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Charr thief Blur on Dodge (Possible Bug)

in Thief

Posted by: Kyotee.7851


I had mentioned this in another topic I created as a side note, but thought maybe I would start a new thread for the sole purpose of this topic.

I recently made a Charr thief. When I dodge the blur effect is missing. I asked in map chat in the Charr area, some Charrs said it was working for them, some said it wasn’t. So I’m not sure what is going on.

Also when I use Sword #3 skill, the blur effect is totally still there. My friend I was partied with said he did not see the charr blurr effect on my dodges as well. And our graphics are both turned up pretty high.

So I was wondering if you are a Charr thief, would you please post here and let us know if your Blur effect on dodge is working or not?

I’m sure if it’s a bug it won’t be high up on the “to fix” list, which is fine. The thing is though Charr already have so many armor/graphic bugs – the last thing we need is one more. A quick fix would be great.

Engineer race

in Engineer

Posted by: Kyotee.7851


I love the Charr. I love how they carry their rifle with one hand when running. I love their voice overs, their attitude, and animations. I love hidden pistol in pve.

I hate how armor looks on them. I hate how my shield sticks 2 foot off my back when stowed, or a foot off of my arm.

It’s a love/hate relationship and has me currently playing an Asura and Human (yep both) engineers. But deep, deep down…. I want to be a Charr engineer… =/

Is this still possible as a mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kyotee.7851



Thanks. I wasn’t trying to troll, was just curious because that was impressive.

Was debating between my thief, mesmer, or engineer and that guy’s videos were just fun to watch.

Is this still possible as a mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kyotee.7851


Returned to the game recently and class searching.

Can a well played mesmer still pull these kinds of things off?

I’m sure that wasn’t easy by any means. But it looked so fun.

Currently I have the following classes in the lower 20’s from where I played at launch:


I must say that the above video, with a bunch of other videos by that guy make playing mesmer look very rewarding in WvW.

Charr Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Kyotee.7851


I’m leveling my charr thief now and really enjoying it. The charr racial skills I dont see being used in any class outside of maybe engineer. It has the blurry dodges and all that, but on occasion is bugs out. Certainly not a reason to just abandon the character.

Not really abandoning the character, I already have a mid 20s human thief. The charr was just an experiment and didn’t get past level 1. =)

And no, just checked today on another freshly made charr thief and there is no cool blur effect on dodges for me on charr thieves.

Cool you have it on yours though!

Thanks for input.

Charr Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Kyotee.7851


I just made one to give it a whirl. I noticed that the cool blur effect on thief dodges is not included in charr dodges.

Call me vain, but that just was a big turn off. Guess I can always go with Charr engineer.

Thanks for your input..maybe hidden pistol will benefit engineer a bit more, the ability just really looks cool. =)

Thanks for you input =)

Charr Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Kyotee.7851


I just returned to the game and have been gone a while.

I have a mix of level 20ish characters, one being a human thief. He has a great name, looks cool, in some nice looking gear – but something keeps pulling me to Charr thief and the ash legion story.

I don’t mind starting from scratch, and can use the stones to give him the cool looking gear. But in my head, I’m afraid of regretting the race choice later.

Anyone here play a Charr thief and love it? Or maybe play one and regret not making another race?

I’m thinking a couple notches up from the shortest male charr, with an average body build.

What about charr hidden pistol ability? Does that ever work into your abilities or is there just no place for it as a thief?

Ugg, why do Charr have to be so cool! =)

As a side note, a smaller male Norn thief wouldn’t be out of the question.

There are just so many human thieves, might be nice to be different.

Returning player - rewards for dailies?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyotee.7851


Loved Swtor, refuse to play do to the one time password deal. As soon as they put that in. I canceled my sub. If they ever did away with it – I would go back.

Returning - Looking for NA server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyotee.7851


Hello, I currently have a few characters on Tarnished Coast server where I originally started. I quit after a while do to being drawn to another game by friends.

