Showing Posts For LameTerror.4032:

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 3)

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


@ LameTerror

Your talking to a Commander from RoS who just like my self was there from day one and yeah.. HELLO? Ruins of Surmia..? T9 for the past 4 months? every week we would be fighting over camps with fissure of woe bcoz everything else was upgraded and defended soo well? does that ring any bellz? or should i give you a history lesson?

I believe you on the part that UW had hard times too but you cannot and i repeat.. C A N N O T compare that to what RoS went through during the past few months. Oh and now that the allaince left we are back to almost that very same population.

On a side note.. to any Fissure of Woe reading this… full respect to you as i know your one server that didnt give up yet.

Well, if you read my post then you can see that I actually say that you have it worst then us. Still no reason the get mad and start insulting other people on the forum.

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 3)

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


Fighting a losing battle in WvW isn’t entirely pointless, complaining about it on the forum is.

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 3)

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


Dude, you clearly have some issues you should be working on in stead of rambling on in this forum. GW2 is just a game.

And about the Dza never attacking UW on eb thing. They come after us from time to time, they often even get the gate to <10%. But then we wipe them (like 90% of the time) and it was all for nothing. I guess that going after RoS is just much more fun to do.

Maybe you don’t have noticed it since you got a huge zerg on your side and mostly on the attacking force, but having to defend with 20-25 people against 40+ of UW of Dzag at the same time is pretty near impossible and gets annoying really fast and add to that we are losing the money we put on upgrades.
Oh and as I said I noticed they do attack you guys SOME TIMES but that’s like 10% of the times, they’ve attacked us 9 times more.

And if you deny they don’t use the dirty tactics of only going after us so they get to be second then you are delusional.

i’m a UW player, that means I know the feeling of losing weeks in a row. Maybe not so hard as you guys are losing now, but we had some losing streaks too. We used to be outmanned almost all the time. That doesn’t mean I went to the forum and made a total fool of myself over and over again.

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 3)

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


Dude, you clearly have some issues you should be working on in stead of rambling on in this forum. GW2 is just a game.

And about the Dza never attacking UW on eb thing. They come after us from time to time, they often even get the gate to <10%. But then we wipe them (like 90% of the time) and it was all for nothing. I guess that going after RoS is just much more fun to do.

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

wvw booted lost 2g on upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


No, he means that yesterday EB crashed and the upgrades seemed to be lost afterwards. But it’s just a bug. The sign in the right upper corner dissapears and the workers stop doing their job. It can be easily fixed by talking to the workers though, after you talk to them they continue working.

Still, it’s a bug and should be fixed.

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

Cold Potions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


Mine works fine

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


We really wanted that tower (again).


Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


More Serious play? You must have missed last nights SM Cap the tactics were over 9000 :P I got bored over caping UW Garrsion.. i tired Dzag Garrsion but it seems that Dzag is more prepered when it comes to Borderland defence.. they knew we were comming

When you were capping SM, 20 of us where having fun at the grub.Afterwards some of us took their tonics out of the bank and we ran around in animal costumes. So, thanks for capping SM, it was the most fun we had all week.

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold


in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


I would like to thank the ele and thief from Two Beers Per Kill [TBPK] for the awesome duels in EB by the Hylek camp. That were for sure the longest battles I’ve ever had, they seemed never to end. You guys have a lot of skill.

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by LameTerror.4032)

Ring of fire ~Blacktide ~ Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


In my 700+ WvW hours I’ve never seen anyone cheat until now. There just was en upscale mesmer from Blacktide (guild [NES] Nemesis) cheating his way through te gate of several towers, including Wildcreek and SM. It sucks to see your hard earned money go down the drain to some guy cheating. I’m glad we could save SM (for now).

I don’t know how he did it, but he ported himself through to gate (blink?) and then put down a portal.


Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by LameTerror.4032)

Underworld vs Ring of Fire vs Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


I think we can safely say that UW has way more people than RoS :p

There are/were some WvW guild events today. That’s why there are so many in WvW. We outnumber you rigth now, but only time can tell if we truly have more actie people then you.

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

"Finish him!" move not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


I just came across a RoS D/D ele and decided to duel him (well, he attacked me so I had no other choice). I tried to finish him after I downed him. The finishing move just didn’t work (even did it 2 times before I decided to just finish him of by attacking him).

To be clear, it was after he used his Vapor form and I didn’t cancel the move in any way. I just went to him, stood still and pressed F.

This is actually happening to me more and more, has anyone else had the same problem?

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


He was using endure pain so he was invincible for melee combat. He managed to don’t die even once in few hours. Many uw invaders /laugh @ my guildmate. He was banned.
Too many concidences, and i don’t believe in coincidences.

There will always be people who /laugh at random occasions. I for instance /cheer @ invaders a lot. When I do that, many friends on my server join in and do the same. That doesn’t mean I reported the invader. I wasn’t there, but since you say your guildmate stayed alive for hours, I could imagine that your guildmate was running away, or hiding in a tower, invurnability spot. There will always be people who consider that to be a win and /laugh @ the enemy.

