Showing Posts For Puddin Cheeks.8539:

Fractals [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Puddin Cheeks.8539

Puddin Cheeks.8539

I was saddened with the poor kick-off to the Lost Shores event so when all of the NPCs were broken I decided what the heck lets give FotM a roll. Got together a random PUG team in LA and knocked out 5 fractals tonight. All I can say is A+++ on how well thought out these dungeon(s) are. Yes the no waypoint thing and not being able to get back into a group if you d/c are a nuisance. I have never liked dungeons in most games because it feels like, go through this long winding tunnel and smash 1000 critters then you get to fight a gimmik boss with uber skills.

FotM is spectacular (at least the 5 fractals i have done), now to just fix what they call loot!

- Puddin Cheeks [W]
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12

Keep getting same email, over and over

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Puddin Cheeks.8539

Puddin Cheeks.8539

yeah it is getting on my nerves along with the whole blingg ordeal

- Puddin Cheeks [W]
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12

DC in the new dungeon

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Puddin Cheeks.8539

Puddin Cheeks.8539

Yeah after getting booted from the LA event right as it was almost over, I log back in and it drosp me on a diferent overflow. So I was like what the hell, lets try the dungeon then. At the boss the game decided all skill activations for me should be 30 seconds because I’m super leet! After getting 4 skills off in 2 minutes it D/C me again. I log back in, can’t get with group and get to watch them post their loot in party chat. Arggh, anet 2, me 0 so far.

On a side note, when the Lags arch thing was going on I got lots of drops for first 15 enemies killed, and since then I did not receive a single drop from new foes, including the dungeon. Is this expected or something.

- Puddin Cheeks [W]
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12

Fight Club (Thursday 5PM PSTish) DH / DB / Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Puddin Cheeks.8539

Puddin Cheeks.8539

Yeah it was definitely fun to be a part of something organized in Wv3 like this. Even though only a few of us DB turned out, it was entertaining to say the least.

I think this thing could catch on and a good idea would be; set up a guild each week for your 3 servers and then everyone could BS and and have fun with each other in chat while spectating. I got my facerolled over a few times but it was fun knowing that I wasn’t going to be finished on.

- Puddin Cheeks [W]
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12

Dissallow players transferring servers to participate in WvW until match reset plz

in WvW

Posted by: Puddin Cheeks.8539

Puddin Cheeks.8539

The server transfers being free are greatly hindering any actual battles that may take place as it currently stands. If a player or a whole group of players(500) of them decide to join forces with another server during a 1 week match it makes it decidedly unfair.

For instance, Fort Aspenwood or the majority of them decided to tank the match between FA, BG and DB. Several hundred of them transferred to BG overnight and capped the whole map in off hours. Now there are no FA forces to speak battling against BG and it has basically rigged the scoring system in their favor.

This is a complete joke as how things can change with spies transferring over to spectate and then the next day trading out with their friends.

My solution: If a player transfers to a competing WvW server they are not allowed to join WvW until match reset.

- Puddin Cheeks [W]
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12

The First Pimp Cup in GW2

in Crafting

Posted by: Puddin Cheeks.8539

Puddin Cheeks.8539

So, I have looked everywhere to see about this item i made in the forge and couldn’t find one instance of it.

It’s called Ambrosia, an exotic Focus

- Puddin Cheeks [W]
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12

LOL @ dragonbrand camping puzzle with siege

in WvW

Posted by: Puddin Cheeks.8539

Puddin Cheeks.8539

Yeah, not sure who is complaining, but TC is currently doing it with arrow carts scattered all throughout the Jumping Puzzle in their borderland. Its hard to blame any server for doing this when their are players on all of them doing it. What about the 15 players that just sit and kill people on the ledge just before jumping into the waterfall?

- Puddin Cheeks [W]
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12

Siege can be built in invulnerable zone?

in WvW

Posted by: Puddin Cheeks.8539

Puddin Cheeks.8539

but when it is in the citadel base at the top it is pretty much impossible to get to and they just bomb Garrison day and night.

