Showing Posts For Rahar.9872:
You don’t. Camp shortbow 80% of the time in teamfights and use your melee set to finish small fights, or the rest of the fight, quickly. Don’t do 1v1s.
^ I would very much like to see videos of terrormancers 1v3+ in WvW.
I didn’t see a 1v3 in my 5 mins of watching this 18 min video, but there’s some crazy stuff this necro pulls off. Close to 5 mins there’s a 1v4 this necro does for a while in front of a camp (but his buddy later arrives, after he’s downed 3 of them). Good enough?
I read through a bit of the first page, and considering the replies, I thought I’d add my viewpoint as a long time Thief player and almost 700 hour Mesmer player.
The reason Necromancers are being viewed as OP is because the addition of burning along with the other buffs. No, it’s not because more people are playing Necro, not because they’re being noticed, or anything like that. It’s because the combination of Burning and Terror (fear damage) is deadly.
Let’s start from the top. Necro pre patch (I had been trying it off and on for a month or two) was, in my opinion, in no need of more condition damage. They were very well off in that respect. They didn’t need much more CC, but more helps. They had very serious condition damage that couldn’t be blown off. What I’m trying to say is that they had competitive condition damage. But they did need sustain.
Now? They got a bit of their sustain, and the most damaging condition in the game. Not to mention yet another damaging condition as well (which is fine!). The problem here is not Terror. It is not Fear. It is not CC. It is Dhuumfire.
The addition of this single trait made you guys monsters. There was a reason this same trait was nerfed on Engis. You can keep burn up almost permanently. Now add this to your already competitive condition damage, and it’s way too much. Sure, you can argue that to take this trait and terror, you give up your tankiness. But with this trait and terror, you don’t need armor. Your enemies are CC’d too long and damaged too much to scratch you before they go down.
I might be a bit biased on these viewpoints, as I only have 100 or so hours in Necromancer, but there’s only one right answer to this dilemma: Remove burning. Replace Dhuumfire with a torment trait of the same flavor, then we can work from there.
Since we’re on the topic of bugs related to thieves … please tell me someone else has noticed bugs with stealth and being revealed for absolutely no reason.
You don’t attack, you don’t cast anything, you’re simply unstealthed for some unknown reason and even given the revealed buff.
In a build I’ve used with the trait that makes steal stealth you (not running mug, either) I’ve stole onto a player, having done nothing prior to (no arrow in flight, no thrown anything, nothing!) and upon stealing from them and getting a skill from them, I am simply not stealthed and only have the revealed debuff.
This happens often enough that it feels like it is breaking that trait’s already debatable value. Furthermore, I’ve had situations where I’ve used Shadow Refuge + Shadow rejuvination off point during a team fight to heal up. Even with ample time to still be in stealth, I’ve had random aoe splash or something (I have no freaking idea what causes it) pull me out of stealth and give me a revealed debuff, even though I made no actions. And this too happens often enough that it makes me question the viability of even trying to run something other than 100% glass cannon builds, because they don’t rely nearly as much on stealth to perform well. -_-
Back to topic, I too have noticed the Infiltrator Strike bugs. Both in not being able to shadow return (which I can’t say I experience / experienced a lot, but I HAVE seen it) but also where weapon swaps / item pickups / any type of skill slot swap still allows you to use infiltrator strike, but without the shadow return.
Game breaking issues IMO, and here they’re preparing for their first “big” tournament at PAX. Sigh … all that PvE focus and lack of love for PvP makes me fear that PAX may be the first and last big tournament this game ever gets. -.-
I had the same problem on my Mesmer. I looked at my traits and contemplated for the longest time of what this could be. And I have only one question for you. Do you use runes of Air? When you get hit by any source, and strike it with lightning, you get revealed due to doing damage. Be very careful using this rune set. If not, well, I have no idea what the problem is.
As for the OP, and other posters in this thread. Yes, this is frustrating that it isn’t getting fixed. Yes, maybe it’s been a while, and finally, yes, their priorities are likely elsewhere. But the fact remains that they’ve been steadily reducing the number of bugs bit by bit since launch. Maybe your bug wasn’t fixed, but that doesn’t mean any bugs aren’t getting fixed. Out of sight, out of mind, I suppose.
Also, I’m inclined to believe no one in this thread has ever touched a programming language. Bugs arise from other bugs, and some are very hard to fix. It takes time, effort, and lots of trial and error to fix these things. Give them time.
