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(Dev FeedBack) Elementalist Core Spec ERRORS

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


I was reading the changes and at first I had the feeling we are getting boosted but as I continued with Earth, Water and Arcana line I was getting the feeling that most of the changes were nerfing instead of boosting and many traits make little of a sence or reason to use them.
Then I said to my self “ok lets check other classes, maybe everyone is like that” and this realy made me furious! OMG for Ranger, Engineer and Mesmer! But I won’t focus on them here, I just want to point out the huge Elementalist errors. And I promise to be fair, there were things that I was happy to see or changes that obviously should happen like the trait Ferocious Winds or Elemental Attument as Minor.

Specific trait ERRORS:

Conjurer : A fire aura on conjured?! What auras have to do with conjured… when you use a conjured you lack mostly your elemental identity, unless you go Arcana line for Elemental Attument and Evasive Arcana, you have no access to your elements, you are really vulnerable.
Example on how this trait could work:
Depending on the element you are attuned, holding a conjured weapon gives you toughness on earth, power on fire, precision on air, vitality on water (you figure the numbers). Conjured weapons have 10 more charges.

Stone Flesh: Earth line, in my opinion, is the weakest and most useless of all, after the changes. I believe Stone Flesh (+150 toughness) should be passive at any attument and not only while on earth. So a more defensive build could be possible.

Geomancer’s Defense: Good, interesting trait but 360 range?! This is too low, that means if you want to receive less damage you have to breathe on your enemy, how is this defensive? 500 range would make more sense…

Rock Solid: Only to nearby allies? Anyways still, this trait has very low duration giving no reason of using it.

Diamond Skin: Who is ever above 90% while in battle?! Good trait but not for a Grand master… If it was on above 80% or at least 85% could make it more useful.

Soothing Mist: This is already too weak and it gets even weaker by reducing it’s range. I don’t get why this change, most classes get healing boosted elementalist noooooo.

Aquatic Benevolence: I understand the nerf to 15% healing boost since it is a Minor now, but only for the allies?

Piercing Shards: Who deals damage while on water? Skills that deal damage are too few or too weak.
This trait would make sense as: Your spells deal 20% more damage to vulnerable foes. Vulnerability lasts 33% longer (at any attument!).

Stop, Drop, and Roll: Nah… so many other better ways to clean those conditions. This is a wasted slot. We lost Stone Splinters, an interesting trait in my opinion, maybe this could fit here?

Soothing Power: Wait what?! Why someone will pick that Grand Master trait, just to boost an already weak skill… This could get better by adding the Soothing wave gain regeneration on critical hits), that got erased, to it.
Or replace it with Shard of Ice (Arcane or Signets cause vulnerability), while adding something extra to that trait like application of weakness as well. Shard of Ice is needed anyways, else what is the point of Piercing Shards, we don’t have enough vulnerability application without it.

Bountiful Power: Grand Master really? Who would pick that over Evasive Arcana or Elemental Surge? Lets say you have 5 boons on you (rarely you ’ll have more) then you deal 10% more damage, with classes that strip you this trait is useless… so weak! This trait could get better with an addition of boons last 10-15% longer. But again who will pick this?!

Overall ERRORS:

Where is Blasting Staff? (other weapon traits are missing as well but no one will really miss them…)
Where is Linger Elements?
Where is Stone Splinters?
Glyphs and Signets still weak and useless!
Cantrips get bit stronger, Fresh Air gets bit better and Auras are the new trend. Still too few viable options. So, I am in general disappointed…

(edited by Jaetara.4075)

The Desolation of an Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Elementalist get nerfed once more, while other classes get boosted. God help us!

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


I would love to see a bigger variety in Back Peaces something that could maybe fit specific race concept or something better looking for battle and not just cute ones.

Also I would like to see specific race outfits, like the town clothing. I think the game lacks also some Norn friendly Armor skins in general.

It would be fun as well to see a bigger variety in Helmet skins. Some ideas would be: Halo, Cat Ears, Bear Ears, Leopard Ears, Dear Horns, Crown or Tiara, Flowers etc.

Lastly I think it would be cool to offer some new emotes animations for our character.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


I had an idea of how mounts could be implemented, for those who love them, without hurting the total aesthetics of the game and I made a thread about it.

My idea was to add mobs that you can tame and mount but only as a part of the Mastery system and not purely for peruses of moving faster but as a specific map mechanic. Using these mobs could give you specific skills, if you Master them, to help you move around or complete events in a specific map that supposedly will have way less waypoints. Skills like leaps, immobilize traps, invulnerability, reflect projectiles, swiftness, jump etc. Not purely combat skills but things to help you overcome obstacles and reach special places. You could even have a skill to carry supplies with them or shield the supplies depot or I don’t know you can go wild depending on what the map needs!

You can see more on the thread:

Items which should get into the Wallet too

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Obsidian shards have a spot in the bank, Jaetera.

Glory used to be a currency in this game that you would gain from PVP awhile ago. They changed that and removed it. You could buy skins and such with it as requested, dont expect it back. You will probably see more reward tracks however.