You don’t believe in coincidences? I don’t believe in accusing people without any proof. You don’t even have proof that it was UW who reported him. It could have been the other server. You know there is some time between a report and a ban? It doesn’t happen instantly.


Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


guys you must hear that.
one of my guildmates has been banned because some underworld noobs have reported him for cheating… but he was only using ENDURE PAIN!
they didn’t even distinguish between an hack and a legit game skill?

Are you so ignorant that you think people don’t know what Endure Pain is and that multiple people (not just one noob randomer) is going to report someone for using it? Come on, think before you post.

How do you even know that the people who reported him did it because the warrior was using endure pain? You could have prove of it, but I doubt that. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

Now about the mesmer. I too hope that he gets banned, he is a bad reference for UW. For future reference, It’s always better to clear such things with the Anet staff instead of coming to the forum to whine and try to make the whole server look bad. Yesterday I saw a Fs upscale mesmer trying to glitch onto our starting area on UW border. Did we come to the forum to complain? No, we just reported him.


Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

Entangle Failures - compare notes?

in Ranger

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


You got blinded by the NPC’s. When you solo a supply camp you have to wait until the 2 scouts use the blind spell. After you remove the blind (by trying to hit someone) you can safely use your entangle.

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

Hey Fort Ranik, don't give up!!!!

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


sniff sniff don’t make me cry bad boy

a friendly environment

This is a quote from your RoS recruitment post. I totally see what you mean with a friendly environment.

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

Hey Fort Ranik, don't give up!!!!

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


Hey guys, what is happening? you are losing too much points, if you will continue on this way, Underworld could escape from our jaws.

It’s payback time for Underworld, all Surmians are screaming that name. Let’em us:D

And you Underworld, stop to fight!! we also asked you to join RoF forces to have a balanced fight against us according the troll rumours on this forum about our numbers, so don’t be silly stay there and wait for us!

We foaming at the mouth

This is just pathetic. You sound like a 12 year old kid who got beaten by a 13 year old stronger kid and now got his 16 year old brother and 10 of his friends to beat the kitten out of the 13 year old. Really mature…

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

New siege idea

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


Trojan Horse: a portal that can be dropped at the door of an enemy garrison. If someone actually picks it up and brings it inside, every enemy player on the map is instantly teleported into the garrison. What do you think?

Don’t know if you are serious or not.

What if you are attacking an other tower/keep atm? would it still port you in? What about the people who are selling stuff at the trading post, I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t want to be portalled away. Don’t think the people in the jumping puzzle would appreciate it either.

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

Pain Inverter Volume 7 - WvW Melee Ranger

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


Way to show case the Asuran racial ability Pain Inverter. It must be awesome to have a racial ability that does that much damage. I mean 3000-6000+ isn’t something to shake a stick at, and something that would flesh out pretty much any build.

I know, I know you say you’ve been effective with other utilities, but your videos are primarily with Pain Inverter, so in a round about way you’re showing us just how powerful it is because you use it over anything else.

They really need to revisit the other races, and their abilities.

Pain inverter is only extremely good against noobs. What sane person would keep attacking with 3 stacks of confusion on? Against decent opponents you just prevent them from attacking you for 5 seconds (although that’s still pretty good).

I might add that all the characters I play are asura, just to keep the option open to use Pain Invertor.

It has more to do with the fact i’m a ranger, i imagine if I was a mesmer it wouldn’t be nearly as effective cause people are watching for confusion

That’s true.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the skill. My ranger is my main and I’ve been using pain inverter on him since the game was only a few weeks old. I just said that all my characters are asura (well, most are) so I have the option to use it in case I figure out later that some skills aren’t as good as I thought they would be when making the character.

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


UW on the other hand rarely engaged either side. Whenever FS and FR got in a brawl you guys would head to other side of map to cap something.

Ow yeah, we just sit at home behind our computer waiting for you two servers te engage.

Was that sarcasm?

I was referring only to earlier this evening on FS border. It’s a legitimate tactic to take advantage if 2 other servers are engaged in a large stalemate. As I have said I found it amusing because I couldn’t understand it given the ranking/score situation. If you wanted second then leaving FR border alone and bringing your zerg to a border that already had 2 large zergs fighting in isn’t a tactic I can understand. If you have resigned yourself to dropping to tier 8 then why not be more aggressive and engage either FS or FR to have some good fights. The only reason there was a battle with UW is because we disengaged from FR and decided enough is enough with your sneaky capping. It just so happened that FR started to drop numbers after that.

It’s probably for the best that our servers part ways for a while, for although there is respect there I think it’s safe to say we are probably sick of the sight of each other by now.

When we don’t attack FS, you guys seem to get bored and attack UW or FR (which of course is the normal action to do in that case). So in that scenario it’s not us, but you who decide whether UW or FR gets the second place. By bringing the fight to your border we at least decide our own faith.

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

Pain Inverter Volume 7 - WvW Melee Ranger

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


Way to show case the Asuran racial ability Pain Inverter. It must be awesome to have a racial ability that does that much damage. I mean 3000-6000+ isn’t something to shake a stick at, and something that would flesh out pretty much any build.

