Showing Posts For Niteraven.1372:
What I would like to know is not so much about Caithe, but about Logan. That letter he sent was just WEIRD. When did he get so chummy? Is Logan not Logan??
Or, you know, you could actually try playing this (quite profitable) map properly and contributing to its success rather than attempting to ruin it again.
^ This
I am in SW right now. There are about 60 ppl at Amber and none of the other forts are held. If you think this is right, then you have lost the whole point of the game. I hope this patch fixes the problem and I commend Anet for doing it.
Yes, I have had two book drops so far for jewelry. I had to purchase the jewel making recipe itself, though, on the tp.
Some time ago a bunch of guildies and I decided that we would do a special guild event after a successful bounty. We all transformed into quaggans and did a tour of Fireheart Rise. Every player we saw we would rush to them and ask them to save quaggan. We then made our way to COF and convinced the mighty heroes gathered there to protect us fron the flame legion who had arrived and were seeking to cook us. Having defeated the malevolent charr we settled down and sought to spread the word of quaggan.
The Word of Quaggan: “Eat more chicken!”
I, for one, would love to see the season one story!
LOL!!! I just really looked at the OPs picture for the first time. In doing so I concluded it is the balloon that makes it so horrible!!! Look how cheerily it bounces over his little body!!! And, in conclusion, COOOOOOOOOOOOOO…….. splat.
(edited by Niteraven.1372)
To me, as mostly a solo player, there is a lot more choice as to where to go at 80 than there ever really was in WOW. It was all about raids there, but here you have fractals, the mists, multiple zones and open world content. For now, though, just sit back and have fun. It will all come to you eventually. The thing I like BEST is we all work TOGETHER. No more fighting for nodes or tagging mobs. Everybody gets an equal chance. Welcome.
So there was a “bug” and then there was a “bug fix” which was worse than the original “bug”?
I tried it again today. This time I had to go thru on a guardian. I have never been so bored in my entire life. If I hear anything about a mender again I will uninstall. I actually had to log out due to boredom. The NPCs do virtually no damage and I’m tired of sitting in that back room for an hour and killing menders. I just wish I had that amount of time of my life back. I hate living story. It’s tedious and absolutely NO fun. Just my opinion.
I craft because I just like to. I guess I’m geeky enough that I actually have to have at least one character that max’s a craft. As above, I like being self sufficient.. and when I roll a new character I know I can give it whatever it needs. I now have all crafts above 400 and one at 500.
Now its just getting confusing.
I dont understand… if it got disabled for inappropriate animations during specific moments… why is it the female human is the only one that had it disabled… or am I not aware of any others that have been? im not implying others should be, but other races and of both female/male genders have some animations where they seem like they can care less of what the npc/story is talking about soooo why have they not been disabled?
It’s an excuse to defeminize them. That has been an ongoing theme since they butchered the running animation.
This is why we can’t have nice things!!
My immersion is broken when Rytlock jumps into the ghost hole in one of the LS instances! I don’t like seeing my character spaz out in the background!
lol…have you checked if this “spazzering” might be the new idle animation? xD
But to be honest…
I think it is just sad that Anet seems to be on /ignore mode…on ANY topic…
well…besides LS and the gemstore that is….but maybe all the work just went to that LS part and now they have some time to communicate with the community…
that was a good one, right?
Well I did like the new movie scenes. I never was a big fan of trying to make LS 100 percent real. I mean its still a bunch of cartoon characters. I did notice a few “immersion breaking” things. I can’t remember them now because I honestly don’t care that much. I’d rather have the idle animations.
After all the other server errors and kicks, now I’m getting this one today. SMH. I’m at a total loss for words.
So the animations were temporarily removed to be worked on and reincorporated in a way that allowed them to perform normally in the game but to stop (or maybe change) during cinematics. But getting to a place where the animations could be configured on a more fine-grained basis took more time than anticipated.
So the fact it was officially stated some time ago the animation missing was a “bug” is now officially countered with the fact it was removed.
Was kinda hard to sell that an entire frame set of animations going missing was due to a “bug”.
Yeah, it being a “bug” was very strange. But I could go with Gaile’s explanation; I think it’s reasonable. I’ll take it as one of those “we’re upgrading to serve you better” things.
I never bought that it was a bug.
What I have done is simply stay in the back room. You can kill the mender as soon as he comes out. Never even gets by the door. The blue ball will dissipate. Just stand near the doorway and back up. It is slow and goes away. This method takes a lot longer, but is very hard to die with.
Don’t even bother with the statue.
Thanks to those who posted how to do this. I just finished. Never would have figured it out myself I think. Eight other characters of mine will never have to do it again.
Half an hour in on the last boss now. He’s half dead. Taking a break. This has been the worst experience in my entire gaming life. If you have high blood pressure or nervous problems, PLEASE do not attempt this.
Wouldn’t wish this last boss on my worst enemy.
I seriously almost fell asleep talking to Taimi for ten minutes. I thought she was going to tell me what she had for breakfast.
It won’t be fixed today, especially when a new part of the LS is coming out. Don’t want to “break all that immersion” by having someone kick the dirt in the background while waiting for the cinematic to end..
My immersion was broken. I need to file a complaint.
It won’t be fixed today, especially when a new part of the LS is coming out. Don’t want to “break all that immersion” by having someone kick the dirt in the background while waiting for the cinematic to end..
Soooo…. any chance of us getting them back in the interim while the cut-scene “issue” is waiting to be addressed?
I read some posts that some people actually aren’t playing because of this. Is that true? I mean not a lot of people or boycott or anything, but someone with female characters was saying he wasn’t playing. Just curious. Maybe it was on the other thread.