Ah yes indeed you are right about Obsidian shards, I guess I have so many stacks that I forgot they actually have a spot

About the Glory currency, I saw a post above suggesting it and I had thoughts about it for some time now. I am playing the game for a bit more than a year and I wasn’t aware that such a currency once existed.
Well to be honest I cannot imagine the reason why they removed it but I guess they know… Although since I like sPvP a lot and I would like to see my progress there get rewarded with some more sPvP exclusive items (like the Balthazar back-piece or the Glorious armor skin) I will keep dreaming

Items which should get into the Wallet too

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


I understand that in the new wallet we must have currencies, item that you can exchange to buy things from npcs
I guess those would be:
- Geodes
- Bandit Crests
- Festival Tokens
- WvW tournament claim tickets
- Black lion tickets & ticket scraps
- Queen’s gauntlet Entrance tickets
and other event currencies

Now about some other items I would love to see them having a spot on the bang.
Items like:
- Blade shards
- Obsidian Shards
- Philosopher stones
- Crystals
- Mystic Forge stones
- Mystic Clovers
- Vision Crystals
and other items used for crafting that they have no spot.

I liked the idea with the “Glory”, would be really fun to have an sPvP exclusive currency that we can gain through wins or even better through personal performance per match. We could use that currency to buy exclusive, unique items such as armors skins / weapon skins / back-piece skins / minis etc.

Dearest Anet Art Dept. (Asura Armour)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Most of the armor skins look also a bit off on Norn female characters, even if they are made for females… it is like they are worked on Humans and then they just put it on on other races without remaking how they fit. Look at Daydreamer armor, it looks so ugly and weird on Norn.

Confusion too fickle. Retaliation just fine?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


In my opinion both skills are meant to deal damage if you deal damage, there are like a “can’t touch this” sigh! They are not as the rest of the conditions and they should’t be. Maybe retaliation needs to scale more with power and effect conditions as well or confusion to deal some extra damage in pve.
But other that that, they are both a form of control and not a typical condition, so stop trying to treat it as such.

Example: A player with confusion on him cannot hit you cause he will take damage and if he is on low health can easy die, so he is not attacking, that means you take no damage from him, this is the basic function of the skill! Now if the attacks that means you get his damage but he gets damage as well, so that is his punishment! In both cases confusion will only benefit the caster, either he takes no damage or he deals damage. Now, doing both… that’s lame and not fun at all.

(edited by Jaetara.4075)

[Feedback] Movement skill changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


I will have to agree that the movement changes will kill a lot of the fun in the game. Reducing the effectiveness of movement skills by using cripple or chill or boosting them with swiftness adds an extra element to the strategic game play.

One of the things I enjoy in this game is that feeling of control and the ability to counter or enchant actions! Please don’t take that away from us.

Combat Changes - Good or Not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Hello there,
I read the combat changes and most of them seam good and necessary while others in my opinion are poorly made. So, I will talk about those and about one more change that I would love to see in that list.

1. Movement. I believe that movement skills are good as they work at the moment, because they involve strategy. They can be countered or they can be boosted . Many times I use chill on a Guardian so that his leap gets less effective or I wait a second for the cripple on me to run off so I can leap into my target, I use swiftness before I equip my Fiery Greatsword to boost his skills etc.

2. Confusion. I understand the need for that change but on PvP confusion will be like another condition that deals damage, you clean it or you suffer from it. I like it as it is now that you must pay attention and you suffer no damage, or you are careless and you die! It is more fun! My suggestion is to make the change, to have a standard damage added to it, only for PvE.

3. Healing power. I believe that heal effectiveness needs to get fixed as well, so it scales more with healing power. That way it can feel more rewarding to run healing power.


Idea for a Mastery - Riding

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


So, bored of trolls that don’t even read what we say here… this is not a thread about mounts that you buy or gain and you own, NOT FOR TRADITIONAL MOUNTS, this is a topic about a mastery idea, a mechanic that you can use only on a specific area/map for very specific reasons, something like gliding or mushrooms. You won’t be able to use that anywhere else!

So, please just please stop commenting if you have no idea what we are talking about, you are not helping our discussion!!!

Suggestion for a more Competitive WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Hello there,
I love the concept of knowing who you kill or from whom were you killed by. This feature could add so much when you know you are against a specific foe, excitement when you manage to kill a foe that that you know it is more experienced or in some cases less frustration when you die from a foe that you know is a regular cause you see his name or his Guild’s name around.

Knowing your opponents, will make you wanna run solo or in small groups more often finding similar groups and fight them again and again, makes the fight more personal and competitive. You could even take revenge from the thief that just killed you, cause well you know his name, you are going to find him!

You could also recognized WvW famous guilds, fight them and if you win you can feel the satisfaction multiplied, if you loose you know that they were a worthy opponent and you ll be careful next time! If you a member of a big WvW Guild you can have the satisfaction that your name and your efforts are recognized by your opponents, you can see them run in fear when they see your name!!! You can even have “vendettas” with other Guilds, this will make the fights so intense!

The anonymity gives me the feeling that everything is in vein, no one will ever know who I was or what I did only my team… my enemies will never know that I was the one!

