Showing Posts For Insane Pancakez.9182:

8/16 FA/CD/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

CD only zergs and is getting owned by Ehmry Bay right now.




in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

CD has a guild I think [INC] was the name. You didn’t have the numbers last night but you did earn our respect. Not sure if we ran into you before (EB militia zerg) but it was nice to finally see a guild like that this week. /salute

Thanks man! We just transferred here recently. We do lack the numbers atm, but will be trying to recruit so we can at least run 20-25 in the future. Was fun fights, we got stomped A LOT though, but we will not run away ever :P thank you for the kind words, definitely boosts the morale of our guild!

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Good fights tonight all! Hope it continues all week.

8/2/13 - FC/SF/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

i hope the day never comes when [vs] is tasked with a situation that involves more than
wait for numbers + stack + port bomb
because that is a day they’ll be rather disappointed in themselves

What are you talking about? I’m the owner of this guild and drive 95% of the time, but was not on last night. We never portal bomb, then last night we did (I guess my backup driver did it while leading) and you make this post? Lol QQ more. Go read most of your servers posts, all it is about is complaining. It’s a game, if you don’t like it move to a more enjoyable WvW server. Oh yes you might get the “Wah wah bandwagon” cry, but who cares? Unless you play to please other kids behind their screen, then their is no reason why you can’t move.

Only 5 people defeated Liadri

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Too many people complain, you’ll always have it in every game. First people beg for hardcore content, then they complain about it. I rarely PvE, i’m a WvW only player but I had to try this. If you want one of the biggest challenges on GW2, well this is it.

Only 5 people defeated Liadri

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Beat her yesterday after about 45 ticket7 hours after the release. (tried on ranger for 20, then siwtched to ele) Lol, I found it easiest with conditions. 0/0/30/20/20 on my ele, Cleansing waves (When she crippled me + the 5k burn on here) condition removal in traits, scepter/dagger bleed on crit, and gain Stamina on weapon swap, Carrion gear, (I forget the run name but was Toughness/condition and only 3 silver each)

But utitilities were cleansing waves, lightning flash, mist form. Mainly stay in earth form and used #1 and #5 at the opening of stag two. Switched to water once for the cripple removal and heals. When the orb spawn you can kill it with water 3, or fire 2/3 without getting the obstruction. Keep moving counter clockwise and the aoes can’t hit you. Good luck! Bleading burns her HP so fast.

8/2/13 - FC/SF/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

I’d like to have a GvG against Deth, the #2 ranked guild on NA.

Please contact me so we can set up a 20v20. I don’t care if we lose, we barely have any GvG experience and really need to learn to GvG.

Please contact me Aldix, thanks!

8/2/13 - FC/SF/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Good fights tonight all! Had a lot of fun with FC in ebg.

AR, you kicked my guilds kitten inside of your garrison! (We are the worste sieging guild on NA xD) You guys may be low on population, but you pack a kitten punch!

FC, I must say the only reason we took your bay was our super SF voltron zerg xD sorry that we zerged so big (my guild doesn’t usually join zergs) but when Cosa, PVP, PoPo and my guild were on the same map and there were no zergs to kill i’d thought I would join it haha.

Also, your defense at hills WAS AMAZING! You guys got your stuff together and did very well with that. Our main zerg was trying to distract you while we had some at south gate, and you held off both of our groups.

Even though I was bored once we left EBG and there were no zergs around, had fun and good luck to everyone else for the rest of the week!

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Fun fights in EBG tonight against GoM and ET! Been enjoying it. We noticed SM had 0 supply and you guys were caught up with ET so I thought we’d give it a try lol. Now I wonder how long we can hold it QQ

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

My favorite part about all this thread isn’t the VS/BS arguments, I actually enjoy reading all the responses, none of it bothers any of my members, and i’m 99% positive nothing we say bothers BS members and in the end we’ll both continue WvWing however we please

The best part is how everyone cries “Oh this thread has drama wah!” What do you kids do, come here to flirt with each other and try to make an e-friend through the forums? Do you know how much more boring this thread would be right now if we never started. Who goes to a movie to watch people sit there and say “I love you!” the whole time. If you do, i’d hate to see what kind of life you live. Stop whining about the drama, it’s the internet, this is a PvP thread. There will be drama, right or wrong it will be there.

It’s not even real drama, I don’t see why some people act like it hurts them to read it rofl. It’s the internet, who cares. If there is E-drama, well too kitten bad. It’s funny to read and that’s all.

Now, everyone please keep bickering and making funny replies so I have something entertaining to read when I wake up.


Lastly one thing, none of my guildies that I know of wented on ET forums. Even at times like this, none of us care enough to do that but if I find out it’s one of my newer members trolling on the ET forums i’ll remove them from the guild. I do not condone my guild to stoop low enough to do that, and I really like a lot of guilds on ET.