I think the best way to fix it would be to remove it. But for the sake of argument, I can think of a few good ways to fix it without dedicating a whole function key slot to it. I think the root of the problem with this skill is that it’s stealth – involuntarily. Which means you’ll never expect it. Which means that if you don’t expect it, you can’t expect to take advantage of it.
I think that the best way to fix Last Refuge isn’t to make the cooldown shorter, make the stealth different or triggerable, or changing the type of stealth, or any combination of the above. The reason I disagree with your ideas (especially 1) is because there’s no reason to have the button when the trait isn’t baseline. For anyone that doesn’t use it, it’s wasted UI. As for number 2, we go back to my first paragraph. Without expecting it, the stealth will likely be wasted, meaning you’ll be in the same position we currently are in with this trait. It triggers, we reveal, oops.
So I’d propose to rework the trait entirely, even gutting it out in favor of a new trait. Maybe take out slowed pulse or shadow protector, regen with 2 stacks of bleeding or regen on stealth respectively, and replace Last Refuge with a weak version of one of these two. Because who uses those anyway? Don’t take this out of proportion, though, by replacing Last Refuge with a trait like Shadow Infusion (gain 2 ini on stealth). This would make SA one of those lines like Mesmer Illusions where you HAVE to at least put 5 points into SA, at all times, for (nearly) all builds.
Perhaps another idea: If Anet is so keen to keep the stealth, cancel the current action and autoattack upon trigger of this trait. Sounds counter intuitive, and it is. In fact, it’s a horrible idea. But that’s the only way we’d be able to take advantage of the stealth, honestly.
Cherry picking. We can go behind enemy lines and kill low life players one by one…
Stealth ress
Stealth stomp
AoE healing spam (combo water)
AoE weakness (powerful condition now)
Single target immobilize
Single target + AoE Snare
AoE frost armor (combo ice)
and more…
Excellent. Please allow me to remove everything else another profession can do better.
Cherry picking. We can go behind enemy lines and kill low life players one by one…
Stealth ress
Stealth stomp
Oh my. That looks very similar to…
thieves are fun and good at 1 v 1. we suck at everything else.
My input: first of off I’d like to say that I’m speaking from a scrictly sPvP standpoint, tournaments and hotjoin.
I think thieves have their place, just not in tPvP. A Thief’s best attributes are highlighted when he is put up against someone of much lesser skill.
The fact of the matter, and the problem, in my opinion, is that Thieves have no build variety. This branches into several other problems, such as low condi amount and application, low base damage, and half-finished or poorly designed weapon sets. The one build that is viable higher up (D/P Burst. Excluding Jumper’s build here because he admits that he mostly does hotjoin. Mesmers can boon strip just as well) cannot contest points and is resigned to using shortbow 80% of the time due to innate squishyness. The problem with Thief is that if you take any defensive traitline, your damage drops off exponentially. Taking a damage traitline (or usually both) is required, because, by design, we are squishy, and by design, our base damage is very low. This leads to a ‘kitten ed if you do, kitten ed if you don’t’ hole we’re shoved into, where if we take defensive traits or balance it out we lack damage, and if we go offensive we lack any sort of defense or sustain. Leading to the burst meta that Thief is currently in; because we just can’t do anything else just as well.
The only real argument you can pose for Thief is mobility, maybe. But I’m sure some people would tell me that other professions can do it better.
(edited by Rahar.9872)
Unless you use skill 4, which is interrupted upon damage, you hemorrhage health when downed. If three people can’t finish off a ranger (even a bunker) before their skill 3 becomes available, it most certainly is a l2p issue.
With the poor underwater damage that some professions put out and being able to move while downed, this happens more often than you think. It is not an L2p issue when it comes down to this, because no matter the skill, the same outcome occurs.
Since it started as 3vs2 and the one was finished off, that leaves 3 vs 1. Wait till they rez (let your skills recharge) and then down them again. They will be under the effects of rez sickness and will have less health to start with while downed.
To make this viable, you’d have to do this maybe 2 times, 4 times at the max. That is out of the question compared to other professions downed states underwater. No one should get the privilege of being guaranteed one more chance at living just because of one downed state skill. It’s broken – Just you suggesting that I should wait until he rezzes himself is proof that it is.
Oh and please do tell me how to counter back stab and stealth. Sorry but “anticipating” is not a counter. Sorry but my balls are not made of crystal and I don’t use bots (or cheats of any kind) that will dodge predetermined skills on my behalf.