So my suggestion is to make names and guild names visible in WvW. If that is too much and could cause lag make it so you can see only the name and the Guild/Server and when you target them, then you can see their rank. Another though is instead of seeing all enemies as red, to see their names in their server’s color, so you won;t have to display the server’s name. For example your server might be red and you are fighting everything you see as blue or green.

Just some thoughts…

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


The truth is I didn’t like the name Dragon Hunter from the moment I heard it… Seams a bit immature. Sounds more like a description or a tittle and not a class name… are we all Dragon Hunters after all?
An idea would be to name him just Hunter, but this sounds too simplistic to me. So, I searched for hunter synonyms and I came across two very interesting names:

Venator > hunter in Archaic
Shikari > the one who leads the hunt

(edited by Jaetara.4075)

Idea for a Mastery - Riding

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Well, I was thinking this concept not only as a way to move faster, in places that could need that functionality, but as a way to gain skills that you can use strategically to overcome obstacles, reach hidden places, detect traps maybe…

There could be different kind of creature that you could pick to ride and each one of them will give you a different kind of skill set. One could have more mobility so you can move between events faster, other could be tanky helping you survive more in abuses with invulnerability skills or heals, another one could jump higher and get you into otherwise unreachable places. So many possibilities, imagine it as in the guild missions that you transform into an animal and you run a “puzzle” detecting traps and having other special skills, such as leaps, heals, rushes etc.

It's all useless

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


You only mention core game features there, if you don’t like those things you should try another game. As I understand the game stands by some rules and principles and those won;t change with HoT. HoT will only add some new mechanics, “classes”, challenges and other content. They won’t remake GW2…

Tempest - What do you expect or wish for?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


About the Warhorn, I picked it because I think it fits the concept of the Tempest, a class that in my mind should summon storms, call the lighting, through tornadoes and make a mess controlling enemies! I am not suggesting that this is the best weapon to use, it is just an idea. Sword could also fit the concept, I am just afraid that sword will be closed range and that is dangerous on a light armor user with such a low health… at the same time many people complaining about elementalist main hand weapon because they will get too many new skills, for some reason they think this would make them op… So, I thought that offhand weapon could cause less fuzz :P Btw, mace could be cool as well!

Idea for a Mastery - Riding

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


The tittle says “Idea for a Mastery” not “Idea for Gemstore” read the tittle!!!

Masteries are the new progression system Anet is implementing with HoT. Masteries help us boost our gameplay on specific areas/maps, they help us discover and reach unreachable areas, read sighs and understand npcs to gain knowledge and much more. Masteries from what I understand are to be used as tools and at the same time be fun and creative, giving us an extra goal to achieve and making our game more fun and rewarding. Being able to tame and mound specific creatures on a map and use them has nothing to do with items that we use for cosmetics or that we own. It can be just a fun tool!

Idea for a Mastery - Riding

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Ok yes, they are not needed on the maps that you already know, but this is all a hypothetical scenario of a map that mounts could be needed or at least they can offer something to our game play. If someone was suggesting that glide should be a part of the game before you knew about Verdant Brink map you could easily say, yes we don’t need glide. But on Verdant Brink glide seams essential.
Maybe a new map could be very wide and wild with very few waypoints. It could be full of traps or ambushes that you could pass only while riding a mount, maybe your mount can help you detect those traps and avoid them or rush trough them, maybe it can help you stealth or get invulnerable. There are so many scenarios out there, let your imagination flow, get wild!

(edited by Jaetara.4075)

Idea for a Mastery - Riding

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Some people don’t even bother to read! I am not suggesting a normal mound thing, not a pet that you can have in your inventory and use anywhere any time. I am suggesting a map mechaning, that instead of using mushrooms, summon a glider, or gather aspects, you can use creatures from the nature around you, mount them to reach special places, pass dangerous places easier or achieve reaching events faster.

I don’t get why so much hate from some people… how this could destroy your precious game play? Even if they add normal mounts, which I am not suggesting, cause I don’t really care about them, what could make it that terrible. Don’t get the mastery if you don’t like it! (if they do it anyways, this is just an idea).

(edited by Jaetara.4075)

No more Elemental Attunement + Evasive Arcana

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


In my opinion, for elemental attument to become a Master Trait they will have to boost it massively. Like giving 3 stacks of might instead of 1, swiftness, protection and regeneration to last longer. Also they should put a passive that increases all boon duration like 15-25%. Else this trait is good as it is on the place it has now! It is wiser to boost the rest of the trait options so we can pick them more often, that moving it on a Master trait slot and destroy a good supportive Ele build..

Speculation on elementalists new weapon

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


I couldn’t imagine elementalist a light armor user with such a low health, as a close range class, daggers I think is as close as it could get. So if it is indeed sword I just hope skills will have some range…

Idea for a Mastery - Riding

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Look every game has mounts and this is not just a WoW thing. I also believe that mounts doesn’t belong to that game and I wouldn’t like them to appear on the Gemstore… that would be lame. But many people like the idea of mounts and I have to admit that could be fun!
Adding them into the game as a Map mechanic could satisfy that audience and at the same time bring something new to work for without interfering with game’s aesthetics.