(edited by Insane Pancakez.9182)

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Lol, nice double edit, you done with your QQ’s yet?

oh boi lil homie, I better not make u mad u might come kill me while im spectating

i bttr learn my place


7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

I find it impressively disturbing that the folks in BS appear to be proud of the shenanigans they pulled (killing afk’ers, false starts, full stacks, etc.) by having the audacity to not only dismiss the agreed upon standard practices in arranged GVGs but also by fabricating the events that occurred that evening.

were you there? you seem to just take VS’ word for what they say. id like to clear up some things. in the first fight we did have stacks most of the prior gvgs we’ve had in or current tier both sides showed up with stacks. i think this has more to do with miscommunication; Pancakez thought we were going by a set of rules from whatever guilds he watched/played against . however many big guilds also gvg with stacks ie. emp v choo:, or emp vs tsym:, or sf v agg: [mostly agg with stacks]
in fact agg transferred to et for a while and i guess when we searched them up we thought it was common practise to stack to fight.
either way all of you charged full force and attacked without backing out. so we thought it was acknowleged that stacks were allowed.

during the interim before the second fight. we agreed to unstack. one of your guildies decided to stomp one of ours. that guildie happened to be a new recruit [not new to wvw] so of course all of us got mad. it even made me and a couple of the remaining of us unsure whether or not to unstack. eventually everyone unstacked and the fight began the same way as the other did. both parties buffed and started to charge each other the fight started without hestitation from either side. however we were still mad and decided at the end the fight by wiping the spectators as well.

i agree with omega arts that both of us were in the wrong. VS for killing while destacking and BS for killing spectators and for killing those that returned. the stacking issue is more of a communication problem and both sides assumed things. to address us not finishing the match set, a lot of us were kitten ed and did not feel it was worth it to continue. even lil homie got mad as apparent in the screenshot from pancakez. small group is obviously not your strength but you did decent. still i find that if it was an even 20v 20 the stacks would have been a huge issue, however we only fielded 16 tonight.

tl;dr – dont take everything someone from VS or BS says. watch the videos when theyre uploaded and judge for yourself since both groups did wrong. i am probably omitting some things, its late, im biased towards my guild, but id just like to clear some stuff up before more drama or some type of blame game happens.

ps. of course good fights tonight got 2 fights in was just an ugly ending. and pancakez dont hate on my bunker. also another note lil homie isnt our guild leader.

SF? Never heard of them. Heard of Choo and AGG. AGG isn’t too good, while they’re better than us, I wouldn’t consider them one of the best. I don’t know much about Choo.

RG does though there is the match history

As you see, all of the matches are 5-10 rounds. Not two then they think they’re so good they don’t need to fight anymore. What’s a video going to prove? You won two matches and quit. Third match you just jump everyone at the windmill. You guys are a bunch of giant ego’d trash.

Oh btw, only one of my other guildies posted here. More of your kids are whining than ours. You guys could learn a few things from IoM, don’t be shy asking them for help.

(edited by Insane Pancakez.9182)

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

ET You better control them gutter street thug punks before we go all crazy mad on them

This is what Xom posts a screenshot about lol. We’re sitting there, as you see no spectators as the mighty BS killed them all, we’re sitting by the windmill ready for round three, and here comes the best guild in the world getting in a cheap one. Nice 2 rounds of GvG, you guys are pretty kitten boring. Nuff said.

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

I told one of my guildies who gets super sensetive over talking on the forums I wouldn’t post anymore.

If any of you have ever seen actual GvG videos from the best guilds IE: RG, Votf, VII, GH, Scnd etc you’ll all know there are certain rules to GvGs. BS showed up with 25 stacks in things, then when we asked them to let us clear it only a few of them came up while the rest sat in the back. They were very hesitant on removing the stacks claiming they wanted a handicap in whisper. They beat us on rounds one, I didn’t notice the stacks as I didn’t think they’d come with them. Round 2 I noticed it, and we cleared them. They beat us again then after they beat us that round ran over and killed all the spectators who weren’t playing. That in itself is silly acting. I told Lil Homie (the leader of BS) best out of 5 before it started. We were regrouping to come back for round three, as we changed out some players so some of my other guildies could get some GvG experience as this was our 2cnd one, and a lot of mine are new to the whole GvG thing. When we arrived back at the windmill, they just attacked us right away as we sat there. The last picture Xom posted is when none of us were playing.

TLDR: After two matches, we went back for the third round, they killed us the second we showed up while none of us were playing and basically DQd themselves started dancing on the bodies and killed all the spectators.

The basic rules of GvG are explained here starting at 1:10

Here is what an official GvG looks like:

If you don’t know anything about the guilds i’ve mentioned, then you probably don’t know anything about GvGs. BS’s attitude was ashaming the way they acted. I can’t believe I hear they’re a respected guild worth fighting.

I don’t know what makes them want to gloat over not finishing a GvG as they skipped out on the last three rounds lol. Here is what lil homie thinks about GvGs basic rules


(edited by Insane Pancakez.9182)

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

I got a proposition for you Pancakez,
Let’s just set up a 20v20 GvG sometime this week before reset.

That way these forums don’t reach page 10.

I’ll be pm’ing you ingame to setup a date/time.

