Showing Posts For Link.4039:

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Link.4039


Seriously people, UK time is NOT GMT at the moment!

We are GMT + 1

It is NOT currently 2:30 GMT, it is 1:30 GMT.

Its 2:30 in the UK right now. I’m in it. and releasing an update at 4-5am really craps on your EU playerbase.

I don’t get why we have EU and US servers, I really dont

Are you kidding?! At this time the majority okitten players are in bed for example?! While most US are up? Seriously, how can you not understand US and EU servers?!?!

I don’t get what you think i’m saying… but i’ll lay it out for you.

Event releases on EU servers at 9pm CET
Event releases on US servers at 9pm PST

Not, 8pm US — 4am EU

What is the point of having EU servers if everything is based off US times?

Maybe so that EU players can play with other EU players because they are in the same timezone?

Do the halloween events repeat like normal events?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Link.4039


Wait, you don’t mean they’ll happen only once during the event do you? That would be a terrible design decision. You’d basically be saying we should play 24/7 or miss out.

You’ll know exactly what I’m talking about very soon. More or less.

Unless we miss it. :P

Have faith!

What crafting level do you need to craft event items?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Link.4039


Actually, a dev confirmed that you will have to have max level crafting for certain crafting professions. The original post was somewhat confusing, but he meant that you dont necessarily have to have weaponsmith maxed, but you may be required to have a different crafting profession maxed.

Interview with Colin Johanson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Link.4039


One-time events that change the game… Me gusta.

I’ve heard this a lot in other games… and the devs pretty much always forced the event in one direction.

Well, it makes sense. If Anet is going to create a massive one-time event that will change the environment, having more than one possible outcome means spending time on content that might not actually end up in game.
That being said, it would be interesting for a one-time event to have say, 5 different bosses enter Tyria at different locations. Each boss would be giant meta-events, like The Shatterer. Whichever one is killed first, the environment in that area changes, and the rest of the bosses flee (a cutscene would be shown to everyone online at the time showing what has happened) . This would allow actual differences in the world between Servers. Players from “Anvil Rock” may have killed boss 2 first, while players from “Maguuma” may have killed boss 5 first. And with guesting, anyone can visit another Server and experience the changed landscape.

I think this would be a great way to actually “forge” each server into something over their own. Over time, each server’s landscape could look drastically different.

Of course, making 5 different outcomes would require a lot of work, but even 2 outcomes would suffice. If there were 2 outcomes for every one-time event, after 5 of these events, there would be 32(?) different possible landscapes for each server.

(edited by Link.4039)

Interview with Colin Johanson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Link.4039


One-time events that change the game… Me gusta.

Axes need some love

in Necromancer

Posted by: Link.4039


The 2 Skill has such an awesome character animation (the axe spinning) but the animation for hitting the enemy is almost the exact same as the 1 Skill. I think that while your axe is spinning, a much larger, spectral axe of sorts would appear at your target and spin simultaneously with your own axe. I think this would be very cool, and would allow for it to hit multiple enemies – which I think is the boost it needs.

Axes need some love

in Necromancer

Posted by: Link.4039


I think the 3 Skill “Unholy Feast” definitely needs some more flavour, but it also should be a Blast Combo Finisher. I mean it looks exactly like one.

Axes need some love

in Necromancer

Posted by: Link.4039


I don’t know about having it hit multiple foes, the damage would probably need to come down even more for balance (I think it would be awesome none the less), but definitely don’t take away the vulnerability. We have the scepter for bleeding damage, we don’t need the axe for that as well. Vulnerability is a great condition for events/dungeons and paired with a focus / vulnerability well, the axe can keep up a decent level of vulnerability on a foe. I just wish that the 2 Skill applied vulnerability as well, even just a couple stacks, so that you don’t lose a whole bunch of stacks when you stop and channel it. Though, that might take out some of the strategy.

Is condition damage a must have?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Link.4039


Condition damage is not a must-have, but I quite like it. It gives you sustainable damage output as soon as you’ve applied your stacks, as opposed to outright burst damage. But by no means a must-have, I’m certain a power/precision/crit damage dagger or axe build is just as good.

I think that Condition damage IS a must-have.. al least for the necromancer.

Dagger -> Sucks
Axe -> Sucks
Minions -> Sucks (well, the flesh golem maybe not, but his AI is very stupid)
Almost every support skills, is abount boons&conditions.

Staff with very cool mark
Consume Conditions
Corrupt Boon


Please don’t go outright and say that Dagger and Axe suck. This is obviously just your opinion, but there are plenty of viable builds where Axes or Daggers don’t suck. Granted, in early levels, condition damage usually does more damage than a power build. But it seems that power scales better into later levels, eventually becoming on par with condition damage.

So yes, Power/Crit builds are viable.