Showing Posts For Seth.4927:

Sigil Proposals v2

in PvP

Posted by: Seth.4927


How about some sigils with better counter play and that require some thinking to get good use of?

For example, a sigil that requires you to hit a target 5 times under 10(?) seconds(aka charge it), upon the 5th hit you get some kind of effect and then the next hit is a special hit (Ex: some burst damage, or next skill has lower cooldown and whatnot).

That way you can actually have strong sigils in the game to promote diversity and at the same time they can be countered (prevent the hits, dodge the special and so on).

Tarnished Coast

New endpoints: achievements

in API Development

Posted by: Seth.4927


The bug I listed in the above post is still present. Is this something that’s on the radar?

Bleh, I totally missed that one. I’ll try to have it fixed by the end of the week.

Just pushed a fix to live. Those should be showing as done now.

Could you check some achievements such as: Yakslapper, Slayer, Repair Master, King of the Castle and most WvW ones not being show as completed correctly?

Okay, so looks like there’s another class of achievements that I’ve missed. Most of the achievements that use counters change their storage class when you reach the max — instead of storing the count, they just become a bitfield. The ones that don’t use the individual tiers (which we don’t currently expose — probably should rig that up) to determine completion.

Long story short: not sure I’ll have this one fixed before the next patch. Might be able to get a bandaid fix that has some effects; we’ll see.

Right now they seem to be showing correctly, thanks Lawton!

Tarnished Coast

New endpoints: achievements

in API Development

Posted by: Seth.4927


The bug I listed in the above post is still present. Is this something that’s on the radar?

Bleh, I totally missed that one. I’ll try to have it fixed by the end of the week.

Just pushed a fix to live. Those should be showing as done now.

Could you check some achievements such as: Yakslapper, Slayer, Repair Master, King of the Castle and most WvW ones not being show as completed correctly?

Tarnished Coast

New endpoints: achievements

in API Development

Posted by: Seth.4927


Is there a direct way to extract, through the API, what is the current amount of Achievement Points one account has?

Not currently, no. I don’t recall if the backend support for that went out with yesterday’s release — if not we’ll have it sometime next month.

Thanks for the quick reply!

Tarnished Coast

New endpoints: achievements

in API Development

Posted by: Seth.4927


Is there a direct way to extract, through the API, what is the current amount of Achievement Points one account has?

Tarnished Coast

List of Revenant Bugs

in Revenant

Posted by: Seth.4927


- Axe 4 (Frigid Blitz) will often not hit after the initial shadowstep to the target

I’ve tested this a lot in Heart of the Mists and it seems the final strike only works 10% of the time, even if I am using the skill from the exact same spot at the exact same target. Really hurts the already low damage that revenant has.

Tarnished Coast

Yakslapper all the Way!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seth.4927


WvW achievements need a long overdue rebalance. Players have been asking for Anet to make these achievements more realistic for a very long time.

Bothers me that they created a full collection and achieves for BL skins but couldn’t change some numbers around for WvW ones in 2 years.

Tarnished Coast

Radiant and Hellfire Armor Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seth.4927


36k is just not viable for the large majority of the players, if you want your prestige for all the AP you got, try and unlock both sets/use your exclusive title.

I don’t think it’s viable for a single player. As far as I know, from looking at the achieve leaderboards, the highest anyone has is around 25-26k.

The set was released as a long term reward, in that sense it is viable. But it’ll take around 2~3 years (If Anet stops with the frequent breaks) for a very small player base to reach 33k and get the first set complete. What this change proposes is to allow a much larger player base to reach and acquire a full set of Achievement Armor with a viable and more attainable number (18k). While as far as long term rewards go, you can still go all the way to 36k and unlock your second set if that’s what you wish.

At 36k AP not only you’ll have a huge number of AP on display, pinnacle skins and also titles to show/be as prestigious as you want. I see this change as a win-win, since it keeps the long term while making it viable and attainable for a lot more people to reach these rewards.

Tarnished Coast

Radiant and Hellfire Armor Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seth.4927


As someone with 21k+ AP, a change like this needs to happen. 33k is just not viable for the large majority of the players, if you want your prestige for all the AP you got, try and unlock both sets/use your exclusive title.

