My Asuran engineer when he gets up from being downed “Guess who’s back”.
Or again on my engineer “You don’t know it yet, but your about to die”
How about a “Defibrillator” rather than having to have revive orbs on you. If you are downed it takes the same amount of time to revive you, however the defibrillator charges 4 times with the sound of it charging whilst ressing you. You get up still dazed etc… but it means that you only have to have one in your inventory instead of a stack of revive orbs.
My main is my engineer, I love playing him. However I love my Necro just as much. Sure there are issues, but these small issues do not take away from the fun I have playing my necro. I am a condition build necro and I love watching mobs/players slowly being poisoned/bled to death. Its great.
I also love how tanky I am in Fractals and Dungeons. Also there is nothing better than dropping “Well of Corruption” in a WvWvW enemy zerg and seeing all those lovely boons being turned into debuffs.
My first screenshot taken from one of the Beta Weekend events. on the 21st July 2012 4:49. I remember how awestruck I was by the scenary
Hahahaha this made me laugh so much.If such unorganised pug group,without any TS and any cordinotion can do it.Then every casual n00b who was crying for nerfs will be able to kill Teq.
Morgan +1 to you ’mon
You are exactly what is wrong with the GW2 gaming community. People have come to the forums to raise genuine concerns and you berrate and belittle people. I am happy that you are so masterful that you can kill every boss and that you are so awesome that you never have any issues. However alot of the GW2 isn’t blessed with your skills.
As many have stated in this thread. We are not asking for the buff to be reversed, we are merely asking for it to be tweaked. Looks like they have listened to us and have agreed that they maybe went to far with Teq.
Maybe stop being so aggressive towards people that are having issues or are unable to complete something.
We used to do Teq daily. However now it just seems insanely difficult for the casual gamer to do. I know and can see that many of you have done this successfully since the patch, however I am guessing that you are on extremely well organised servers or are in large guilds.
I am on Aurora Glade and we are organised, but not the the extent that Teq now requires. I like bosses been difficult, but not to the point where you are effectively excluding smaller guilds & less well organised servers from getting the kill.
Now I know alot of you are going to say things like “Learn to Play” or “Get organised better”, but this isnt about either of them. It is about balance and Teq at the moment is in no way balanced.
Yup still happening. Will maybe switch to another toon for this.
Please for the love of all that is holy in this world, make this a purchasable item like the bobblehead from last year. I am loving running around like an airplane. Takes me back to my childhood days.
I beg of the oh great and powerful ArenaNet.
Your location = England
Time and date of incident (plus time zone) = Constantly, however tonights performance was at 19:00 on the 22nd Feb 2015
Game World = Aurora Glade. Gets worse in Dungeons and Fractals.
Brief description of what you’re seeing = Insane lag and D/C’s from server. Lag spikes can last anywhere fom 2-3 secs right upto 30+ secs. These 30+ sec ones usualy end up in a D/C.
(edited by Missywink.7162)
The lag for me and numerous other guild mates on Aurora Glade is terrible. We enter a Dungeon or a Fractal and the lag becomes so bad that the game is unplayable. Tonight we tried a fractal and none of us stayed connected to the server. We all DC’d numerous times throughout one run.
This needs to be fixed ASAP as there is no point in playing the game.
Are you even reading what I have posted. I DONT WANT THE DIFFICULTY CHANGED. I want the fight to work correctly. Getting hit by invisible adds is insane and has nothing to do with ones skill set.
I like difficult content, but when the content is not working as intended then the fight becomes pointless.
Dodge is not the issue here. I am getting hit by adds that are across the other side of the arena. It is as if the animations are stuck yet the hit boxes are still moving and hitting me.
Ok, So didnt manage to beat Liadri last time due to it being a tough fight (I am sure some of you trolls will be on to say how easy it was) and very difficult to see the AoE effects on the floor. So I was rather pleased to see it back so I can defeat Liadri.
