I’m surprised how many people still think anyone from Anet will do anything to help out WvW. They haven’t made a good change that I can remember since they’ve released GW2 in 2012. Good luck getting any sort of replies from them, and if a legendary reply does happen be ready for a solid “We’re working on it”.
That being said, if you’re new to WvW, refer to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezVy-zLUq6g
Fighting against FA recently has been the only light for my guild and I. Every other server we face sits in the towers, or runs away when you near them. The FA guilds are tough, experienced and not afraid to run away from a fight. Definately a great server to be on, would recommend trying whether you’re new, looking for somewhere to go, or an older player looking for a great community.
Agreed.. It’s quite annoying especially since we pay money for it.
Dang that’s going to suck..
Hello! I have a question about transferring. I have a friend who wants to transfer to my server today now that leagues are over. If he did it right now would he still now be able to play for two weeks since leagues don’t end until reset? Or would he be able to transfer before tonights wvw reset and be able to play right away?
It’s okay guys! We can make our new threads in the Living story, or Spvp sub forums. They won’t even notice we’re there!
I’m going to pop in a sec here to throw back to a week prior to the season … Mags pushed to get into gold. That was a hard push too btw, much like TC trying now.
That was not only admirable, that was an impressive week. If anything, coming to gold league has benefited mags with there new friends/new guilds that have decided to join forces during the season. Even if it’s not much… it still has benefited them. As it has with SoS.
So whether the season is a tank/crapshot who cares… in the end I think your servers respectively gained from it.
In fact, I’d go as far as to say SoS and Mag’s are lining themselves up for the new map. That is all.
How does the Mag peeps feel about all the FA talking about how they tanked scores to get into Silver? I’m probably reading to far into it but it sounds like if FA didn’t tank the scores Mag would still be in silver.
FA got rekt, them tanking doesn’t change the fact that their guilds that did come out to play ended up giving up over 1000 kills a night.
What happened to EP? They are now runnign 30-40, still can be wiped pretty easily as I saw tonight on EBG, and have to depend on the other SoS zerg with FANG in it to wipe hahaha. Why not just run 15-20, that’s what you run away with after losing 15 players.
Ahh, someone did someone end up in a EP/Fang sandwich? We’ll put a little band-aid on your boo-boo and you can go back out to play.
For the record, I didn’t see EP wipe and they were beastmode all night long.
Were you INC? We figured you guys ragequit or something when you suddenly vanished. Mag lost their backbone then and it was a bloodbath farm.
No, worse. EP ran away fast, and every time we killed the fang un-skilled blob they didn’t give near as many bags as I wanted. Are you upset because you had to respawn too many times tonight?
What happened to EP? They are now runnign 30-40, still can be wiped pretty easily as I saw tonight on EBG, and have to depend on the other SoS zerg with FANG in it to wipe hahaha. Why not just run 15-20, that’s what you run away with after losing 15 players.
Good fights to FEAR and LUN! holding this garri is tough.
Ark and INC seem inseparable… must be love.
All those lootbags your zerg was giving us, can you blame us? And we can get things done with 1-2 guilds that you guys need your whole map for. Sorry, maybe one day you’ll get tired of hitting respawn and actually try to fight without the comfort of your whole map.
kitten Beast I thought you guys were a skill group but instead running with abys and pugs If there are any skill groups left that don’t run with pug zergs, please stand up.
Lol, I love how I can make the whole EBG SBI kitten blob chase down three of us across the map. I found out today why they zerg so hard, they were pretty easy to kill when they only had 40.
RET I give props to you guys, you kicked my guilds kitten over and over 8+ times. But i’d love to fight you guys when you run about 20 instead of that blob. I think you guys are good enough to run smallers numbers, why not try?
Don’t worry guys! We can all Spvp now!!!
Rollbacks aren’t possible, they might interfere with a very important Spvp team’s practice match!
(edited by Insane Pancakez.9182)
Go zerg or go home!
Seriously ANet do SOMETHING, ANYTHING for those of us that like to defend and you will make many people happy. And no PPT means nothing when you make the zerging the only rewarding content. With this patch you have officially created a new game, that of flip wars 2… sad really.
The WXP drops are there to encourage killing people, not just PvDoor. If you’re defending then you should get more WXP than before with these drops.
