Sorry, but the idea of “I should be able to get something if I throw enough of my time at it” doesn’t apply here. Anet intentionally designed the Queen’s Gauntlet as a measure of player skill, not time or effort.
It’s just a couple achievement points and a mini pet, so what if you’re not skilled enough to get it? You have just as much of a chance to get the mini as all of the other people that have earned it, it’s a level playing field. It’s actually quite silly that you made this post because there need to be more skill-gated items like this. VERY few rewards in the game currently require a noticeable amount of skill or finesse to obtain.
I’m not trying to be a jerk or anything, but your post honestly just made you come across as really selfish. :/
If the fight was a level playing field for every profession I would be happy. However it is in no way a level playing field. Some professions are finding the fight very easy whilst others are seriously struggling.
Excalibur.9748, what Profession are you out of interest ?
A big point to make is between Strugar and Chomper, and Liadri there is a huge spike in difficulty that does not coincide with a proportionate scaling system.
This. I must admit to struggling on Chomper on my main (Engineer). After finally downing them I was rather looking forward to Liadri, however after 50+ wipes on her now I hate it. It actually makes me want to stop playing.
Don’t get me wrong I love a challenge. I like things that are difficult and I dont mind dying. However there has to be an even playing field. As we have seen most of these fights favour a few professions (Mesmer, Warrior, Guardian). Am guessing that alot of the people who say “Leave Liadri alone, she does not need nerfing” are one of the above classes.
Also alot of the fights are pure RNG based. Chomper drove me insane with Strum throwing the meat directly at his feet giving me no chance at all in which to get the meat. Liadri is the same. If you get an orb spawn behind you your pretty much screwed. I get to phase 2 on Liadri and die a lot to the randomness of the orbs. I cant shoot the orbs with my rifle as I get the “Obstructed” notification. I tried a pistol build and the same thing happens alot (however I can "Occasionally hit the orb with it).
Am close to quitting Liadri as I can’t see myself killing her. Alot of hardwork and effort went into getting there only to be denied by RNG and bugs.
Oh and by the way. 7 times now I have been placed in the arena with another person usually meaning pretty much instant death due to the amount out one shot kill abilities.
I’d love to know wher this ominous “luck” comes into play that all the bad players are reffering to, when trying to justify why they couldn’t beat her….
Oh, so this game can’t have some ‘hard’ to get achievements because then you can’t get it? Get over it. You don’t need to have every single achievement. This achievement is supposed to be hard.
Let me guess, you play a mesmer or Guardian or warrior. The classes that faceroll this kind of content.
Try ebing an engineer, we cant attack the orbs. All I get when I try to shoot one is “Obstructed”. I read somewhere that melee attacks work on them. Rather frustrating for ranged classes.
I listened to the video above and it sounds, to me, exactly like a Giant Sewer Rat. This may be the first more or less official confirmation that they do, in fact, plan to add Fishing to the game sooner rather than later.
No dear god no. Have you any idea how long it took me to catch that kitten thing in WoW.
What’s not to understand? I always look for an empty cage with a partner. When other players join and keep getting ressed, it will only encourage them to stay at the same cage and queue again. It means extra waiting time for me. I have no issue with ressing dead players when I walk past them, but when I’m after the harder achievements it is kittening annoying to wait an extra 1-10 minutes before it’s my turn again.
I want to decide when I play my single-player content.
So how would you feel if people didnt res you ? That would put a dent in your oh so important timetable. Seriously, it amazes me how selfish people are.
I usually don’t ress because I’m after the achievements, and every player I ress makes my queue longer. I’m aware that others may view me as an kitten, but this could have been prevented if the Gauntlet had no deaths, more cages or was instanced. I hope Arenanet learns from this and doesn’t attempt something like the Gauntlet again.
How does it make your queue longer. You speak to the Ringmaster and you are placed in a queue. Ressing someone does not place you further back in the queue, you are already in the queue. I have never been knocked down the queue for ressing someone. If this were the case then I think ArenaNet would be getting 100’s of complaints on hte forums.
To me it sounds like you have a “Me, me, me” attitude
I don’t rez them because I don’t want a competition waiting in the queue, you should blame designers with their bullkitten that you have to teleport to wp instead rez near arena.
But if you are already in the queue then you have no reason NOT to res them. You are already placed in the queue.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Finally killed them. Was a 100% pure luck kill. Strum threw 3 pieces of meat at my feet. I burnt down Strum first then worked on Chomper. I must give credit for the kill to my Rocket Turret though as I was downed at the time of the kill.
Seriously though ArenaNet. I love you guys and I love challenges. However some of these encounters are just plain RNG. There is no strategy to them. Whats worse is that 100% of the mobs are immune to my Net Guns and Net turrets, which for an engineer like me is rather frustrating……….. no infuriating.
Now for the last boss.
I always res if I can. I even start to res knowing I am about to enter. Lets be honest here, you are usually stood about waiting to enter. Why not use those few seconds to res someone. I mean you only have to stand next to them and press “F”. Not difficult.
Growling no I didn’t hear that but while out and about in Queensdale killing Champions I did notice camera shake every so often…
So by deduction and reasoning if it ties into the growling noise then to quote something in the game….“By all Six Gods, what is that thing? It’s huge!”…..
That the Bandits attacking the Queens Balloons. You will notice it when you see the Airship close to the Queens Ballon. If you look up you will see the airship bombarding the Balloon causing the screen to shake.
Yup, my net turret and net gun ability are useless.
Ok, another build with new weapons and again another pointless respec/weapon crafting. This time Strum threw the meat at Chomps paws 4 times in a row. I had no chance to even get the meat.
ArenaNet, I have always supported you, I love a challenge. But this, this is infuriating. You always seem to allow NPC’s to spam the crap out of there abilities. At least give us a level playing field where they have cooldowns like us. Would love to know the cooldown of the leap and pull abilities as Strum is forever casting them.
Am walking away from this now as to be honest it is driving me nuts.
I am giving up on this one as well. Its all fine and well Warriors and Guardians coming on here and saying the easily beat this, but try being a light/medium armour class where you get hit for 9k, stunned and then hit again for 6k. Its insane.
I have tried to avoid damage as much as possible by dodging and using knock back, have tried to get as much thrown meat as I can but the knock downs, leaps and pull backs are pathetic.
Am an engineer and have tried 4 different builds, with different kits and different gear now all to no avail. I really cannot be bothered wasting my time on this anymore. I don’t mind things being tough, I enjoy the challenge. Getting to Chomp and Strum was difficult, but I enjoyed it. However this one fight is now really getting to me. Surely ArenaNet must realise that a Light/Medium class cannot not take hits like Heavy classes, which this fight is obviously biased towards.
I voted for Kiel and I play for hours every night. Am I casual ? No. This is just another post where people who wanted Evon to win are whining and moaning about not getting there way. This game is not going the way of WoW and pandering to the casuals.
The elections were rigged. ArenaNet decided beforehand that Kiel is going to win. Probably because they already have made content based of her. But you know what ArenaNet? You just lost a long time player with this move. There isn’t going to be a better time to uninstall GW2 from your computer. Was fun till it lasted. Tired of this crap.
Wow !!!!! Really ? You are going to uninstall a game because you didn’t get your way ? Interesting. Myself I voted for Kiel, am happy Kiel won. However would I be spitting my dummy if Evon won ? No, as this is a game. Its not real life like many on these forums seem to think.
Am looking forward to any new content that ANet release and I actually appreciate what they do for us. Name another game where they release content every 2 weeks. It may not always be to your liking, but hey thats how life is. Just enjoy the game.
Maybe it’s just me, but surely if someone has managed to survive to the last 2 standing, then the people who have failed to get that far should not be able to kill those still standing. I don’t mind traps being deployed, I detest the “Call of the Karka” ability.
Why should those who have done well to get that far be punished by those whom have failed.
Take out the ghosts spawning Karkas. This is the one thing that is spoiling the game. Sure keep in the traps and maybe introduce a different trap which spoils any rations you have and making them only 50% effective.
Also the scoring system is so out of whack. I can survive until the end and have a few points where as someone who dies 2 seconds after the grace period ends and ganked people at the start because they got the pistol can out score me. I thought this game was about “SURVIVAL”, not how many I can kill at the start.
Let the scoring only start AFTER the grace period ends.
No need to worry as a Toucan can fill its rather large beak with a surprising amount of air.
I recall a certain Charr calling Gwen in GW1 “mouse”. It all fits.
Gwen was historically gassy.
WHY !!!!!!!! Why did you have to remind me of Gwen !!!!!!!!! I had just managed to put her out of my thoughts. God she was irritating, almost as irritating as the lost kid down the cave in Kessex Hills.
Southsun Survival. Great concept. I remember it well from one of the Beta Final events. However the Kraka spoil it. You survive for a long time, your down to the last 2 and suddenly Kraka spawn literally on top of you. All the hard work you put into scavenging, killing people and avoiding other players is spoilt by the Kraka.
I don’t mind the normal ones being there, but the played spawned ones are really spoiling the fun.
Go in when the kiddies are sleeping and all is just fine.
This. I got mine at 7am on a Sunday morning. Went in there and no one attacked me. In fact Enemies were helping each other out by showing those that seemed lost where to go.
At the moment the griefing is horrendous ion our server with Abbadons Mouth farming it. Does it bother me that they are doing it…. yes. However I chose to go in there to get the achievement, no one forced me.
I gave up on him. Only one I need now to get to Poy. After spending hours trying to beat him I finally snapped and walked away. I would say that he is pretty much the same, even after his nerf. He seems to have the ability to always stop me bluffing and everytime I try to drink water he stops me. I have no debuff on me to say he has belched, yet I am stopped from healing.
I am the same with Krytan(174/175) and Maguuma being 165/167. It’s driving me insane. I 100% the whole world and I can’t find these areas.
lol I forgot to mention like you that I have 100% World Exploration.
Nevermind all, Just been reading through more post and someone explained how to display this. Whats more concerning is that I am missing the “Your mail box is full”, which I have had numerous times lol.
I bought something off of BLTC and never received it. Turns out my mail box was full, yet I never got the hint
Have the same issue with Shiverpeaks. Am missing one, and I dont know which one it is
Hi all,
Am rather stuck on my achievements when it comes to “Hint Completion”. I am currently at 82/83, however looking at my achievements tab I cannot see which of the “Hints” I am missing. After reading the forums I can see that others are able to list the one they are missing.
Is anyone able to inform me as to how I would go about finding out which one I am missing.
Thank you
All I can say is… WOW… how to totally miss the point by a country mile.. or perhaps a Global mile may be more apt.
Releasing content that all but excludes small guilds is just dumb.
So, when you make bold statements like “PLAY YOUR WAY”, what you really mean is play your way but you cant play this or that cos you dont fit the mandate we have designed our incredible GATED guild system around…
So if small guilds prefer only to dabble in WvW or PvP, we now have to play your way in order to even attempt to be included – ooh that’s right in a month, 3 months, 6 months, a year you might of thought up some other idea to maybe reintrouce some of the small guilds into the guild system…
Now your telling us small guilds (you know, ones that might be a closed guild of say 2-6 friends & family members or are a hardened bunch of MMO gamers who have been round the block, know each others game and like to keep it close nit with a view to only recruiting quality players that we get to know over time ingame), now have to become one of the desperado guilds who constantly have to spam Map chat repetitively to pick up the “anybodies” from their /whisper me for immediate invite dribble …. NO THANKS!I prefer my small guild of trusted players with no drama, all play regular and have voice chat for some social interaction…. I will leave the “we take any” guilds to flush this content away.
I have been pretty forgiving and supportive of ANET since before launch but if I am honest this “exclusive” content update and continual poor patching quality has started to take it toll on me to the point I can hear the death knolls – I’ve tried to fall in love with GW2 like I did with GW1 but excluding guilds of any size from guild content / guild rewards is just plain dumb.
All you had to do was create a new Guild Line to measure progress/unlocks etc which had no bearing on whether the guild played WvW or PvP or PvE so that it could pcil and choose its guild goals and then utilise difficulty scaling based on the number of players in a group who are guilded or who are in the relevant istance/event zone etc and if necessary scale the reward back with some form influence / loot penalty…. course that would be too sensible an approach I guess.You have gated the guild system and the game content and I hope it leaves much egg on face.
Sadly for me its time to head back to my MMO of choice (No I dont mean WoW Panda either) where guilds get to enjoy all content, no matter what their size, skill level and commitment to certain game functionalities.
Outstanding post. Echoes my thought’s exactly.
Have completed all jumping puzzles and dont think I ever got an exotic from compelting them. I do know however that I got a massive sense of achievement from completing them though. Especially the “Skipping Stones” and “Griffon Run” puzzles.