Feel free to send me mail if i’m not online.


It will be fun, and a good fight. Looking forward to it.

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Sigh… How many times do I need to slap you guys around until you get it through your thick skull, we’re not a small man guild. I showed up to that GvG because your guild leader wouldn’t kitten about being bored and wanting a GvG to the point where he would’ve gotten on his knees to get me to come over there. If you look back through all my posts you will see numerous times I give you guys credit for being better than us in small man. Each time you seem to ignore everything I say and just pick out the few things you want to reply to. So once again AS I HAVE SAID MANY TIMES good job on beating us 10v10. When you’re ready to fight with 20 or 25 let me know. Then we’ll see how good you guys are as a guild.

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

One time at band camp IoM wiped VS, VS came back again and wiped IoM. A mutual respect between 2 guilds from different servers was formed that day from the ashes. Respect other guilds unless they suck. If they suck then give them pointers to become better as a whole. If they don’t want help let them rot in their cesspool of stubbornness.
EDIT: Pancakez is cool

<3 IoM! you guys are the best guild to fight out of any server we’ve been against so far. Much respect for all of you!

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Hey, BS, that Vagi Sil name suits you guys well, I’ve never seen someone run away so fast. Thanks for the bags right outside of your spawn, until you finally started killing some of us off, I have to give you guys credit, once you died you respawned and got back in the fight really fast!

Sorry for the GoM guys that came behind us while we were fighting Basic Skills (BS) I think that’s their guild name? Not sure. But we had to kill you off, as you could’ve interfered with our farming of ET.

We kept you at your spawn for over 20 minutes while you all kept running back. […] the numbers were even.

Alright, time to back those claims with some proof, shall we? I even highlighted our deaths to help you keep track of how badly we got farmed.

Need that not just prove everything I said? LOL. The first like 10 minutes is you running back to your legendary defenders. My mighty staff and hammer is too godly for you to handle. Nice job speeding the vid up by x2, and you proved my point that we held you at spawn for over 20 minutes. Even though the video is only seven minutes in x2, you started it late also. GJ killing us at the end, if we wanted to, we could’ve hauled kitten in our tower, but we decided we won’t pull a “BS”

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Wow a lot of drama has kicked up,
Definitely was a interesting morning read.

But yea pancakes, you and your guild’s play style is a polar opposite from ours.
I can respect that because I know how difficult it is to try to manage a large group of players sometimes.

But let’s be real here…

Were all conditioned from small group play, a play style that puts heavy pressure on you, allowing you to master your class to its full potential/skill.
In zergs, individual skill is a lot less practiced compared to small groups…

That being said, that is why you see us wiping groups larger than us…
That is why you see us wiping you 8v15 causing someone to quit your guild afterwards.

Yea you have a lot of members that know how to stay in a ball and play follow the leader but when it comes down to a pure fight, your out of your league.

That’s why 80% of us are more damage than bunker because we know our classes well enouph to lay people out without stacking the toughness gear.

Were sacrificing some body armor, and instead bringing AK 47’s to the fight.

Lol, let’s clear some things up here bud.

No one rage quit our guild from you guys rofl, they left because they didn’t like the way I insulted them after being rally bait.

I’m sorry if all of my guardians running staff and hammer with no burst damage when there is 10-15 of us can’t beat your super elite squad of kids who theorycraft these roaming builds all day.

Lastly, you never wipe groups larger than you unless it’s by about 3-5. If you had 15-20 players and you went up against 40-60 enemies, you wouldn’t know what to do. That’s where we differ.

I don’t think we’re any better than you guys, and you aren’t any better than us. We practice fighting large groups that out number us 3, 4 or even 5:1 and you guys practice 10v10s and such. But, the difference is, I don’t have my guildies coming on here and calling out any guild when we wipe them. You guys follow us around like we’re a big pen—- and you’re a virgin school girl looking to get laid for the first time. Might want to put a control on your guildies. Not only do they fail at insulting these forums, but apparently every time they wipe us, their pampers need changing and since you’re being a naughty little mom, they sit there in their own shi- boasting about how they killed 3-5 more players than they had.

(edited by Insane Pancakez.9182)

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

I wish JQ the best of luck.

Welcome back to the old Gate of Madness.

With the notable exception of some other guilds that left after “don’t push-gate” and any others that were poached by ZL this morning.

If there are any ZL people still reading this thread, one thing confuses me: Why JQ? You guys are a huge guild that could queue EB pretty much by itself IIRC, wouldn’t the chance of you guys getting to run a guild group in JQ be effectively zero?

Yer not sure why the originals left too… We seemed to be doing extremely well before ZL brought the crap to the server. It’s great being told karma trains were to get more people into WvW but then why leave as soon as they get enough karma to get legendaries? They want a challenge, We get a challenge this match up, but instead of the DH match up where they PvE’d all week they skip servers? It’s hard to believe what they say when actions do another. We have and have had alot of people who fight for the PPT, use of tactics and generally fight for the server to become better. RISE and RH are amazing, so is HH and a few others too for always saving the day and from what I can see fighting for our server and not to thier own beneficial gain.