However, the ifhgt is even worse than before. It still has the same mechanics and the same idiotic AoE circles on the floor which are just as difficult to see, the idiotic camera angle making it tough to actually see anything. But now we have to put up with the adds in phase one appearing in one place, yet they explode and kill you when they are nowhere near you. We also add to the list the bolts that Liadri throws out hitting you even though they are again nowhere near.
The animations do not in anyway shape or form match upto where the add/bolt is.
I asked in guild chat and I am not the only one who is seeing this. I have an FPS of 45 and a ping of 38ms. Am already getting tired of being hit by not existant adds/bolts.
Same here, even went to LA and had a run around hoping it would play.
So I’m just clarifying…. I only have 1 achievement left to get the Meta for Battle of LA. Will I be to late to get it finished tonight after I’m done with work?
I hope not! : (
Yes, why were you not doing the minor event dailies this whole time? There really is no excuse for these last minute stresses. You had two weeks worth of kill ten of this or participate in that daily achievements to fill up your meta bar without having to get through the much tougher and in some cases nearly impossible LS achievements.
People work, people have families, people have other commitments. Just because some can sit at a PC all day and play GW2 does not mean everyone can.
Never do anything like 6 Minutes again
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Missywink.7162
Having 6min kill made the fight fun for servers that have 150pepole,all aiming for that AP or bonus chest placing DPS food using max dps build is fun for lot of people
I am sure it is fun, however it becomes rather tedious when you try multiple times to organise something only to be hindered by Overflows/AFKers/Leechers/Insane lag/Buggy fights. Also add to that the lack of interest in attempting it due the above all adds up to a general feeling of frustration.
Dont get me wrong, I do enjoy a challenge. However, when that challenge is full of obvious pitfalls like above I tend to walk away from it.
Never do anything like 6 Minutes again
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Missywink.7162
ArenaNet is slowly moving into dangerous waters with this kind of content. They are starting to exclude ALOT of there player base from completing content due to varying factors (Small guild, Under-populated server, Constantly being in overflows etc….. ). I cant workout ANets thinking sometimes.
They did the same thing with the 3 wurms fight. Made it insanely difficult for people to do that I would say 75% of the community gave up trying it after the first week. Only a few select servers managed to do it, just like the Teq fight.
The Marionette fight was a great fight. It required alot of co-ordination, however wasnt insanely difficult. Yes it was frustrating, yes it was bugged on the platforms (teleporting one person to a platform to kill a Champion by them self). But it was not in the same league as Teq, 3 Wurms and Knights encounters.
I gave up trying for the 6 minute achievement. Its difficult at peak times to even get into your own servers instance. Last night we tried on Aurora Glade to organise a 6 minute attempt. We gathered outside LA 50 minutes before the fight was about to start. The 6 commanders (myself included) ended up in various different overflows. The overflow I was in had a stupidly small amount of people in it.
Red = 34 free spots
Blue = 33 free spots
Red = 28 free spots
How are we supposed to take down the knights with so few players. We all know and ANet have confirmed that the kinghts do not scale cortrectly, so we only managed to get the knights to around the 50% mark.
If ANet insists on placing this kind of achievement in the game, then take it out of getting the Meta, kind of like what they did for SAB Tribulation mode. Allow those of a server take precedence to get into there own servers instance over those guesting to the server. Do something to kick AFK/Leechers from the instance.
The game just DC’d. Kicked back to login screen. Got back in game and found ,yself and everyone else back in LA.
Just been fighting on the airship when the entire map was disconnected. We were fighting the Prime Hologram, had beaten that and were then on the 3 different holograms when everyone was kicked back to LA..
We had 20+mins left on the fight. When we were DC’d. Anyone else got this far and had a mass DC ?
Great event - too bad about all of the bots
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Missywink.7162
The OP does have a valid point though. Not once have I been able to get into my servers LA instance, I have been placed into overflows (Story of my life in GW2, the pain that is constant overflows). Now if people are AFK’ing in LA they should be kicked to allow those of us that would like to try and organise something with our own server to do so.