To counter your point, the small guild I am a member of has been in existence since pre-release and consists of a close-knit group of friends. We’re not interested in growing large, because that’s rather counter to the point of it being a guild of friends. Likewise, it seems counter-intuitive for us to all go join a bigger guild in order to play guild events together. What would be nice is for the guild events to tier in a way that doesn’t exclude us altogether.
Post of the day. “This” is exactly what I have. I have a very very small guild with friends that I have been gaming with for years. It is my guild and I don’t really want to be forced to join a large guild to participate in guild events.
This should be open to every guild in game, not gated behind Art of War 5. As the guild master for my guild, I purchased the first slot of the guild bank. I also bought the first tier of Politics so we could drop the occasional banner. In preparation for the upcoming Guild Missions I started to bank influence. To date I have 3.7k. Not alot I know, but with only a few members in my guild its the best that I can do.
Now I have to bank 36k influence to get AoW5 and then more to undertake the first bounty mission. Am sad to say that this will NEVER happen for my little guild.
If this helps reduce the number of ridiculously small guilds, and medium sized guilds with poor representation, then I am all for it.
Game has been out for 6 months. If your guild has not researched all the tiers by now, regardless if your guild is PvE only, then stop building all those useless MF banners and enforce rules of representation to get the influence to do research. If that is not to your liking, then stop whinging about being gated from content.
The clue is in the title of the game, people, and seems Anet is looking to consolidate the player base. I say this is about time …
The name of the game has nothing to do with “Guilds” in the game. The lore behind the name “Guild Wars” is easy to lookup. Stop trolling the forums and making pointless posts like the one you just have. All you are doing is causing trouble in the hope that a constructive topic like this one that raises some genuine concerns over how the devs are implementing content, will be locked.
Please stop.
I do not think it was a wise move to gate the first batch of missions so strongly. The first batch should have required Level 1 of something, the second batch of missions require Level 2 of something, and so on.
- They have to place the new content in a way that pushes the playerbase forward, because none of these updates were present at launch. Same thing with new currencies, new item tiers, new achievements etc. The new has to compete with the old. None of what we have now is relevant when the game is 3 years old.
Be that as it may, but to stick it at lvl5 !!!. That is insane. Do you know how much influence is needed to get to lvl5.
Hell I have managed to save up 3.7k influence on my small guild in preperation for this update. Alot of that is basically just from me. Just to get to lvl3 you need 6500.
WOW……… I mean WOW. Art of War lvl5. Well looks like my tiny guild will not be participating in this in anyway now then. That really is a terrible idea as all you have done now is kill off small guilds. In my guild there are only a couple of us playing now .
Am actually quite disappointed now. Was so looking forward to this.
I pop back now and then. I miss my Monk. I also want more from my Legacy.
Most of the replies seem to be from people who run the classes in question as alts and not main classes. From that perspective they’re probably fine. You already have your warrior/thief/guardian/ele to efficiently tackle most obstacles in the game, these alts are for flavor.
Now I can’t speak towards the state of the ranger or engineer, but the necromancer is definitely not “fine”, however, it’s not weak either. The problem with necromancer is that it is the king of mediocrity. What it does it does decently, but not as well or effective as class “x” or “y”. Of course most people will shrug these off as “L2P” issues, but that’s typical of the general forums and goes to show how much those people truly understand these classes.
I love necromancer, I’ve been playing it almost exclusively since the second beta weekend — I never feel useless or weak in any sort of content in the game, however, I certainly feel that the classes around me are almost always better suited for the task at hand.
I currently have:-
1xlvl80 Engineer (My main)
1xlvl80 Ranger
1xlvl32 Elementalist
1xlvl21 Mesmer
So my 2 lvl80’s are the classes asking to be removed. As I stated in my post above. I love my engineer. I also love my Ranger. I like the challenge. So when I speak about these classes I do so from playing one of the as my main.
My Elementalist I find a touch boring and my mesmer I find it a nice challenge to play as well.
I love my engineer. Sure we may not have the highest DPS and sure our turrets attack a wall/object which is already destroyed instead of attacking the giant mob beating the snot out of me. Sure our healing was nerfed by a silly amount, but to ask for there removal is rather naive.
As an engineer I can pretty much stop a mob with nets/net turrets/oil slicks/knock backs. I can throw out elixirs for party members. I can help to res people with an elixir. Our grenade kit isn’t that strong, however it is a consistent AoE DPS that will take down packs quite quickly.