Yes you will get more wxp than before, but most players will much rather zerg for the simple fact than running into a roaming party of 5 while zerging will net you much more than sitting on an ac bored for an hour; most small parties won’t bother with towers/keeps. The PvDoor argument won’t hold water for the simple fact that the door may not give loot but the lord does, something else you never get as a defender, so even more reason to zerg.
Find a zerg busting guild then. If this game Didn’t have zergs, WvW would be boring. At first it sucked because you didn’t stand a chance without equal numbers, but now there is a guild on almost every server that can handle 2-3 times their numbers without much trouble, IF it is a pug zerg.
I’m not trying to shut down the zergs, kitten, I will most likely spend most of my time in one now. What I am asking for is a fairness towards defenders. If zerking a keep gets you dragonite, why not give a chest with a few chunks for a successful defense of one? I realize that this could be exploited in many ways, but with a few restriction in place IMO it would be worth it in order to even out the playing field and return the spirit of the game.
Actually I agree with you. To stop it from exploiting they could make it where you only get the reward for defending it once and hour, or even day. I mean hell, if I can go out and do every world boss, killing most of them in under five minutes and get a lot of dragonite ore, idk why they can’t give us more. Average 9-11 for SM x.x I wish it was like 15-20
Go zerg or go home!
Seriously ANet do SOMETHING, ANYTHING for those of us that like to defend and you will make many people happy. And no PPT means nothing when you make the zerging the only rewarding content. With this patch you have officially created a new game, that of flip wars 2… sad really.
The WXP drops are there to encourage killing people, not just PvDoor. If you’re defending then you should get more WXP than before with these drops.
Yes you will get more wxp than before, but most players will much rather zerg for the simple fact than running into a roaming party of 5 while zerging will net you much more than sitting on an ac bored for an hour; most small parties won’t bother with towers/keeps. The PvDoor argument won’t hold water for the simple fact that the door may not give loot but the lord does, something else you never get as a defender, so even more reason to zerg.
Find a zerg busting guild then. If this game Didn’t have zergs, WvW would be boring. At first it sucked because you didn’t stand a chance without equal numbers, but now there is a guild on almost every server that can handle 2-3 times their numbers without much trouble, IF it is a pug zerg.
Thank god haha, for a minute I thought it was just another fail way to give us WvW xp. We average 80-100 a night so i’ll update after tonights raid to try to let everyone know the drop rate with screenshots of my kills before and after, and how many WvW things I get.
HELL YES BP <3333 you guys for getting SM so much haha. We tried to keep em busy at their keep. FINALLY no single server nuthugging smc for a while
Wouldn’t everyone hold SM 24/7 if they were able? I don’t know how that’s supposed to be an insult.
Not an insult, just boring. I’ve just never seen such good defense on it. More like a compliment.
HELL YES BP <3333 you guys for getting SM so much haha. We tried to keep em busy at their keep. FINALLY no single server nuthugging smc for a while
CORE, SE, YOU GUYS ARE MEAN I LIKE FIGHTING YOU WITH EVEN NUMBERS NOT 2:1 QQQ oh btw that fight at the camp was a distraction for hills AND bay which you guys were fighting us while he ninjad it xD IT WAS FUN THOUGH, GOOD FIGHTS!
I cried when I saw this You guys scare me
(edited by Insane Pancakez.9182)
Get off my lawn BP you can’t have it -.-
Core… Leave your zerg lol you are a GvG/skill group from what I remember last time we played you. 30+ guildies, lots of pugs, and siege? Come on now what do you need to wipe something 1/3 of your size..
1/3? Lol, k. See you on the battlefield this week.
Anyway, the fights were fun I just think you guys should ditch the zerg, you’re a great group really good too. But Skill groups in zergs isn’t really.. Skill
(edited by Insane Pancakez.9182)
And so the match up thread begins
Im selling popcorn btw guys.
I’ll buy some
Core… Leave your zerg lol you are a GvG/skill group from what I remember last time we played you. 30+ guildies, lots of pugs, and siege? Come on now what do you need to wipe something 1/3 of your size..
SoS YOU ARE SCARING ME QQ I know we took SMC.. BUt please no Fang/Bane/CNB all together.. THAT HURTS A LOT! Fang you guys are tough enough on your own
Props to INC. you saw us coming at SoS S. camp, you knew you were gonna get Zerg-rolled, but you stood your ground and fought anyhow. If the rest of your server followed your example it would get interesting,
That being said, a note to the rest of CD; don’t push SoS in the late evening and then log off. You probably could have kept your towers and SM a while longer if you hadn’t pulled extra people to EBG.
