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100% Map Completion question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Missywink.7162


Hi all,

Am currently working on 100% map completion and now stand at 93%. My question is is “Do I have to get all of the WvWvW PoI’s, Vista’s, Skills and Waypoints ?”. I only ask as I can only see 1 zone left where I have done noting. Looking at all other zones I can see I have done everything.

If I don’t have to get the WvWvW stuff, do I have to find and complete every jumping puzzle ?

Sorry for noobish questions.

Lets see your engineers!

in Engineer

Posted by: Missywink.7162


My lvl80 Engineer, Duncandonut.


Mortar Range

in Engineer

Posted by: Missywink.7162


The range needs to be upped a bit. In WvWvW I can place the mortar on the walls and I wont be able to anyone due to the range. The only people I can hit are those that are up close to a dooror wall.

The other issue with the mortar is that I can place it down and have a team mate start using before me. I am then unable to use it for the duration. Cant it be like normal siege weapons where the person who bought the weapon has priority over the usage.

Monthly Survivor Achievement Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Missywink.7162


I feel this deserves a shameless Bump

Crafting: Items disappear from the discovery panel.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Missywink.7162


I have noticed this issue with cooking. I was unable to find carrots in my discovery pane. Then chocolate disappeared and now Butter is gone.

Monthly Survivor Achievement Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Missywink.7162


So, those people who were at 100% managed to get there monthly achievement due to a forced reset. However those of us that cannot get our monthly achievement due to the survivor bug have been over looked ?

This isnt exactly fair on us AN. I have been stuck at 81,694 now since the first week of the game. So mine bugged out in August. Yet it still has not reset going into September. Can we please get an official response to this issue please as it is VERY frustrating.

Monthly Survivor Achievement Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Missywink.7162


I have been stuck at 81k now, It didn’t reset at start of Sept so I cant now complete my monthly achievement. What worries me even more is this post on the Wiki Page:-


Tonight’s Update:
- Will add the ability to report in-game mail.
- Will reset monthly achievements for players who have been stuck at 100%, to help those whose achievements didn’t reset correctly on September 1. (Note that daily achievements reset each day at 00:00 GMT and monthly achievements reset on the first of each month at 00:00 GMT.)
-Will include fixes for various blocked events and skill challenges.

So does that mean that as I have not reached 100% due to Survivor bug that I will yet again not get my Monthly achievement ?

Monthly achievements not reset from August

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Missywink.7162


I’m the opposite, my August monthly achievement was stuck at 93% due to the ‘Experience Survivor’ bug. It reset for September on August 31st (for some reason) and I was robbed of the chest.

I have since made a support ticket for the issue, I was pretty gutted when that happened given the amount of time I put in.

I am exactly the same as you. My Experience Survivor is stuck at 81,964 and has been since August. I just checked now and my monthly achievement has still not hit 100% even after lastnights update.

Only thing I have left to do is the Experience Survivor.

Engineer Turrets

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Missywink.7162


Is there any chance of sorting out the Engineer turrets. I place mine down and they start to attack invisible mobs (mobs that haven’t spawned yet), mobs on the other side of a wall, or in WvWvW the Walls themselves.

It was similar in the Beta Events as well. Rather frustrating to have a dredge beating the snot out of you whilst your turrets are shooting at something that has yet yo spawn

On a side note. Awesome game Guys. We all appreciate the hard work you have put into the game and continue to put into it. Thank you.