Plus this way it makes much more sense that you can unlock a full set before getting repeated pieces. +1 for this idea, hope Anet listens and rebalances this!

Edit: Changed 36k to 33k.

Tarnished Coast

(edited by Seth.4927)

Rune of the Traveler on D/D

in Thief

Posted by: Seth.4927


i also dont like using withdrawl when i have dagger main hand as the roll can work both ways.. some times to catch enemy distance but often its just more of a nuisance and makes u get further away from the enemy

This is also my main reason for sticking to Hide in Shadows, Withdraw on a set without any gap closer doesn’t work so well, despite my opinion that Withdraw is our best heal.

Tarnished Coast

[Skill Bar] [Thief] [Expectations]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Seth.4927


Stealth is abused way too much in SA builds, I do agree that thieves should not get rewarded for sitting in stealth and yes for keeping on the offensive (Revealed). Not all traits need to be changed to work on Revealed, but the benefit for sitting in stealth does needs to be cut down a lot (I’d say the same applies for PU mesmers). Stealth by itself is a really strong defense as you make your enemies lose target and “lose” you, adding endless rewards on top of that is what makes Thief a class that is not cool to play against and is also what holds Thieves back because of how much our survival relies on it (especially SA builds).

Tarnished Coast

No more guild vault in wvw at registrar?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seth.4927


I hope we get an official reply on this, it’s really annoying to have no access to any bank in WvW, especially with the huge queues one has to face if he leaves the map.

Tarnished Coast

Black Lion Collections: Progress without skin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seth.4927


Despite today patch notes saying:

“Fixed a bug that occasionally unlocked collection items incorrectly.”

It did not change this particular issue at all, the bug remains.

Tarnished Coast

Fix Last Refuge!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Seth.4927


I’d be happy if it was changed to Smokescreen and that’s it. Thieves have been asking for this trait to be changed since the game launched, it bothers me for how long this has gone unchecked.

Tarnished Coast

Black Lion Collections: Progress without skin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seth.4927


Glad to know I’m not only one with this issue, I tried asking a lot of people ingame and none of em had this problem.

Tarnished Coast

Standardized Models in TPvP (Picture Inside)

in PvP

Posted by: Seth.4927


I really want to see Standard mode in solo queue, currently I don’t have a team to play Team Queue with but I still want to practice. Makes little sense for only one of the arena modes to have Standard mode.

Tarnished Coast

Idea: Thief Acrobat wielding melee Staff

in Thief

Posted by: Seth.4927


Yes, I’ve been wanting an Acrobatic weapon of sorts for a long time. I believe these skills could be used with a Greatsword too, so hopefully we’ll get a decent aoe acrobatic weapon someday!

Tarnished Coast

Black Lion Collections: Progress without skin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seth.4927


After the Feature Pack update, my account unlocked some Black Lion Collections incorrectly, where it gave me achievement points and unlocked collections for skins that I do not have in my wardrobe.

For example: I got credit for unlocking Dreamthistle Weapon Collection and it says I got 2 out of the 19 skins, yet I do not have such skins in my account vault.

The same issue happened to Fused Weapon Collection, Sclerite Weapon Collection and Aetherized Weapon Collection.

I found no way to reproduce this bug, but it did happen after I logged into every character on my account.

Imgur album showing the same issue in 3 others Collections:

Thanks in advance.


Tarnished Coast

[Thief][PvX]Progress on last refuge fix?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Seth.4927


Bump to this. Is a quality of life change that I’ve been waiting for a long while now, similar to the necromancer Minor that used to summon minions.

Tarnished Coast

The CDI is coming back! Topics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seth.4927


Anet could give a few options and have the community vote, an example could be how the class CDI was decided where the community decided which classes needed more attention (from a lista given by Anet) and we go from there.

Tarnished Coast

Has anyone seen this art?

in Norn

Posted by: Seth.4927


This looks really nice, I couldn’t find a source for the image tho. Here’s hoping someone else can help us

Tarnished Coast

Question regarding Shadow of the Dragon

in Lore

Posted by: Seth.4927


Just posting to thank you for the contribution on this thread, all posts were an interesting read!

Tarnished Coast

Commander Tag Changes Feedback [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Seth.4927


Thanks for listening and making it better for all parts involved!