Not always possible to tag an enemy. The instance in which I am complaining about I had just killed all the mobs around me but was downed due to a bleed effect on me. Add to that the laser which decided it wanted a piece of me and I was in trouble. Still in a downed state I was most disappointed when the zerg just ran past me.
The only reason most people do the LA events are for bags, xp and Karma so stop the high and mighty QQ. The players dead on the ground are the selfish ones not the players alive and fighting use the waypoint and run back if you are dead or GTFO of the map you are doing no good on the ground. I will try and res downed players but i will never res a dead player in an event or WvW.
If you read my original post, I clearly stated that I was “downed” and not dead. You will also see that I released and waypointed. I have no issues with waypointing if I have died. I do however have an issue with people whom do not stop to assist those of us that are downed.
Yet any seasoned WvW player knows that power ressing is one the reasons why massive blobs are so dominant. It is more than viable for a pug zerg to res the defeated when fighting smaller but organised guild groups.
This is a great point that alot of people seem to miss due to the zerg mentality, “we can’t stop to help as we may get left behind and miss out on loot”.
I bought this recipe yesterday and was just about to craft when I discovered that it is a one shot item.
Forget that. The cost of the items to make this should tag it as permanent. Mentioned this in guild and no one believed me when I said it was a one shot item. Think I will stick to making loads of single use mainteance oils
If someone resses me when I am downed in the middle of a zerg of mobs, I don’t say TY because I need to immediately get moving so I don’t get fragged again. I only say TY if it’s a non-combat situation or if a person went to inordinate effort to save my life (like burning an invul skill or something).
All fine and well if there are mobs too tag. Alas one of the times I was downed I just killed the last mob and was downed due to a bleed effect. The zerg turned up and ran straight past me. However I was then targetted by the laser.
It happens. Maybe they didn’t see you, maybe they had a new plan, maybe they had bad computers and were getting 2 FPS and barely even registered what was going on, who can say? I think it is improper to simply assume that they “don’t care”. I’m sure that’s true of some people, but it is what it is, and certainly isn’t the majority.
This is not a one off occasion, this is becoming the norm now. Where it first came to light was during the Nightmare Tower where scores of people were left for dead. I’ll accept a one off, it happens.
Maybe its just my server or the overflows I end up in, I don’t know.
If you’re dead, WP. If you’re downed, tag mobs so that when they die, you rally. In zerg combat, that’s how it works.
All fine and well if there are mobs too tag. Alas one of the times I was downed I just killed the last mob and was downed due to a bleed effect. The zerg turned up and ran straight past me. However I was then targetted by the laser.
What server are you on mate? I wouldn’t make any kind of sweeping statement about players helping each other less across the board. I haven’t experienced this issue too much, but quite the opposite. When I’m downed I’m always fine because people rush to rev me. I don’t remember the last time I got downed for good when a Zerg was near.
Am on Aurora Glade mate. Was always a friendly server with people helping each other. However for a while now there has been a noticeable difference in players attitudes towards each other. You only have to read some of the comments above to see this change.
I was in the same predicament as you OP, only it was in WvW. I was scouting the outside walls of SM, monitoring the movement of the enemy zerg, while the others are bunched up as you would expect at the commander tag in the west SM courtyard. Unfortunately, I was caught by a roaming gang of enemies, and died near the wall. Moments later the commander decided to move out. I was relieved the zerg was heading my way. I was hoping a noble soul would help me and rez me and save me the trouble of running back to the northern wall of SM. Nope, they just ran along with the commander, like flies chasing the dirty kitten of a prancing pig. I was disappointed, disheartened by the behavior I’ve witnessed. That was when I vowed I will never leave a downed man behind. I will never be as low as those who leave their team mates behind. After a while I’ve come to realize there are some who would go out of their way to help one in need. There is still hope.