It wasn’t broken. It shouldn’t have been “fixed”.
.. and that thread is kind of heating up too. :/
I find it extremely frustrating and unfair. This is just my opinion.
Yeah I’d be happy to never see him again. However if you are alone keep to the back, when he chases you, you can usually jump off a cliff and respawn at start. Its boring as heck and a complete pita, but it works.
Can’t you just “flip a switch” and reactivate the animations until a fix is ready? I don’t care if this “WoodenPotatoes” guy has his own webshow that makes his viewpoint pretty visible. That doesn’t make his viewpoint right. Is this game trying to make him happy, or the majority of the players? Don’t fix what ain’t broken.
Yes. It looks like they knuckled under to some self imposed “expert” on gaming and gw2. Typical.
I vote with my wallet.. haven’t purchased one gem since this happened, no matter how much I like some of the Halloween stuff. I don’t condone anyone else doing that. I’m just saying I do.
(edited by Niteraven.1372)
To round out this discussion:
I believe that Djinn hit the nail on the head: Disabling the animations globally took far less time than re-implementing them individually will require.
To answer Kolompi’s question (if I’m understanding it properly), designing, testing, and implementing new animations takes a long time. It was judged more prudent to disable the existing animations (and work on having them function selectively) than to reposition team members into the process of redesigning them.
And again, the animations will be back in the future.
Respectfully, Gaile, I think that judgement was terribly bad. I would like to use a stronger word, but I won’t. I know you had nothing to do with this and I respect you for taking on this debacle. I have seen you before and know you have been nothing but honest. I’m simply saying that this was an enormously bad idea to jump the gun and take things away from us without even letting us know. Bad form. As for you, you have been a trooper about this whole thing. Thanks.
P.S. I reserve the right to still complain.
I found the origin thread:
It’s so annoying that a handful of people got these removed for everyone else. If they’d removed them and then fixed them immediately, sure. But they removed them and now there’s no ETA on when they’ll be back in? I don’t understand why this was a high enough priority to remove or tamper with in the first place.
Simply because the whiner always wins. That is why I have to be the whiner now. If these “individuals” are so concerned with immersion, perhaps they should crawl through the monitor and become a part of gw2. Twenty bucks says some of them have tried.
I’m not either. At least someone read it.
I feel there would be so many people happy again if this was brought back into the game as it was.
Now over 14k views and still nothing.
No. They aren’t going to fix it. I’m not going to stop asking for a dev post either.
This is a bug. I don’t buy the conjecture that the “stretching” animation was too sexual for the Chinese audience or any of that nonsense. After all, the “hands on hips, kicking some dirt around” animation is also missing, and that’s completely inoffensive. (Unless you happen to be the dirt in question.)
Give them a wee bit more time, but keep this on page one. Squeaky wheel, y’know.
I truly hope you’re right. I HATE making a pain of myself, but if we let this go then its just “gone”… even though they probably never look at these posts.
… and waiting.
I would like a DEV post on this.. and NOT from somebody in “Community Special Operations”.
Yet another Update, and yet again my Human is standing there like a plank except for occasionally fiddling with her hair.
I’m coming to the opinion that the idles were removed intentionally, for Chinese-release reasons passing understanding, and they’re lying through their teeth about recognising it as a bug and addressing it.
I think you hit the nail right on the head. Its either that or the “new player experience”.
(edited by Niteraven.1372)
They’re too busy making things to sell at the gem store. I guess that is where my vote will go. I really wanted one of the Halloween costumes too. Too bad.
To clarify on my last post. I did not open the one that got moved. Someone else opened it.
Guards!!! Arrest that man!!!
Actually the thing that is likable about this game is that there is so much you can pick and choose. It is not “Go out and kill five of these and come back”. You can WvW, EOTM, pick your zones, and even just stay in down leveled zones to turn 80. There is a lot to do at 80, but some would argue it isn’t as exciting as the leveling experience. It is, actually, just a whole different mentality. The appeal of this game, for me, was always that it is not “rigid”. Having played a lot of the rest, it is really set apart in that way.
dungeons, fractals, pvp, living story, dry top, wvw, achievement hunting, jumping puzzles, map completion, wardrobe filling, working on ascended/legendaries.
That’s just off the top of my head, I’m sure there’s a lot of other stuff, too.
GW2 has a hell of a lot of end game compared to other games.
Its the ultimate fanboi!! Want a cookie??
I am sure playing the part of the jadded world weary drama artiste is wonderful.
You don’t know the half of it, son. OH and you spelled jaded wrong.. but that isn’t a surprise either.
Well done picking out an irrelevant spelling, assuming I am younger than you plus assuming that being younger is somehow inferior. Well done again.
Thanks Perhaps, after this debacle, you will learn not to attack anyone at random. This is why we can’t have nice things.
(edited by Niteraven.1372)
There actually IS a lot to do at 80 for a time. Faux intellectuals not withstanding.
dungeons, fractals, pvp, living story, dry top, wvw, achievement hunting, jumping puzzles, map completion, wardrobe filling, working on ascended/legendaries.
That’s just off the top of my head, I’m sure there’s a lot of other stuff, too.
GW2 has a hell of a lot of end game compared to other games.
Its the ultimate fanboi!! Want a cookie??
I am sure playing the part of the jadded world weary drama artiste is wonderful.
You don’t know the half of it, son. OH and you spelled jaded wrong.. but that isn’t a surprise either.
Well I only opened it because my original page just got moved to the bug forum and ignored like this one will.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of people wondering why this was taken away.
Good morning bug people!