About speed this could increase for 10% if 25% seams to much. Maybe a map out there could be big enough that it will be usefull to be able to move faster to support on different events.

(edited by Jaetara.4075)

Tempest - What do you expect or wish for?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


I checked the skills that have been datamined and they are the dagger main hand skills with few additions on the auto attack skills and with the shocking aura being replaced.
Nothing is confirmed yet… and this datamine doesn’t seam like a proof to me.

But ye sword could be fun as well, maybe for a more dps focused approach.

Tempest - What do you expect or wish for?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Just by the name Tempest and from the specializations we already know I imagine Tempest to be all about control and support via slow/chill and blind, knock downs and stuns but with fewer skills that deal damage.

I would like his mechanic to be a minor control condition on element switch like chill when you turn to water, cripple on earth, blind on air and immobilize on fire. Those conditions could last 1-2 secs or even trigger the longer you stay on an element instead of on element switch.

About the weapon people say it would be Sword but I think a Warhorn could fit better.
Weapon skills Examples:
Fire trap: Teleport (similar to the Flashing Light) summoning a fire tornado at your spot. The tornado leak flames and burns foes close to it.
Fire head: Buff your self with Fury, Might and swiftness. This skill could be also a finisher.
Acid Rain: Summon a water storm that make enemies vulnerable while weaken them and heals allies.
Ice cube: Freeze (paralyze) your enemy for 1 second. (similar to Deep Freeze)
Electric Skin: Damage, weaken and blind foes that are attacking you.
Compressed Air: Through a wave of air around you damaging and dazing foes (similar to the Tequatle’s wave). This could be a finisher.
Rough ground: Create a field that cripples and bleeds foes, while giving stability to allies.
Tactical retreat: Leap backwards living 3 lines of earth spikes that knockdown and damage enemies.

Also I would love to see some new mechanics on the utility skills such as pull, taunt or float effects.
Utility Skills Examples:
- Summon a tornado that pulls enemies in and blinds them,
or Summon a tornado that floats enemies that caught on it, enemies get a small damage when they land.
- Release forward a line of 5 mini whirlwinds that knock down foes they touch and cripple them. The whirlwinds disappear after they hit an enemy, if not they continue moving on random directions for few seconds until they fade away.
(the cast works as “Fiery Whirl” but without the caster moving)
- Create a storm wall that slows enemies that try to cross it and applying fury to your allies. (also could apply other boons like quickness or swiftness – but maybe too op)
- Summon a cyclone that applies taunt to the enemies and gives stability to the allies that try to touch it. The cyclone stays still and can be killed.
- Summon a wind storm that vanish you and your allies into thin air for a few seconds (stealth) the storm applies 3 stacks of vulnerability with each pulse to the enemies that stay inside it.

So those are some ideas that I would be exited to see! What’s yours?

(edited by Jaetara.4075)

Idea for a Mastery - Riding

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


It is not only a matter of need, it is a matter of having fun, learn new things, master abilities, change the way you run around and looking cool. It could be just a different goal for your character.

Idea for a Mastery - Riding

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Hello there,
In the new map we often see enemies mounting dinosaur like creatures which seam really cool, also the new areas have much fewer waypoints, plus new maps that we get tend to have some special mechanics that cannot be found anywhere else.
So all this gave me the idea for a new Mastery for another map maybe inside the jungle, the idea is to learn and master riding!

First you will have to learn how to tame specific mobs so to be able to mount them, then you will unlock some passive skills like run 25% with your mount. Another mastery could give you specific skills while on the mount, like leap forward and gain stability, get invulnerable for a few seconds, set a trap the cripples foes that step on it, jump high and gain swiftness.

This idea I think will make a lot of people happy, all those that ask for mounts all this years. It fits the game type, the way that the masteries work. Also it will be really fun to run around the jungle, reach special places, and you could even pick the mount that you like out of some available options. Could be just an environmental thing, you won’t own it, you wont need a space for it in your bag, you just see it, grab it and you roll!

Suggestion on Masteries

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


I will have to agree

Beta: Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Hello there,
I played Revenant on the Beta and I think it is a really fun class to play. Seams pretty balanced to me, although I have no comparison on how hard or easy were the mobs.

I just want to discuss the weapon skills for a bit, cause well either I suck on Hammer or Mace / Axe is too op. I just feel that Hammer is kinda slow and skills are a bit hard to land, the damage is low compared to the Mace / Axe which I found very fast and at the same time very strong. Auto attacks give torment for 4 secs (and poison later) and in combination with the rest of the skills I reached 15 stacks of torment on a simple mob pretty fast.
The fire field has a very small recharge covering a pretty big area and with the skill no3 you can stack might easily. Mace / Axe gives so many cool combos to bring enemies close and deal some fast damage. I loved the mobility with the leap and the teleport, they seams extremely fun for PvP. On the other hand I think torment should be nerfed a bit, it is an extremely strong condition to be that easy to stack.