As to the::: Why JQ? You guys are a huge guild that could queue EB pretty much by itself IIRC, wouldn’t the chance of you guys getting to run a guild group in JQ be effectively zero?

They need a faceroll.

I will also leave this subject here. I’m tryin not to get caught up in it, I just wanna see our server improve again and get back to upgrading things I know might be defended with some sort of effort.

Also, Sorry to SF and ET for this drama.

Sorry that you guys lost a big WvW guild. I know I come on here and talk some smack sometimes, but it’s all for fun to see what others reply. Who wants to see a movie with no action of some sort in it, ya know?

But really, I know what it’s like losing big WvW guilds. The server VS was from lost A LOT of those back in Septembers, and some early in 2013 making our server on and off, up and down. Now we transferred to SF to work on our synergy, and one day will move up in another higher server, but I agree… why T1 lol. Ques, skill lag, just bleh. And I thought WvW was GoMs skill group? From what you’re saying they’re a huge guild moving to JQ? That’s worse lol, like you stated, good luck to them getting to run as a guild.

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

That’s cute, in the midst of all your anger you took a picture of yourself and posted it on the internet.

Your a quite handsome looking feller eh

If your trying to win this argument, well… lets just say you’ve already lost. Its very apparent in the way your acting on forums. Childish and such.

But since this argument won’t end due to your incompetence and undeveloped brain i hereby surrender to you and your mighty guild. May all bow to VS in kind of there supreme leader.

So with that said in utter seriousness. I will not respond back to you.

And yes, i will be going to sleep now

Farewell leader of VS. May you be safe in your travels, as long as you don’t stumble upon us again in WvW hehe.

Night (kissy face)

Cries to someone he’s acting childish here and then proceeds to attack said person with childish whine himself.. Hmm.

The funniest thing about this guy is his constant preemptive escape from his engagement with Pancakez. His post prior to the one quoted also stated the conversation to be over. Only for him to be pulled back in because hes blatantly affected by Pancakez trolling.

Which then became the nugget above where he’s pretty much begging to be left alone. Haha, I guess you forum the way you WvW.. Always running.

And by the way is this guy Et or GoM? Because honestly if hes Et why is anyone from SF even paying attention to him? Et has proven time and time again they are terrible at WvW. Sure, we’re all in tier 8, but c’mon.. they’re pretty bad. Just pat them on their heads and send them off.

Oh and if I was a coward I’d insert a “Not reading reply, too unaffected by all of it to bother. Off the sleep(Smooches!)”


PS: Not in VS, Don’t run with them. Bla bla bla.

Yea lol, he’s in a guild called Basic on ET. I enjoyed reading his replies, seems his jimmies became a little rustled. They got so angry knowing that they can never do what we do, that last night they actually made a guild called Vaga sil [VS] and tried trolling us with it. Funny part is, when we saw it we all laughed and weren’t offended in the slightest. The only offensive part was to themselves how they only fight groups of 10-15 with their 10-15 players all running these 1v1 solo burst builds or bunker builds or w/e thinking they’re good when they win xD when they get outnumbered by 2 or 3, they run back to the spawn, and come here to cry about their seemingly low accomplishments.

I hope they read this and come back with some more silly things to say, I thoroughly enjoy it xD

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182


And once again… its just a game.

You seem overly excited about apparently “Whooping that kitten ” but if that’s the only kitten you get, I guess i’d be excited if I were in your kitten whooping shoes.

Oh, not to crash you and your squad of egotistical cheerleaders, but we “whooped that kitten ” just as much as you did. Except, when you see more than 15, you tend to tuck your tails and “haul kitten .”

Check, Biotch.

Now, don’t make me tell you to go to bed again.


(edited by Insane Pancakez.9182)

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

My favorite part about BS is how you send all of your cheerleaders on the forums to try to talk smack, yet you all use the Basic insults every server uses like: “Oh man, our ego is so big, we just killed us some of dem there nubs 10v20” Simple equation for morons IE BS guild: Subtract numbers from your side, multiply enemies numbers by 2 or 3. Go on the forums, brag about how much better you are, and how much the enemies suck. Log off, go to sleep, rinse and repeat.

Stay classy, vaga sil. They might have it on sell just for you guys soon!

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Ha I actually told the guild to leave Vs be on the forums its like kicking people when they are down. /shrug

Yeah I guess some BS folks are picking on you, tends to happen when you call folks free loot before you even met them on the field. Not telling all the facts wont get you any bonus points, annoying 35 v 10 you finally win, before you say Vs did not have 35. It was cosa and ice hitting us from behind that won the day, not anything you did.

Nice try.

BS has a pretty big weakness. If you guys don’t have anywhere to run away in the middle of a fight, you lose. We murdered you kids in that tower where you can’t run away until you have full hp. We kept you at your spawn for over 20 minutes while you all kept running back. Both of those times, the numbers were even. I’m telling you, until BS can learn to kill groups bigger than 10-15, you’ll still be dead weight for your server. You’d be better off starting an Spvp team.