Map diplomacy in Eternal is something we stress when training new commanders. You don’t invite trouble upon yourselves when you aren’t sure you can respond.
Thanks man! You guys are kittening tough. We have about 11 guildies that were on that have just started playing with us in the past two weeks and never been in a zerg busting type guild. I tell them all we don’t learn from running. Good fights! I enjoy fighting you guys every time even if we die over and over outnumbered 3 to 1, or having more players than you. It’s just straight up all about the open field fights, no excuses just playing for fun.
Tell your guild mad respect from us!
Yes, come check out Crystal Desert! There are a few guilds that start raiding at the same time as you. We have two SEA guilds as well for early morning coverage, and a decent amount of Oceanics. There aren’t ques during the week almost ever, occasionally in EBG but not often. For more info Whisper one of the names mentioned above! Would love to have you guys here.
Had fun fighting both BP, and SoS tonight guys, will be a nice week. Good fights to both of you!
Kome guild (or however you spell your lame name), you are the lamest of the lame in the whole kitten game.
Try to get a single hit in before your 40 man Zerg does it for you.
Maybe hit the 1 key sometimes instead of hammering the space bar.
Came in to say this, in a less offensive way lol, how funny. All I’ve found are dagger/pistol thieves and warriors that run away at the last slither of health.
What is Kome supposed to do? Are they supposed to tell their players not to play this week so they don’t upset the poor little HoD or DH player so he has to go and QQ on the forums when he gets steamrolled? Gtfo of here. Get with a guild and learn how to fight higher numbers. If you think you’re the only player in the world to ever fight a zerg, you have another thing coming bud. You want us to try to all be superior like you and run around on our own in WvW then when we die come whine to the GW2 community about our first world problems? What a joke. I hope next time they zerg you with 80 so I can read that post.
I sense a struck nerve.
ya deal with it
Kome guild (or however you spell your lame name), you are the lamest of the lame in the whole kitten game.
Try to get a single hit in before your 40 man Zerg does it for you.
Maybe hit the 1 key sometimes instead of hammering the space bar.
Came in to say this, in a less offensive way lol, how funny. All I’ve found are dagger/pistol thieves and warriors that run away at the last slither of health.
What is Kome supposed to do? Are they supposed to tell their players not to play this week so they don’t upset the poor little HoD or DH player so he has to go and QQ on the forums when he gets steamrolled? Gtfo of here. Get with a guild and learn how to fight higher numbers. If you think you’re the only player in the world to ever fight a zerg, you have another thing coming bud. You want us to try to all be superior like you and run around on our own in WvW then when we die come whine to the GW2 community about our first world problems? What a joke. I hope next time they zerg you with 80 so I can read that post.
I sense a struck nerve.
Kome guild (or however you spell your lame name), you are the lamest of the lame in the whole kitten game.
Try to get a single hit in before your 40 man Zerg does it for you.
Maybe hit the 1 key sometimes instead of hammering the space bar.
Came in to say this, in a less offensive way lol, how funny. All I’ve found are dagger/pistol thieves and warriors that run away at the last slither of health.
What is Kome supposed to do? Are they supposed to tell their players not to play this week so they don’t upset the poor little HoD or DH player so he has to go and QQ on the forums when he gets steamrolled? Gtfo of here. Get with a guild and learn how to fight higher numbers. If you think you’re the only player in the world to ever fight a zerg, you have another thing coming bud. You want us to try to all be superior like you and run around on our own in WvW then when we die come whine to the GW2 community about our first world problems? What a joke. I hope next time they zerg you with 80 so I can read that post.
I didn’t kill a single person tonight.
For you CD guys, if you guys broke up those monster clumps you guys love to travel around with, you might be doing much better point wise. Sitting in EBG with 70 or so people accomplishing nothing is not good time management.
No offense but 90% of the time I see your guild, you’re nearby a YB zerg. My guild took sm, the first time, we usually run 15 guild members 20 max. I know your guild has to field at least 20. You guys were with the YB zerg in EBG as they were going to try to get SM back. A skill group running around in a YB zerg of 50-60. GG.
Shout out for CNB, always enjoy fighting you, never see you in a zerg.