So ye, I enjoyed the Mace / Axe skills more than the Hammer’s. Revenant is in general very fun to play but I believe the Torment application and the Fire Field recharge should get some small nerfs.

HoT stats customisation

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Ofc gear is a big issue, gaining all or most of the missing points through gear can be very expensive, plus you going to need more inventory space to have a good variety handy. What I have suggested gives not only a cheaper alternative but also a better and easier way to control and customize your character. Also it can be easily monitored and controlled.

HoT stats customisation

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Hello there, I was thinking about the new system in which we gain stats only through armor. I believe that system limits the character customization and creates some problems in many situations.
For example lets say I use a berserker armor/trinkets on my elementalist but I am on a situation that I need to provide some support/heal on my team, I will use my water line to heal and clean conditions and at the same time I will gain some healing power so my heals can be more effective.
Another real scenario for me is using celestial armor. I choose that armor for WvW so I can change my game style depending on the situation – roaming/group/zerg pvp. I can boost certain stats with my trait lines and lean towards dps or support for example. Now this wont be available… I will have to use several armor sets to be able to change game style and at the same time I won’t be able to boost more starts. If I use Assassin’s armor that means 0 toughness or vitality.

To solve that issue my Idea is:
Next to our trait line panel we can have a new space with 6 or 9 available slots that can be socket with something like the Amulets of sPvP but those will have only one stat, for example +100 toughness or +10% condition duration, with the restriction that they can only be used up to 3 times each. So if I want to play support for example and boost my healing power I can boost it only 3 times and then I will have to socket something else. I will have for example something like:
+100 HP + 100 HP +100 HP +10% boon Duration +10% boon duration + 100 vitality.


(edited by Jaetara.4075)

Wild Tempest predictions

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


How do you know it is going to be a sword? The datamined skills are Dagger main hand skills with some changes on the auto attack skills, that have nothing to do with sword… Unless if there is another source that I don’t know.

“Air magic” quote from gw1 wiki, describes what air element already represents, so nothing new here.

Adding an F5 seams unlikely to me, doesn’t seam to fit the ele play style. Also people might QQ about new weapon skills plus new form with more skills?

About Consecration skills, yes they seam likely to me and my thoughts I think they could fit that category.

My first Fresh Air Ele PvP Match

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Cool story bro…

Wild Tempest predictions

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


I was thinking on how Tempest could work and I had few ideas that I would like to share here. Firstly I don’t believe that elementalist will get a sword, I don’t think sword fits the class or the name “Tempest”.
My prediction would be that Tempest will use a Warhorn (to call the winds) on the off hand or a Mace (summon the winds) on the main hand, with a range similar to the Scepter’s. I can imagine this specialization to be all about control and support via slow/chill and blind, knock downs and stuns but with fewer skills that deal damage. I would love to see also some new mechanics on the utility skills such as pull, taunt or float effects.

Utility Skills Examples:
- Summon a tornado that pulls enemies in and blinds them,
or Summon a tornado that floats enemies that caught on it, enemies get a small damage when they land.

- Release forward a line of 5 mini whirlwinds that knock down foes they touch and cripple them. The whirlwinds disappear after they hit an enemy, if not they continue moving on random directions for few seconds until they fade away.
(the cast works as “Fiery Whirl” but without the caster moving)

- Create a storm wall that slows enemies that try to cross it and applying fury to your allies. (also could apply other boons like quickness – but maybe too op, or swiftness)

- Summon a wind storm that vanish you and your allies into thin air for a few seconds (stealth) the storm applies 3 stacks of vulnerability with each pulse to the enemies that stay inside it.

- Summon a cyclone that applies taunt to the enemies and gives stability to the allies that try to touch it. The cyclone can be killed.

Any thoughts?!

(edited by Jaetara.4075)

Sword Ele Confirmed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Hello there!
I don’t know if anyone said what I am about to say but I was too lazy to read everything.

Those skills you are linking are main Dagger skills with some small changes on the auto-attack skills that have different skills available after every attack like most of the melee weapons. Now the only thing that worries me is the Air skills, no shocking Aura..? This is socking and sad!

A thought here is that they will put it on the new weapon maybe? maybe they new weapon will be offhand? I am so curious!

Dev Feedback - Interesting Trait changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


(( Earth ))

- Master -

Strength of Stone: Gain 10% Condition damage based on your toughness.

Since earth line won’t give Condition damage anymore I believe this trait doesn’t make that much of a sense. I would like something more interesting and bound with a skill category, similar to “Arcane Lighting”.

My suggestion would be:
Gain 150 condition damage when you use a signet or a glyph skill.

Rock Solid: Grant stability to nearby allies when attuning to earth.

I would just increase the duration to 3 secs, cause it seems a bit useless right now, there is not even enough time to stomp someone. Also this is a master trait should make a more noticeable difference when you pick it.

(( Water ))

- Adept -

Stop, Drop and Roll: Dodge rolling removes burning and chilled.

This trait seems very poor to me and since we have other methods of cleaning is kinda useless.

My suggestion would be to bring back the “Arcane abatement” since it is a clearly defensive trait.

