Showing Posts For Link.4039:
I hope crafting the precursors are a grind and not something that can be completed in a matter of hours.
I hope that crafting the precursors isn’t a grind deliberately designed to make the player give up, grind gold, and buy off the TP (which is exactly what I suspect it will be).
As opposed to what? The current method of hoping for a drop, luck with the MF…or buying on the TP?
I don’t understand.
There is no point in crafting a precursor if the amount of time invested could be used elsewhere to grind gold to just buy a precursor.
Say for instance you need 800 gold to buy a precursor off the TP, and we’ll say that it takes 10 weeks of grinding gold to make that much (hypothetical here, I have no idea how long it does or doesn’t take to make 800gold).
If the new precursor crafting takes 18 weeks while doing similar activities, then it is stupid to go the new route. Just grind gold for 10 weeks and buy it off the TP.
Personally, from what I’ve seen with Anet, that is exactly what they’ll do. They’ll make the precursor grind so obscene that people will just default to farming gold or, as Anet really wants, opening their wallets to buy gold.
There are people who are fine with grinding gold to get their precursor, there’s nothing wrong with that. The point of the scavenger hunt is for people who don’t want to have to mindlessly grind gold and instead would like a quest-like alternative that is more engaging – even if it does take longer to get.
Personally, I’d much rather be able to go into the game and say “Okay, today i’m going to do this and kill this and collect this as I work toward my precursor collection” instead of “Okay, today I am going to do all of the dungeons again (as a gold-making example)”
Furthermore, your last point just doesn’t make sense. I highly doubt they spent all this time creating a system to craft precursors if they didn’t actually want people to USE the system. Not to mention the new precursors are account bound, so they cannot be bought.
(edited by Link.4039)
Anyone else notice that the Preserved Queen Bee is in the collection for The Energizer?
“Targeted Reward” better include that one for Silverwastes or there won’t be a point to the collection – it’s as rare as a precursor and currently costs more than Dawn and The Legend on the TP.
I wouldn’t base anything too much off the icons, considering the ‘Dance with Queen Jennah’ icon is also the icon for the Queen Jennah Mini. Looks like they are just reusing icons for some of the stuff.
I’m hoping that the glider shown is just the starter glider and perhaps we can get different ones that offer strictly cosmetic advantages.
I see they didn’t decide to go through with the removal of WvW from world completion. A pity.
“WvW map completion is no longer a requirement for a character to achieve World Completion, and these maps no longer award map completion rewards.”
I was lucky enough to be in the initial closed beta for the game, and I hope my lucky streak continues for HoT beta!
any information on how to get on the list for the closed beta? and if you make a Revanent character there can you transfer them to live once the game launches or will you have to reset?
They will be releasing information about closed beta hopefully soon after Pax East and Rezzed. You will definitely not be able to transfer anything over from the beta to the live game.
It was the first adventure we’ll come across. I wouldn’t really base the rest of the content off of it. Granted, they could have shared a more complicated one with us, but at least it was something.
About the Skill Points, we don’t know how quickly or slowly the Mastery Bar fills up compared to the current Experience bar, and I assume that is the main reason that we won’t get both. Don’t forget, they did mention they are adding more ways to get SP from in game content
As a GW1 vet, you should know they did this kitten there too. Regularly.
“Oh kitten, they are balancing skills again…..”
“Back to the drawing board….”BUT, at least in GW1 we had/have almost twice as many skills to use in battle, and some skills in GW2 if used will get you severely tongue lashed in a group, or, is totally useless.
So…. pretty much the exact same kitten as in gw1. Or did we forget about skills like flare….
Yes, Gw1 had a helluva lot more skills. Of which a third were only ever truly effective or used.
At least there are more useable skills in GW1 compared to the skillsets in GW2.
Stop comparing the two games. Though they share the same name, they are vastly different. Guildwars2 is much more casual of a game which is why there are less skills as it’s less daunting for newcomers – not to mention much easier to balance. You clearly like GW1 better, that’s great, GW2 isn’t interfering with you playing it is it? No, so stop complaining.
I can compare the two games which is far from casual for the simple reason of it being an extension of GW1 and the fact that we were told, and I quote; “expect the best of GW1 to be in GW2” during the making of GW2 even if it was a bold faced lie.