Tarnished Coast

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seth.4927


Interestingly enough not many people did seem to miss SAB until the interview yesterday, and yet now it seems like it is the most missed thing ever released in the game.

SAB always had regular appreciation posts and was anticipated on almost every single break that GW2 has took on updates. The time between World 1 and World 2 releases was around 6 months, people kept waiting for SAB to return and now we got the news that it is not even being worked on due to not fitting in the Living Story…Fans of SAB are making sure they are heard and that SAB is an appreciated content that they want to see back. The interview has many of us worried about the future of a beloved content.

Tarnished Coast


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seth.4927


SAB would work very well as a game “activity”, it is not lore breaking or takes away the focus from the game.

Tarnished Coast

[Thief] Shadow Arts, Stealth and Revealed

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Seth.4927


While both Ranger and Engineer skills to apply Revealed are dangerous, especially to an SA build I do believe they just show how dependable to stealth some specs are.

In the end of the day our biggest source of Revealed is the thief itself. If SA could work more around revealed and less sitting in stealth for the full duration, it would make a better setup to use and to fight against.

Tarnished Coast

[Thief] Shadow Arts, Stealth and Revealed

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Seth.4927


My main character is a Thief and upon seeing the latest trait released for the Deadly Arts (Revealed Training), a trait that grants extra power to the thief when he got the Revealed status. Or the new Acrobatics trait, that grants 1 sec of stability when the Thief gets Revealed. The first trait is great for PvE, the second one is hardly passable in any game mode.

But what if this logic could be applied to some of the Shadow Arts(SA) traits? Currently through SA, thieves get an absurd survival increase by extending the stealth mechanic and encouraging the user to burst fast and sit the rest of time in stealth in order to regen/blind/remove conditions and so on. Which not only force SA thieves to depend so much on stealth but also creates a style of fight that is quite undesirable to fight against (which a lot of the QQ comes from). I wonder if any roamer enjoys when a thief gets to use Shadow Refuge, swap to shortbow and keep you in permanent poison while he’s regenerating to full life…

So, here is some food for thought and just ideas that could be better thought about:

Trait Cloaked in Shadow could go from “Gaining stealth blinds nearby foes.” to “Blind the area around you when striking an enemy from stealth.”

Or adjust the trait “Shadow’s Rejuvenation” around Revealed so that it doesn’t reward the Thief for sitting in stealth, but to reward the thief when he’s engaged in a fight.

Seeing how the game will receive a wider range of skills able to inflict the status “Revealed”, it makes sense to adjust the Shadow Arts traits tree so that it is not entirely disabled by this one status. I believe stealth by itself is already a great active defense when used properly and SA trait line greatly improves upon it, which in turn makes thieves too dependable on it.

So, how do you believe this would affect your thief play style? Or when against it, being able to deny the thief the “revealed” bonus when you skillfully dodge attacks or force the thief to do a frontal backstab for the sake of getting revealed?

Tarnished Coast

[Thief] Steal update

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Seth.4927


This would be great, especially on builds with low steal cooldown and in fights against engineers.

Tarnished Coast

Elemenatlist RTL vs Warrior Rush - Equality

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Seth.4927


It’s kind of baffling that Anet has never replied about this subject. Mobility skills such as RTL, Rush and Swoop should be balanced equally so that they are not abused with the sole purpose of running from a fight.

Warrior is not a class which survival is based on mobility since they got plenty of others ways (highest hp, highest armor, healing signet, stances and etc.).

Tarnished Coast

STanding UNited @ Tarnished Coast NA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Seth.4927


We’re always looking for more frontline players, check Stun!

Tarnished Coast

Feedback/Questions: Legendaries in Wardrobe

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seth.4927


Since this thread seems very negative of the proposed changes, I’m here just to display how happy I am with this changes as a legendary owner.

Now I can finally go around and explore the game on new characters, using my own hard acquired items that I enjoy to use so much. No matter how you look at it, I (the player) worked hard to have my own legendary and now I won’t be bound to use one main character at all times. Makes sense that my legendary is available for all my account to use as a skin instead of only one of my characters.