I know, I know you say you’ve been effective with other utilities, but your videos are primarily with Pain Inverter, so in a round about way you’re showing us just how powerful it is because you use it over anything else.

They really need to revisit the other races, and their abilities.

Pain inverter is only extremely good against noobs. What sane person would keep attacking with 3 stacks of confusion on? Against decent opponents you just prevent them from attacking you for 5 seconds (although that’s still pretty good).

I might add that all the characters I play are asura, just to keep the option open to use Pain Invertor.

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


UW on the other hand rarely engaged either side. Whenever FS and FR got in a brawl you guys would head to other side of map to cap something.

Ow yeah, we just sit at home behind our computer waiting for you two servers te engage.

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

Underworld [EU] - Welcoming new guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


Heheh good to see you lot still fighting, a hat tip to Rob Fenwick, if you remember me

I think the main reason we as a guild were swayed towards moving from Underworld was the WvWvW environment, there were so many trolls, being unreasonable, trying to make life difficult and undermining every order/suggestion, etc. etc., also no one seemed willing to place siege weapons, to bother escorting Dolyaks, to settle their differences and work together, and a certain Russian was involved and jumped the gun. :P

Pretty sure from what I’ve read above that most all of this has been sorted out, and Underworld seems to have come a long way since I first stepped into the WvW battlegrounds at BWE1, and after my guild left a couple months after release

As a guild I like to think we’ve come far as well, about 30 [WvW] on TS for operations, rallying the server to TS, think most people we got was 63 at one point, mass organisation is very much effective! I think we’ve established ourselves as one of the more dominant large guilds on our Server, and gone on a journey into many different tactics, organisation, etc. it’s going well I think, despite recently a dispute that occurred, a little exaggerated and dramatic to my mind, but there you go

Anyways just wanted to say hi to you guys, probs don’t know who I am, but UW used to be the only Server for me, and I consistently wanted to return subsequent to moving, however was halted by the opinions of the other guilds that transferred, of which we are the only ones still active and going strong

What about you guys, how have you been doing in the last few months? When did ÅÅ transfer? O.o and how’s the general server attitude nowadays, improved or the same?

Probably not the right place to put it, but again just wanted to drop in and say hi, for those who aren’t thinking who the hell is this guy.

I still remember your legendary cata technique for taking Bravost and the blue keep. Back in the days you probably were the only commander I actually trusted.

The server isn’t perfect, but it has come a long way. With a litle bit of help, it may even get where it belongs (hint hint)

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

Prediction of what will happen to lower ties

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


Did you ever checked out a low tier server? Don’t think so. I’m in tier 7 (third place) and there a plenty of people on WvW here. Definitly not a ghost town. I wouldn’t enjoy a server merge.

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

RoS Gathering for WvWvW guilds

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


There are 2 kinds of people;
People who stick with their server trough better and worse, and people who leave once it doesn’t go as they want it, whether that be stomping or getting stomped.

Do you realise that you are unsulting most of your own server? They didn’t like how it went down on their server (or tier, whatever) and they left.

I’m from Underworld, and when people say that they don’t like the way it’s going down on my server and they suggest to move, I say “go!”. Why? Because when they don’t love the server, don’t give their very best to improve the server, then I don’t need them. The only thing they do is destroy the moral. They can go and complain on some other server, where the grass is greener. On this last point we probably are the same.

I know what you are going to say, they did like the server, but they didn’t like the tier. They can’t change tiers so they had no other choice. that’s incorrect. If I played on the server they came from and I didn’t like they way it went on that tier, I would be just happy when other people left, even if I considered them my friends for months. That way you would drop tier automatically, mission accomplished Look at Far Shiverpeaks, I’m sure the people who stayed don’t regret their decision.

The only thing the server hoppers do is destroy all the tier balance (which took months to get) and make a steamroll train which drains all the fun for all the other servers in the low tiers. And they claim they don’t even like it either! so, who wins here?

I’m not here to be a jerk, nor to troll or cause tumult. This is just my honest opinion and I know a lot of people agree with me.

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


How in the world does FSP have more people at night when I constantly get the outmanned buff? Only very early in the morning do I ever see FR or UW with outmanned buff, and hardly ever in their own borderlands. Why we get the outmanned buff in EB on a regular basis in EB around 4am GMT.

Well, you get outmanned from time to time at night. We get outmanned a lot on fairly “normal” playing hours, even in EB on prime-time.

But it’s not a “you’re more outmanned then us”-game. You may have more ppl, but you often seem te be playing a bit better too, congratulations on that. I’m sure you will be able to stand your ground in the next tier, where you belong. Eventhough I’m going to miss you guys after all these weeks.

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


as a side issue last week while i was defending mendons on 3 occaisions different FS members glitched inside mendons… some people on every server cheat so thats life.

as for those FS who are waiting until next week… if dzagonur go up, were likely to get fort ranik who are french – therefore they are likely to have canadian night cappers… good luck

/Cheer @

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold