Showing Posts For Seth.4927:

Ability to 'not use a minor trait'

in Thief

Posted by: Seth.4927


Best part is when it activates and bam: Lupicus reset…

Tarnished Coast

Drakkar Lake and Jormag

in Lore

Posted by: Seth.4927


For alot of time now, I’ve believed that the thing below Drakkar Lake was merely a champion of Jormag, as goes by this post:

Yet today I talked to an ingame NPC with well, kindly disagrees…Please check the attachment.
Judging by this she clearly means that Jormag rose from Drakkar lake, without any mention to it’s champion! What you guys think is the true “name” of that thing below the lake?


Tarnished Coast

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Seth.4927


I can’t believe it, they touched Body Shot and it stills sucks!

Edit: At least revealed status while using Sneak Attack is fixed and I need to try Smoke Screen again! The rest is just..ugh.

Tarnished Coast

(edited by Seth.4927)

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: Seth.4927


Here’s my Norn Thief, the visuals are almost done, save the leggings and…The fact that the coat glitches the gloves and the hood, this only happens on Norn Males (any type of body).

Once the “Total Makeover” thingy is released I’ll be changing to a female Norn in the hopes that it won’t glitch.


Tarnished Coast

People Think Norn's Size Makes Them a Bad Choice

in Norn

Posted by: Seth.4927


I enjoy Norn as a race alot: the lore, the voice of the character, the story and the kitten tatoos! But let’s face it, there is a high chance your camera will get “stuck” during a jumping puzzle, that cool armor/weapon you wanted will clip or have bad (very low res) graphics while it looks normal on other races and not to mention the elites/utilites could use some work…Norn could use some attention, the male ones at least.

All this is coming from a Norn Thief that has 100% world completion and most puzzles in the game

Tarnished Coast

My HoM PVP fiery dragon sword is missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seth.4927


Oh, I thought it was a balance thing, for the fire damage…I’m glad it will be available someday then!

Tarnished Coast

Norn Bear Form

in Norn

Posted by: Seth.4927


The first time I used my Bear elite is unforgettable., my friends were on Skype with me so I transformed and managed to stay knocked down and immobilized for almost all of it’s duration, it was shameful…I don’t even consider Bear Form an elite if I can’t get at least stability.

Tarnished Coast

Norn Armor issues

in Norn

Posted by: Seth.4927


It’s a really frustrating thing, you see Devs saying stuff like this:

And yet the “endgame” dungeon gear can’t even look right on the 2nd most played class.

Tarnished Coast

Norn Armor issues

in Norn

Posted by: Seth.4927


So, after working hard to get my dungeon armor, I go to equip it and there are several clipping issues on Norn bodies happening with armors. Just look at the screenshot, the armor (Arah Medium Armor) is all white and the glove (Flame Citadel Medium Glove) is all black, it is very easy to see how it is clipping and messing up the look of a very cool gear, I mean we are talking about dungeon exotics here!!
Yet this kind of error just DOES NOT happen for Human or Sylvari, anyone here wishing they could change their character race just to be able to wear armors properly? This is just one example of what kind of stuff happens to Norns toons and their armors..

PS: I might start a new toon just to get the look right (a tiny Human prolly, which is sad since Norn voices are the ones I like most), anyone know if it is possible to transfer the skin of the armors at least??


Tarnished Coast

What's up with Giganticus Lupicus aggro?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seth.4927


With Monsters Encyclopedia we also get an “Beast Hunter” kind of Achievement and all that, right right?
But yeah, my friends were also really curious about what that Giganticus was, so I explained to them a bit from GW1 lore, but I had nothing to say about the Wraithlord =p

Tarnished Coast

P/D What Kind of Spec Is It?

in Thief

Posted by: Seth.4927


I use this set and there is no real burst.. but you can surprise people if you stack some bleeds then do a C&D into Poison/Mug into sneak attack. Use all bleed duration stuff too. Get to 100% with food. 8 ticks on vital is amazing.

