays only coming when some clown leaps too far from a pillar and we have to dodge spam to avoid the flamethrower. I try to /join groups and they’re like… “no warrior?” Then I get kicked. Sad that they don’t realize that adding a single good Thief will benefit the group’s speed.

I actually like the change, I think. Keeps these guys more in control. (Though I didn’t mind abusing their autoattack while invised in WvW.)

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)

Thank you Mystic Forge

in Crafting

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


Yeah, I lost 100g in the forge trying for the legend with cap level exotics. You get a dusk accidentally. Pretty much why the whole process is terrible design summed up nicely. Thanks!


How something that’s “pinnacle of end game” relies on RNG is still beyond me.

/erases the ensuing flaming I was about to post.
(Not worth getting worked up over it!)

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

So the new dreamer is amazing!

in Crafting

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


Yesterday: (EST)
6:30 – 0 The Lover
7:10 – 1 The Lover 799g 99s 99c
7:30 – 3 The The Lover 770g

Proved to me these people are just hiding them and selling them all off for an insane price. I’ll be going for my dreamer, but my job just got 100% harder. But that effect makes it sooo worth it.

That was a lot more obvious 2 weeks ago when someone gobbled all (6ish?) of the ~350g Lovers and started slow listing them at ~500 while the asking prices rose. Post patch they got relisted at what we now see. More than doubling the price in 2 weeks is stupid. (Also makes me wonder at the timing… someone buying them all up before the update and new unicorn effects are revealed is one of 3 things: 1) impressive foresight, 2) incredibly lucky, 3) borderline insider and very fishy.)

5GC that the OP is currently selling a dreamer via the TP.

…I was gonna say that he’s selling The Lover precursor. Especially now that it has jumped up to become the most expensive precursor on the market.

Projectile effects-sheefects. Where’re the footprints behind The Dreamer wielders? (haha, I guess those Unicorns do make up for the lack thereof.)

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)

Legendary Precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


OP: if you do decide to go the MF route, for the love of ALL that is holy, please PLEASE do not try an craft the shortbow. You are MUCH better off crafting one of the other higher priced pre weapons and selling/buying your pre you want + getting some extra gold at the end.

lol. Please look at The Lover prices on the Trading Post and then get back to us.

As it stands, the SB precursor is the most expensive precursor, edging out Dusk by 1c. (750 vs. 749.99.99). Which sucks, because I’m in the same position as the OP re needing only the precursor.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

Scenario: You are the lead WvW map designer.

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


6. Here’s an interesting idea. What if point tally was somehow based on opponent population? This is more of a gripe than anything, but two evenly matched servers, whoever has the most late-night coverage wins for the week. Seems unreasonable to have a great fight for 16 hours of the day and then get blown out because God-forbid we want some sleep.



Seems like it could get a bit complicated, but the current way it’s set up makes NA populations a lot less relevant than Oceanic populations. (I can think of a couple servers that we’ve smoked in the past during NA hours, but have kicked our kittens over the course of a week because they’re Oceanic-based.) Obviously old hat, but still. Great way to better WvW play in general.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

dagger\dirk\whatever of the mists?

in Crafting

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


I came to this forum to ask this exact question.

Seems like (most) everything else exists in “Mists” version… so there must be one for the dagger too. Right?

Spirit Links
Vision of the Mists
Ilya (and Lys)
Reaver of the Mists

Let us know if something’s been found!

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)

Scenario: You are the lead WvW map designer.

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


I’ve heard already a lot of QQ about how hard is to take Red keep Overlook and how vulnerable is the Blue keep whichthenameidontremember.
Maybe those are minor unbalances, but problably because you can easily siege those keep from anywhere (any of the 4 towers around it).

Red Keep is for the last place team, so this may be slightly intentional.

That’s also why a random 4-map set of Borderlands (with 1 out of the rotation per week) would be so much fun.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

Scenario: You are the lead WvW map designer.

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


Also, for some reason, i really like the idea of having a city based map, if people want to encourage small group fights, then the answer is pretty simple, make objectives further apart, but the terrain itself more compact and complex. Nobody is really going to run in a small group when there is no real terrain to support them, there is no way to hide from the mighty zerg, beyond running perma stealth. A city map with small cramped streets, along with underground and aboveground tunnels would give plenty of real estate for experienced roamers to explore and own. In the meantime, zergs would have a hard time navigating convoluted terrain, which would both break up and slow down huge groups.