My belief is that for every thousand kitten kid in Tyria, there is one that is truly worthy of a salute.
Sir I /salute you
Im not one to say this usually but this time it is an l2p issue-you are gathering heirlooms on a zerker engi (i did the same on a zerker ele but you need to be quite good to pull that off) and you should have ran when the mobs spawned and waited for the inevitable zerg to wipe them out (mob spawn in groups at events) and then help the other guy.
It is not a L2P issue at all. I carry 3 sets of armour around with me in my bags. If I am solo’ing something or if I am collecting Heirlooms etc…. I will stick on my WvWvW gear which has toughness and vitality on it. This is what I was wearing when I was getting downed.
The screenshot that I posted is when I gave up and joined the zerg. As an engineer I can quite easily use alot of abilites to stay alive. However I cannot stay alive when 15+ mobs spawn at once and take my health from 22k to 0 in 2 seconds.
I stop to help everyone I can. Thats the way I am. It is also the way the game was when it first came out. Everyone and I mean everyone would stop to help each other. People were friendly. Now however we see a bunch of self centered people whom all they care about is getting the bags/loot/chest etc…….. The zerg mentality has won.
Is it so difficult to stop for 5 seconds to help someone out ? Is it going to cause you so many issues to maybe res someone ?
And so it is with a heavy heart we say goodbye forever to players stopping to help each other out. Just like in the Nightmare tower, we see downed players being left behind just so people can “FARM, FARM, FARM those bags”.
Today I was quietly going around LA collecting Heirlooms. I was doing ok until a random pack respawned and I was downed. Ok I can handle this. It happens. Furstrating it may be, but not as frustrating as seeing the zerg run straight past me. No one helping me up. I tried to rally but I couldn’t.
So I waypoint and try again. I see someone in the same predicament. I stop to help only to have a group of mobs spawn again. down I go. 5 people completely ignore the player I was helping and myself.
So we both mention this in map chat. The responses show just how pathetic the GW2 community is becoming due to the idiotic zerg mentality. I only managed to screenshot one of the responses, but it does show how self centered and ignorant the community is becoming.
7. Not getting credit for completing escort and defence events. I did a total of 6 escort and 7 defence events yesterday but got credit for only two. All but one of them was successful.
The reason PvE players complain about LS being in WvWvW is due to idiots camping and griefing. Myself I am happy to go into WvWvW, I dont mind it. However I do mind being killed over and over whilst trying to get part of the LS.
This happened before in Obsidian Sanctum where a bunch of idiots just stood at the top of the arena killing anyone who even came close.
If the boot was on the other foot and PVE players could grief WvWvW players in a PVE zone, I am certain that the WvWvW players would be on here complaining.
This wasn’t hardcore content. This was content that was not thought out correctly.
The Marionette fight is a great fight, well thought out. However it had a flaw in the platforms when only 1-2 people would be teleported up to kill the warden. This issue was never addressed and made the encounter difficult. I only once got into my own serves map during the event. The rest of the time I was in overflows.
The Wurm event however was a very very poorly implemented fight. This fight forced people to attempt to organise 150+ people. All fine and well. Where the issue lies is that I never got into my own servers zone, I was always in an overflow. What makes it even worse is that you are then trying to organise an overflow where people speak 5 different languages (EU servers). Add to that at times we only had maybe 30 players in the overflow to attempt the boss’s.
I am all for hard content, however it has to be tested properly, implemented properly, and scale properly for those of us unfortunate enough to be always in overflows.
On a side note, you can tell if something has been successful by the amount of people that have completed it. The Marionette fight I would say has been very successful. Alot of people have completed it and alot of people found it challenging. The Wurm event on the other hand I feel (and this is my own opinion) has been a resounding failure. How many servers have beaten it ? 3 I think. Can this be called a success ?
Ok, just tried the Wurm event for the first time just now. As expected it went miserably. Heres how it went.
- Waypointed into Bloodtide 30 mins before fight due to start only to be placed into an overflow.
- Event starts and we escort NPC. Not many people about us to help with escort quest.
- Successfully escort NPC to area (Crimson Wurm).
- Fight starts. Sudden realisation that there are only 11 of us.
- Champion Spider queen event starts right next to the Crimson Wurm event.
- We start to loose people to adds from Wurm event and the fact the the Champion Spider queens adds have joined forces together to kill us.
- Completely loose track of what is going on due to amount of AoE.
- Unable to even see the spore clouds now. Far far far too many adds to deal with.
- General resignation that we are not going to even scratch the bloody Wurm (although we did get it to about 95%).
- Consensus of people in the area, a waste of time.
I have yet to try an event where I have not been in an overflow. Am now waiting for Marionette fight to start, yes, in an overflow. In my lane (Top lane) I can see 7 people. I get the feeling that this will also be a spectacular failure.
Thats the issue here though, you have no chance to dodge when she pulls. Am sorry to say but this fight is bugged to hell right now.
Lastnight was not a PuG run, it was a guild run with us all on coms. All of us had done path 2 before and this fight was not an issue before. Right now this fight is virtually impossible with the Pull/Bomb combo. You get pulled into her, and instantly explodes the bomb. She then places the bomb on the floor which explodes 2 seconds later. That is not all though. Sometimes you are hit by the first explosion and you then proceed to Yo-Yo back and forth for a few seconds before the 2nd explosion goes off.
Add to that we were unable to line of sight any of her attacks (Scorpian Pull went through the boxes and pulled you through the boxes as well) meaning that you are out of dodge when it is needed.
@mahariel.4981. This has nothing to do with PuGs and skill sets. This is about a fight that is 100% bugged at the moment. Here is a quote from another forum where people were saying the same as myself:
This boss used to have a move where he would pull everyone in with a scorpion wire and then lay down a Big ol’ Bomb that would do devastating damage but you could easily just dodge out of it, even if you got pulled. Now, when he pulls you in, he seems to do the bomb damage instantly, knocking you back and hurting you plenty and then proceeds to put down another bomb.
BUT whoever designed this buff did a HORRIBLE job because it bugs out 60% of the time, knocking you back and forth three to four times, instantly downing AND killing you. The red-ring indication, supposed to show you the range of the bomb LIES, it has at least 100 range more than is shown, tricking you in thinking you are save when you’re not.
This change, not even shown in the patch notes, is horrible. If you’re making such a change (assuming that it’s not just a bug), then first make sure it can’t bug out in a way that instantly kills the whole group without being able to do anything against it, ANet.
So please stop with the L2P comments and stop turning this into an elitist guild post.
Is this boss bugged ?
Currently stuck on this boss and we cant get past it. This is what is happening. The boss is doing the ability where it pulls you too them and places a bomb. Now the last time I did this boss you got a couple of seconds to evade the explosion. Now however the explosion is instant, giving you no chance at all to evade the attack.
Also the boss can pull you THROUGH the boxes meaning that you cannot even line of sight it.
Have ArenaNet changed/stealth buffed this boss ? Is this working as intended ? If so this boss has just become pretty much impossible.
Am wondering what everyones thoughts are on the drop rates of the Essences in fractals.
Currently I am about to ding lvl20 for fractals. I have +15AR but am unable to either purchase more Ascended Accessories or craft an Ascended back piece. I obviously need at least +20AR after lvl20 but I cannot infuse my rings or necklace due to the terrible drop rate of essences.
At the moment I have 2x Condensed Essence, 5x Coagulated Essence and 0x Crystallized Essence. My magic find is 90% and I use Omnomberry Bars to take it upto 120% and the guild MF banner (I think its 10%). Even with 130% MF I am still getting extremely rare drops of essences.
So now I find myself wondering how I am supposed to progress without being able to infuse me rings.
Any ideas ?