I don’t know where that quote is from, but having dozens of useless skills in a game is hardly its best feature. Anyway, you can’t hold on to a quote from almost 2 years ago, things are bound to change whether you like it or not. Again I feel I need to emphasize, they are two very different games and you aren’t doing yourself any good by sticking with the mentality that Guildwars2 is supposed to be an expansion off of Guildwars, because for the most part, its a step in a completely different direction.
The quote was taken from the GW2 Manifesto and the ONLY THING/S different between GW1 and 2 are the awesome GW2 graphics, the HORRID GW2 mechanics, the multitude of unfixed GW2 bugs(many of which that have been here since BETA/launch), races and SOME architectural changes. They share the same storyline, landscape and is based on GW1 200 years in the future and as I said in my previous reply GW2 is an EXTENSION OF GW1 200 years in the future not an expansion of GW1, very different.
Okay you clearly aren’t going to listen to anything we have to say. We have tried to be reasonable but you obviously just don’t like Guildwars2. There’s no problem with that. GW2 is based on GW1 lore, not much else. If you don’t like that, then too bad. Have a nice day.
Yes I listen, but, so much of it(the accepting of everything fanboyism) is just too ludicrous. I like GW2 but I don’t LOVE IT like I do GW1.
Nobody is telling you that you can’t love GW1 and nobody is ‘fanboying’. I haven’t said anything but facts and my main point has been that GW1 and GW2 are different games. You can’t seem to accept that and feel the need to keep bashing GW2 because it doesn’t have the same mechanics as GW1. You are allowed to have your own opinion, and if you don’t like some of the mechanics of GW2, that is valid. But your argument that it isn’t enough like GW1 is invalid. You are comparing apples and oranges. Yes they are both fruits, but very, very different ones.
As a GW1 vet, you should know they did this kitten there too. Regularly.
“Oh kitten, they are balancing skills again…..”
“Back to the drawing board….”BUT, at least in GW1 we had/have almost twice as many skills to use in battle, and some skills in GW2 if used will get you severely tongue lashed in a group, or, is totally useless.
So…. pretty much the exact same kitten as in gw1. Or did we forget about skills like flare….
Yes, Gw1 had a helluva lot more skills. Of which a third were only ever truly effective or used.
At least there are more useable skills in GW1 compared to the skillsets in GW2.
Compared to the vast amount of total skills in GW1, the amount of actually used/useful skill is pathetic and is nowhere near what is happening with GW2.
Lots of skills doesn’t mean great versatility and lots of builds, it’s the opposite.
Sorry, but, all I can do is LOL at this comment.
First of all, very rude to him, he is stating a fact. The amount of skills in GW1 can be fun to play around with, but in reality there are only a set amount that are actually viable and the amount of work to balance all of the skills is insane. Again, the two games are very different with very different skill systems.
Whereas only 3 out of 5 are useable by some professions in GW2 and 5 to 7 out of 8 in GW1? Again I LOL.
I don’t know what you are ’LOL’ing at. There are dozens of skills per class in WoW, and only a few per class in Diablo 3. Does that mean Diablo 3 is inferior to WoW? No, they just have different skill systems much like GW1 and GW2 do.
As a GW1 vet, you should know they did this kitten there too. Regularly.
“Oh kitten, they are balancing skills again…..”
“Back to the drawing board….”BUT, at least in GW1 we had/have almost twice as many skills to use in battle, and some skills in GW2 if used will get you severely tongue lashed in a group, or, is totally useless.
So…. pretty much the exact same kitten as in gw1. Or did we forget about skills like flare….
Yes, Gw1 had a helluva lot more skills. Of which a third were only ever truly effective or used.
At least there are more useable skills in GW1 compared to the skillsets in GW2.
Stop comparing the two games. Though they share the same name, they are vastly different. Guildwars2 is much more casual of a game which is why there are less skills as it’s less daunting for newcomers – not to mention much easier to balance. You clearly like GW1 better, that’s great, GW2 isn’t interfering with you playing it is it? No, so stop complaining.
I can compare the two games which is far from casual for the simple reason of it being an extension of GW1 and the fact that we were told, and I quote; “expect the best of GW1 to be in GW2” during the making of GW2 even if it was a bold faced lie.
I don’t know where that quote is from, but having dozens of useless skills in a game is hardly its best feature. Anyway, you can’t hold on to a quote from almost 2 years ago, things are bound to change whether you like it or not. Again I feel I need to emphasize, they are two very different games and you aren’t doing yourself any good by sticking with the mentality that Guildwars2 is supposed to be an expansion off of Guildwars, because for the most part, its a step in a completely different direction.