This is so key. The terrain right now is so basic that it supports zerging.

And it doesn’t even have to be, say, a city based map. I love fighting in the ruins in south Borderlands and in the tunnel/ruins near Valley keep, the giant hill outside Anzalias, etc.

It would add a whole new level of complexity and creativity as well as encourage better organization.

…Though it remains to be seen whether or not ANet actually wants “complexity” at all in this.

And this:

Less water.

Actually, no water.

Desert map, please.

I still vote drain the water and put in its place a desert-like area for control of a single Orb in the middle of the Borderlands. No moving the Orb. Servers get to decide how much they want to send to maintain “king of the hill” Orb status while fighting elsewhere.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

Scenario: You are the lead WvW map designer.

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


It’s funny how many of these suggestions are so resoundingly similar.

ANet, please read this page up and down and please try to take note of some of these!

1. Get rid of the quaggans. They are too easy to kill off and really add no value to a map other than buggy issues. Cute as they are, they have to go. Perhaps BL quaggans can be harvested for these new backpacks. Replace storm island with a 15 storey tower in the middle of the lake that first has to be sieged and broken into, then run up the stairs and finally take (this tower would be a pure stamina attack/defense because it’d be next to impossible to get bodies in if you’re defending, and attackers would be forced to deal with siege, stairs, etc and final brute force to win it. Of course if left unattended, it’s a cakewalk).
2. Put a 24 hour timer on siege — to feel like you get your money’s worth. Have a mouseover ability to know when that siege is set to expire. Of course siege killed by the enemy is still fair game. Otherwise this ticking/reticking/magically disappearing siege issue is tiring and really needs to go — I realize there’s some game mechanic that makes it necessary, but I would bake cookies for any dev who can solve this. I can’t think of one single person who enjoys this.
3. Make dolyaks harder to kill. Whether that means you have to kill the guards first (if purchased) before the dolyak, or the poor beast wears armour and takes longer to die, either option is fine. Have an option at supply camps to add a speed boost as an upgrade so your dolyak trots to your keep, not plods along.
4. Fix any area that has been diligently reported by players as exploitable terrain. Ban players that abuse this (no, not the ones who take the time to make the videos and send them in or post on GW2 to give devs a heads up). First time for 14 days. Second time caught, permanent ban with ability to petition. Third time, you’re out forever, no petition, no recourse.
5. Increase the rewards you get in WvW. Give PVErs a reason to come into WvW. Something simple as this would do a lot.
6. Keep the waypoint “bug” the way it is. 1 second of chance to portal into a keep is nothing compared to hours of griefing that is often done by a solo player keeping a keep contested. (I’m looking at you perma stealth thieves, lol).
7. Allow titles and rewards for players that do the less than glorious grunt work. A person who gains a Siegemaster title, gets siege at a discounted price. A person who gets the Supply Runner title, gets a speed boost any time they’re in WvW. A person who gets the Defender title (defending x many towers and keeps during attacks, I’m thinking specifically of the people who play sentry and aren’t out running with the zerg) gets a defensive boon when their health reaches 10%.
8. Map wise .. bear with me, I know folks will object, but I think it’d be cool if there were three different terrains for the BL’s that rotate week after week, but randomly so you never know what map you’ll get — swamp, tundra, desert, etc … This would force different strategies on different maps, and make the game more interesting. Your position as blue, green or red would not change, so you’d still occupy the same “map space” with the same vistas and POIs, just you’re subject to a changing terrain and you never know what you’ll get each week. Have a fourth map in the rotation, so that 3/4 maps are used each week. Leave EB as it is. It’s an entity unto itself anyhow.

This was an awesome post. I also still love the idea of draining the Borderlands lake and implementing an “Orb free-for-all” that has to be channeled to be maintained.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

Scenario: You are the lead WvW map designer.