As the title suggests, I am not getting credit for finishing the Aetherblade Fractal. Have defeated Mai a couple of times now. Survived each encounter, have gone onto the airship and messed around with the cannon, have tried speaking to Mai, have tried speaking to all NPC’s. Yet I never get credit for completing it.
Am I missing something or is this a known bug ?
That’s why you don’t stop to revive others unless it’s in the open world, if someone dies from zerging this kind of events then they should be left there >.>
Wow, just wow. So rather than help someone, you would just run past them ? Amazing. See ArenaNet. This is the kind of player you are creating by insisting that the only way to complete something is to zerg it.
I dont mind hard content, I dont mind dying. However this zerg mentality where the only way to do something is to run around aimlessly is killing the game for me. I had high hopes for this event, I was looking forward to it.
Oh god it gets worse. I stop to res someone, get them up and I go down only to see them run off and leave me to die.
Golf clap
Nice work ArenaNet. Not only have you created a zone where you cant realisticly solo run it to the top, or even to the next floor. You have also created a sense of “Every man for himself”. I have never seen so many people not stopping to help downed players.
So in guild we created a 5 man party to try and stick together. Thought that would work well. Oh no……. cant even do that as we are all sent to different overflows. Seriously, this is insane.
Let the insults, L2P comments and flaming of me begin.
I speak only for myself here (however I am sure there are those of you out there that agree), but I am getting rather tired of the “Zergfest” mentality that has infested Guild Wars 2.
There is nothing enjoyable about running around in circles doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over. There is no challenge to standing in a group of 30,40,50 others spamming your No.1 ability.
Come on ArenaNet, you guys did so well with Flame and Frost. You gave us interesting things to do. We had to help refugee’s, we had to search out hidden items, we had a dungeon (One of the best temp dungeons to date) and we had small personal instances. This was great. Now we are seeing the same content just with a different bad guy/gal.
So can you come up with something that does not involve having a zergfest please.
Thank you
I can’t understand them not giving titles for a “YEARLY” event. Sure I missed the Opening of the Karka event in LA due to work. I also missed last years Halloween due to work. I dont mind not having the Karka title/achievements, but I do begrudged not having the title for an event which returns each year.
Yet another instance where if you work or have a family you are punished. All hail the unemployed/students/farmers, for they shall get everything in game.
The Halloween titles last year weren’t for one-time events. One was carve 100? pumpkins I think and the other was to do a couple of questlines and eat some candy corn.
Wasn’t at all time consuming. I work too but … it was easy to complete if you had any desire to do it.
No I understand that doing somethings arent time consuming. My point is that if I wanted weapon skins etc….. I dont have the time nor the gold for me to get them. The only people that can realistically get these items are farmers or people that play all day long. By making things such a grind (which goes against what the devs stated "we dont want to turn this game into a grinding game), these items are out of the reach of quite a large majority.
Also I was saying that things that happen on a yearly basis should be the same or offer the same rewards each year. Those of us that missed it last year should not be punished for it. I dont mind that I miss one off events, but I do mind that a yearly event is not the same the next year.
I missed the last month of gaming due to work commitments, yet I am not worried about it.
I can’t understand them not giving titles for a “YEARLY” event. Sure I missed the Opening of the Karka event in LA due to work. I also missed last years Halloween due to work. I dont mind not having the Karka title/achievements, but I do begrudged not having the title for an event which returns each year.
Yet another instance where if you work or have a family you are punished. All hail the unemployed/students/farmers, for they shall get everything in game.
Engineers are the redheaded stepchildren of GW2…
If there are a lack weapon skin types, chances are Engineers are the ones that weild those weapons and we always get nothing or neglected.
Sorry I didn’t roll a meat shield with giant weapons, I don’t need to be punished for it.
edit: I’m just not gonna bother with one more year without expansion, next MMO comes out I’m gone.
Yup as an engineer myself I feel your pain. Our rifle skins are terrible (even worse if you are Asuran like me as they are so small). The only rifle skin I like is “The Predator” legendary, only problem I have is that I cant get “The Hunter” pre-cursor from the mystic toilet.