The quote was taken from the GW2 Manifesto and the ONLY THING/S different between GW1 and 2 are the awesome GW2 graphics, the HORRID GW2 mechanics, the multitude of unfixed GW2 bugs(many of which that have been here since BETA/launch), races and SOME architectural changes. They share the same storyline, landscape and is based on GW1 200 years in the future and as I said in my previous reply GW2 is an EXTENSION OF GW1 200 years in the future not an expansion of GW1, very different.
Okay you clearly aren’t going to listen to anything we have to say. We have tried to be reasonable but you obviously just don’t like Guildwars2. There’s no problem with that. GW2 is based on GW1 lore, not much else. If you don’t like that, then too bad. Have a nice day.
As a GW1 vet, you should know they did this kitten there too. Regularly.
“Oh kitten, they are balancing skills again…..”
“Back to the drawing board….”BUT, at least in GW1 we had/have almost twice as many skills to use in battle, and some skills in GW2 if used will get you severely tongue lashed in a group, or, is totally useless.
So…. pretty much the exact same kitten as in gw1. Or did we forget about skills like flare….
Yes, Gw1 had a helluva lot more skills. Of which a third were only ever truly effective or used.
At least there are more useable skills in GW1 compared to the skillsets in GW2.
Compared to the vast amount of total skills in GW1, the amount of actually used/useful skill is pathetic and is nowhere near what is happening with GW2.
Lots of skills doesn’t mean great versatility and lots of builds, it’s the opposite.
Sorry, but, all I can do is LOL at this comment.
First of all, very rude to him, he is stating a fact. The amount of skills in GW1 can be fun to play around with, but in reality there are only a set amount that are actually viable and the amount of work to balance all of the skills is insane. Again, the two games are very different with very different skill systems.
As a GW1 vet, you should know they did this kitten there too. Regularly.
“Oh kitten, they are balancing skills again…..”
“Back to the drawing board….”BUT, at least in GW1 we had/have almost twice as many skills to use in battle, and some skills in GW2 if used will get you severely tongue lashed in a group, or, is totally useless.
So…. pretty much the exact same kitten as in gw1. Or did we forget about skills like flare….
Yes, Gw1 had a helluva lot more skills. Of which a third were only ever truly effective or used.
At least there are more useable skills in GW1 compared to the skillsets in GW2.
Stop comparing the two games. Though they share the same name, they are vastly different. Guildwars2 is much more casual of a game which is why there are less skills as it’s less daunting for newcomers – not to mention much easier to balance. You clearly like GW1 better, that’s great, GW2 isn’t interfering with you playing it is it? No, so stop complaining.
I can compare the two games which is far from casual for the simple reason of it being an extension of GW1 and the fact that we were told, and I quote; “expect the best of GW1 to be in GW2” during the making of GW2 even if it was a bold faced lie.
I don’t know where that quote is from, but having dozens of useless skills in a game is hardly its best feature. Anyway, you can’t hold on to a quote from almost 2 years ago, things are bound to change whether you like it or not. Again I feel I need to emphasize, they are two very different games and you aren’t doing yourself any good by sticking with the mentality that Guildwars2 is supposed to be an expansion off of Guildwars, because for the most part, its a step in a completely different direction.
As a GW1 vet, you should know they did this kitten there too. Regularly.
“Oh kitten, they are balancing skills again…..”
“Back to the drawing board….”BUT, at least in GW1 we had/have almost twice as many skills to use in battle, and some skills in GW2 if used will get you severely tongue lashed in a group, or, is totally useless.
So…. pretty much the exact same kitten as in gw1. Or did we forget about skills like flare….
Yes, Gw1 had a helluva lot more skills. Of which a third were only ever truly effective or used.
At least there are more useable skills in GW1 compared to the skillsets in GW2.
Stop comparing the two games. Though they share the same name, they are vastly different. Guildwars2 is much more casual of a game which is why there are less skills as it’s less daunting for newcomers – not to mention much easier to balance. You clearly like GW1 better, that’s great, GW2 isn’t interfering with you playing it is it? No, so stop complaining.
I’m sorry but the reasons people are using to quit the game are getting obsurd.