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


remove borderlands lake and quaggan nodes and replace it with a shallow death pit that players can drop into but can’t get out of. in the center of the death pit, there is the revamped orb on its altar. this time, it is stationary. instead of moving the orb, the team controlling the death pit tags the orb to gain its bonuses, which only apply to that map. tagging the orb involves a channeling animation similar to the one used for skill points, perhaps a bit longer. stealthed characters are unable to interact with the orb and thus cannot tag it. siege cannot be built in or around the death pit. the death pit has a large diameter, about the same as the lake’s.

the death pit itself is designed to look like a dried-up lake bed. the dirt has patterns of large cracks running all through it, with some greenery poking through the cracks here and there. there are skeletons of aquatic animals stuck into the lake bed, including krait skeletons. at the foot of the altar is a single quaggan skeleton. whatever the heck that looks like.

I LOVE the direction of this idea. Lose the water (does anyone in WvW care about the water/want it?), and install something creative in its place.

Bring back orbs, but in a free-for-all death pit. The orb can’t move and can only be channeled/activated once a server has control of the ring around it. Ideally there’d be a bit of terrain to work with (think underwater krait/quaggan village dried up? What if the dried up theme made it a giant desert-like sand pit?) so that it’s not an entirely straight up zergfest.

Being able to manage control of the Orb while maintaining zergs outside to defend/attack would put some awesome flavor into WvW.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

Scenario: You are the lead WvW map designer.

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


Lots of these suggestions are great.

As a start I’d like to see much larger maps. Within those maps we could hopefully have more advanced terrain like the ruins in southern Borderlands, ruins (and tunnel) outside Valley keep, hill outside Anzalias, quarry-like craters in the ground (Faith/Arah’s/Gods) only with a tunnel system. etc.. Stuff that encourages creativity.

Though I guess there would be something awesome about an entirely open and flat map.

Oh, and less water in Borderlands.

I would really like to see Waffler’s idea be put into play for it is both lore-abiding and unique.

As do I. Making all unique maps based on server would be a pain in the kitten, but at the same time very, very, very epic.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

DH/GoM/HoD - 1/25

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


I always thought that part was intentional. After all, there’s a big ol’ ramp in the terrain directing you where to go. Without that option, vale would be the only camp with only one entrance (excluding border entries).

Now, that ballista placement…. :P

I would agree, but for 2 things:
a) You can’t run there directly, you have to jump.
b) It’s inaccessible to people within the camp.

… no comment on the ballista haha.

On a side note, I finally appeared in a screen from another server.
I’m the sylvari ranger to the right

Glad I could find you!

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

DH/GoM/HoD - 1/25

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


Saw multiple players from both DH and HoD exploiting the invulnerable spots yesterday behind both southern supply camps. It’s most certainly not limited to one server.

That’s why I didn’t point out a server and asked in general “@ the few people that do this sort of thing…”

I’ve seen people guilty of it on my server too, and try to avoid it as much as possible.

It happens. Just asking people to avoid the temptation lol

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

DH/GoM/HoD - 1/25

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


About 10 seconds later Acium had a ring of dead bodies around him. Not lying!

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

DH/GoM/HoD - 1/25

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


@ the few people that do this sort of thing and exploit a busted hillside… c’mon.

It’s been quite a fight in your BL, GoM


Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

Sooooo.... Grenth? What?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


Happened for us the first time and nobody went back.

We got lucky, though, as a few Rangers that got teleported up ended up in the rafters and were able to pew the priest from above. This got him to 50ish%… before the rest of us wiped (for many this wasn’t the first time we insta-died) entirely and he moved in to kill Jonez.

Not sure why they a) felt the need to change anything and b) didn’t see this coming when they did.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

DH/GoM/HoD - 1/25

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


Such a shame, new update removes siege in WvW jumping puzzles.

Though I guess that means griefers now have to prove their mettle or get more creative, which should be exciting =P

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

People who Torll the JP in EB

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


People who complain about getting killed in JP’s just fuel my desire to keep killing them.

Second this.

I “understand” the /wave, but if people are killing then kill back. I try to avoid waving altogether and sort of nudge them in the direction of attacking me first. Then I kill. See, there’s absolutely no such thing as “trolling” in the JPs—especially since there are traps and such built into it to harass opposing jumpers.

That’s the point.

Now if we’re talking about the Mesmer portal to the top… I still think that’s a little silly.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

DH v GoM v HoD 18/01

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


Sure it was [RE] not [SE] or [RTH]? The latter two are still around or have somewhat returned, but I haven’t seen any Rethesis around since they left.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.