Showing Posts For Ishtar.6457:

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


my human necromancer

T1 shoulder cultural
exotic armor
T2 cultural pants
achievement gloves
random boots from tp
starter necro eyes


Candidate Trials T4

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


the key is to NOT kill the plunders. the more plunders spawn the more mobs will spawn. plunders spawn one at a time at the beginning, if you didnt kill it, the other wont spawn and that means mobs will not spawn too.
what i do was use all my knockback, stun skill etc to delay them without hurting them or just kill them slowly on their spawn area. the 1st 5 plunders spawn on the easy path, so you can kill 5 of it slowly. do not chase them. also it’s okay to loose the stuff as long as it’s not under 1k. i also use all lv1 armor and weapon and switch back to my normal armor to kill the plunders after sometimes and switch back, or just go naked and use lv1 weapon. it works like a charm. solo. i use a sylvari mesmer. and don’t panic.

(edited by Ishtar.6457)

Obsidian Sanctum again?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


Interesting, I am on JQ and am having the exact opposite problem! Everytime I go there is a swarm of Blackgate and/or Sanctum waiting to destroy me.

Yesterday, it appeared both Sanctum and Blackgate allied up to kill the JQ people at the end of the JP though.

Both SoR and BG teaming up because YOUR server was griefing ALL non JQ players right at the very end of the jp and kite area. that is why SoR and BG teaming up to attack your server. i was there, i died 5 times thx to your server before i can finally get the achievement. you reap what you sow.

Obsidian Sanctum again?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


im gona voodoo the noob who keep putting achievement in this jp. i hope you die a painful death.

disconnect problem 7:11:3:191:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


i get this dc since 2 days ago, wvw even worse, specially in EB. getting really anoying.

Game Client disconnects: Code=7:11:3:191:101

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


i got this code since 2 days ago dc every 10 mins, super hard to play, lag etc. also eb keep crashing.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


A utility that can make us talk with people across the world while lvling, since it gets so quiet allover the worldmap, but then we get to lion’s arch and there’s many people talking .. it’s just sad, i want to be able to talk with those ppl too while i lvl or do other stuff that is not in lion’s arch. you can make it like monthly fee to access that chat tab or something like that.
More hair and face options for the character selections (can add that to total makeover kit)
More bank tabs

(edited by Ishtar.6457)

Obsidian Sanctum for achievement, really? [merged]

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


what a bunch of bullies. both anet and the people who hide behind their pathetic excuses just to kill people who doesn’t want to fight and just want to finish their living story. shame on all of you.

Obsidian Sanctum for achievement, really? [merged]

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


That mystic fountain inside the JP should have unlimited time to it for us to go invisible. only available for this living story time ofc.
I am from a T1 server, and i never do this jp. It took me 5 hours to complete that jp. between tons of people spawn camping, trying to find the way to do the JP and other unexpected stuff .. not to mention the frustration .. i keep trying until .. it’s 3 am, sleepy time for most of NA players, and for a moment that place was empty. I manage to get to the dark room and 2 enemy showed up and kill me. i don’t even attack them back, just hoping they will stop because i show no sign of fighting back .. but ofc it didn’t happen, so i tried again, they killed me again, tried 3rd time and voila .. they bring their whole guild just to kill me, a one person. sad .. just sad .. in the end some other people from their server showed up and party me and saying they are sorry because that one guild keep killing me and they can’t tell them to stop. one of the mesmer even trying to port me up, but since we are from different server ofc it failed …. broken game .. this care bear is not happy .. but thanks for those people from different server who try to help. it’s a breath of fresh air to see there is still some kindness left around that complete chaos place.


in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


after finishing the dungeon, where is sheeeeeeeeeeee???

use minis to get the loot

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


Tell me something OP, how long will it take for people that own miniatures that cost over 100g to complain that their minis are just as useful as fine/masterwork/etc miniatures?

Just press F to autoloot and be done with it, they’re cosmetic pets.

well legendary have same stat with exotic weapons, and people get it for the looks. and you said it yourself they are cosmetic pets, so 100g mini will do the same, you get to run around with the ‘my mini is more expensive than your mini’ attitude and i see no problem for that. i am sure a lot of people who loves to get the most expensive and most rare minis will hunt them down just because they can do it and they will do it.

use minis to get the loot

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


I mean .. why not let them take care of our loots? they are so useless at the moment it’s just blah .. it would be really fun if they can take care of our loots instead of us running around getting it.
Make them more useful i want my minis to do stuff with meeeeee

No credit: killing crazed karka queen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ishtar.6457



Kiel's outpost riot instigator glitch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


So .. yea .. ppl found out how to glitch the champ instigator there, they put condition damage trap and the boss will die in less than 30 secs. it did not have the time to scale with how many people there. i am so sick with this kind of ppl abusing it. the one on driftglass have no problem.
SoR server (don’t know about other servers)

and why we don’t have a glitching report options on the report tab for this kind of people?

about the black lion chest and skins?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


you gamble with 99% of the time loosing.

PvE Commanders getting out of hand?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


saw a lvl 30 something sylvari with a commander tag yesterday who keeps dying when trying to kill fire elemental. i chuckle a bit. so yea it is getting out of hand. but i don’t think we can do much about it. the $$ has spoken.