You left for 4 months and when you came back you expected everything to be exactly the same? This is an MMORPG – things are going to change. If you are frustrated about having to learn some very simple new mechanics, take 5 minutes and read the blogposts.
If you can’t play the game because you have to ‘re-evaluate’ your build, then you clearly just don’t enjoy the game anymore so don’t blame it on Anet for trying to improve the game.
Furthermore, you complain that you had to pay for trait books and resets in the past? Guess what, everybody did. Would you rather them still cost money? There is no logic in that.
I disagree almost completely. All of the things that we are stable at I don’t want to change. I have played the same Staff support spec since beta and I don’t ever want it to change because I have so much fun with it and I never get bored.
However, there are PLENTY of things that need to be changed on Guardian. We are far from perfect. Spirit weapons are still useless pieces of garbage, we still only have one condition, we still have no soft CC, etc etc.
The stable aspects need to stay stable because they’re fine, but there are still weak aspects of the Guardian.
Off topic but, can I ask what build you are using for support staff? I have been looking for a good setup for awhile now. Thanks
We don’t quite know how it’s going to work yet, or what costume items are going to be affected. So just be patient and hope for the best
My thoughts about the legendary issue follow on from the others here.
I wonder how it will affect the costs of legendaries, I can see a demand for tradeable weapons just to unlock the skin and then resell.
The blog specifically mentions that the item must be soulbound in order to unlock it’s skin, so no worries there!
Honestly I think the fair thing to do would be to either compensate with your choice of a new legendary, or make one of the two identical ones tradable again so that you can sell it.
From an objective point of view, I don’t see that as being entitled or anything, as legendaries are incredibly time-consuming and/or expensive.
Can you get Skins from the Cage Bosses? I have heard of a few people getting that.
Yes you can, I just got the staff skin from the World 1, Zone 2 Cage boss
And is this only available once per character per days? Like the frog chest?
Can you get Skins from the Cage Bosses? I have heard of a few people getting that.
No Love for WvWvW I see yet again bet it’s all going to come in the expansion pack in August.
There is no expansion pack in August :S and no expansion this year AT ALL.
First of all, the WvW changes will be in this update – it has been confirmed by devs. The small blurb about the living story obviously isn’t going to be the entire update…
For the expansion, it is not confirmed when it will happen, but this year is definitely not out of the question.
My favourite is using 4 for quickness then spamming 1
“Feel m-”
“Feel my-”
“Feel my-”
“Feel my-”
“Feel my-”
“Feel my Wrath!”
But seriously, it’s 20 seconds, it’s not THAT annoying. Not to mention it helps alert your allies that you are using tome of wrath.
Avoid these forums like the plague.. Seriously, half the threads on here are just angry gamers bashing the game (no offense, there are many legitimate problems that people point out on these forums).
And also never forget that you should be playing this game for fun! If you ever find yourself completely bored with the game, do not be afraid to take a break – that is the best part about no sub-fee. I have taken several 2-week long breaks throughout my time with guildwars2 and when I come back (whether it be with a new patch or I’m just bored with everything else) I tend to get that feeling of newness and freshness again, it’s great!
Ah this is awesome news! Will definitely be purchasing one! Account bound is a great choice Anet
Good god people need to stop complaining. Dailies are NOT required. If you want to do them, then go out and do it! God forbid you have to dodge 15 times or shoot threw a combo field 10 times. It’s seriously not that difficult, and adds some variety to the dailies.
EDIT: And daily healer? Come on people, that is a given. I easily revive at least 10 people a day already. See someone downed? Revive them. It’s a win-win situation.
(edited by Link.4039)
From the tooltip, it definitely looks like a weapon that you can just equip. But I want to know if it is Account Bound or Soul Bound.
I like your build, but I have a suggestion. I would go 30 into Valor instead of Honor and get Altruistic Healing, and take the 10 out of Zeal, and put 5 into Honor and 5 into Virtues. This will further increase your health gain per crit because of AH and Vigorous Precision. Not to mention the Crit Damage you get from going into Valor and the increase in Precision from Retributive Armor.
Something like this;0JF-40E3JG-90;9;5TT44;156A45A;4JJ-44;1ZF18ZF185Ba
(edited by Link.4039)
I think the OP means that you should be able to use any named exotic of that weapon type to make the Legendary.
What do you get when you use Hundred Blades on a Sylvari and a Tengu?
-Chicken Salad.