Well, I have no qualms returning to TC, but just wanted to ask if there are any other NA servers to consider on East Coast timeline.

I was scouting over the guild recruitment thread because I’m looking for a guild as well, and it got me thinking that maybe I might be missing out because I wasn’t considering another server.

I have 17 years of MMORPG experience, so obviously I’m an older gamer. xD. I mainly am into PVP so I would like a server that is active in WvW. I can just solo queue for spvp, so not so worried about that.

I also would be interested in running dungeons just to learn them. But again, my focus is pvp related. I would never hesitate to help a fill a spot in a guild group for a dungeon run though if needed.

I don’t have to be on a T1 server at all. As a mater a fact, I read that the lower tiers can be pretty dang fun, and it’s easier to avoid the huge zerg vs zerg in the lower tiers.

Any recommendations for maybe a server other than TC? Med pop and lower tier?

If not, I can gladly head back to good ole TC..where I have a few mid level characters waiting for me.


GW2 PvP too hard for MMORPG folks

in PvP

Posted by: Kyotee.7851


I’m returning to the game and plan to jump right into spvp. I’m sure I’ll get owned for a while. I’m not even sure what class I’ll be playing – GW2 is downloading now.

Playing mmorpgs for the past 17 years, I will admit GW2 feels different than any other MMORPG I’ve played do to the weapon swap / dodge mechanic, and combo fields. Oh, I had played at launch for a few months, so I have a feel for the game.

I’ve seen a few threads bragging on how this game takes so much more skill than other MMO’s in pvp. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t. But I look forward to finding out.

I can tell you getting to 2200 plus in that other game’s arena format (cough WoW) is no cake walk by far – and takes a ton of “skill”. I’m talking 3v3 and 5v5, not 2v2. Also rated battlegrounds in WoW are no joke if you want to hit high rating.

Me, I never managed to hit 2200 plus in WoW, maybe I suck. I came close a few times, very close. It’s not easy.

In this game you have way less skills to worry about using vs most other mmo’s, but you have the energy management, key dodges, key weapon swaps, and combos – all taking skill and timing/finesse.

I personally look forward to diving in head first. The pvp in this game looks more “twitchy” from a far do the the dodge mechanic. The thing is WoW pvp was twitchy as well, instead of dodges you were lining up key stuns, silences, peels, Defensive cool downs, offensive cool downs and such. Just because most other mmo’s don’t have “dodge”, doesn’t mean they take less skill – IMHO.

See ya on the battlefield

E-Sport has to stop...

in PvP

Posted by: Kyotee.7851


I suspect that the gameplay is so different and fast from the typical PVE MMORG that it is very difficult for people from the playerbase to achieve the level of skill needed to compete.

And therefore the relatively few players that get really good just dominate anyone else in the SoloQ or Tourneys…and the other people just give up and go back to doing something else.

This severely limits the popularity of PvP.

Also, it’s so fast that it is not really fun to watch the matches. Everything happens much too fast to know what is going on, other than this guy dies or that guy dies…which is pretty much the only thing I hear the game announcers say. They can’t talk about the successful rotations or how one guy just beat another…it is over in 2 seconds in a blur.

I agree that the game play is different. I don’t agree that this game takes some kind of amazing skill to be good at. It’s actually one of the easiest MMORPGS I have ever played. As a matter of fact I grew bored of it after a few months. Same limited number of skills, same combos. Only thing that takes more skill is timing your dodges. I would argue other MMORPGS with 3 or 4 times the number of skills to use, as well as more CC possibilities to use or counter take much more skill.

No offense intended here, this game is fun. But don’t delude yourself into thinking this game takes huge amounts of skill. I say just the opposite. Just an opinion of someone with 16 years of MMORPG experience, and pretty much pvp’d extensively the last 10 years of that time. I grew so bored of this game’s mechanics so quickly. I’d rather play a good FPS competitively than this game – and I believe said FPS genre take more skill to be good at than GW2.