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


i am bad with everything in this game but i like this game :/ so .. as long as i did not make people around me angry because of my nuubish style, and i am having fun, then i don’t think it’s a problem :p

waypoint cost more now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


i feel like it is getting more expensive .. anyone else notice this? or am i the only one getting crazy :/ ?

yes i am lv 80, yes i use wp to travel to far places. but i really feels it’s getting more expensive. is it because of that new guild thing the one with reduce wp cost stuff thingy?

New Hoodies

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


Anet … WHAT THE HELL YO .. What were you thinking when releasing this horrible set??

ROE, Jane (a minor) v TIXX INFINIRARIUM, Inc.

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


this is awesome.

Toypocalypse Achievement in a PuG is difficult

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


Worse are the pug that think toy gun solve everything and siege doesn’t help. they only keep counting how many kill they got. and when we told them it doesn’t matter how much kill they got, they got angry lol. just lol. stupidity at it’s finest.

Toypocalypse Tips

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


yes just drop all the stuff . mostly catapult. but our team strategy was 1 cata 1 snow 1 balista on every inch of the ramp. and drop walls on inner circle near yaks. good toy fort. and keep checking for almost broken cata etc and replace it imediately.

My team was pug. we fail 2 times before finally we get it. key is to listen for suggestions and keep trying new strategies.

"*Ahem*, Your Attention Please."

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


the moaning girls sound (ooh aahh ooohh ahhhh ) around divinity’s reach always makes me laugh. feels like i always walks around this people house at a wrong time while they were doing something naughty.

Endless Wintersday Tonics Thread

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


i almost throw everything there. good thing i decide to check forum 1st. thank you for the warning.

Please remove arrow carts from wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


What anet needs to do is making a limit amount of siege to be put/made in one place. 15 arrow cart in front of our door and other server spawn camp the crap out of us using all that siege is NOT okay. 20 arrow carts around a supply camp is NOT okay. 10 ballista on top of a keep is NOT okay. 30 golems knocking on a non reinforced castle/ garison etc is NOT ok. change the game name to siege war instead because people don’t even bother to 1v1 or zerg v zerg anymore, they just siege v siege aka what server got the biggest pocket now which i think it’s ridiculous.

Did not recieve Witches Hat

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


got it 1st try by winning silver medal only.

Mad king solo

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


solo it with my lv 60 ranger
was fun, but crappy drops :P


Free Server Transfering Is Ruining WvW...

in WvW

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


I am guessing server merger soon if this keeps happening. just look at ET and HoD.
ET was one of the strongest and busiest T1 server, now on medium population full of bots with a no show even on T3 match in wvw.
It could happen to your server too, the curse of T1 & T2.
Be careful of what your server wish for.

10/26 - Sanctum of Rall / Tarnished Coast / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


Broken game is broken. i am from SoR and i don’t think i will join wvw this week. i don’t see any fun on roflstomping and pvd everything. i’ll stick to pve, mad tower, halloween stuff and crafting for the whole week. kitten karma. i’ll get it when it’s fun and fair again.

entering enemy citadel. is this even possible?

in WvW

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


we are talking about the citadel on home borderland. the one behind garrison. how they do it since the whole place was guarded by legendary defender and you need to enter the door to get inside. i can see it could happen to run inside citadel with boons to other small citadel since they don’t have that red blue green door to enter, but this? and there’s different class there not just engineer, unless that engineer skill works like mesmer portal.
i really think it’s a hack but i do not want to make false report since i really don’t know what is going on. i just wish anet can clarify this.

entering enemy citadel. is this even possible?

in WvW

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


my thoughts exactly. we are talking about citadel. the big place in the middle. it’s impossible for them to breach in from anywhere, no? this is their 1st attempt.

@slayer lord
they came from north east side of citadel, which is basically whole lot of high terrain. and they suddenly just came out from there. bodies only on that part where we kill them.

(edited by Ishtar.6457)

entering enemy citadel. is this even possible?

in WvW

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


so some invader broke into our citadel and … we kill them all because we were invulnerable.
Now, taking from wiki page about Legendary Defender, it is said that Legendary Defenders are guards in World versus World, They are invulnerable and defend locations meant to be inaccessible to opposing players. you read the key words? INACCESSIBLE. so how this happen? is it even possible for them to breach our citadel? killing the legendary defender etc? or is it another new hack?


Isle of Janthir.

in WvW

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


i am sure all the door on every borderland put a hell of a fight when they attack. what an accomplishment. clap clap clap.

Isle of Janthir V Crystal Desert V Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


ruin and TL usually play nicely and sometimes working together after server reset to get highest score. that is why ET can go up to 20k diff on 1st day new wvw match. but weekend over and weekdays come they will go separate ways on separate bl. doesn’t mean they stop contribute to the server score. my longest queue time was 2 hours on ET.
now .. nothing. i still come for the laugh of slapping yak and taking 1 – 2 sentrys and turn some tower back to green, but when i see 30 + zerg starts to come to stop the remaining 5 – 10 of us, i will leave. not worth my time.

Isle of Janthir V Crystal Desert V Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


IoJ got TL, desolation got ruin, LOTD no idea where. server is full of South east asian guild now that can only play 2 - 3 hrs top on weeknight, and i think they will abandon ship too very soon.

Isle of Janthir V Crystal Desert V Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


0 server loyalty is what happen. we all been there done that.