Thieves have 3 seconds of stealth (4 traited, still 3 if traited D/P) and it is very possible to stop a backstab. Greatsword block, immob/freeze traps, binding roots, wolf fear, sword mainhand dodges, dagger dodges, and dodges are all ranger things I can think of off the top of my head that you can use to avoid damage and stall until he comes out of stealth. It’s not about anticipating. Place the traps at your feet, and you’ll get him. When the trap trips, dodge out of it and kite. After he pops out of stealth, then it’s up to your skill to keep him out with CC and blinds. Also – When he stealths, don’t stop attacking. It’s the worst move you can do. Always keep moving, preferably in an erratic manner where your back is constantly changing directions (DON’T BACKPEDDAL.) and be generous with dodges and autoattacks (along with what i listed above) and you’ll do fine.
Now there’s some actual facts for you, not the opinions and personal attacks you keep spewing at me.
This now brings me to "The fact that you think “roaming” and “dueling” is the preferred PvP mode compared to sPvP deeply disturbs me.". The fact that there is actually a strong demand for spvp/tpvp using pve gear, that there appears to be a greater wvw population, that there is indeed a greater pve population, and more importantly the fact you disregard this is what is disturbing.
PvP, as it’s own game type, is lacking. No tangible rewards, conquest only, stagnant gameplay, no competitive scene, and boring streaming all are factors that contribute to this. So there, no doubt, will be a bigger WvW and PvE crowd.
As for the other part of your argument, I haven’t seen a single thread that asks for PvE gear in PvP, but I admit I’m not always on the forums (though I do browse the sPvP forums often.). I must ask, where are you getting your facts? These just sound like personal opinions, and I’d like to see some actual threads that want this.
As for “Saying otherwise is just ignorant and biased.” I agree with this. After all, thieves are experts at ignorance and bias.
I have over 1,700 hours on Thief, and I’m neither ignorant nor too biased. I’ve given you solid strategies to help with your fights against Thieves and, if I might be so bold as to say, supported all my arguments with mostly facts, not all opinions as you seem so keen on doing.
(edited by Rahar.9872)
I’m just going to give the automated thief response…
Don’t chase a ranger into water. If they have to run into water, you’ve won. Just like a thief not being able to kill someone and that thief having to give up and/or run away is considered a win against that thief.
As far as the outcome, am I reading this right? Not only do thieves and mesmers think now that they should be able to kill every other class 1 on 1 but they shouldn’t even be required to use their elite skills to do so? Just shut the hell up and get out.
Except that most times in the Thief’s case, it is a case of L2P. You can learn to counter backstabs, and you can learn to counter stealth. This is a bug that cannot be helped except by bringing more damage, and if more damage is out of reach and the ranger activates his pet’s heal, not even three people can out DPS the heal, and he’ll rez. Down him again? Better kill him before his #3, or he’ll do it again. And again. The only thing that’s more broken than this is the Thief spear #5 underwater (and that can actually be sunk or floated to counter. Still a bad oversight).
You can’t justify a bug like this to "but thieves and mesmers think they can … " No. Just stop. Comparing a Thief or Mesmer to a Ranger is like comparing apples to oranges. We’re all fruits, but each has it’s own strengths and weaknesses. This is clearly broken and needs to be fixed, regardless of what you or other rangers think about thieves or mesmers. Saying otherwise is just ignorant and biased.
Lol, you think sPvP is real pvp? When every thing is dumbed down? Armor, providing 0 stat boosts. Just armor with upgrade slots. Trinkets? You don’t even fill all slots. Differences to certain mechanics between sPvP and the rest of the game. Some builds are more stat dependant than others.
Cap points that are the same size as most AoEs (eg. wells and traited marks). Cap points that don’t require you to kill some npc first. This is a huge difference for stealth builds.
All in all, it is far too restricted and dumbed down to be real pvp.
Minded I should’ve been a bit more specific since I wasn’t refering to zerg vs zerg but rather roaming and dueling.
I never did get an answer to my question. Though I suppose you would’ve had to read beyond the first sentence.
The entire reason it’s dumbed down stat-wise IS to be real PvP. Inflated stats, high damage, PvE skills and elites and no up front objective makes WvW an extension of PvE. Nothing more. The fact that you think “roaming” and “dueling” is the preferred PvP mode compared to sPvP deeply disturbs me. Inflated stats and PvE skills lead to less skilled gameplay; less effort and know-how to defeat someone, or, if you’re bunker, less effort to defend, instead relying on raw stats instead of skill. That is not PvP.