Have a good one!


in Engineer

Posted by: Kyotee.7851


I’ve leveled 4 engineers to mid level (don’t ask, couldn’t decide on race grins) and it is by far my favorite class. Finally settled on Iron Legion Charr by the way. Original? No, but I just love the voice overs, animations and lore of the combo.

As for leveling, I start out with rifle the first few levels because of much faster kills. I grab Med kit asap for the swiftness/fury and decent heal/condition remover. I pick up grenades second because they make short work of big pulls even at that low of a level. I tend to just stack power/vit/toughness as I can at low level and make a bee line to flame thrower kit.

About the time I nab Flame thrower kit I have swapped to pistol/Pistol for the simple fact I find their play style way more engaging than Rifle. I’ve picked up bomb kit and Healing turret by now as well. I realize that pistol / pistol is condition weapon set, and I’m running power gear, but my main damage is actually from Flame thrower kit/ bombs or grenades – and I swap to pistols for the utilities as needed. Blind/Confusion/Poison/Root/Snare/Burning and pretty short cool downs on the Pistol/Pistol Combo fit really well with Flame thrower.

I run Bomb kit mostly while running around, and swap to grenades as I see fit. I try to get might on myself whenever I can with Flame thrower 4/Big ole bomb combo – and Fire bomb/big ole bomb combo. Fast swapping between Pistol/Pistol, Flame thrower, and Bomb/grenade kits for combos is just so addicting. I just can’t get into another class that feels the same.

I use med kit for running around most of the time, and only swap to Healing turret for tough fights. I also swap out my offhand pistol for a shield on certain fights.

I pick up tool kit as soon as I can along the way and work that into my combos. So far I have not gotten into Elixirs much, but I’m sure I will. The amazing the about this class is the possibilities we have, the flow of combat, the utilities, and the crowd control. I love this class so much.

Yeah I might have to work a lot harder every fight compared to my warrior or guardian, but it is way more fun and waaay more rewarding to do so. I just can’t wait to get higher level and fully get a grasp of this amazing class.

My only downfall so far at the lower to mid levels have been stuns, they can get me. I’m sure that is my fault though and I’ll figure it out.

Enjoy your engineer!

P.S. Underwater Combat at first was a pain, but Grenades and mines are very powerful kits down there! I don’t mind getting wet now…even as a Charr! Haha.

Do you find Necro's boring at all?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kyotee.7851


I’m just worried of getting bored casting ground target spells most of the time.

Honest question, I’m not being sarcastic in any way: how are non-ground-target spells kitten ring (“boring”) than ground-targeting?

That’s actually a very good point! I guess maybe I’ve been looking at it from the other side of the fence regarding ground targeting. It does take more skill, more awareness, more hand eye coordination, and offers so many more possibilities! Thanks for opening my eyes =).

To everyone else, thank you for the great feedback. I’ll be checking back and rereading some of the post. Some really good comments here. But for now, off to my little Sylvari Necro. He has minions to command and centaur villages to pillage sly grin !

Do you find Necro's boring at all?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kyotee.7851


Having played both warrior and necro to lvl 80 i can say that no necro is not a breeze in pve all pve is pretty much easy anyway and warrior does it faster safer even against vets champions etc.

AOE is better on necro ?, yeah go make a warrior with GS and longbow and come say that again.

Also the cast time on necro is annoying like crazy if you know that all other classes have ½ sec cast time and necro is usely 3/4 or 1sec, aoe with epidemic is SLOWWW and require alot of setup + 1sec cast epidemic while on my warrior things just go poof their death.

I was under the impression that warriors rock in dungeons, but were in trouble if facing multiple enemies. I admit I’m still kind of new and only have 5 or 6 classes in the 30’s – 40’s so I have much to learn.

I know all classes have their problems, their pluses, their good times, their bad times. I’m not interested in which class is better than necro. I was just curious if those that play the class at higher levels, or for a longer time find it boring.