(edited by Insane Pancakez.9182)

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Hey, BS, that Vagi Sil name suits you guys well, I’ve never seen someone run away so fast. Thanks for the bags right outside of your spawn, until you finally started killing some of us off, I have to give you guys credit, once you died you respawned and got back in the fight really fast! You guys have a lot to work on though, if you don’t have somewhere to run away you kind of blow up pretty fast =/ that’s always boring.

Sorry for the GoM guys that came behind us while we were fighting Basic Skills (BS) I think that’s their guild name? Not sure. But we had to kill you off, as you could’ve interfered with our farming of ET.

Here we go again… :-/ I would like to state that i just enjoy killing people ( In WvW of course) I dont mean any disrespect while in said action of killing people ( WvW again)

Aww Fubata, don’t be so sensetive, I never start arguments or flames, I just poor the gasoline on it.

BS does what they do very well, which is roaming. Outside of Roaming they don’t do very good. VS doesn’t do well in roaming, but we fight zergs pretty successfully. But when I guild copies another guilds tag, and starts running around with a guild name trying to insult the other, that’s where the childish play comes in. They can’t fight a zerg to save their lives. They’re like all the people screaming “It’s Godzilla!” and hauling kitten when a zerg comes. But if they see any small groups roaming around, they jump on it like they’re the best thing to hit WvW.

But you guys should keep your new guild name :P It really suits you. I hope we didn’t make you guys miss your pedicure tonight.

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Hey, BS, that Vagi Sil name suits you guys well, I’ve never seen someone run away so fast. Thanks for the bags right outside of your spawn, until you finally started killing some of us off, I have to give you guys credit, once you died you respawned and got back in the fight really fast! You guys have a lot to work on though, if you don’t have somewhere to run away you kind of blow up pretty fast =/ that’s always boring.

Sorry for the GoM guys that came behind us while we were fighting Basic Skills (BS) I think that’s their guild name? Not sure. But we had to kill you off, as you could’ve interfered with our farming of ET.

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

I hope you had fun killing about 10 of us two times tonight.

Actually we killed you guys three times. First time near Redvale, Second time on middle island, and third time just east of Bay.

You enjoy those 5 ish loot bags you get from 20 kills. I’ll enjoy getting my 100+ a night actually doing something progressive on my server.

Um ok … if that’s something you want to brag about then more power to ya I guess.

Again, if killing a group of us all running the type of builds we have makes you feel good, then you’re a pretty bad player.

Pretty bad in what term? Sportsmanship or how we fought?
This doesn’t make any sense.
If your using the type of builds excuse then why didn’t you guys run away from us?

God forbid what you’ll do if your number two key ever breaks in the middle of a fight. All that smashing on it, and it’ll be gone before you know it.

This… What is this I don’t even…

Nice try at trying to break apart my post and defend your butt buddies, 4/10 for that performance.

Any more of your players you want to send on here my way? It’s already been about four of you. Keep it up, maybe soon one of you will reply something clever.

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182


You need to get better at your stack and smack

Because BS just wiped you with half your numbers


What lol? You think you wiped us with half numbers? Kid, you need to learn how to count rofl. You are a bunch of players running with Bunker, healing, small man builds. We had just as many as you. You wiped our pugs, the 3 we had rallying any of you that went down. When we get any of you below half, you haul kitten and heal. Yea, you did wipe us in that like 10v10? and it was about 8 VS there at that. We all run Zerg busting builds, stakitten , hammers etc while you guys run these burst weapons. If you feel proud beating us in a 10v10, then you have so kitten low priorities. Get 25 players and do a GvG, then see how it works out.

As you see in this picture, just from my utilities and weapon, we’re not running any sort of roaming builds. We fight zergs, not a bunch of roamers. It’s WvW, not Spvp.

I took the liberty of updating your build for maximum zerging potential!

Ohhh, I get it, cause all of my other skills except 5 aren’t on cooldown! That’s pretty clever.

Now back to reality, I guess you’ve never been alive in a massive fight where there is skill lag, you must be one of the few running away crying about how our zerg of 800 players (Morons count for 20) just destroyed you and your excuse of a guild. Happy zerging, sista.

@ that J guy or w/e your name is from BS:

I hope you had fun killing about 10 of us two times tonight. You enjoy those 5 ish loot bags you get from 20 kills. I’ll enjoy getting my 100+ a night actually doing something progressive on my server. Again, if killing a group of us all running the type of builds we have makes you feel good, then you’re a pretty bad player. God forbid what you’ll do if your number two key ever breaks in the middle of a fight. All that smashing on it, and it’ll be gone before you know it.

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

It’s worse when we kill a 50 man GoM zerg with 15 players and only 1 of us die =/ Or when 20 of us chase a 45-60 man gom zerg and then run the SM and start shooting acs and cannons. And everyone of us has toughness in our gear.

Oh, btw GoM guy, learn how to sweep bay. I don’t think we should be able to take a fully upgraded bay that had 1200 supply with 12 players. Not only 12 players, but we just left it 15 minutes prior to coming back and taking it.