But I must also comment on conquest. Conquest (the current pvp game type) isn’t a very competitive game type as far as PvP goes, encouraging running and capping rather than fighting. But that’s worthy of it’s own thread, and I shant get into it here.
On every other profession forum out there:
“And yet, Thieves are allowed to never be seen and still hit us for 10-12k backstabs!”
Seriously. Look anywhere. The only problem with Thief right now is that on certain sets, he’ll never die unless he wants to die. 10-12k backstabs are rare, and under extreme circumstances.
Full Apothecary buld with 0 0 30 20 20 + food that stack might on dodge (keep up 12-14 stack from stealth and dodges) + caltroops on dodge and P/D set.
Woks if your group do not overstack bleeding.
That build will give you enough heal to survive almost everything and medium cond damage from bleed.
Or just bring a Necromancer to do all of that, plus having more survivability + AoE.
So they not only reduced confusion damage by 50% but also made the Blinding Befuddlement trait entirely useless…
But thieves can go on doing 10k backstabs without using any cd’s and still won’t unstealth when it got blocked…time to backstab some pugs!
You know what? I’m tired of my main profession being the scapegoat to everything.
I’ve recently migrated to Mesmer because of people like you.
Watch that. Hear the laughing? That’s my reaction to any Thief in sPvP or WvW now.
It also doubles as disproving what I’m sure you, and people like you, think Thieves can do (and be successful doing so).
There. That’s my rage for the day.
D/P is in a good place. If you run it in tPvP against top 200 premades, it certainly feels like it is right where it should be.
This talk about BP+HS perma stealth is all good and well, but you aren’t capping/defending any points or killing anyone while you’re spamming it. It just prolongs fights, which a D/P thief usually doesn’t want to do. And if you’re trying to brawl as a D/P thief, you’re doing it wrong.
If anything, I think offhand dagger needs a buff. Dancing dagger is next to useless ever since the nerf, and CnD is kind of meh.
The only accurate and unbiased post this entire thread.
But please God, don’t nerf Mug into the ground. I’m okay with a solid damage decrease, but removing the damage entirely might just be the last straw for Thieves.
There’s a point where it will just stop being fun playing the pinata. Please Anet, make smart changes this time around and take back the evil you have done to us.
Pretty sure the QQ’ers will QQ until we pop open and the candy falls out. That’s when I’ll roll a D/D ele and faceroll, just like everyone else seems to want to do.
45s cooldown with 24% crit chance. Why do you play balanced thief? In its current state thief is picked only for burst.
Insulting my playstyle doesn’t make me wrong. Yes, I play balanced Thief, because the current meta is one-shot burst tactics, and I dislike that. But that’s not my point.
The point is that eles can do everything a Thief can, and more – High damage, higher mobility, and much, much greater sustain.
Not to mention the most commonly QQ’d about part of a Thief (CnD + mug + backstab with Basilisk venom) has a 45s cooldown too. Add in permafury with an ele, and you’ve got 42%, assuming it’s not already added in. What’s your point?
There are.
Everyone else on this thread seems to think they aren’t.
I personally think it as an unneeded change, as the things it was meant to correct are still rampant (think permastealth X/D and D/P builds), and the 4s debuff only hurts the PvE Thieves, who were already the worst off.
I’d rather like to see the 3s debuff come back with the original intended nerfs (that is to say 3s revealed after stealth ends no matter what) as I personally think it will solve most of the QQ about Thieves permastealthing, and Thieves in general.
Hoping S/P’s pistol whip gets some love, I absolutely adore the control of the set and can’t seem to drop it despite it’s heavy disadvantages (see: PW doing less DPS than an autoattack chain).
Hopefully P/P gets some love too, and D/P could use a few nerfs. I’d also like to see the original revealed nerf go into place instead of the 4s change. I truly believe that will fix most QQ about Thieves and permastealthing.
But please God, don’t nerf Mug into the ground. I’m okay with a solid damage decrease, but removing the damage entirely might just be the last straw for Thieves.
Bunker ele hit as hard as wet noodle. He can’t kill you 1v1 unless you either suck terrible, are afk or you fight him for 5 minutes. Why would you fight a bunker 1v1 for 5 minutes? He’ll kill you mostly with burning.Mobility? One skill every 20s while thief has on demand 900 range teleportation which allows for so many shortcuts on maps like khylo and nilfhel.