Moved to new apartment and it’s unserviceable by my old ISP. GG crappy random wi-fi spot I’m stealing from somebody nearby. Hopefully Crapcast can set me up before we go back to 24/7 T2 blobs.
Better hurry up before Stack of Pancakes becomes CD’s favorite breakfast themed player.
Thanks kaineng, and YB had fun tonight in YB BL, Kaineng BL, and EBG.
I don’t think they really take it personally. Well, they might haha. The only sad thing is a lot of guilds are taking the RG meta, and ruining it by using their playstyle then running in massive numbers. It kind of ruins most of the fun in skill groups until your skill group recruits more and runs 30+ now instead of the old 15-20.
MU and RET, great fights tonight in bay. I know we were murdered by MU when we tried to run in the first time, came back and Killed RET and MU. RET came back and we were fighting them on the wall and MU was all like “look at those two turds fighting on the wall right in front of lords room. Hey lets cap it, they won’t notice” then you guys capped it RIGHT in front of us lmao. Then we killed you (We had like a 50 man zerg in bay though, you guys only had about 20-25) and we sat there for about 5 min for RI to get up, then you guys came back in and steamrolled us haha. Lots of fun.
That was fun. You guys and gals fight hard. Your guild is one of the very few that do not run from us. So to you and your guild I " / bow "
Same man! You guys and EKS are awesome. I’ve never seen you zerg. I might be zerging with my guild the next few nights as there aren’t many commanders on CD this week and I want to help them out, so i’m sorry in advanced if we have way over 40. But usually my guild runs 15-20 and I have A LOT of new players. I tell them all we’ll never run, sometimes it’s suicidal but we don’t learn from running inside a tower haha xD everytime we see you guys or EKS we get serious and ready for a real fight. I appreciate your guys playstyle, and I hope we get to fight in open field more this week even if you kill us 100 times in a row!
It’s okay ladies, you’re all pretty.
Well, I had a kitten good time tonight with my guild [INC] and the CD community.
Btw EP, the other night I posted about you guys always running 30+ of your own members and with a zerg, well ignore that haha. I was just heated at my own guild at the time thinking about all of our inactives, but tonight we did a lot more focus and training.
TC you put up a kitten tough fight on our keep in EBG. I think it took us like 1-2 hours to get it back! I know one time EP came out and stomped us hardcore.
I’m running a lot of new guildies, and I actually like it when you guys come near as I try to teach them about skill groups and things, and you guys are very coordinated and hopefully I can get all my new players (about 60% of our guild atm) that good one day!
MU and RET, great fights tonight in bay. I know we were murdered by MU when we tried to run in the first time, came back and Killed RET and MU. RET came back and we were fighting them on the wall and MU was all like “look at those two turds fighting on the wall right in front of lords room. Hey lets cap it, they won’t notice” then you guys capped it RIGHT in front of us lmao. Then we killed you (We had like a 50 man zerg in bay though, you guys only had about 20-25) and we sat there for about 5 min for RI to get up, then you guys came back in and steamrolled us haha. Lots of fun.
As much as I want to fight EP in open field, but you guys are always in a zerg with multiple skill groups, or 30-50 people…
But MU, EXS keep it up you guys are the best on TC. Neither of you run in zergs, much respect.
MU! That fight in bay… Omfg that was epic. Nice salute it the end haha, we really enjoyed fighting you guys. I hope we run into you more!
Lol, i’m on CD and I had a kitten good time tonight.
And who cares if TC, or FA zergs anymore. It’s part of the game. I know I try to keep my guild encouraged on the idea, we don’t get better from running away. If we go in, try our hardest and wipe so be it. Trial and error, try to adjust and do what you can. Thanks for the fights on CD BL and EBG tonight FA/TC.
I’m loving the fights so far.
I’m on CD and I approve this message.
FA skill groups akittens finest. What happened to the old 15-20 man skill groups. Now it’s turned into 2-3 skill groups + group of pugs.
Those were groups of 15-25. See the tags? APS and HOPE. Then militia following us around. We’re sorry we ended up on the same side of the map?
Edit: What happened was, you guys were putting up fights, and we all wanted in. We weren’t coordinating, or even on the same Teamspeak. We were trolling each other on map chat all night.
There are a lot of us putting up fights if you look at the map x.x
FA skill groups akittens finest. What happened to the old 15-20 man skill groups. Now it’s turned into 2-3 skill groups + group of pugs.
They should have a reset option for like 1k badges, or for gems.