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182


You need to get better at your stack and smack

Because BS just wiped you with half your numbers


What lol? You think you wiped us with half numbers? Kid, you need to learn how to count rofl. You are a bunch of players running with Bunker, healing, small man builds. We had just as many as you. You wiped our pugs, the 3 we had rallying any of you that went down. When we get any of you below half, you haul kitten and heal. Yea, you did wipe us in that like 10v10? and it was about 8 VS there at that. We all run Zerg busting builds, stakitten , hammers etc while you guys run these burst weapons. If you feel proud beating us in a 10v10, then you have so kitten low priorities. Get 25 players and do a GvG, then see how it works out.

As you see in this picture, just from my utilities and weapon, we’re not running any sort of roaming builds. We fight zergs, not a bunch of roamers. It’s WvW, not Spvp.


(edited by Insane Pancakez.9182)

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

For Power Necros I can see using two stun breakers like that, but if you run into large zergs, you should have a nice built party where a guardian can help be the front line to break up some of the stuns for the backline to do what we do best. If you have the right set up front line, mid line, backline everyone should do the rule just right so no one should get to much stun and need two of them. Now if it is a ice cream sandwich party. Than yeah maybe two would work but not so much with my well build necro.

Agree, however my guess is he runs in a unorganized zerg so just tries to stay alive while tagging as many people as possible for maximum loot.

I went to 1v1 Xom before on my ranger, and I smashed him.

Nah lol, he literally killed me before the fight was going of for 5 seconds. And this was the day I quit 1v1 for good and went back to zerg busting rofl.

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

My guild VS had fun tonight. I’m so glad we rolled a higher server this week. Now we finally get to fight zergs. Ended the night with 116 heavy loot bags. A few of my players had more. Looking forward to fighting you guys all week, and I hope everyone has fun.

LOL isnt that like 5g in 1 night? I think you have officially beaten the gold farming rate of CoF. Keep it up

Even better xD almost 8 gold from selling greens and blues, and still the 116 bags xD

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

My guild VS had fun tonight. I’m so glad we rolled a higher server this week. Now we finally get to fight zergs. Ended the night with 116 heavy loot bags. A few of my players had more. Looking forward to fighting you guys all week, and I hope everyone has fun.

GoM's match-ups have been unsatisfactory

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Ummm… I’m pretty sure GoM is losing now. I was thinking we were going to get destroyed by GoM, as I’ve heard about your large zergs and things. If GoM beats SF, it looks like it will only be from Oceanic coverage (If you have any, I have no clue) but if you’re dependant on your NA coverage, well.. you’re about 4k behind ATM. Anyway, VS had fun tonight playing against GoM for a change. Haven’t seen zergs in a while. Hope the large fights continue all week.

ET/AR/SF 7/19

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

kitten IoM! Nice fight at bay haha. I think we could’ve won if we had more than 10 VS members at that fight. Still was fun though. Tried my hardest to do what I could with my lack of guildies xD

ET/AR/SF 7/19

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Hey, WAR and any/all of AR you guys should all get online and play in like 1 hour 45 minutes I want to fight a huge zerg. Please be on

ET/AR/SF 7/19

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

So, SF, what are you looking for in this match?


So….you aren’t going to play until Friday, you’re going to spawn camp us ’till Friday, what?

Friday hoping that we get a better roll, you guys put up a good fight, but we can’t get better fighting the same people/outmanned people every week.

It breeds bad habits on our side…people think WvW is just run to a tower, throw 2 rams, cap it, move to the next.

Then we move up and it gets harder, they quit. So we need to keep getting better, not PVgate all week.

Just a random suggestion but why don’t you try to split your forces when the 2 other servers are outmanned ? this way you would have more challenging fights on different sides of the map instead of moving in a giant ball that run through everything because you have 3 times more people. There are a few hours in the day when we (ET) can put a fight against your zerg but most of the time it’s just like this. Honestly over the last 2 weeks I really had the feeling that sf was enjoying rolling over people who can’t do anything more than fighting fights that are a little challenging.

We like to not really have more than 2 commanders on a map at once, which usually ends up as being 1 commander.

We do try to split the zerg, because I really hate trying to finish off Blue keep, and have people crying out for Anzalas being attacked…

I favor the “zone-approach”, having a commander at each 1/3 zoning it off, with a 3rd havoc group roaming to support either. Just always dont have the people for that.

Well in this matchup you do have the people for it but you just don’t do it. So to us it looks like the majority of sf only want to roll over smaller armies rather than to have a fair fight. I say the majority because I’ve often seen VS fighting on their own apart from the main zerg, and they are not afraid to fight with equal numbers or even with a number disadvantage.
The rest of sf however won’t fight if they don’t have at least twice the numbers. It’s ridiculous how many times we took Anz and Mendon totally undefended while sf was busy attacking blue keep with 50 people against 10 defenders.