Piercing shards: While attuned to water, your spells deal 20% more damage to vulnerable foes. Vulnerability lasts 33% longer.

Water line is a more of defensive supportive line so who cares or who focuses on damage while on water attument? Also the vulnerability we deal with weapon skills isn’t enough or can be removed by the time we happend to be on water and damaging to rely on that 20% more damage. This trait doesn’t make that much of a sense.

My suggestion would be: Arcane or signet skills cause vulnerability when used. Vulnerability lasts 20% longer.

(( Arcana ))

- Minor -

Arcane Precision: Skills have a 10% chance to apply a condition on critical hits. Attunements recharge 15% faster.

In my opinion the first part of the trait is circumstantial and condition damage doesn’t fit Arcane line.

My suggestion would be: Boons last 15% longer. Attunements recharge 15% faster.

- Adept -

Arcane Abatement: Take less damage from falling. Create a spell when you take falling damage, based on your attunement.

I would leave that trait on water and replace it with what we are missing here, a smart multi trait for weapons.

My suggestion would be:
Weapon Mastery: While holding a staff your area effects are larger. While holding a scepter your endurance recharge faster. While holding a dagger on your main hand you run 20% faster (or you deal 10% more damage when you are at less than 300 range).

- Grand Master -

Elemental Attument: When attuning to an element, you and nearby allies gain a boon.

Compared to Evasive Arcana this skill seams weak so I believe that people won’t use it. My idea is to add something that will make it have synergy with builds that are focusing on boons.

My suggestion is:
When attuning to an element, you and nearby allies gain a boon. Your boons last 15% longer.

(edited by Jaetara.4075)

Dev Feedback - Interesting Trait changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


(( Fire ))

- Minor -

Flame Barrier: Gain Fire Aura for 3s when you attune to fire. 20% trigger chance.

This trait looks very rare to trigger as well as a bit boring.

My suggestion would be:
While Attuned to fire, gain Fire Aura for 3s when you get immobilized, chilled or crippled. 33% trigger chance. This seems more interesting to me.

- Adept -

Power Overwhelming: Gain 7% condition damage based on your power.

I would keep only the first part of it, cause if you wanna go for a condition build you probably won’t have that high Power, and add some condition duration to help condition builds to get more viable since we lost the 30% condition duration from fire line.

My suggestion would be:
Gain 7% condition damage and 15% condition duration.

- Grand Master -

Pyromancer’s Puissance and Blinding Ashes are a bit boring and not as strategic as Persisting Flames but I don’t really have an alternative, I just mention it as a food for thought :P.

(( Air ))

- Minor -

Zephyr’s speed: Move 10% faster while attuned to air.

This trait doesn’t seam that useful since we have other ways to gain more speed and speed has a cap. Also Air line is all about critical damage and we loose ~ 15% critical chance from the line stat bonus.

My suggestion would be:
Gain +10% critical chance while attuned to Air, or Gain +5% critical chance (at any attument).

- Adept -

Ferocious Winds: Gain 7% Ferocity based on a percent of Healing Power.

This trait has no synergy at all, it was much better as “Gain 7% healing based on your precision” but still. I would like something that I could see fit into a build.

My suggestion would be to either keep the
Zephyr’s focus: Your endurance recharge faster while channeling a skill.
Or the Air Training: Deal 10% more damage while on Air.

One with Air: Gain super speed when attuning to air.

This is a kinda boring trait it needs to get more interesting and meaningful for a critical based build.

My suggestion: Critical hits have 33% chance to give you super speed for 3s, while on air.

- Master -

Aeromancer’s training: Gain 150 Ferocity while attuned to Air. Reduces recharge on all air weapon skills by 20%.

My suggestion: Deal more 10% more damage while attuned to Air. Reduces recharge on all air weapon skills by 20%.

Dev Feedback - Interesting Trait changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Hello there, I must say that I liked most of the elementalist trait changes, but unfortunately there are some that doesn’t fit any specific role, others that are weak compared to better choices or some that they didn’t make it while they used to serve a nice cause.

So here are my suggestions of improving the traits I feel the need a retouch. Numbers are what I thought it would be balanced but of course I am not an expert, so just please keep an open mind

My goal is to keep elementalist’s identity by creating more viable options for more interesting builds.

I would be happy to read what you people think! ^^

(edited by Jaetara.4075)

[Theorycraft]: Ether Renewal as Cantrip

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


I was thinking about Ether Renewal, in my opinion making it a cantrip and keep it as it is, makes it too op, since you can buff it through traits.

Keeping in mind that cantrips are skills focused on a more defensive game play my idea is to change it into a flat heal like the rest, while reducing the healing effectiveness and cast time and increasing the reuse time. In addition to that, instead of removing conditions off of you, it can now give you the new resist buff for a small amount of time, something like 2 secs. It is still defensive but since can be buffed with regeneration, vigor, might, should have less base heal and the condition removal not to be permanent. Instead you can just avoid condition affects for a very small period of time.

So my suggestion is something like:

Ether Renewal
Heal your self and gain resist for 2 sec.
Healing: 3150
Cast time: 3/4
Recharge: 30 sec

The basic recharge should be higher than the rest of the elementalist heals, since you can reduce it by 20% by traits. If you have the trait the recharge will be 24 sec.

