Asura Quagganmancer
Asura Quagganmancer
I actually get this a lot since the patch. It’s awfully annoying and it does seem to be buggy since, while it does happen very often, it’s not constant.
Asura Quagganmancer
As a necromancer, I do feel warriors are in need of some buffs/changes. You’d think that the profession with the most weapons available to it would be able to be competitive with more than one. Even though in the middle of a team fight they can be deadly, they are by far the easiest profession to deal with at the moment.
I believe a step in the right direction would be to tone down the greatsword’s output and buff/change other weapons in a way that would allow warrior players to trait into different roles rather than the one hundred blades spec that everyone is running. I’d love to see bunkery warriors, or banner support warriors, mostly for the sake of the versatility of the class and variability of team setups. While their general survivability should be improved, I feel that simple things such as buffing and allowing them to use their ranged weapons effectively would help.
Then again, I believe that warrior players usually go for the greatsword/high spike damage build because either it is a cool weapon or because everyone else is running it, which helps achieve what we see today as well. But, for the most part, I do agree that warriors need changes. Hopefully we’ll see some by the end of this month, not only to warriors, but to the general balance of the game in regards of the current big bunkers/spikers and the ways they have to do so.
Also, with all due respect, I suggest that people stick to real numbers when discussing this kind of issues. Wells don’t do 10k damage, nor does 100b do 30k. It’s just not helpful.
My 2 cents as a non warrior player.
Asura Quagganmancer
(edited by Shalla.3967)
Tenderly.7019 gives good advice.
Also, do try the Reaper’s Precision trait. I usually run with it with my well build and while it doesn’t fix the issue, it does help. It fills your LF bar a bit after a well burst with fury, which you can save for spikes such as thieves or undodged mesmer shatters.
A well timed Plague Form can save you from/help defeat a thief as well. Remember to use it before/while you take the spike damage and not after, otherwise it won’t serve much purpose since you’ve already lost a lot of health and that will translate into how much you’ll have in plague form.
Also, if you see a thief is about to spike, standing in marks might help. You’ll see the marks trigger which means he’s there, so you can anticipate his attacks a bit better, or even force him to go shortbow.
I probably didn’t say anything new, but I do hope it helped in some way.
Asura Quagganmancer
I don’t think Reaper’s Precision is that bad either. I use it on my 30 30 10 build and it allows me to, coupled with Signet of Undeath, fill at least half of the LF bar in a fight, which I save for enemy spikes. It’s nice when you don’t have access to Soul Marks for the extra defensive life force.
Asura Quagganmancer
Fixed a bug that caused some minions to be overly aggressive.
’Dem aggressive minions man!
Asura Quagganmancer
I suppose the best way to deal with it would have to be getting the necromancer down from the higher ground, with help from another team member. It will probably force him into wasting plague form if you pull him into the middle of the fuss, so you’d have to deal with that after. He might still manage to lay down his wells, but he won’t be able to burst properly if he’s being pressured.
Also look out for/kill flesh wurms otherwise the necro can just quickly get back to his spot, even though he shouldn’t be using it if he’s running with wells.
Asura Quagganmancer
Feel free to add me up as a necromancer to everything (EU) but paids, since I’m not on the boards/haven’t done THAT many. I’ve only just reached the rank 35-40 gap due to uni, but I think I’d be experienced enough to help.
Great thread!
Asura Quagganmancer
(edited by Shalla.3967)
I haven’t had this issue since release, but I do remember having it in the betas. It was indeed very annoying.
Asura Quagganmancer