Yea haha, we don’t follow around any zergs unless it’s defending something. But we don’t follow them even then, we go straight for the enemies and they may choose to follow us. And we’ll fight any size numbers, hell even if we had ten and there was 50, we’d still run in there and try to kill a few trying to learn a few techniques. Been fun this week especially against some guilds! Oh btw, I don’t let my guys spawn camp either, so if you ever see a couple of them there, it’s not with my permission.

ET/AR/SF 7/19

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Mad respect for IoM guild at NW tower in AR bl. That was a lot of fun guys! We enjoyed it.

ET/AR/SF 7/19

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

In the foreground on AR there doesn’t appear to be much going on, in the background we are quite active right now. So don’t read AR the last rights just yet. If VS is a 5 man guild, I can understand the down transfer. Not easy finding small group action much above T5. I have yet to see VS out there as far as I can recall, just large zergs with poor situational awareness, then again it was a reset night.

You can find us in your home BL right now taking your hills, already took bay and NE tower xD

Edit*** Now your garrison.

(edited by Insane Pancakez.9182)

ET/AR/SF 7/19

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Yea, we left ehmry bay, didn’t like how they acted anymore. It’s not my position to say who, but one of their best guilds is also leaving soon.

ET/AR/SF 7/19

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

I know a lot about Anvil Rock. I was on Ehmry Bay for 13 weeks while we dominated you guys over and over. Now i’m getting to do it again in SF. Btw, this is the most boring match up in NA right now, AR zergs are just as bad as they used to be. Thanks for the free bags all night.

Now THERE is your arrogance. Oh, I do not represent all of SF in saying what I said above. Just myself.

lol yes you are completely right. and like always arrogance comes hand in hand with ignorance. there IS no AR zergs anymore silly wabbit. and since your are not actually in every match up in NA, im going to assume you’ve talked to every single world and asked if they thought it was “the MOST” boring matchup in all of North America to accurately state such a fact.
but thank you for making it clear that this wasnt an attempt at being a bigger person very honest and cant blame you for it. lol

Yes, there aren’t any AR zergs remaining, just walking lootsbags. AR wasn’t ever a threat in the 13 week matchup, and you guys slowly diminished away. If it makes you feel better, when Ehmry Bay went up against Dragonband, we destroyed ALS so many times. And I do feel sorry about all the AR guilds leaving your server, kind of blows. But this matchup is pretty kitten boring. I’ve never had a matchup where I can some home BL is safe five minutes after the start of reset, go into and enemy borderlands and cap it within 10 minutes, while we own almost of their stuff on eternal. I just want to play DR and GoM Not to win, but to fight their skill groups.

ET/AR/SF 7/19

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

I know a lot about Anvil Rock. I was on Ehmry Bay for 13 weeks while we dominated you guys over and over. Now i’m getting to do it again in SF. Btw, this is the most boring match up in NA right now, AR zergs are just as bad as they used to be. Thanks for the free bags all night.

Now THERE is your arrogance. Oh, I do not represent all of SF in saying what I said above. Just myself.

ET/AR/SF 7/19

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

IoM, I give you guys a lot of credit. You guys never run, and that was a good plan you had at bay, if I didn’t see you guys jump down you would’ve had us. I respect your guild more than any other. No one learns from running away. keep it up guys.

ET/AR/SF 7/19

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

I can’t believe FC got to play higher tier servers instead =/ but anyway good luck to everyone this week.

7/12 ET/FC/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Who’s FoE o.o


7/12 ET/FC/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Could say the same about yours, don’t think to hard about your next reply, you might hurt yourself :V

Way to be Guild wars 2 biggest fail reply 2013. Try again.

7/12 ET/FC/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Oh, are you part of the zerg that runs away with your tail tucked between your legs? If we ran into BS, we’d stomp them. It’s okay though, your not the first player that has been rofl-stomped by us. Other guilds on your server are enjoyable to play against. When I see your guilds, I almost laugh a little every time, i’ve never seen someone run so fast. If you think you’re so good, come 10v10 or 15v15 us next time we play. I wouldn’t mind the free loot bags.

But you don’t have to worry, purple. I know you’re trying to express your anger from a new guild coming along and running your guys over. But it’s okay! I’ll sell you one of my personal “How to WvW guide for idiots” then maybe your guild can learn to play.

LoL, how sad, says gets loots bags off BS members, then doesn’t realize that we don’t run with our world’s zerg, and don’t have the members to create a zerg. If you’re implying that we’d be scared to run away from an organized 5v5 GvG, you’re sadly mistaken. Also seems like you came down here to boost your kitten lvls because you’ve been rofl-stomped quite a bit by the higher tiers. You’ve also proved another way that you’ve not seen our playstyle (When I see your guilds, I almost laugh a little every time, i’ve never seen someone run so fast. If you think you’re so good, come 10v10 or 15v15 us next time we play. ) We can barely field 6 members LOL. And no, I don’t get angry very much, and a guy on the net certainly couldn’t get me to be mad. (I’ll sell you one of my personal “How to WvW guide for idiots” then maybe your guild can learn to play.) You’ve obviously never seen the term “Small-Man Roaming”

This reply of yours was so boring, and uncreative that I almost just don’t want to reply. Nice job running your 6 man guild, I guess your server sees how bad you are and doesn’t want to join. Now tell me more about how you only let certain players join your guild because you think you guys are so good and don’t want just anyone in. If you are in WvW to 5v5 people, you’re playing the wrong game. Go back and get stomped in Spvp if that’s your play style. And I use to roam all the time back on Ehmry Bay, but roaming just isn’t as fun as destroying guilds like yours then watching them come cry to me on the forums.