(edited by Jaetara.4075)

Ele Weapon Skills: A constructive feedback

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Hello there! I like most of your ideas, especially about staff. Staff has indeed some very slow attacks making it very hard to use on PvP, so some reductions specialy the auto attacks would be nice. I won’ t agree with the reductions on heals, cause they are very useful on wvw group pvp and not good when solo. I like the idea of being able to support large grous more effectively due to finishers.

Now the idea with the trident on scepter sounds bit weird to me but I like the thought of having a leap on scepter cause it’s missing some mobility.

About focus i would like to see comet as ground target skill, cause it is very dissfunctional right now.

Lastly I love your idea for daggers churnng earth but I do not aggre with the dragons breath and cone of cold suggestion. Daggers have a lot of fast skills and active game play they won’t be balanced otherwise. Now about fire grab can deal a lot of damage if it lands on burning target i wouldn’t make it stronger, better to increase range a bit or cone.

(edited by Jaetara.4075)

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jaetara.4075





Hello there, I bought the Exemplar Attire Outfit few hours ago and I am really dissatisfied with the appearance on my Femal Norn with no2 body, the legs are appearing as thin sticks. I searched online and it seams that the outfit to fits a bit better on other body types although it changes the legs’s width there as well.
I am posting screenshots so you can see the chicken legs..


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jaetara.4075





Hello there, I bought the Exemplar Attire Outfit few hours ago and I am really dissatisfied with the appearance on my Femal Norn with no2 body, the legs are appearing as thin sticks. I searched online and it seams that the outfit to fits a bit better on other body types although it changes the legs’s width there as well.
I am posting screenshots so you can see the chicken legs..


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jaetara.4075





Hello there, I was about to buy the “Imperial Outfit” when I noticed the abnormal look it has on my female Norn Character, so at the moment I am not going to buy it. On the lower leg area the armor makes the legs look very very thin, it looks like a graphic bug. I searched online or I checked other people wearing it and in some Norn the legs look even thinner than others. I realized that the problem must be more noticeable on larger characters, it’s like the width of the leg remains the same despite the characters size. I am posting some images so u can see the problem.
I hope it can be fixed because this is a very good looking armor skin and it is pity to have such a big flaw. I would like to buy it, if the problem gets fixed


RE: Specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Maybe Ele is getting more skills but as someone said above, is the quality and not the quantity that counts. Most of Ele skills already do just 1 – 2 things or some have high cool-downs, while most of the other classes have skills that they do several things at the same time and have very low cool-down .

… We are talking about the same Ele here, right? The one that has burning and firefields stacked like crazy when using Flame, regen and healing and water field when using water, more fields and movement when using air and defense when using earth? THAT Ele? The one where some utility skills even change properties when switching attunements, THAT Ele? The one with the ridiculously strong Ice-Bow summon, the best skill for quick DPS and taking a boss out for a while when his defiant stacks are down, THAT Ele? Well goodness gracious, guess i never noticed the lack of meaningfull extra effects, huh.

No, seriously, what do you mean? Ele has propably among the most stacked effects on his skills. I’m not saying the current placeholder skills for sword look good, dun get me wrong. I actually thing they are pretty terrible, but only because they do what other weapons of the le already do (better). Now tell me about how an Ele has little effects stacked on their weapon-sets and utilities.

Ehm to be honest I am so bored to explain to you how and why classes are very balanced in this game and skills quantity doesn’t matter as much as you think, when skills have different cool-downs or abilities such as conditions and buffs. Traits also play their part as much as the classes basic vitality or toughness. Elementalist has one of the lowest health in game, also has less protective skills and buffs such as shields, teleports, stealth and controls.

Yes indeed Ele has many skills to use but that adds also some difficulty, he cannot spam one-two powerful skills or have a pet do all the work while he is running, he cannot fear to reduce damage or use clones to confuse and damage while he is on stealth, he cannot lock down people for 5 secs or let turrets do the job for him. Instead Ele has many skills to use and he has to think wisely depending on the opponent what and when to use.

I am just giving you some examples to make you understand that each class has some unique tools that others don’t. Ele has more skill options so more combos but that doesn’t mean it is op, it is just different. And if you play that game for a while you should know that other classes have also ways to increase their skills (like ele with his conjures), bomb kits, death-shroud, leach form, banners. Ah and I shouldn’t forget Ele indeed has fire fields but only few finishers and has to burn them all to stack like 6-9 might in like 3-4 sec, while guardian for example can give you 12 stacks in 2 secs with one skill.

I am not trying to say that Ele is weak or something I am just trying to explain how every class has his own pros and cons. By the way since you attack Elementalist that strongly that means you are not playing one, my question is “why?” since it is that good and unfair to other classes why you don’t play it?

RE: Specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Maybe Ele is getting more skills but as someone said above, is the quality and not the quantity that counts. Most of Ele skills already do just 1 – 2 things or some have high cool-downs, while most of the other classes have skills that they do several things at the same time and have very low cool-down .