Bunker ele’s don’t hit as hard as a wet noodle, especially if you’re on a Thief. Everyone seems to believe this, but 5k fire grab and 7k churning earth crits is not hitting like a wet noodle. I usually play a pretty balanced Thief in sPvP and tPvP, and they’re still incredibly hard to deal with, especially in team fights, where they deal their attacks in a rather large PBAoE. The fact of the matter is that they have too much survivability for the damage, and vice versa.
In regards to the Thief mobility – Ele has that, and his other tricks. That’s why there’s no Thieves in high end tPvP.
On topic: problem with ele isn’t mobility (one skill every 20s and possibly one utility). It’s the fact that all cantrips are stun breakers and there are 4 traits that affect in some way (to the level considered too powerful) how they work. Another problem is that group of eles will be much stronger than just one ele.
While the above is true, you seem to assume that there’s only one problem with ele’s. There’s far more than just cantrips.
They also do as much damage as a balanced Thief as a bunker spec (AoE, too!), tank as well as the best bunker guardians thanks to constant protection, and have outright the best mobility in the game, even surpassing that of the Thief, who is supposed to be filling that role.
That’s the problem with D/D Elementalists.
However this is an issue that is shared with Thieves. If you are losing, nobody can kill you. The guy above me has no idea what he is talking about, or is exaggerating. When I play my Thief, it is impossible to chase me down if I am determined to run. Four sources of stealth in D/P build is just overkill. Here’s a tip: you don’t have to stay in stealth forever, just long enough to hide behind a rock or something like that. And don’t use Shadow Refuge next to a zerg. That’s stupid.
Edit again: Warriors can move as fast as a D/D elementalist (maybe a bit slower or faster, I’m honestly not sure). Don’t just dismiss the claim, go read the wiki and see the GS skills:
Same cooldown and range as RTL
Slightly less range as Burning Speed, but lower CD.
My point was that there is some counterplay to stealth, when the original person I was replying to says that there is “absolutely none”. While it is true that a thief running full speed is hard to catch, it is not nearly as hard to catch as a D/D ele. You may never get caught, but your experience and mine may differ greatly. I was generally speaking of running away from skilled players. It’s much more difficult than running from a zerg or bad players.
Oh, and those Warrior skills? All affected by movement impairing conditions and combat.
What I dont agree with you on is saying that we can scape easier than thief or mesmer. If any of them truly decides to escape, there is absolutely nothing you can really do to prevent it, since stealth has no counter in this game, and they also have a lot of mobility, yet they seem to out damage us in any way.
Ah, I love the Ele forums. This is ignorance at it’s finest.
Let’s start with Thief. Unless every enemy turns tail and/or stops attacking when you DROP A BIG, RED AOE WITH A GIANT HOUSE OVER IT, screaming “ATTACK HERE!”, escaping is no easy task. The only time where I can get away scott-free like this is when I have full health and drop a refuge far enough away that no one could get to me in time to push me out. Stealth has a counter in this game, you just must be one of those people that stop attacking.
Next off, the Mesmer. One of the hardest professions to escape on, I’ve found through my time of playing (though I’ve never tried any heavies for a long period, I may be biased here). Even with Mass invis and Decoy, escaping is usually nigh impossible unless you can really pull some tricks out. An ele? Hit 1 button, condition cleanse, done.
You think rtl is too good?
Do you know wich is considered the slowest class around? mesmer.try a traited blink.
1200 breaks stun teleport….
(perma swiftness can be obtained equally)
For tanking purposes look at immortal mesmer….Then try a warrior…
Its not as easy to understand but a war can obtain slightly better mobility than an elementalist.Thief?
Stealth + mobility was already the worst idea i ever saw in a game (notice how usually stealth massively REDUCE mobility in most other games)
They also added damage kitten just in case…..
You know why Mesmer is considered that? Because it is. Mesmers have the least swiftness in the game, just 1 skill on a long cooldown (correct me if i’m wrong?). Perma swiftness requires changing of equipment and runes, just like any profession, including eles (though it really doesn’t for them). Blink isn’t reliable for getting away, because most professions have some mobility to coutner that one teleport. Portal needs an entrance and exit, and they need to be set up separately, making it awful for escaping purposes.
W-… Wait. Did you just say Warriors have more mobility than an Ele? Passing this one up. Simply wrong.