Make spears usable as 1h weapons on land as well. We already have the weapon skins for it~ I think it would be cool to have a weapon that can be used on land and in the water!
Ah, thanks guys!
Hello! I’ve noticed that in several video’s I’ve watched of people playing GW2, when they pick up an item, it shows the item in a little tooltip on the right edge of the screen for a few seconds. I have searched Options for how to turn this on, but I cannot find it. Does anyone know how I can activate this?
I assume you mean for the free trial event. There will most likely be more info on it later today. .
Is there any sort of reward from the event? I think it would be fair to let us know, because I won’t be able to attend it but if I’m missing out on something like that then I will get a friend to log on for me.
Act 4 is still on the 31st. The finale event is what they were referring to and that is on the 28th – which is act 3.
I doubt it considering the first Act didn’t come out till like 8:00pm. But who knows!
Really hoping for an official response on this. My rifle looks like a water gun :l
I love everything else about the asura except the weapon size. When I made an asura, i was kind of expecting the weapons size to be something similar to Tera’s Popori –
Now THAT is a bad kitten little critter.
The Gourding Rifle has a small effect. Theres a slight orange particle effect that trails behind the rifle. It’s not very noticeable though :/
You cannot craft the skins from the BL chests. But I think your best bet would be to simply save up and buy the Shield from the trading post. This pretty much goes for anyone thats wanting a specific skin from the chests – The chance of getting a halloween skin is low, and the chance of getting the specific one you want is much lower.
Good question, hopefully a red will be able to answer this
A one time event on a one day when I’m busy sucks. And I’m sure a lot of other people feel the same. Why not make it so each player can do it once and let it run a while? This only hurts players in my eyes.
They can’t allow for each person to do it once because it’s an event and will most likely require a bunch of players to complete. I realize many people will be annoyed by this but… You can’t please everyone
Sigh. Cannot argue with entitled kiddies.
Exactly. This isn’t feedback, or anything useful at all. He is simply complaining about how “horrible” he thinks the halloween weapons are (in fact, that is the title of the thread) I understand that it is just his opinion, but ranting about it on the forums isn’t going to get you anywhere.
The forums are supposed to be a useful tool for discussion and help. It’s just annoying to see 10+ threads complaining about how much the event sucks – usually with no constructive feedback at all.
(edited by Link.4039)
Don’t like them? Don’t get them. Honestly, enough with the complaining.
Don’t like these threads – don’t read forums. When you people will get over whining?
How bout, quit complaining about an event just because you seem to think you are entitled to an event weapon that is visually appealing to you. Heads up, there are tons of weapon skins in the game.
Anet doesn’t cater to your every need, so give it a break and just play the game.
Don’t like them? Don’t get them. Honestly, enough with the complaining.
Same problem for me. Except i’m loading into Harathi Hinterlands. My loading time isn’t usually very short, but this is taking forever! (shameless exageration )
I played Guild Wars for several years. Guild Wars 2 should first and foremost be a sequel to its predecessor. In the original Guild Wars when arenanet said an event would start they gave a very specific time. You could have made a countdown timer if you so chose. Guild Wars 2 on the other hand is showing to arenanets paying customers that their same attention to time is more than lacking. For instance, any typical Guild Wars event started at forgive me if I’m wrong but I think 6 a.m. Pacific Time so.. 8 a.m. or so in Texas where I live and I could count on that…EVERY time. I had planned on buying all of the gemstore halloween items, but now I don’t even know how many gems I will need and I wanted to be one of the first to be sporting one of these items. I have no clue when I will get to purchase them at all, unless you count before tomorrow. I believe “before tomorrow” is the most unsatisfactory timeframe I have ever heard of ever at all. Except perhaps “before I die.” So, arenanet I commend you on the quality of your game. I instead express immense displeasure with your communication and dedication to living up to the expectations of your dedicated gamers and we really deserve better than this next time.
You’re the reason developers believe their player bases are full of immature children with entitlement issues.
and you are the reason that I don’t care about other peoples opinions truth is I’m most likely older than you and 100% more mature I paid for something expecting something and I have been let down. Eat a big one if you don’t like that I’m unhappy.
Good lord. You did not pay for this update – get over yourself. Anet said the Halloween event would come Oct 22nd PST. As far as I can tell, it is still Oct 22nd PST. Would you have rather them given a specific time for the update, then had to postpone it by an hour or two? I’d have loved to see your reaction to that :l