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Hello there, I was about to buy the “Imperial Outfit” when I noticed the abnormal look it has on my female Norn Character, so at the moment I am not going to buy it. On the lower leg area the armor makes the legs look very very thin, it looks like a graphic bug. I searched online or I checked other people wearing it and in some Norn the legs look even thinner than others. I realized that the problem must be more noticeable on larger characters, it’s like the width of the leg remains the same despite the characters size. I am posting some images so u can see the problem.

I hope it can be fixed because this is a very good looking armor skin and it is pity to have such a big flaw. I would like to buy it, if the problem gets fixed


Imperial Outfit Bug on Female Norn Charachers

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Hello there, I was about to buy the “Imperial Outfit” when I noticed the abnormal look it has on my female Norn Character, so at the moment I am not going to buy it. On the lower leg area the armor makes the legs look very very thin, it looks like a graphic bug. I searched online or I checked other people wearing it and in some Norn the legs look even thinner than others. I realized that the problem must be more noticeable on larger characters, it’s like the width of the leg remains the same despite the characters size. I am posting some images so u can see the problem.

I hope it can be fixed because this is a very good looking armor skin and it is pity to have such a big flaw. I would like to buy it, if the problem gets fixed


Ranked Arenas "Algorithms Fault or ppls?"

in PvP

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Hello there, I am playing ranked arenas since Dec 2 Patch and I have noticed that the matches are not exactly as described, the idea is wonderful but it just doesn’t seam to work.

I don’t know if there is some problem with the algorithm or it is just the people and how the choose to play. But, since I have a clue about how algorithms work and they are pretty accurate if you insert the right “filters”, I will take a wild guess that this is also people’s problem and not only the algorithm’s as everyone is saying.

I believe that it is not clear enough or advertised as much, the idea behind each of the 3 categories “Practice”, “Play”, “Compete”, or people just got lured by the rewards at the end of the “PvP Season” and play Ranked for a chance to get a lama…

The last 2 days I am getting people joining the Ranked arenas without knowing the mechanics of the maps, simple rules about pvp like how stomp works or basic team work. Also I get people joining in and say things like “Hey guys, I haven’t play necro since for ever, I hope this works” or “hello I am tasting a new build idea I had for my ranger, I don’t know if it is good, lol” or “hi guys I am new to game, if u need my help just ask and I’ll do my best”.

It is not clear to them that Ranked arena is a place for high level pro games not a place to try things out. It is not fun or fair when some of us caring this guys. It is not fun when you meet full or almost full proper teams and you cannot even cap a point, cause you might keep 3 opponents while your group runs and die on bosses for example but you cannot finish anyone. And if one or two of them happen to pass close while you are fighting they won’t get you up if you are “downed”, they won’t stomp the one you manage, after so much work to “down” but they will start hitting the bunker (for some wild reason) or they will run out of the fight scared in tears!

Anyways, I am not trying to blame new players, we were all new once, my point is that you need to make clear that ranked arena is for experienced players or else the quality of arenas will drop fast. It is a good thing that now solo players can join as well, I am playing solo unfortunately and I like that I have a chance on serious fights that people don’t leave, they use tactics and they give their 110%. But what I see now, except low level players, is mad people that talk bad to everyone, cause they expect them to fail they trust no one and even if they are good, they end up snick points playing for their rank and not for the team.

This is painful

in PvP

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


I have played a lot of games yesterday as solo and the truth is I have seen some full groups but not many. Most were like 3-2, 4-1 and 2-2-1. Anyways this can happen, the only bad thing is that could be prevented, we don’t need to have instant entries, in my opinion we can w8 2-5 mins to get a more balanced fight.

What really bothered me was 2 specific matches that being in a full pug team I faced the same pre-made twice in a row. And those weren’t any pre-made we are talking about advanced tactics, specific classes, tournament lvl, the score was like 50-500, face roll!
I think full pugs can never meet full groups, should be a restriction! At least put a 2-3 or 4-1 against 5. And put solos with other smaller groups like 2-2-1 or 1-1-1-2.

(solution) Bonus pool for ladder points

in PvP

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


I agree that this solution doesn’t seam very balanced, can be unfair and inaccurate.

An idea would be to keep doing “seasons” like with the one from 16 Dec- 16 Jan. The seasons can last less like 1 or 2 weeks and at the end of each season the top 5 or 10 players can get the Glorious Hero Armor Skin. This is a good way for solo players, that cannot participate in the tournaments, to prove their skill and enjoy some special reward.

Now you will ask me, and what about the players that they are always active on spvp and they want to prove that some how. If the Leaderboards reset every 2 weeks how someone know who is the “Pro”. The solution is simple split the Leaderboards into 2 sections, 1 that reset on each “Season” and one that adds up all the points a player earned till now. So someone can see his total improvement and new players can also compete and have the feeling of achieving something even if they can’t reach the top of the main list. This is also a good solution for casuals or for people that leave game and come back.

Dowsing Rod

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Ye I know, the thing is what I need to do with that Rod, I give it to an Npc for loot or smt? Cause it seams useless otherwise :p