- Puddin Cheeks [W]
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12

Siege can be built in invulnerable zone?

in WvW

Posted by: Puddin Cheeks.8539

Puddin Cheeks.8539

Currently Maguuma has a treb sitting in the invulnerable zone and cannot be destroyed by us so they are just nailing Garrison repeatedly.

Was this intended to be allowed. I figured out how they did it and I do not want to post it for others to see. If a dev would like to know what i discovered I think it would be a pretty simple code fix to get rid of this ability.

I don’t think it falls under exploit since there is no glitching or anything involved with it.

- Puddin Cheeks [W]
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12

WvWvW and it's future!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Puddin Cheeks.8539

Puddin Cheeks.8539

First I will start by saying, I am completely addicted to WvW after playing it once I hit level 80 through the story line.

Yes, it has its bugs and needs a bit more development to balance out play. Also, many people don’t like the long que times for certain servers.

My proposal from a development standpoint. In the future why couldnt we have more than 4 maps to play on. As more players finish their goals in PvE and move to other avenues, WvW should be there to scoop them up and keep them enjoying the game.

How about a few satellite maps that only give fractional benefits to the overall score that could serve as a que buffer for large amounts of players. You could break from the standard of what the main WvW is and essentially make them PvP warmups until you get into the map you qued for. You have the possibility for some exciting gameplay that could be a different experience from camps towers keeps….

What if you had maps that allowed no siege equipment to be built, but had predetermined points of Interest that if you hold long enough you gain rewards other than xp, karma, gold. Say if you held a garden long enough you were given a variety of mats to chose from. Or if you hold a mine etc.. You could make it where swapping wasnt the norm by only allowing a server to hold one every X hrs. or only allow you to get the reward on an individual basis at time intervals.

No walls just down and dirty fighting over resources. Protect spawn areas with map provided siege that cant be destroyed if necessary. Take away armor breaking (Only on the Que maps) and encourage players to jump in a pile and suicide fight a whole mob. The possibilities are limitless but would be a great thing to look forward to down the road as the development of GW2 moves forward.

- Puddin Cheeks [W]
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12

(edited by Puddin Cheeks.8539)

How to ensure credit for final storyline quest Victory or Death

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Puddin Cheeks.8539

Puddin Cheeks.8539

There have been several topics listed about people not getting credit for final dungeon. Mostly due to the numerous bugs of partying in a story dungeon.

I know this because it happened to me last night on my first pass to the end.

These are some remedies to make sure you don’t waste your time like i did.

1) When your party enters Arah, make sure that it says gather your troops in the top right corner. A few times my party entered and it already said something like Gather the first core.
If that is the case, leave the dungeon and reform party and enter again until it starts at the beginning. It took my second group about 4 tries to get it right and we kept changing which players invite the others to the group.
Make sure everyone has left the dungeon and the party and regroup.

2) Even though you may all have the right starting point for the quest the second part is tricky as well.
Make sure everyone is in the circle of cannons before the first player pops the cinematic. If one player rushes in that circle and starts before the others get there, you will get no cinematics throughout the mission and get no storyline credit advancing you to the end of the game.

3) Once everyone gets the first cinematic you should be good to go.

If anyone has other thoughts on what is complicating the start of the mission please put them here and pass this info on to other players.

- Puddin Cheeks [W]
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12

Game minimizes randomly while moving

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Puddin Cheeks.8539

Puddin Cheeks.8539

try not to use alt& tab at the same time. Just sayin’

this is why my target next button is set to C because i use alt to display names.

- Puddin Cheeks [W]
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12

Last Quest In Personal Story

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Puddin Cheeks.8539

Puddin Cheeks.8539

Apparently the game is treating 4 players as sidekicks just as the other quests in the game. Are we suppose to do this madness solo?

- Puddin Cheeks [W]
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12

Bug- Last Quest In Personal Story

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Puddin Cheeks.8539

Puddin Cheeks.8539

Same here, 4 of our 5 party members got no cutscenes and no credit in the storyline. The 5th player got to watch them all and got credit.

And Seriously, the reward was 26 silver and a crappy hood. Something is severely wrong here and the last 2 missions of the storyline broke the whole thing for me.

- Puddin Cheeks [W]
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12