You have a fair point that other games slow stealth down. But on other games, stealth is also infinite until you decide to break it. In GW2, most Thieves cannot infinitely stealth (though there are some exceptions, but It’s not as rampant as D/D eles. I won’t mention it here because it’s something that needs to be addressed in it’s own right). Everyone BUT the Thief forums seems to think that Thieves are one shotting, completely invisible ganking powerhouses that only ever die when faced with overwhelming odds. I’ve played an ele for some time, S/D, and getting away is still as easy as pressing one button. If that fails, I’ve got some other tools at my disposal as (censor) S/D. That’s S/D. As D/D, nothing catches me. I feel disgustingly OP when faced with any odds, knowing that should I ever get in any real trouble, I can swap to air and get away 80% of the time, and it makes me equally disgusted seeing that you guys don’t understand this, and even ask for buffs most of the time. I do as much damage as a well-placed Backstab with Fire and Air attunement, heal and tank as much as a bunker Guardian thanks to Water and Earth, and have the best mobility in the game to top it.
I’ve never felt like that over my 2,000 hours of Thief.
Would like to see this build played in sPvP without the handicap food/norn buffs and the racial. Would also like to see how this performs without a full zerker setup.
Pretty nice video. Was unimpressed by most of the kills, though. It wasn’t really much of a fight most of the time.
You’ve gotta be joking. Not one of those skills aren’t OP. With initiative regen and 15 in trickery, I could put more confusion on someone than in a Mesmer’s wet dream with skill #3.
#4. A pull AND daze with 4 ini cost? Anybody without stability is doomed.
And the 5th skill? Time to take on 3 people at once with constant quickness. Yeeee.
Besides not being OP, whips are the best you guys could come up with? I believe that the Thief has plenty of weapons to choose from. The only thing that needs to be done is the fixing of less used sets (such as pistol offhand and mainhand). I’d rather keep radical sexual fetishes out of my Guild Wars. Just think of all the duelist-wearing human females using whips.
Actually, now that I think about it, you should put a resume into ArenaNet’s balancing team. Haw haw.
Hey guys. Having just recently gotten my Mesmer to 80, it’s now time to gear him. But I’m at a crossroads on what to decide.
First, some details. I play a shatter Mesmer build S/P and Staff, with my own variation for condition removal. The trait lineup is 10/20/0/10/30, as it suits my playstyle best. I’d like to gear for decently hard-hitting shatters, but also be able to take a hit or two to cover for any mistakes I might make, or getting jumped by other players. In other words, a balanced setup. I primarily take part in WvW and dungeons such as AC, if that helps.
So here’s my question to you. What armor mix should I go with? And what armor do you run with in a similar build to mine? I was thinking an even mix of Knight’s and Berserker’s for high crit chance and damage, but I’d like a little more input before I settle on one decision. Feel free to ask me to clarify anything if you need more information.
Thanks for your time and input!
Edit: I’ve taken a look at the Shatter Cat guide like some people asked me to do. I’d like a little more defense than 4/6 berserker’s and all berserker jewelry, because I’ve ran about the same on a thief and disliked the one slip-up deaths. Unless Mesmer is different with all of it’s tricks (please tell me if so), I’d like to lean towards a more balanced setup.
(edited by Rahar.9872)
Me: S/D stealth Thief
Most feared: Good nonglass Thieves.
Least feared: Rangers and Eles.
I have this problem too, and relieved to see someone else posted about it. Unfortunately I have no idea what causes this, or how to stop it. Maybe I’ll keep a note card or something with the times and the last thing I was doing that may have caused that bang. Hmm…
Regardless, though, it’s just a nuisance.
It’s supposed to be a yawn, and it happens constantly everywhere around the city, not just certain houses. Being a avid roleplayer, I’m really tired of hearing these sounds – Especially the ‘moaning’ ones. There’s an ongoing joke I have amongst friends that there’s too much sex going on in Divinity’s Reach.
It also happens when human female PC’s do the emote /sleep, and I guess that’s where they got it from. Not only does the ambiance intervals need to be increased so people aren’t constantly laughing every few seconds, but this ‘yawning’ moaning sound should be trashed, as well as the other female sound that sounds like high-pitched grunting of some sort, like struggling. I think you know which one I mean.
You aren’t alone. I, too, am disappointed with the current system, and find myself missing GW1 PvP more and more. Random arenas was great. Equal teams and no capture points to distract from the pure combat experience. I have many, many fond memories of going in there, and the GW2 system of sitting around at nodes capping them feels very lacking.
Drop the stupid tournament system already. It’s killing your game’s PvP, Anet.