As others have stated, this game isn’t just about “MEGA DPS” its also about support and control
1. WvW is PvE with PvP thrown in, or the other way, both work.
2. World completion is optional, if you have issues with the way it’s set up, then don’t do it.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind them being in WvWvW, hell I enjoy WvWvW. However having to rely on others to help you complete something is where the problem for me lies.
Sure leave the points in. Place them in dangerous places close to keeps/enemy spawn zones etc….. That I don’t mind. Just don’t make me rely on others to get something.
Made a post about this a while back saying the same thing. Having to capture Keeps/Towers in order to complete exploration points is a mistake.
I have been stuck at 99% (Need one vista point to complete) due to the fact that Commanders in WvWvW wont attack a place. The commanders will capture a few keeps/towers and then sit back or run around harassing supply camps.
All rather frustrating.
Some people have found that they have to go back to the chantry of secrets POI even though they already discovered it.
You Sir/Madam are a genius. Went back there and found I had to rediscover it again. Thank you for you help
Now just waiting on WvWvW for us to capture the vista point I need.
Hi all,
Ok, am 99% into World Completion. I have 1 WvWvW vista to get. The problem I have is that I am missing one Point of Interest. I have checked every zone in PvE and WvWvW and all but one show 100% completion (Just the vista to get in WvWvW). I cannot for the life of me find my missing PoI.
Is there anyway that any of you know about of finding out which one I am missing. Like I said, all zones apart from the WvWvW one show 100%.
What sick and twisted individual came up with that jumping puzzle !!!!!! Spent the best part of an hour last night doing that JP. Was a kitten fine jumping puzzle, however the frustration factor is off the scale.
I get the feeling that whoever it was was bullied at school and is taking there repressed feelings out on us poor gamers.
Sir/Madam, I take my hat off to you.
I dont think that it is due to server population/current number of player online as I logged in this morning at 7am before work to see what the daily is and I suffered exactly the same issues.
I cant imagine the server being fully loaded at that time.
Hi all,
Since the recent patch I have been suffering quite a lot from Loading issues whilst in game. I log into game and choose my character. The game starts too load and then sits on the loading screen. The loading Icon in the bottom right hand side is spinning away, but I get no further.
This is also happening a lot when I move from zone to zone. I am getting no error messages, the game just sots there. Left it for 10 mins earlier without it doing anything and without disconnecting me. The only way to get around it is to close the game and log in again. This however only works 50% of the time as when I do get back in I once again get stuck on the loading screen.
What is even stranger is that I can hear sounds from the zone I am going too. If I go to Lions Arch I can hear the NPC’s talking and the usual back ground noise.
Anyone else having these issues or is it just me ?
In Mount Maelstrom in the top right hand corner, there are some “ill Tempered Barracuda”. Am guessing they are in reference to Dr Evils “ill Tempered Bass” from Austin Powers.
The idea is exactly that people who want map completition will help their world to capture those things. Otherwise, someone doing map completition would be simply getting in the way of those playing WvW.
As I said, getting people to actually attack and capture these areas is easier said than done. Most commanders seem to stay back and run from keep to keep defending them rather than pushing forward.
Whats worse is that most people follow them. I don’t mind WvWvW, but not being able to complete quite a long task due to people not wanting to team up and help is a tad frustrating.
Yeah, I have bought keys before. However with 50+ chests it is going to bankrupt me to open them all :P
Hi all,
Am now at 98% world completion, however I have hit a brick wall when it comes to getting the WvWvW vista’s/PoI. Been trying for a few days now to get the 3 vista’s I am missing all to no avail.
If I don’t get ganked whilst trying to get to these points, I am unable to get to them as we cannot capture the Keeps etc…. Very very frustrating to have worked so hard to get world completion only to be stopped by WvWvW.
What are your thoughts on this ? Should these points be in areas that are accessible rather than in Keeps which require your team to actually capture them. I mean most commanders dont actually push forward, they seem to sit back and defend. This is making it nigh on impossible for me to complete 100% world exploration.
Hi all,
Is it just me or have Black Lion Keys stopped dropping ? I havent had one in a hell of a long time. Have 50+ Black Lion Chests in my bank and I never seem to get keys to open them anymore.