Call 1-800myjimmiesberustled to fix your problem. That is all, and good day sir!

As for everyone else, have a good reset. Was a fun week.

Nope, just a close circle of friends, who said anything about a 6 man guild, I said fielding 6 men. Lmao you bring up 10v10 or 15v15 but a 5v5 means I’m playing the wrong game? Seems legit. I did sPvP, and tPvP plenty back in the day, tell me more about how practicing builds there doesn’t help in WvW. Hmmm not sure if you’ve actually got the message through, or your head is so thick that nothing gets through , but you’ve actually never “destroyed” my guild in means of killing them open world. Now where’d I put that lolumad button, I know I had it somewhere….

All of your replies are like reading paragraphs of useless information. Try again. No novels of uselessness next reply pls.

7/12 ET/FC/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Oh, are you part of the zerg that runs away with your tail tucked between your legs? If we ran into BS, we’d stomp them. It’s okay though, your not the first player that has been rofl-stomped by us. Other guilds on your server are enjoyable to play against. When I see your guilds, I almost laugh a little every time, i’ve never seen someone run so fast. If you think you’re so good, come 10v10 or 15v15 us next time we play. I wouldn’t mind the free loot bags.

But you don’t have to worry, purple. I know you’re trying to express your anger from a new guild coming along and running your guys over. But it’s okay! I’ll sell you one of my personal “How to WvW guide for idiots” then maybe your guild can learn to play.

LoL, how sad, says gets loots bags off BS members, then doesn’t realize that we don’t run with our world’s zerg, and don’t have the members to create a zerg. If you’re implying that we’d be scared to run away from an organized 5v5 GvG, you’re sadly mistaken. Also seems like you came down here to boost your kitten lvls because you’ve been rofl-stomped quite a bit by the higher tiers. You’ve also proved another way that you’ve not seen our playstyle (When I see your guilds, I almost laugh a little every time, i’ve never seen someone run so fast. If you think you’re so good, come 10v10 or 15v15 us next time we play. ) We can barely field 6 members LOL. And no, I don’t get angry very much, and a guy on the net certainly couldn’t get me to be mad. (I’ll sell you one of my personal “How to WvW guide for idiots” then maybe your guild can learn to play.) You’ve obviously never seen the term “Small-Man Roaming”

This reply of yours was so boring, and uncreative that I almost just don’t want to reply. Nice job running your 6 man guild, I guess your server sees how bad you are and doesn’t want to join. Now tell me more about how you only let certain players join your guild because you think you guys are so good and don’t want just anyone in. If you are in WvW to 5v5 people, you’re playing the wrong game. Go back and get stomped in Spvp if that’s your play style. And I use to roam all the time back on Ehmry Bay, but roaming just isn’t as fun as destroying guilds like yours then watching them come cry to me on the forums.

Call 1-800myjimmiesberustled to fix your problem. That is all, and good day sir!

As for everyone else, have a good reset. Was a fun week.

7/12 ET/FC/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Oh, are you part of the zerg that runs away with your tail tucked between your legs? If we ran into BS, we’d stomp them. It’s okay though, your not the first player that has been rofl-stomped by us. Other guilds on your server are enjoyable to play against. When I see your guilds, I almost laugh a little every time, i’ve never seen someone run so fast. If you think you’re so good, come 10v10 or 15v15 us next time we play. I wouldn’t mind the free loot bags.

But you don’t have to worry, purple. I know you’re trying to express your anger from a new guild coming along and running your guys over. But it’s okay! I’ll sell you one of my personal “How to WvW guide for idiots” then maybe your guild can learn to play.

7/12 ET/FC/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

I’m not talking smack rofl, i’m replying to your cried for attention. You sound like you’re angry because we probably rolled over you a few times the video says it all, I need not say anything further.

Art thou jimmies in need of un-rustling?

Hmm, don’t think any VS rolled any BS, in fact I’ve rolled a few of your members trying to run away from a 1v1. Well no surprise there, I mean you guys are zergers after all, and let’s face it, can’t win without the zerg. Nice try though.

So, you attack one of our guys who is running a support build and happy about it? That must take real skill to 1v1 someone running a group oriented build, but I guess if you can’t kill anyone else, you have to get your 1-2 kills a day somehow. Our huge zerg of 20 players man, I don’t know what i’d do without my huge zerg. Go play in t3-1 for a day, then you’ll know what a zerg is.

Haha, i’m just kdding, BS. I respect you guys. If it wasn’t for you guys, I wouldn’t be getting all these loot bags every night.