I didn’t know there were foods for bleeding duration, so I settled for 7 ticks in PvE only, I’ll have to try it tonight!

Tarnished Coast

Missing/Broken Skill Point NPCs [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seth.4927


Server: Crystal Desert
Location: Loch Jezt, Skill Point near Drotl Grounds.
Frog is dead and will not respawn.

This one, not even 5 minutes after patch and it is broke again! Lots of players just standing there and waiting for it, only one needed for 100% map completion!

Edit: I ended up changing and atm it is working normally on Sea of Sorrows server.


Tarnished Coast

(edited by Seth.4927)

Missing/Broken Skill Point NPCs [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seth.4927


Server: Crystal Desert and Sea of Sorrows
Location: Loch Jezt, Skill Point near Drotl Grounds.
Frog is dead and will not respawn.

It’s the last one I need and I already transfered twice =/

Edit: If anyone knows a server where the skill point is working, please say and I’ll transfers asap.

Tarnished Coast

(edited by Seth.4927)

Feeling limited with available slot skills underwater

in Thief

Posted by: Seth.4927


At least now the spear can hit 3 targets, finally!
Now to underwater utilities…

Tarnished Coast

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Seth.4927


thief shortbow

crits for 5k can hit 3 targets

ranger shortbow
crits for 1k 1 target

see the difference?

sure rangers shortbow shoot 2times faster but thief damage is way higher and hit more targets

your class is already overpowered
giving 1200 range to thief shortbow will make it more op

We are talking about WvW and range here, not damage. IF we’ll get the increased range and HOW it will be implemented is the developer decision, people are just stating an area of the game that they feel the Thief is lacking.

But, seriously, 5k in 3 targets? 3 Rabbits or 3 Naked lvl 10 toons? Plus Ranger Shortbow does way more than 1k.

Tarnished Coast

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Seth.4927


I really would like to know the reasoning behind not allowing Thiefs to have a 1200 range weapon, there must be a really good reason or they’ll implement it someday.

Tarnished Coast

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Seth.4927


Thief really falls behind in some aspects of the game due to the reduced range, I would really love to see if improved, to decide if that will be better from a trait or new weapon is the developer option.
Cluster bomb being the only skill at this moment to do this is bad and certainly not viable because at that range the damage is bad and we can’t even combo properly with the poison AoE because of the projectile speed, plus there are dungeons encounters where players with bigger range just have a much better advantage ( we tried Giganticus Lupicus with 5 Thiefs…).

Tarnished Coast

Dungeons and Dungeon Reward System Overhaul Needed.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seth.4927


we’re very aware that our reward system is not up to par for dungeons. It is something we are actively working on right now, to try and find a solution for. I’m not going to talk about what our plans are because I don’t want us to be trapped in promises, but I will say this: We know, and are actively working on updating the system.

I hope you guys allow us to exchange tokens, currently I want the Arah set, my friend wants the Crucible set and my other friend wants the Citadel of Flame, and that means that if we want to get our sets we’ll have to run PUGs instead of playing together! A 2:1 trade rate would be awesome already!

Tarnished Coast

About the Zhaitan Fight [end game spoiler]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seth.4927


The size of it seemed fair enough, but the actual battle against him? We stood there for 5 minutes mashing 2 without a single music, dragon roar or anything!
I really hope that this fight sees a rework, while the dungeon and fights to arrive at the end are awesome, it just left a bad taste in the mouth…As if Zaithan were just waiting to be killed or something!

Tarnished Coast

Hacker in WvW - Realm Gate of Madness - Guild Sanctified Wrath

in WvW

Posted by: Seth.4927


This needs alot of attention, way to kill all the fun in WvW…

Tarnished Coast

Minipets would be the most popular...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seth.4927


Yes, I forget all the time to use the minipet on every map/overflown switch and then I end up just storing it because of “all the work”…

Tarnished Coast