Just once I would like to have a rifle or pistol skin that looks nice. So tired of Greatswords getting all the love.
Only farmers will get anything from this event.
This. Drives me insane the constant grindfest we are getting now. May as well rename the game World of Warcraft.
Unfortunately due to work I was unable to take part in last years Halloween and Winters Day celebrations. Am pretty sad that this year they have taken away so much stuff. I for one have always wanted the "Mad King Emissary " title. Alas this wont happen.
I must also admit that I am getting rather tired of AreaNets attitude towards grinding. Looking at the craftable gear recipes for this Halloween event, I can see that we need thousands of items before we can craft anything. What happened to ANets statement that they didn’t want GW2 to become a Grindfest. What about those of us that have to work. I don’t know about anyone else, but I cant spend hours and hours a day trying to grind up mats to make something.
I have missed the last 2 Living World events due to work, I don’t mind it. However I do mind that we once again see we need to do a stupid amount of grinding to be able to craft something. It’s either that or I buy gems to buy gold which I don’t want to do. I do buy things from the gem store, but forcing myself and others to who cant commit 100% of our time to a game in order to obtain something is silly. Your taking a leaf out of the World of Warcaft book by forcing people to pointlessly grind.
I saw somewhere that you can turn up your gamma to view the clouds easier for Moto’s Finger. I have not tried it myself. I zoomed in my camera, which helped a little.
Prepare for deaths Was an evil one to get to that secret room.
… and nobody has actually bothered to do the test, just lots of random speculation and hearsay.
For CoE p1 during the last fight, SA actually seems to go for whoever has does the most damage.
Then a guildie mentioned that they had heard about Toughness. So we looked at those stats and I had the lowest at 1095. So it wasn’t that. Then we looked at Vitality. I had 1114 Vitality giving me roughly 18k health. Again I was towards the bottom of the pile.
Wouldn’t the fact that I had the lowest Toughness in the group go to show that the “Toughness = Aggro” theory has been Tested ? Sure it’s not a 100% test, but it does go someway to proving the theory to be false.
Thank you for all the answers everyone. Have read the wiki and to be honest I am still not sure as to why I pull all the aggro Must like Asuran Engineers I guess.
(edited by Missywink.7162)
Hi all,
Been playing GW2 since first beta and I have yet to fully understand how aggro works on mobs/bosses. Take lastnight for instance. Went into CoE Path 2 with guildies on my Engineer (Main Character). Every boss and I mean every boss litterally locked onto me and constantly attacked me whilst seemingly ignoring the rest. I couldn’t understand why.
So asked in party what everyones attack power was. Now I have gone with a Power/Crit build splitting the stats nearly 50/50. Dont have a high Condition Damage/Duration stat. Everyone in party stated there power and I had 3rd Highest. So we guessed that it wasn’t down to power.
Then a guildie mentioned that they had heard about Toughness. So we looked at those stats and I had the lowest at 1095. So it wasn’t that. Then we looked at Vitality. I had 1114 Vitality giving me roughly 18k health. Again I was towards the bottom of the pile.
So I am wondering if any of you know why I seem to gain aggro so much. I generally tend to use a Grenade build when in dungeons switching between Flamethrower/Bomb/Rocket launcher kits as each fight demands.
If you port to the map within 10 minutes of the event starting you should get into an overflow with the event going.
Port after that and you’ll most likely end up in a non-event overflow. You could theorhetically still get into an overflow with the event going (if said overflow was created early) but the chances of that are slim, it would require someone to actually leave said overflow either by choice or crash.
Well its not working as intended. 5 times now I have Waypointed to a zone where an invasion has JUST started and been placed in an overflow where no event has taken place. Just now I ported to Dredgehaunt Cliffs, literally within 2 minutes of the event starting only to be once again placed in an overflow with many others. Waited there 25minutes and nothing happened.
Am getting so very tired of overflows.