Having 2 of the same legendaries means you had it and used to dual wield all this time, and you still keep the stats and ability to change it at will. Just because more people can use the skins now it doesn’t mean these players are losing anything, because they aren’t.

Tarnished Coast

Rerolling NERFED [PvP]

in PvP

Posted by: Seth.4927


These trait unlocks should be account bound (Like GW1) or at least significantly cheaper to unlock a second time (1/10 of original value).

While character bound progression may be important for some players, it’s important to notice a good number of players do not like doing the same progression over and over for every single one of their characters.

Tarnished Coast

Just a easy QoL UI change

in PvP

Posted by: Seth.4927


Even tho this is a PvP thread, often when in party with Necros in WvW I sometimes have trouble checking if he’s at low life or it’s just death shroud (gotta use the heal shouts or prepare war banner!) .

So, in my opinion, a health bar color or pattern change when in death shroud would be awesome and welcomed across all game modes!

Tarnished Coast

Last Refuge - One year and counting

in Thief

Posted by: Seth.4927


When I noticed they changed some minor traits for Necromancers I got excited "Yes, I’m sure they changed Shadow Arts minor to not kill myself!…NOPE. It could even give that -50% dmg for like 3 seconds and call it a day, poor man endure pain. That was the only change I was wanting to see and once again I’ll be leaving disappointed. I hope the next balance patch is not in 6 months.

Tarnished Coast

ferocity? -_-

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Seth.4927


I wonder how it would go if Condition used Ferocity on it’s damage calculation too…

Tarnished Coast

The one mechanic to balance thieves forever

in Thief

Posted by: Seth.4927


In my opinion, I’d accept to lose stealth in case of the enemy blocking/dodging, but adding revealed on top of that would make it basically impossible to ever hit some common WvW builds such as PU mesmer with a Backstab.

Tarnished Coast

Converting Gas Mask skin to PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Seth.4927


Hello, I’ve got the skin version of the Gas Mask but I couldn’t decide on whether to use it on my Thief (medium) or my Warrior (heavy). Then upon checking how PvP skins will be available for PvE in a future patch this question popped up:

Is it safe to assume I can convert this skin to PvP, which will create 3 different Gas Masks (one for each armor type) and in the future be able to use such skins on both my characters? Allowing me to use my Gas Mask skin in more than one character at once (Thief and Warrior).

What do you guys think?

Thanks in advance

Tarnished Coast

(edited by Seth.4927)

Ascended Armour: Help / Advice Sought

in Thief

Posted by: Seth.4927


Gonna talk a bit about my Ascended experience as a WvW focused player.

One thing to consider for Ascended Armor is that it has a higher base defense, which means you can usually swap out of PVT when going ascended, if you are confident on your survival skills.

As exotic I used the 3 PVT/3 Zerker setup and it was enjoyable. When going ascended you can mix Valk+Zerker with only a loss of 100 or so defense over exotic PVT.

This is the setup I’m using right now:

(This calculator does not show the +5 infusions for armor, I put six +5 Vit there for 15k HP unbuffed.)

For reference, this is the exotic setup:

On the Ascended setup, you can swap Chest and Legs for Zerker and get 50% critical chance, which I opted not to due to my playstyle. With this setup I can achieve peak damage on Backstab while having a decent survival as an advantage over pure Zerker. The stats gain over exotic PVT/Zerker aren’t much, which is why I went for Critical Damage in every piece of armor (to see big numbers!). For PvE I swap to full zerker exotic with scholar runes.

Ascended as a pure stat increase over the same setup is not really worth it right now, maybe we’ll squeeze a few % more Critical Damage than exotic after Ferocity patch hits.

Tarnished Coast

(edited by Seth.4927)

[PvX][Thief] Last Refuge

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Seth.4927


How about we make it trigger Black Powder (Thief Pistol #5) or a shorter version of Smoke Screen?

Would give the Thief survival through blinds and access to stealth through finishers. Plus, revealed or not, running or in close quarters…It’ll always be a good effect for the Thief.

Tarnished Coast

WvW Solution: Alt Unfriendliness

in WvW

Posted by: Seth.4927


How about a Collaborative Development thread about this issue with WvW Rank?
Let us all sit down and discuss the pros and cons of making WvW Rank be account bound and work just as PvP one is.