I realize no one can pick my class, nor do I expect them too. Just looking for opinions. I’m a bit afraid that all of the spells which require ground targeting could get a bit boring.

I’m sure things change at 80, but as of now my necro demolishes my warrior in soloing groups, and veterans. It’s almost too easy with scepter/focus – staff, blood fiend, well of suffering or bone fiend, and shadow fiend.

It’s also a very active plays style with constant casting, cc with 2 fears, snares, shadow fiend blind, constant regen upkeep between focus 4 and staff 2, a decent combo with staff 3, 4, and overall just very durable. I easily soloed 2 vet shadow beast, and a small pack of the smaller shades at level 14. It took a while, but finished with 100 % hps and barely got touched. My warrior would of gotten eaten alive. Does it change that drastically at 80?

Do you find Necro's boring at all?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kyotee.7851


I totally understand Spoj. =) I didn’t mean to get the thread off track at all. Thanks so much for your replies, and I have no doubt at all you know much more about this class than I do.

Have a good day!

Do you find Necro's boring at all?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kyotee.7851


Weird? I’m just talking about open world pve for now. Hearts, DE’s and Vets. Haven’t attempted a champ yet. Maybe you are speaking of dungeons?

I guess I got my question offtrack talking about how powerful I feel playing my necromancer. I shared that feeling because I do enjoy playing him, just worried that it would get boring ground targeting so much.

Solo pve in open world has been an absolute breeze even against things 3 or so levels above me using scepter/focus or dagger – staff. Groups just melt and I usually finish with 100 % life.

Do you find Necro's boring at all?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kyotee.7851


I realize this is the necromancer forum and I’m asking a “loaded” question, but I’m just very curious.

From a PVE Standpoint – I haven’t tried PVP yet as I just like to get a feel for a class a bit before I dive into PVP.

I ask because I’ve been playing the class a bit up to a semi low level of 25ish and though necro seems insanely powerful in PVE, it seems I spend most of my time casting ground target spells. I run scepter/ dagger or focus – Staff. And plowing through groups of mobs or even a veteran / couple of mobs is a breeze. I feel powerful. I’m just worried of getting bored casting ground target spells most of the time.

Does axe/focus – warhorn get more powerful? The combo just feels a bit weak to me so far at 25. Also I’ve tried Dagger/ Dagger, but after having a guardian, warrior, thief, and melee ranger I really want to do some “Finger wiggling” and cast some spells now instead of melee.

Again I want to emphasize that this is from a PVE perspective of feeling powerful. In no way am I talking about PVP – or hinting at all for any sort of nerf in PVP. I also realize that necros are powerful in PVE World events, but lacking a bit in dungeons (from what I get from lurking forums here).

Thanks for your time!

Camera Zoom in and Out Hotkeys

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kyotee.7851


Just curious how hard it would be to add the ability to change the current camera zoom in and out hot key to something other than Mouse wheel (MW) up and Mouse wheel down?

In every MMORPG I’ve played I’ve always used the Middle Mouse (MM) button Press, Scroll MW up, and Scroll MW down as hot keys for key abilities. Most generally MM Button is some kind of charge, or stun, and my MW up and MW down are bound to defensive type abilities with cool downs. MW up or MW down would make a very easy weapon swap hot key, and open a second bind for many players to use.

I usually set my camera scroll in and out to Mouse Wheel with a modifier key like ALT + MW Up, Alt+ MW Down.

It’s not a major issue at all, and I love the game, but it would be nice to have an option to rebind the Camera zoom in and out hotkeys.

Question to Greatsword users -

in Charr

Posted by: Kyotee.7851


Thanks for your time!

Pics of smallest body type (muscle wise) in heavy armor would be appreciated if anyone plays that. I’m wondering if the greatsword still clips into your back, and if you look “beefy” in heavy armor at all.

I want to play a charr warrior so badly, but the great sword stuck into their backs just drives me crazy.