Hi, personally I only use HotJoin if I want to quickly get my PVP Daily rewards.
For proper 5v5 play try Unranked. You will only get players dropping out due to a dropped internet generally, it doesn’t happen very often. Ranked cue tends to be more difficult in my experience. It’s best stayed away from until you feel more confident.
Below I will detail ONE issue players have with the different PVP game types and what I deem to be a bad solution and a good solution.
Thoughts welcome – I may have overlooked something glaringly obvious here.
The Death Match game type gets a lot of hate. ONE of the reasons for this is that players build and trait their characters for Conquest. Players then have to configure their build differently in the short time before the match starts or risk being at a disadvantage.
With the inclusion of Stronghold the same problem arises.
A bad solution would be to have seperate cues for each game type; cue times don’t need to be any longer – fragmenting the community would lead to this and probably more uunbalanced matchups.
A good solution would be to add 2 more panels to the PVP build screen would allow players to quickly toggle between a premade conquest/stronghold/death match build.
Hopefully with this option people will click the Ready button a bit quicker too (haha).
I’ve been playing since December. I’m gradually learning the ins and outs of every profession (I have unlocked 8 character slots).
I’m currently playing P/D thief, with experience on Shoutbow Warrior and Pew Pew Ranger. I prefer roaming and dropping in and out of the small groups/zergs as and when required. I would probably stay in a more organised group with better communication.
Looking to experience team play above and beyond what PUGs offer with other likeminded and competitive people.
I log in and play WvW at least daily so I guess I’m a “semi-hardcore” player as I’m not into grinding that much, just enjoying the game.
I’ve been playing since December and sit at Rank 40. I’m gradually learning the ins and outs of every profession (I have unlocked 8 character slots).
I’m currently playing P/D thief, with experience on Shoutbow Warrior and Pew Pew Ranger.
Win rate of around 45% in solo que, looking to experience team play with other likeminded and competitive people.
I log in and PVP at least daily so I guess I’m a “semi-hardcore” player as I’m not into grinding that much, just enjoying the game.
I play on a laptop and often find myself wanting to practice using my new build or profession but unable to due to a lack of internet connection.
A small “Offline Mode” with a few NPCs would make this possible. Perhaps a set of Golems like in the Heart of the Mists along with a number of NPCs who fight back. These could be the sparring profession npcs in the Heart of the Mists or even other npcs with a range of difficulty tiers.
I don’t know how useful this would be to others but it’d sure be useful for me.