Tarnished Coast

Norn thief, do they exist?

in Thief

Posted by: Seth.4927


My Norn Thief is attached to the post.

If you’re curious about how male Norns can look, here’s mine at launch:


Tarnished Coast

The 4 new special Exotic Mini's?

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Seth.4927


I feel offended by this, I’m a Brazilian GW2 player and can’t afford to go to such places. Why must Anet doom me with a collection I can’t hope to complete?

This is a poor thing to do and I hope to see this reconsidered.

Tarnished Coast

playing TP - good job Anet :))

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Seth.4927


Somehow I hope we get a gold cap, so other items can get more value in being traded. There is absolutely no reason to let anyone have on a single account more than 10.000 gold.

Tarnished Coast

New Armor Preview!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seth.4927


You’re obviously doing medium armour wrong

As someone that always wanted a Thief using more than leather, this is so beautiful. Medium armor done right, it’s not a heavy full chainmail/plate armor but it has a good mix of defense on it.

Tarnished Coast

I think it's time we got burning...

in Thief

Posted by: Seth.4927


There is a lot wrong with condi thief.

4s revealed.
All rest of status condis that other classes can throw at you over and over and we can’t.

Burning I think would go the furthest tho.

I hate the new condi meta. Either move with the meta or quit the game, right?

Not to mention we don’t spread our conditions on all the node like Necro/Engi (Caltrops being the exception).

Tarnished Coast

Patch notes : Shadow Strike applies torment

in Thief

Posted by: Seth.4927


This change is amazing, before C&D was better than Shadow Strike in every situation, now you can see it to get away and leave some pressure on the enemy. Fought against a Sword/Focus+GS Guardian last night, everytime he used a gap closer I used Shadow Strike to get away, which resulted in me winning with full life. It will take some time to get accustomed with not using C&D every time, but this little buff fits P/D very well and I thank Anet for it

Tarnished Coast

P/D : Carrion or Rabid?

in Thief

Posted by: Seth.4927


I wonder if celestial would be a good option for that weapon set..

I’ve pondered down the same line, though my gut tells me no. The major draw to Celestial seems to be the availability of both precision and crit-damage on the same piece. Second is the even spread for toughness and vitality, but most thieves really want straight vitality.

Crits don’t really seem the optimal route for P/D. But, without crunching the numbers, I can’t call that a pure rule. For all I know, Celestial could hit some kind of sweet spot with the right trait build.

One thing that this thread made quite clear is: There is no best stat combination on a P/D. Mix and match until you find your ideal set, even Celestial might have it’s place in there.

Tarnished Coast

P/D : Carrion or Rabid?

in Thief

Posted by: Seth.4927


Condition thieves damage will benefit more from Power than from Precision in the long run, so I consider Carrion to be better.

Unfortunately Carrion is not available in Ascended form, so we end up with something else: I went with these Condition Damage/Toughness/Vitality/Precision accessories while keeping 3 Carrion/3 Settlers. My thief gets around 19k hp (5 WvW stacks) and keeps above 3k armor while my condition do 130~140 damage based on the amount of might stacks I have (10/0/30/0/30). It’s an excellent setup for fighting outnumbered due to an stupid high survival, but lacks burst.

The best thing about condition builds is that you can easily switch from Roamer to Zerger build, while this is not possible on a glass cannon thief.

Tarnished Coast

7/12 CD/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Seth.4927


Yep, great fights all around. Was a good match up. If CD has shown anything, its the power of having a persistent 24 hour WvW presence.

Wait… what??? This is news to me. I guess this just illustrates the difference in the tiers. When we get matched up with T2 (sometimes T3) it seems quite the opposite.

Yeah, I had to read it twice. CD is slowly improving and making more people jump in WvW and after going against T2 servers, our coverage may look weak but it certainly is better than some months ago.

Tarnished Coast

7/12 CD/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Seth.4927


Congratulations to Borlis Pass. It is apparent how much BP ramped up their activity in WvW and I bet some of you are pulling extra shifts to make it happen haha (CD did something similar against the previous T3 servers).

EB on the other hand seems to have lost interest on the match…

Was an interesting week, good game for everyone.

Tarnished Coast