well 15 in water and a soldier amulet goes a long way. When you get confident at evading the right stuff you can ‘graduate’ Valkyrie amulet and then berserkers, but, its situational even then. Different teams run different comps. Comps with crazy aoe damage makes berserkers a no-go. defensive comps mean berserkers is nearly a must lol
Yeah, staff might be easier to get kill credit but I was using double daggers for that one.
edit: wth, what is the code to make images show up like OP?
oh gods, please let a-net focus on normal spvp balance before they even think about water balance issues.
Boon spamming eles? Surely you jest sir!
Challenge accepted. From a few min ago:
Score: 415
Kills: 25
Meaningfulness: 0
Actually what happened is they finally fixed the wolf stomp banner and I simply had to go try it out. I felt like a kid; I was obsessed with getting kills and stomps to see the animation lol It’s really cool. Then I remembered this thread.
Normally I don’t worry about score at all. I’m all about the tourneys so in hot joins I usually only have 60-100 or so points cause I just look for engagements with quite unfavorable odds because its the closest thing to high end tourney practice a person will be able to get in there. I suspect I could score higher if I wasn’t in my hybrid tourney build.
Anyway, as has been stated, the scoreboards really prove nothing by themselves. I don’t think there’s much argument that there are still glaring imbalances. I personally feel like mesmers and thieves do way too much damage too easily with certain builds and abilities.
And haste/quickness is considered BS by nearly everyone, and is the root of most issues. If those sort of things were fixed I think eles could be considered fine more or less, barring the attunement swap times being so long its very hard to justify not going 20/30 in arcane.
So yeah we still need some work, especially in the way of bug fixes….. plz fix ride the lightning and other movement ele bugs before I /wrists….
We’re about 80% there. Some classes just became 120% there at launch. The bat giveth, the bat taketh.
Seeing this morning’s patch notes I’m just shaking my head again:
• Implemented a fix to make Heartseeker, Lightning Leap, Flame Leap, and Monarch’s Leap hit more reliably.
• Fixed bugs with Flamestrike and Ice Shards so they can’t be fired behind the player.
• Quick Glyphs: This Air Magic trait has been updated to apply 20% recharge reduction to the elite skill Glyph of Elementals.
Oh good, glad those button masshers have it even easier now. And boy were those flame strike spamming eles OP! geez…. come on a-net, prioritize these fixes!
Yep, same here. Crashes without fail when loading GW2 while dxtory is running.
Such negativity within this thread wont incite a positive response from Anet. But I will certainly add that avoid this map whenever I can. Thankfully 95% of my pvp is tourney focused. I’d probably /wrists if this was ever in a tourney rotation.
I keep seeing people who act like they have some inside information saying things are around the corner but that’s pretty bothersome. Some big secret that we lowly mortals are not privy too.
The things we’re talking about most people feel like they should have been included in the launch and we just keep hearing either ‘when it’s done’, ‘things are coming soon’, ‘things are planned’, or most recently; ’we’re writing a blog post to tell you about the things we’re planning to have done when they are done’. Or even more commonly, nothing at all.
I will trade you all the tournament chests I have received to date for competitive matchmaking and some form of ladder ranking system, so that our team can measure our progress and success.
Exactly. I’d rather have this than another chest ever again.
This is probably the single most annoying aspect of using an OH dagger. At the bare minimum they need to let us stop the spell mid channel. That needs to be added immediately.
Then if they coded something like “if movement = 0; Stop” or whatever so when it hangs or bugs, the ability just ends. better than a hovering self immobilize.
Then if they just use whatever code they used for the warrior charge I think we’d be alright, I never see that bug.
Magnetic grasp really needs to be looked at too. Bugs a lot as well. Ever use it up in clock tower? Bounces you around like a pingpong ball half the time.
I don’t like it either. I stick with tourneys but when I’m messing about in hot join I will generally leave a match when that map pops. At least allow opting out of this map from hot join rotation.
When doing tournaments, it is very literally about 50% spent fighting, 50% waiting in one fashion or another. 5 min is silly, people don’t need 15 minutes per tournament. They can do their afks and brbs after the tournaments.
I think even one minute would be sufficient. But 5 is absurd. And time wasting trolls are everywhere.
Then there is an issue of one match ending well before the next match in your group is ready. There needs to be a queue pool so basically all round one matches are in the same pool and whoever is finished first gets moved up to the first available round 2 slot. Free tournaments don’t need to be ‘ranked’ or grouped because the structure is superfluous anyway and you can’t see who you’re going to go against until the round has begun.
This would eliminate so much inefficiency from tournaments.
I’m sure this is beating a dead horse but ride the lightning is still bugged. It at least needs a /stop spell effect when it just hovers in place or hangs on terrain. Its like a 3s self immobilize every 3rd fight. Pretty frustrating.
Also, burning speed doesn’t always fire off toward your target if you are strafing. (even when properly screen/mouse aligned) Seems to happen a few times a game for me at least.
Magnetic grasp has some weird bug that makes the character bounce back and fourth a few seconds. And there needs to be a way to break the effect; sometimes it glitches and you can’t move away for several seconds. Seems very consistent up in the clock tower (kyhlo pvp map).
(all notes from pvp perspective)