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What I’d really like is for the current Guard function to be permanently integrated as a F1-F4 command. Being able to direct your pet to a location and stay there is useful, but shouldn’t require a utility slot.
Whatever replaced the utility would need to fill the niche of having a short recharge. Maybe “Hold the Line!” for Aegis/Protect for Pet and Surrounding allies. It would fit well with existing traits and have some synergy with Druid support builds.
The build I run in PvE is roughly the same concept. It’s the old WvW condi-bunker with druid stuff thrown in.
Pet choice aside, you might want to consider switching to Sword for Shortbow, and moving the torch in with your axe. The reason for this is that Shortbow #4 adds a bleed proc to your pet attack, and lets you take a little more advantage of the extra pet condition damage (on top of whatever conditions your pet already provides). It also gives you the option of procing Ancient Seeds w/ Shortbow #5 for another 5 bleed stacks.
PvE, so the loss of mobility from removing Sword & Dagger is a no-op.
1) Astral force can be generated even while in Astral Form.
2) Entering Astral Form only requires >50% force.
3) Amount of force generated by heals/regen scales with healing power.
4) CAF #1 is changed to bouncing zero damage projectile, with splash healing.
5) Staff AA has a burn dmg component.
6) Ancient Seeds is displayed as a visible “buff”
7) Spike Trap will now proc Ancient Seeds.
8) Elite Glyph is reworked to…. almost anything. lol.
9) Grace of the Land is changed to a an aura buff similar to Spotter.
10) Celestial Shadow is reworked to self speed/stealth as long as you are in Celestial Form.
In the current state, what happens to me is that I enter CA to burst heal, fire off 4/3 and then exit form as soon as possible. On rare occasion I’ll enter CA and cleanse, and then exit.
The reason? The longer I’m in healing mode, the more I’m impacting group DPS, the less time I have to prepare for the next burst heal, and the longer it will take to charge up. Tactically speaking, I’m avoiding being in CAF as much as possible because the benefits have diminishing returns over time. Spamming heals is a waste of time and energy.
Incidentally, this mentality renders the Druid GM1 damage trait and alternate glyphs completely useless.
Staff 1, Pet positioning is a pain! Suggest adding a small healing AOE around target in addition to the beam path.
Staff 3, I’d like to see the blast finisher occur on start and finish, similar to Engi-Rifle-5. The reason is that it takes so long to reach the blast phase that the fields have expired.
Staff 5, Water field would be nice. The on screen graphic looks like you should be able to combo, but you really can’t? It’s confusing when compared to smoke screen or wall of reflection.
Sadly, one of the most effective means of filling my celestial energy bar is by waiting for one of my allies to die and rez’ing. This seems to defeat the point of being a healing class?
Weapon Swap needs to exit Celestial Form. Exiting Celestial early, if it empties the energy bar should yield some kind of payoff, OR remain in the bar.
Celestial Form in general – I don’t feel there is enough of a payoff entering this form, to warrant a gate energy bar, and losing most of my DPS. There’s no WOW factor. Nothing that makes me feel like I’ve turned the tide of battle more than I could of with a healing spring and a couple blast finishers. Maybe add some unique support buffs?
The Stealth on existing Celestial doesn’t seem useful.
At the same time, it allows us to cast our votes for a new candidate.
The time has come for a new direction. Anet, let us vote!
Team Hero-Tron, 2015
Things that struck me as difficult?
Vault/Bag space. I haven’t completely broken down and ripped out the credit card just yet, but having very limited space and no idea what items are important and what I should get rid of makes me nervous. What if the item I’m deleting is irreplaceable, rare, or uniquely useful, and I just don’t know?
Major Traits. I have limited funds, and limited skill points. Obviously, not every trait is equal, and groups have expectations that a particular class will trait a certain way. There doesn’t seem to be any logical progression, either by leveling or via the personal story. I can’t afford to experiment and learn, and there is no way of refunding skill points if I change my mind – so I’m basically stuck with Google to figure out what meta is or grinding skill points.
I needed someone to explain to me what Stacking in a dungeon meant and why it is done. Because when I saw it the first time it looked a lot like standing in one place so the boss can AOE us with less effort.
Crafting is still this large, mysterious, expensive looking thing. I web-searched enough to see it was going to cost me around 150g more than I have and so just kind of ignore it?
Dyes. Obviously other people have them. On TP I see them for a couple silver, so they have to be coming from somewhere, but I’ve never actually seen more than one, ever?